1 | /** \file molecules.cpp
2 | *
3 | * Functions for the class molecule.
4 | *
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "molecules.hpp"
8 |
9 | /************************************* Other Functions *************************************/
10 |
11 | /** Determines sum of squared distances of \a X to all \a **vectors.
12 | * \param *x reference vector
13 | * \param *params
14 | * \return sum of square distances
15 | */
16 | double LSQ (const gsl_vector * x, void * params)
17 | {
18 | double sum = 0.;
19 | struct LSQ_params *par = (struct LSQ_params *)params;
20 | vector **vectors = par->vectors;
21 | int num = par->num;
22 |
23 | for (int i=num;i--;) {
24 | for(int j=NDIM;j--;)
25 | sum += (gsl_vector_get(x,j) - (vectors[i])->x[j])*(gsl_vector_get(x,j) - (vectors[i])->x[j]);
26 | }
27 |
28 | return sum;
29 | };
30 |
31 | /************************************* Functions for class molecule *********************************/
32 |
33 | /** Constructor of class molecule.
34 | * Initialises molecule list with correctly referenced start and end, and sets molecule::last_atom to zero.
35 | */
36 | molecule::molecule(periodentafel *teil)
37 | {
38 | // init atom chain list
39 | start = new atom;
40 | end = new atom;
41 | start->father = NULL;
42 | end->father = NULL;
43 | link(start,end);
44 | // init bond chain list
45 | first = new bond(start, end, 1, -1);
46 | last = new bond(start, end, 1, -1);
47 | link(first,last);
48 | // other stuff
49 | last_atom = 0;
50 | elemente = teil;
51 | AtomCount = 0;
52 | BondCount = 0;
53 | NoNonBonds = 0;
54 | NoNonHydrogen = 0;
55 | NoCyclicBonds = 0;
56 | ListOfBondsPerAtom = NULL;
57 | NumberOfBondsPerAtom = NULL;
58 | ElementCount = 0;
59 | for(int i=MAX_ELEMENTS;i--;)
60 | ElementsInMolecule[i] = 0;
61 | cell_size[0] = cell_size[2] = cell_size[5]= 20.;
62 | cell_size[1] = cell_size[3] = cell_size[4]= 0.;
63 | };
64 |
65 | /** Destructor of class molecule.
66 | * Initialises molecule list with correctly referenced start and end, and sets molecule::last_atom to zero.
67 | */
68 | molecule::~molecule()
69 | {
70 | if (ListOfBondsPerAtom != NULL)
71 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
72 | Free((void **)&ListOfBondsPerAtom[i], "molecule::~molecule: ListOfBondsPerAtom[i]");
73 | Free((void **)&ListOfBondsPerAtom, "molecule::~molecule: ListOfBondsPerAtom");
74 | Free((void **)&NumberOfBondsPerAtom, "molecule::~molecule: NumberOfBondsPerAtom");
75 | CleanupMolecule();
76 | delete(first);
77 | delete(last);
78 | delete(end);
79 | delete(start);
80 | };
81 |
82 | /** Adds given atom \a *pointer from molecule list.
83 | * Increases molecule::last_atom and gives last number to added atom and names it according to its element::abbrev and molecule::AtomCount
84 | * \param *pointer allocated and set atom
85 | * \return true - succeeded, false - atom not found in list
86 | */
87 | bool molecule::AddAtom(atom *pointer)
88 | {
89 | if (pointer != NULL) {
90 | pointer->sort = &pointer->nr;
91 | pointer->nr = last_atom++; // increase number within molecule
92 | AtomCount++;
93 | if (pointer->type != NULL) {
94 | if (ElementsInMolecule[pointer->type->Z] == 0)
95 | ElementCount++;
96 | ElementsInMolecule[pointer->type->Z]++; // increase number of elements
97 | if (pointer->type->Z != 1)
98 | NoNonHydrogen++;
99 | if (pointer->Name == NULL) {
100 | Free((void **)&pointer->Name, "molecule::AddAtom: *pointer->Name");
101 | pointer->Name = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*6, "molecule::AddAtom: *pointer->Name");
102 | sprintf(pointer->Name, "%2s%02d", pointer->type->symbol, pointer->nr+1);
103 | }
104 | }
105 | return add(pointer, end);
106 | } else
107 | return false;
108 | };
109 |
110 | /** Adds a copy of the given atom \a *pointer from molecule list.
111 | * Increases molecule::last_atom and gives last number to added atom.
112 | * \param *pointer allocated and set atom
113 | * \return true - succeeded, false - atom not found in list
114 | */
115 | atom * molecule::AddCopyAtom(atom *pointer)
116 | {
117 | if (pointer != NULL) {
118 | atom *walker = new atom();
119 | walker->type = pointer->type; // copy element of atom
120 | walker->x.CopyVector(&pointer->x); // copy coordination
121 | walker->v.CopyVector(&pointer->v); // copy velocity
122 | walker->FixedIon = pointer->FixedIon;
123 | walker->sort = &walker->nr;
124 | walker->nr = last_atom++; // increase number within molecule
125 | walker->father = pointer; //->GetTrueFather();
126 | walker->Name = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(pointer->Name)+1, "molecule::AddCopyAtom: *Name");
127 | strcpy (walker->Name, pointer->Name);
128 | add(walker, end);
129 | if ((pointer->type != NULL) && (pointer->type->Z != 1))
130 | NoNonHydrogen++;
131 | AtomCount++;
132 | return walker;
133 | } else
134 | return NULL;
135 | };
136 |
137 | /** Adds a Hydrogen atom in replacement for the given atom \a *partner in bond with a *origin.
138 | * Here, we have to distinguish between single, double or triple bonds as stated by \a BondDegree, that each demand
139 | * a different scheme when adding \a *replacement atom for the given one.
140 | * -# Single Bond: Simply add new atom with bond distance rescaled to typical hydrogen one
141 | * -# Double Bond: Here, we need the **BondList of the \a *origin atom, by scanning for the other bonds instead of
142 | * *Bond, we use the through these connected atoms to determine the plane they lie in, vector::MakeNormalVector().
