Jun 22, 2018, 7:26:09 AM (7 years ago)
Frederik Heber <frederik.heber@…>
Candidate_v1.6.1, ChemicalSpaceEvaluator
Frederik Heber <frederik.heber@…> (09/26/17 22:30:01)
Frederik Heber <frederik.heber@…> (06/22/18 07:26:09)

Added Graph6Reader, extended BoostGraphCreator, added ChemicalSpaceEvaluatorAction.

  • added visible generateAllInducedSubgraphs to Extractors.
  • TESTS: due to new option "graph6" containing a digit we needed to modify moltest_check.py to also scan for digits and not just letters.
  • DOCU: Added evaluate-chemical-space to userguide.
1 edited


  • doc/userguide/userguide.xml

    r8d56a6 rf5ea10  
    12681268          to both other atoms serves as rotation joint).</para>
    12691269        </section>
     1270        <section xml:id="bond.evaluate-chemical-space">
     1271          <title xml:id="bond.evaluate-chemical-space.title">Evaluate the Chemical Space</title>
     1272          <para>Imagine that we are given a graph consisting of nodes and edges.
     1273          As we have been speaking extensively of the adjacency graph before, then
     1274          any graph where nodes are assigned a chemical element and edges are given
     1275          a degree, effectively represent a molecule of covalently bonded atoms.</para>
     1276          <para>This is the notion behind constructing parts of the chemical space that
     1277          encompasses all molecules that either already exist or could be devised,
     1278          i.e. that are stable.</para>
     1279          <para>One method of creating points in this chemical space, i.e. stable
     1280          molecules, is presented in the article by Hamaekers et al. 2017, where
     1281          they follow the well-known <emphasis>octet rule</emphasis>.</para>
     1282          <para>In this action essentially the same method is implemented. Given
     1283          an arbitrary graph, encoded as Graph6 string, such as produced by
     1284          the <link xlink:href="http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/nauty/">nauty</link>
     1285          toolset (Brendan McKay and Adolfo Piperno), and a set of chemical
     1286          elements, the action creates every possible molecule using the graph
     1287          and the given elements for each of its nodes, changing bond degrees
     1288          as long as to fulfil the octet rule.</para>
     1289          <programlisting>--evaluate-chemical-space \
     1290  --graph6 "B`" --elements C C</programlisting>
     1291        <para>The graph6 string "B`" represents the simplest graph consisting
     1292        of just two nodes, connected by a single edge. Designating each node
     1293        to be a carbon atom, this action will then produce the carbonhydrates
     1294        C2H6, C2H4, and C2H2.</para>
     1295        <para>At the moment, the molecules are not created but their signatures
     1296        are used in looking up the fragments in the internal homology container,
     1297        see <link linkend="fragmentation">Fragmentation </link> and
     1298        <link linkend="homology">Homologies</link>. Instead of creating atomic
     1299        coordinates, approximate energies are given that allow to estimate
     1300        whether the molecule candidate is stable or not. Note that this requires
     1301        that a suitable homology container file has been loaded first that contains
     1302        all necessary fragments.</para>
     1303        <note>The graph is automatically saturated with hydrogens in obeying
     1304        the octet rule, i.e. hydrogen should not be given in the list of elements.</note>
     1305        <para>Using nauty that produces all possible graphs with a fixed number
     1306        of nodes, these can be simply fed into <productname>MoleCuilder </productname>
     1307        to produce all associated molecules.</para>
     1308        </section>
    12701309      </section>
    12711310      <section xml:id="molecule">
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