143 | * The orthonormal vector to this plane along with the vector in *Bond direction determines the plane the two
144 | * replacing hydrogens shall lie in. Now, all remains to do is take the usual hydrogen double bond angle for the
145 | * element of *origin and form the sin/cos admixture of both plane vectors for the new coordinates of the two
146 | * hydrogens forming this angle with *origin.
147 | * -# Triple Bond: The idea is to set up a tetraoid (C1-H1-H2-H3) (however the lengths \f$b\f$ of the sides of the base
148 | * triangle formed by the to be added hydrogens are not equal to the typical bond distance \f$l\f$ but have to be
149 | * determined from the typical angle \f$\alpha\f$ for a hydrogen triple connected to the element of *origin):
150 | * We have the height \f$d\f$ as the vector in *Bond direction (from triangle C1-H1-H2).
151 | * \f[ h = l \cdot \cos{\left (\frac{\alpha}{2} \right )} \qquad b = 2l \cdot \sin{\left (\frac{\alpha}{2} \right)} \quad \rightarrow \quad d = l \cdot \sqrt{\cos^2{\left (\frac{\alpha}{2} \right)}-\frac{1}{3}\cdot\sin^2{\left (\frac{\alpha}{2}\right )}}
152 | * \f]
153 | * vector::GetNormalVector() creates one orthonormal vector from this *Bond vector and vector::MakeNormalVector creates
154 | * the third one from the former two vectors. The latter ones form the plane of the base triangle mentioned above.
155 | * The lengths for these are \f$f\f$ and \f$g\f$ (from triangle H1-H2-(center of H1-H2-H3)) with knowledge that
156 | * the median lines in an isosceles triangle meet in the center point with a ratio 2:1.
157 | * \f[ f = \frac{b}{\sqrt{3}} \qquad g = \frac{b}{2}
158 | * \f]
159 | * as the coordination of all three atoms in the coordinate system of these three vectors:
160 | * \f$\pmatrix{d & f & 0}\f$, \f$\pmatrix{d & -0.5 \cdot f & g}\f$ and \f$\pmatrix{d & -0.5 \cdot f & -g}\f$.
161 | *
162 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
163 | * \param *Bond pointer to bond between \a *origin and \a *replacement
164 | * \param *TopOrigin son of \a *origin of upper level molecule (the atom added to this molecule as a copy of \a *origin)
165 | * \param *origin pointer to atom which acts as the origin for scaling the added hydrogen to correct bond length
166 | * \param *replacement pointer to the atom which shall be copied as a hydrogen atom in this molecule
167 | * \param **BondList list of bonds \a *replacement has (necessary to determine plane for double and triple bonds)
168 | * \param NumBond number of bonds in \a **BondList
169 | * \param isAngstroem whether the coordination of the given atoms is in AtomicLength (false) or Angstrom(true)
170 | * \return number of atoms added, if < bond::BondDegree then something went wrong
171 | * \todo double and triple bonds splitting (always use the tetraeder angle!)
172 | */
173 | bool molecule::AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(ofstream *out, bond *TopBond, atom *BottomOrigin, atom *TopOrigin, atom *TopReplacement, bond **BondList, int NumBond, bool IsAngstroem)
174 | {
175 | double bondlength; // bond length of the bond to be replaced/cut
176 | double bondangle; // bond angle of the bond to be replaced/cut
177 | double BondRescale; // rescale value for the hydrogen bond length
178 | bool AllWentWell = true; // flag gathering the boolean return value of molecule::AddAtom and other functions, as return value on exit
179 | bond *FirstBond = NULL, *SecondBond = NULL; // Other bonds in double bond case to determine "other" plane
180 | atom *FirstOtherAtom = NULL, *SecondOtherAtom = NULL, *ThirdOtherAtom = NULL; // pointer to hydrogen atoms to be added
181 | double b,l,d,f,g, alpha, factors[NDIM]; // hold temporary values in triple bond case for coordination determination
182 | vector OrthoVector1, OrthoVector2; // temporary vectors in coordination construction
183 | vector InBondVector; // vector in direction of *Bond
184 | bond *Binder = NULL;
185 | double *matrix;
186 |
187 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Begin of AddHydrogenReplacementAtom." << endl;
188 | // create vector in direction of bond
189 | InBondVector.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->x);
190 | InBondVector.SubtractVector(&TopOrigin->x);
191 | bondlength = InBondVector.Norm();
192 |
193 | // is greater than typical bond distance? Then we have to correct periodically
194 | // the problem is not the H being out of the box, but InBondVector have the wrong direction
195 | // due to TopReplacement or Origin being on the wrong side!
196 | if (bondlength > BondDistance) {
197 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "InBondVector is: ";
198 | // InBondVector.Output(out);
199 | // *out << endl;
200 | OrthoVector1.Zero();
201 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
202 | l = TopReplacement->x.x[i] - TopOrigin->x.x[i];
203 | if (fabs(l) > BondDistance) { // is component greater than bond distance
204 | OrthoVector1.x[i] = (l < 0) ? -1. : +1.;
205 | } // (signs are correct, was tested!)
206 | }
207 | matrix = ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(cell_size);
208 | OrthoVector1.MatrixMultiplication(matrix);
209 | InBondVector.SubtractVector(&OrthoVector1); // subtract just the additional translation
210 | Free((void **)&matrix, "molecule::AddHydrogenReplacementAtom: *matrix");
211 | bondlength = InBondVector.Norm();
212 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Corrected InBondVector is now: ";
213 | // InBondVector.Output(out);
214 | // *out << endl;
215 | } // periodic correction finished
216 |
217 | InBondVector.Normalize();
218 | // get typical bond length and store as scale factor for later
219 | BondRescale = TopOrigin->type->HBondDistance[TopBond->BondDegree-1];
220 | if (BondRescale == -1) {
221 | cerr << Verbose(3) << "WARNING: There is no typical bond distance for bond (" << TopOrigin->Name << "<->" << TopReplacement->Name << ") of degree " << TopBond->BondDegree << "!" << endl;
222 | BondRescale = bondlength;
223 | } else {
224 | if (!IsAngstroem)
225 | BondRescale /= (1.*AtomicLengthToAngstroem);
226 | }
227 |
228 | // discern single, double and triple bonds
229 | switch(TopBond->BondDegree) {
230 | case 1:
231 | FirstOtherAtom = new atom(); // new atom
232 | FirstOtherAtom->type = elemente->FindElement(1); // element is Hydrogen
233 | FirstOtherAtom->v.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->v); // copy velocity
234 | FirstOtherAtom->FixedIon = TopReplacement->FixedIon;
235 | if (TopReplacement->type->Z == 1) { // neither rescale nor replace if it's already hydrogen
236 | FirstOtherAtom->father = TopReplacement;
237 | BondRescale = bondlength;
238 | } else {
239 | FirstOtherAtom->father = NULL; // if we replace hydrogen, we mark it as our father, otherwise we are just an added hydrogen with no father
240 | }
241 | InBondVector.Scale(&BondRescale); // rescale the distance vector to Hydrogen bond length
242 | FirstOtherAtom->x.CopyVector(&TopOrigin->x); // set coordination to origin ...
243 | FirstOtherAtom->x.AddVector(&InBondVector); // ... and add distance vector to replacement atom
244 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && AddAtom(FirstOtherAtom);
245 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Added " << *FirstOtherAtom << " at: ";
246 | // FirstOtherAtom->x.Output(out);
247 | // *out << endl;
248 | Binder = AddBond(BottomOrigin, FirstOtherAtom, 1);
249 | Binder->Cyclic = false;
250 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
251 | break;
252 | case 2:
253 | // determine two other bonds (warning if there are more than two other) plus valence sanity check
254 | for (int i=0;i<NumBond;i++) {
255 | if (BondList[i] != TopBond) {
256 | if (FirstBond == NULL) {
257 | FirstBond = BondList[i];
258 | FirstOtherAtom = BondList[i]->GetOtherAtom(TopOrigin);
259 | } else if (SecondBond == NULL) {
260 | SecondBond = BondList[i];
261 | SecondOtherAtom = BondList[i]->GetOtherAtom(TopOrigin);
262 | } else {
263 | *out << Verbose(3) << "WARNING: Detected more than four bonds for atom " << TopOrigin->Name;
264 | }
265 | }
266 | }
267 | if (SecondOtherAtom == NULL) { // then we have an atom with valence four, but only 3 bonds: one to replace and one which is TopBond (third is FirstBond)
268 | SecondBond = TopBond;
269 | SecondOtherAtom = TopReplacement;
270 | }
271 | if (FirstOtherAtom != NULL) { // then we just have this double bond and the plane does not matter at all
272 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Regarding the double bond (" << TopOrigin->Name << "<->" << TopReplacement->Name << ") to be constructed: Taking " << FirstOtherAtom->Name << " and " << SecondOtherAtom->Name << " along with " << TopOrigin->Name << " to determine orthogonal plane." << endl;
273 |
274 | // determine the plane of these two with the *origin
275 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && OrthoVector1.MakeNormalVector(&TopOrigin->x, &FirstOtherAtom->x, &SecondOtherAtom->x);
276 | } else {
277 | OrthoVector1.GetOneNormalVector(&InBondVector);
278 | }
279 | //*out << Verbose(3)<< "Orthovector1: ";
280 | //OrthoVector1.Output(out);
281 | //*out << endl;
282 | // orthogonal vector and bond vector between origin and replacement form the new plane
283 | OrthoVector1.MakeNormalVector(&InBondVector);
284 | OrthoVector1.Normalize();
285 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "ReScaleCheck: " << OrthoVector1.Norm() << " and " << InBondVector.Norm() << "." << endl;
286 |
287 | // create the two Hydrogens ...
288 | FirstOtherAtom = new atom();
289 | SecondOtherAtom = new atom();
290 | FirstOtherAtom->type = elemente->FindElement(1);
291 | SecondOtherAtom->type = elemente->FindElement(1);
292 | FirstOtherAtom->v.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->v); // copy velocity
293 | FirstOtherAtom->FixedIon = TopReplacement->FixedIon;
294 | SecondOtherAtom->v.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->v); // copy velocity
295 | SecondOtherAtom->FixedIon = TopReplacement->FixedIon;
296 | FirstOtherAtom->father = NULL; // we are just an added hydrogen with no father
297 | SecondOtherAtom->father = NULL; // we are just an added hydrogen with no father
298 | bondangle = TopOrigin->type->HBondAngle[1];
299 | if (bondangle == -1) {
300 | *out << Verbose(3) << "WARNING: There is no typical bond angle for bond (" << TopOrigin->Name << "<->" << TopReplacement->Name << ") of degree " << TopBond->BondDegree << "!" << endl;
301 | bondangle = 0;
302 | }
303 | bondangle *= M_PI/180./2.;
304 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "ReScaleCheck: InBondVector ";
305 | // InBondVector.Output(out);
306 | // *out << endl;
307 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "ReScaleCheck: Orthovector ";
308 | // OrthoVector1.Output(out);
309 | // *out << endl;
310 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Half the bond angle is " << bondangle << ", sin and cos of it: " << sin(bondangle) << ", " << cos(bondangle) << endl;
311 | FirstOtherAtom->x.Zero();
312 | SecondOtherAtom->x.Zero();
313 | for(int i=NDIM;i--;) { // rotate by half the bond angle in both directions (InBondVector is bondangle = 0 direction)
314 | FirstOtherAtom->x.x[i] = InBondVector.x[i] * cos(bondangle) + OrthoVector1.x[i] * (sin(bondangle));
315 | SecondOtherAtom->x.x[i] = InBondVector.x[i] * cos(bondangle) + OrthoVector1.x[i] * (-sin(bondangle));
316 | }
317 | FirstOtherAtom->x.Scale(&BondRescale); // rescale by correct BondDistance
318 | SecondOtherAtom->x.Scale(&BondRescale);
319 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "ReScaleCheck: " << FirstOtherAtom->x.Norm() << " and " << SecondOtherAtom->x.Norm() << "." << endl;
320 | for(int i=NDIM;i--;) { // and make relative to origin atom
321 | FirstOtherAtom->x.x[i] += TopOrigin->x.x[i];
322 | SecondOtherAtom->x.x[i] += TopOrigin->x.x[i];
323 | }
324 | // ... and add to molecule
325 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && AddAtom(FirstOtherAtom);
326 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && AddAtom(SecondOtherAtom);
327 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Added " << *FirstOtherAtom << " at: ";
328 | // FirstOtherAtom->x.Output(out);
329 | // *out << endl;
330 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Added " << *SecondOtherAtom << " at: ";
331 | // SecondOtherAtom->x.Output(out);
332 | // *out << endl;
333 | Binder = AddBond(BottomOrigin, FirstOtherAtom, 1);
334 | Binder->Cyclic = false;
335 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
336 | Binder = AddBond(BottomOrigin, SecondOtherAtom, 1);
337 | Binder->Cyclic = false;
338 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
339 | break;
340 | case 3:
341 | // take the "usual" tetraoidal angle and add the three Hydrogen in direction of the bond (height of the tetraoid)
342 | FirstOtherAtom = new atom();
343 | SecondOtherAtom = new atom();
344 | ThirdOtherAtom = new atom();
345 | FirstOtherAtom->type = elemente->FindElement(1);
346 | SecondOtherAtom->type = elemente->FindElement(1);
347 | ThirdOtherAtom->type = elemente->FindElement(1);
348 | FirstOtherAtom->v.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->v); // copy velocity
349 | FirstOtherAtom->FixedIon = TopReplacement->FixedIon;
350 | SecondOtherAtom->v.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->v); // copy velocity
351 | SecondOtherAtom->FixedIon = TopReplacement->FixedIon;
352 | ThirdOtherAtom->v.CopyVector(&TopReplacement->v); // copy velocity
353 | ThirdOtherAtom->FixedIon = TopReplacement->FixedIon;
354 | FirstOtherAtom->father = NULL; // we are just an added hydrogen with no father
355 | SecondOtherAtom->father = NULL; // we are just an added hydrogen with no father
356 | ThirdOtherAtom->father = NULL; // we are just an added hydrogen with no father
357 |
358 | // we need to vectors orthonormal the InBondVector
359 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && OrthoVector1.GetOneNormalVector(&InBondVector);
360 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Orthovector1: ";
361 | // OrthoVector1.Output(out);
362 | // *out << endl;
363 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && OrthoVector2.MakeNormalVector(&InBondVector, &OrthoVector1);
364 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Orthovector2: ";
365 | // OrthoVector2.Output(out);
366 | // *out << endl;
367 |
368 | // create correct coordination for the three atoms
369 | alpha = (TopOrigin->type->HBondAngle[2])/180.*M_PI/2.; // retrieve triple bond angle from database
370 | l = BondRescale; // desired bond length
371 | b = 2.*l*sin(alpha); // base length of isosceles triangle
372 | d = l*sqrt(cos(alpha)*cos(alpha) - sin(alpha)*sin(alpha)/3.); // length for InBondvector
373 | f = b/sqrt(3.); // length for OrthVector1
374 | g = b/2.; // length for OrthVector2
375 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Bond length and half-angle: " << l << ", " << alpha << "\t (b,d,f,g) = " << b << ", " << d << ", " << f << ", " << g << ", " << endl;
376 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "The three Bond lengths: " << sqrt(d*d+f*f) << ", " << sqrt(d*d+(-0.5*f)*(-0.5*f)+g*g) << ", " << sqrt(d*d+(-0.5*f)*(-0.5*f)+g*g) << endl;
377 | factors[0] = d;
378 | factors[1] = f;
379 | factors[2] = 0.;
380 | FirstOtherAtom->x.LinearCombinationOfVectors(&InBondVector, &OrthoVector1, &OrthoVector2, factors);
381 | factors[1] = -0.5*f;
382 | factors[2] = g;
383 | SecondOtherAtom->x.LinearCombinationOfVectors(&InBondVector, &OrthoVector1, &OrthoVector2, factors);
384 | factors[2] = -g;
385 | ThirdOtherAtom->x.LinearCombinationOfVectors(&InBondVector, &OrthoVector1, &OrthoVector2, factors);
386 |
387 | // rescale each to correct BondDistance
388 | // FirstOtherAtom->x.Scale(&BondRescale);
389 | // SecondOtherAtom->x.Scale(&BondRescale);
390 | // ThirdOtherAtom->x.Scale(&BondRescale);
391 |
392 | // and relative to *origin atom
393 | FirstOtherAtom->x.AddVector(&TopOrigin->x);
394 | SecondOtherAtom->x.AddVector(&TopOrigin->x);
395 | ThirdOtherAtom->x.AddVector(&TopOrigin->x);
396 |
397 | // ... and add to molecule
398 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && AddAtom(FirstOtherAtom);
399 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && AddAtom(SecondOtherAtom);
400 | AllWentWell = AllWentWell && AddAtom(ThirdOtherAtom);
401 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Added " << *FirstOtherAtom << " at: ";
402 | // FirstOtherAtom->x.Output(out);
403 | // *out << endl;
404 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Added " << *SecondOtherAtom << " at: ";
405 | // SecondOtherAtom->x.Output(out);
406 | // *out << endl;
407 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Added " << *ThirdOtherAtom << " at: ";
408 | // ThirdOtherAtom->x.Output(out);
409 | // *out << endl;
410 | Binder = AddBond(BottomOrigin, FirstOtherAtom, 1);
411 | Binder->Cyclic = false;
412 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
413 | Binder = AddBond(BottomOrigin, SecondOtherAtom, 1);
414 | Binder->Cyclic = false;
415 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
416 | Binder = AddBond(BottomOrigin, ThirdOtherAtom, 1);
417 | Binder->Cyclic = false;
418 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
419 | break;
420 | default:
421 | cerr << "ERROR: BondDegree does not state single, double or triple bond!" << endl;
422 | AllWentWell = false;
423 | break;
424 | }
425 |
426 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "End of AddHydrogenReplacementAtom." << endl;
427 | return AllWentWell;
428 | };
429 |
430 | /** Adds given atom \a *pointer from molecule list.
431 | * Increases molecule::last_atom and gives last number to added atom.
432 | * \param filename name and path of xyz file
433 | * \return true - succeeded, false - file not found
434 | */
435 | bool molecule::AddXYZFile(string filename)
436 | {
437 | istringstream *input = NULL;
438 | int NumberOfAtoms = 0; // atom number in xyz read
439 | int i, j; // loop variables
440 | atom *Walker = NULL; // pointer to added atom
441 | char shorthand[3]; // shorthand for atom name
442 | ifstream xyzfile; // xyz file
443 | string line; // currently parsed line
444 | double x[3]; // atom coordinates
445 |
446 | xyzfile.open(filename.c_str());
447 | if (!xyzfile)
448 | return false;
449 |
450 | getline(xyzfile,line,'\n'); // Read numer of atoms in file
451 | input = new istringstream(line);
452 | *input >> NumberOfAtoms;
453 | cout << Verbose(0) << "Parsing " << NumberOfAtoms << " atoms in file." << endl;
454 | getline(xyzfile,line,'\n'); // Read comment
455 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Comment: " << line << endl;
456 |
457 | for(i=0;i<NumberOfAtoms;i++){
458 | Walker = new atom;
459 | getline(xyzfile,line,'\n');
460 | istringstream *item = new istringstream(line);
461 | //istringstream input(line);
462 | //cout << Verbose(1) << "Reading: " << line << endl;
463 | *item >> shorthand;
464 | *item >> x[0];
465 | *item >> x[1];
466 | *item >> x[2];
467 | Walker->type = elemente->FindElement(shorthand);
468 | if (Walker->type == NULL) {
469 | cerr << "Could not parse the element at line: '" << line << "', setting to H.";
470 | Walker->type = elemente->FindElement(1);
471 | }
472 | for(j=NDIM;j--;)
473 | Walker->x.x[j] = x[j];
474 | AddAtom(Walker); // add to molecule
475 | delete(item);
476 | }
477 | xyzfile.close();
478 | delete(input);
479 | return true;
480 | };
481 |
482 | /** Creates a copy of this molecule.
483 | * \return copy of molecule
484 | */
485 | molecule *molecule::CopyMolecule()
486 | {
487 | molecule *copy = new molecule(elemente);
488 | atom *CurrentAtom = NULL;
489 | atom *LeftAtom = NULL, *RightAtom = NULL;
490 | atom *Walker = NULL;
491 |
492 | // copy all atoms
493 | Walker = start;
494 | while(Walker->next != end) {
495 | Walker = Walker->next;
496 | CurrentAtom = copy->AddCopyAtom(Walker);
497 | }
498 |
499 | // copy all bonds
500 | bond *Binder = first;
501 | bond *NewBond = NULL;
502 | while(Binder->next != last) {
503 | Binder = Binder->next;
504 | // get the pendant atoms of current bond in the copy molecule
505 | LeftAtom = copy->start;
506 | while (LeftAtom->next != copy->end) {
507 | LeftAtom = LeftAtom->next;
508 | if (LeftAtom->father == Binder->leftatom)
509 | break;
510 | }
511 | RightAtom = copy->start;
512 | while (RightAtom->next != copy->end) {
513 | RightAtom = RightAtom->next;
514 | if (RightAtom->father == Binder->rightatom)
515 | break;
516 | }
517 | NewBond = copy->AddBond(LeftAtom, RightAtom, Binder->BondDegree);
518 | NewBond->Cyclic = Binder->Cyclic;
519 | if (Binder->Cyclic)
520 | copy->NoCyclicBonds++;
521 | NewBond->Type = Binder->Type;
522 | }
523 | // correct fathers
524 | Walker = copy->start;
525 | while(Walker->next != copy->end) {
526 | Walker = Walker->next;
527 | if (Walker->father->father == Walker->father) // same atom in copy's father points to itself
528 | Walker->father = Walker; // set father to itself (copy of a whole molecule)
529 | else
530 | Walker->father = Walker->father->father; // set father to original's father
531 | }
532 | // copy values
533 | copy->CountAtoms((ofstream *)&cout);
534 | copy->CountElements();
535 | if (first->next != last) { // if adjaceny list is present
536 | copy->BondDistance = BondDistance;
537 | copy->CreateListOfBondsPerAtom((ofstream *)&cout);
538 | }
539 |
540 | return copy;
541 | };
542 |
543 | /** Adds a bond to a the molecule specified by two atoms, \a *first and \a *second.
544 | * Also updates molecule::BondCount and molecule::NoNonBonds.
545 | * \param *first first atom in bond
546 | * \param *second atom in bond
547 | * \return pointer to bond or NULL on failure
548 | */
549 | bond * molecule::AddBond(atom *atom1, atom *atom2, int degree=1)
550 | {
551 | bond *Binder = NULL;
552 | if ((atom1 != NULL) && (FindAtom(atom1->nr) != NULL) && (atom2 != NULL) && (FindAtom(atom2->nr) != NULL)) {
553 | Binder = new bond(atom1, atom2, degree, BondCount++);
554 | if ((atom1->type != NULL) && (atom1->type->Z != 1) && (atom2->type != NULL) && (atom2->type->Z != 1))
555 | NoNonBonds++;
556 | add(Binder, last);
557 | } else {
558 | cerr << Verbose(1) << "ERROR: Could not add bond between " << atom1->Name << " and " << atom2->Name << " as one or both are not present in the molecule." << endl;
559 | }
560 | return Binder;
561 | };
562 |
563 | /** Remove bond from bond chain list.
564 | * \todo Function not implemented yet
565 | * \param *pointer bond pointer
566 | * \return true - bound found and removed, false - bond not found/removed
567 | */
568 | bool molecule::RemoveBond(bond *pointer)
569 | {
570 | //cerr << Verbose(1) << "molecule::RemoveBond: Function not implemented yet." << endl;
571 | removewithoutcheck(pointer);
572 | return true;
573 | };
574 |
575 | /** Remove every bond from bond chain list that atom \a *BondPartner is a constituent of.
576 | * \todo Function not implemented yet
577 | * \param *BondPartner atom to be removed
578 | * \return true - bounds found and removed, false - bonds not found/removed
579 | */
580 | bool molecule::RemoveBonds(atom *BondPartner)
581 | {
582 | cerr << Verbose(1) << "molecule::RemoveBond: Function not implemented yet." << endl;
583 | return false;
584 | };
585 |
586 | /** Sets the molecule::cell_size to the components of \a *dim (rectangular box)
587 | * \param *dim vector class
588 | */
589 | void molecule::SetBoxDimension(vector *dim)
590 | {
591 | cell_size[0] = dim->x[0];
592 | cell_size[1] = 0.;
593 | cell_size[2] = dim->x[1];
594 | cell_size[3] = 0.;
595 | cell_size[4] = 0.;
596 | cell_size[5] = dim->x[2];
597 | };
598 |
599 | /** Centers the molecule in the box whose lengths are defined by vector \a *BoxLengths.
600 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
601 | * \param *BoxLengths box lengths
602 | */
603 | bool molecule::CenterInBox(ofstream *out, vector *BoxLengths)
604 | {
605 | bool status = true;
606 | atom *ptr = NULL;
607 | vector *min = new vector;
608 | vector *max = new vector;
609 |
610 | // gather min and max for each axis
611 | ptr = start->next; // start at first in list
612 | if (ptr != end) { //list not empty?
613 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
614 | max->x[i] = ptr->x.x[i];
615 | min->x[i] = ptr->x.x[i];
616 | }
617 | while (ptr->next != end) { // continue with second if present
618 | ptr = ptr->next;
619 | //ptr->Output(1,1,out);
620 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
621 | max->x[i] = (max->x[i] < ptr->x.x[i]) ? ptr->x.x[i] : max->x[i];
622 | min->x[i] = (min->x[i] > ptr->x.x[i]) ? ptr->x.x[i] : min->x[i];
623 | }
624 | }
625 | }
626 | // sanity check
627 | for(int i=NDIM;i--;) {
628 | if (max->x[i] - min->x[i] > BoxLengths->x[i])
629 | status = false;
630 | }
631 | // warn if check failed
632 | if (!status)
633 | *out << "WARNING: molecule is bigger than defined box!" << endl;
634 | else { // else center in box
635 | ptr = start;
636 | while (ptr->next != end) {
637 | ptr = ptr->next;
638 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;)
639 | ptr->x.x[i] += -(max->x[i] + min->x[i])/2. + BoxLengths->x[i]/2.; // first term centers molecule at (0,0,0), second shifts to center of new box
640 | }
641 | }
642 |
643 | // free and exit
644 | delete(min);
645 | delete(max);
646 | return status;
647 | };
648 |
649 | /** Centers the edge of the atoms at (0,0,0).
650 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
651 | * \param *max coordinates of other edge, specifying box dimensions.
652 | */
653 | void molecule::CenterEdge(ofstream *out, vector *max)
654 | {
655 | vector *min = new vector;
656 |
657 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Begin of CenterEdge." << endl;
658 | atom *ptr = start->next; // start at first in list
659 | if (ptr != end) { //list not empty?
660 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
661 | max->x[i] = ptr->x.x[i];
662 | min->x[i] = ptr->x.x[i];
663 | }
664 | while (ptr->next != end) { // continue with second if present
665 | ptr = ptr->next;
666 | //ptr->Output(1,1,out);
667 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
668 | max->x[i] = (max->x[i] < ptr->x.x[i]) ? ptr->x.x[i] : max->x[i];
669 | min->x[i] = (min->x[i] > ptr->x.x[i]) ? ptr->x.x[i] : min->x[i];
670 | }
671 | }
672 | // *out << Verbose(4) << "Maximum is ";
673 | // max->Output(out);
674 | // *out << ", Minimum is ";
675 | // min->Output(out);
676 | // *out << endl;
677 |
678 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
679 | min->x[i] *= -1.;
680 | max->x[i] += min->x[i];
681 | }
682 | Translate(min);
683 | }
684 | delete(min);
685 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "End of CenterEdge." << endl;
686 | };
687 |
688 | /** Centers the center of the atoms at (0,0,0).
689 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
690 | * \param *center return vector for translation vector
691 | */
692 | void molecule::CenterOrigin(ofstream *out, vector *center)
693 | {
694 | int Num = 0;
695 | atom *ptr = start->next; // start at first in list
696 |
697 | for(int i=NDIM;i--;) // zero center vector
698 | center->x[i] = 0.;
699 |
700 | if (ptr != end) { //list not empty?
701 | while (ptr->next != end) { // continue with second if present
702 | ptr = ptr->next;
703 | Num++;
704 | center->AddVector(&ptr->x);
705 | }
706 | center->Scale(-1./Num); // divide through total number (and sign for direction)
707 | Translate(center);
708 | }
709 | };
710 |
711 | /** Returns vector pointing to center of gravity.
712 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
713 | * \return pointer to center of gravity vector
714 | */
715 | vector * molecule::DetermineCenterOfGravity(ofstream *out)
716 | {
717 | atom *ptr = start->next; // start at first in list
718 | vector *a = new vector();
719 | vector tmp;
720 | double Num = 0;
721 |
722 | a->Zero();
723 |
724 | if (ptr != end) { //list not empty?
725 | while (ptr->next != end) { // continue with second if present
726 | ptr = ptr->next;
727 | Num += ptr->type->mass;
728 | tmp.CopyVector(&ptr->x);
729 | tmp.Scale(ptr->type->mass); // scale by mass
730 | a->AddVector(&tmp);
731 | }
732 | a->Scale(-1./Num); // divide through total mass (and sign for direction)
733 | }
734 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Resulting center of gravity: ";
735 | a->Output(out);
736 | *out << endl;
737 | return a;
738 | };
739 |
740 | /** Centers the center of gravity of the atoms at (0,0,0).
741 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
742 | * \param *center return vector for translation vector
743 | */
744 | void molecule::CenterGravity(ofstream *out, vector *center)
745 | {
746 | if (center == NULL) {
747 | DetermineCenter(*center);
748 | Translate(center);
749 | delete(center);
750 | } else {
751 | Translate(center);
752 | }
753 | };
754 |
755 | /** Scales all atoms by \a *factor.
756 | * \param *factor pointer to scaling factor
757 | */
758 | void molecule::Scale(double **factor)
759 | {
760 | atom *ptr = start;
761 |
762 | while (ptr->next != end) {
763 | ptr = ptr->next;
764 | ptr->x.Scale(factor);
765 | }
766 | };
767 |
768 | /** Translate all atoms by given vector.
769 | * \param trans[] translation vector.
770 | */
771 | void molecule::Translate(const vector *trans)
772 | {
773 | atom *ptr = start;
774 |
775 | while (ptr->next != end) {
776 | ptr = ptr->next;
777 | ptr->x.Translate(trans);
778 | }
779 | };
780 |
781 | /** Mirrors all atoms against a given plane.
782 | * \param n[] normal vector of mirror plane.
783 | */
784 | void molecule::Mirror(const vector *n)
785 | {
786 | atom *ptr = start;
787 |
788 | while (ptr->next != end) {
789 | ptr = ptr->next;
790 | ptr->x.Mirror(n);
791 | }
792 | };
793 |
794 | /** Determines center of molecule (yet not considering atom masses).
795 | * \param Center reference to return vector
796 | */
797 | void molecule::DetermineCenter(vector &Center)
798 | {
799 | atom *Walker = start;
800 | bond *Binder = NULL;
801 | double *matrix = ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(cell_size);
802 | double tmp;
803 | bool flag;
804 | vector TestVector, TranslationVector;
805 |
806 | do {
807 | Center.Zero();
808 | flag = true;
809 | while (Walker->next != end) {
810 | Walker = Walker->next;
811 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
812 | if (Walker->type->Z != 1) {
813 | #endif
814 | TestVector.CopyVector(&Walker->x);
815 | TestVector.InverseMatrixMultiplication(matrix);
816 | TranslationVector.Zero();
817 | for (int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr]; i++) {
818 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i];
819 | if (Walker->nr < Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker)->nr) // otherwise we shift one to, the other fro and gain nothing
820 | for (int j=0;j<NDIM;j++) {
821 | tmp = Walker->x.x[j] - Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker)->x.x[j];
822 | if ((fabs(tmp)) > BondDistance) {
823 | flag = false;
824 | cout << Verbose(0) << "Hit: atom " << Walker->Name << " in bond " << *Binder << " has to be shifted due to " << tmp << "." << endl;
825 | if (tmp > 0)
826 | TranslationVector.x[j] -= 1.;
827 | else
828 | TranslationVector.x[j] += 1.;
829 | }
830 | }
831 | }
832 | TestVector.AddVector(&TranslationVector);
833 | TestVector.MatrixMultiplication(matrix);
834 | Center.AddVector(&TestVector);
835 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Vector is: ";
836 | TestVector.Output((ofstream *)&cout);
837 | cout << endl;
838 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
839 | // now also change all hydrogens
840 | for (int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr]; i++) {
841 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i];
842 | if (Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker)->type->Z == 1) {
843 | TestVector.CopyVector(&Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker)->x);
844 | TestVector.InverseMatrixMultiplication(matrix);
845 | TestVector.AddVector(&TranslationVector);
846 | TestVector.MatrixMultiplication(matrix);
847 | Center.AddVector(&TestVector);
848 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Hydrogen Vector is: ";
849 | TestVector.Output((ofstream *)&cout);
850 | cout << endl;
851 | }
852 | }
853 | }
854 | #endif
855 | }
856 | } while (!flag);
857 | Free((void **)&matrix, "molecule::DetermineCenter: *matrix");
858 | Center.Scale(1./(double)AtomCount);
859 | };
860 |
861 | /** Transforms/Rotates the given molecule into its principal axis system.
862 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
863 | * \param DoRotate whether to rotate (true) or only to determine the PAS.
864 | */
865 | void molecule::PrincipalAxisSystem(ofstream *out, bool DoRotate)
866 | {
867 | atom *ptr = start; // start at first in list
868 | double InertiaTensor[NDIM*NDIM];
869 | vector *CenterOfGravity = DetermineCenterOfGravity(out);
870 |
871 | CenterGravity(out, CenterOfGravity);
872 |
873 | // reset inertia tensor
874 | for(int i=0;i<NDIM*NDIM;i++)
875 | InertiaTensor[i] = 0.;
876 |
877 | // sum up inertia tensor
878 | while (ptr->next != end) {
879 | ptr = ptr->next;
880 | vector x;
881 | x.CopyVector(&ptr->x);
882 | //x.SubtractVector(CenterOfGravity);
883 | InertiaTensor[0] += ptr->type->mass*(x.x[1]*x.x[1] + x.x[2]*x.x[2]);
884 | InertiaTensor[1] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[0]*x.x[1]);
885 | InertiaTensor[2] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[0]*x.x[2]);
886 | InertiaTensor[3] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[1]*x.x[0]);
887 | InertiaTensor[4] += ptr->type->mass*(x.x[0]*x.x[0] + x.x[2]*x.x[2]);
888 | InertiaTensor[5] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[1]*x.x[2]);
889 | InertiaTensor[6] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[2]*x.x[0]);
890 | InertiaTensor[7] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[2]*x.x[1]);
891 | InertiaTensor[8] += ptr->type->mass*(x.x[0]*x.x[0] + x.x[1]*x.x[1]);
892 | }
893 | // print InertiaTensor for debugging
894 | *out << "The inertia tensor is:" << endl;
895 | for(int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
896 | for(int j=0;j<NDIM;j++)
897 | *out << InertiaTensor[i*NDIM+j] << " ";
898 | *out << endl;
899 | }
900 | *out << endl;
901 |
902 | // diagonalize to determine principal axis system
903 | gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace *T = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(NDIM);
904 | gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_view_array(InertiaTensor, NDIM, NDIM);
905 | gsl_vector *eval = gsl_vector_alloc(NDIM);
906 | gsl_matrix *evec = gsl_matrix_alloc(NDIM, NDIM);
907 | gsl_eigen_symmv(&m.matrix, eval, evec, T);
908 | gsl_eigen_symmv_free(T);
909 | gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_DESC);
910 |
911 | for(int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
912 | *out << Verbose(1) << "eigenvalue = " << gsl_vector_get(eval, i);
913 | *out << ", eigenvector = (" << evec->data[i * evec->tda + 0] << "," << evec->data[i * evec->tda + 1] << "," << evec->data[i * evec->tda + 2] << ")" << endl;
914 | }
915 |
916 | // check whether we rotate or not
917 | if (DoRotate) {
918 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Transforming molecule into PAS ... ";
919 | // the eigenvectors specify the transformation matrix
920 | ptr = start;
921 | while (ptr->next != end) {
922 | ptr = ptr->next;
923 | ptr->x.MatrixMultiplication(evec->data);
924 | }
925 | *out << "done." << endl;
926 |
927 | // summing anew for debugging (resulting matrix has to be diagonal!)
928 | // reset inertia tensor
929 | for(int i=0;i<NDIM*NDIM;i++)
930 | InertiaTensor[i] = 0.;
931 |
932 | // sum up inertia tensor
933 | ptr = start;
934 | while (ptr->next != end) {
935 | ptr = ptr->next;
936 | vector x;
937 | x.CopyVector(&ptr->x);
938 | //x.SubtractVector(CenterOfGravity);
939 | InertiaTensor[0] += ptr->type->mass*(x.x[1]*x.x[1] + x.x[2]*x.x[2]);
940 | InertiaTensor[1] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[0]*x.x[1]);
941 | InertiaTensor[2] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[0]*x.x[2]);
942 | InertiaTensor[3] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[1]*x.x[0]);
943 | InertiaTensor[4] += ptr->type->mass*(x.x[0]*x.x[0] + x.x[2]*x.x[2]);
944 | InertiaTensor[5] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[1]*x.x[2]);
945 | InertiaTensor[6] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[2]*x.x[0]);
946 | InertiaTensor[7] += ptr->type->mass*(-x.x[2]*x.x[1]);
947 | InertiaTensor[8] += ptr->type->mass*(x.x[0]*x.x[0] + x.x[1]*x.x[1]);
948 | }
949 | // print InertiaTensor for debugging
950 | *out << "The inertia tensor is:" << endl;
951 | for(int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
952 | for(int j=0;j<NDIM;j++)
953 | *out << InertiaTensor[i*NDIM+j] << " ";
954 | *out << endl;
955 | }
956 | *out << endl;
957 | }
958 |
959 | // free everything
960 | delete(CenterOfGravity);
961 | gsl_vector_free(eval);
962 | gsl_matrix_free(evec);
963 | };
964 |
965 | /** Align all atoms in such a manner that given vector \a *n is along z axis.
966 | * \param n[] alignment vector.
967 | */
968 | void molecule::Align(vector *n)
969 | {
970 | atom *ptr = start;
971 | double alpha, tmp;
972 | vector z_axis;
973 | z_axis.x[0] = 0.;
974 | z_axis.x[1] = 0.;
975 | z_axis.x[2] = 1.;
976 |
977 | // rotate on z-x plane
978 | cout << Verbose(0) << "Begin of Aligning all atoms." << endl;
979 | alpha = atan(-n->x[0]/n->x[2]);
980 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Z-X-angle: " << alpha << " ... ";
981 | while (ptr->next != end) {
982 | ptr = ptr->next;
983 | tmp = ptr->x.x[0];
984 | ptr->x.x[0] = cos(alpha) * tmp + sin(alpha) * ptr->x.x[2];
985 | ptr->x.x[2] = -sin(alpha) * tmp + cos(alpha) * ptr->x.x[2];
986 | }
987 | // rotate n vector
988 | tmp = n->x[0];
989 | n->x[0] = cos(alpha) * tmp + sin(alpha) * n->x[2];
990 | n->x[2] = -sin(alpha) * tmp + cos(alpha) * n->x[2];
991 | cout << Verbose(1) << "alignment vector after first rotation: ";
992 | n->Output((ofstream *)&cout);
993 | cout << endl;
994 |
995 | // rotate on z-y plane
996 | ptr = start;
997 | alpha = atan(-n->x[1]/n->x[2]);
998 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Z-Y-angle: " << alpha << " ... ";
999 | while (ptr->next != end) {
1000 | ptr = ptr->next;
1001 | tmp = ptr->x.x[1];
1002 | ptr->x.x[1] = cos(alpha) * tmp + sin(alpha) * ptr->x.x[2];
1003 | ptr->x.x[2] = -sin(alpha) * tmp + cos(alpha) * ptr->x.x[2];
1004 | }
1005 | // rotate n vector (for consistency check)
1006 | tmp = n->x[1];
1007 | n->x[1] = cos(alpha) * tmp + sin(alpha) * n->x[2];
1008 | n->x[2] = -sin(alpha) * tmp + cos(alpha) * n->x[2];
1009 |
1010 | cout << Verbose(1) << "alignment vector after second rotation: ";
1011 | n->Output((ofstream *)&cout);
1012 | cout << Verbose(1) << endl;
1013 | cout << Verbose(0) << "End of Aligning all atoms." << endl;
1014 | };
1015 |
1016 | /** Removes atom from molecule list.
1017 | * \param *pointer atom to be removed
1018 | * \return true - succeeded, false - atom not found in list
1019 | */
1020 | bool molecule::RemoveAtom(atom *pointer)
1021 | {
1022 | if (ElementsInMolecule[pointer->type->Z] != 0) // this would indicate an error
1023 | ElementsInMolecule[pointer->type->Z]--; // decrease number of atom of this element
1024 | else
1025 | cerr << "ERROR: Atom " << pointer->Name << " is of element " << pointer->type->Z << " but the entry in the table of the molecule is 0!" << endl;
1026 | if (ElementsInMolecule[pointer->type->Z] == 0) // was last atom of this element?
1027 | ElementCount--;
1028 | return remove(pointer, start, end);
1029 | };
1030 |
1031 | /** Removes every atom from molecule list.
1032 | * \return true - succeeded, false - atom not found in list
1033 | */
1034 | bool molecule::CleanupMolecule()
1035 | {
1036 | return (cleanup(start,end) && cleanup(first,last));
1037 | };
1038 |
1039 | /** Finds an atom specified by its continuous number.
1040 | * \param Nr number of atom withim molecule
1041 | * \return pointer to atom or NULL
1042 | */
1043 | atom * molecule::FindAtom(int Nr) const{
1044 | atom * walker = find(&Nr, start,end);
1045 | if (walker != NULL) {
1046 | //cout << Verbose(0) << "Found Atom Nr. " << walker->nr << endl;
1047 | return walker;
1048 | } else {
1049 | cout << Verbose(0) << "Atom not found in list." << endl;
1050 | return NULL;
1051 | }
1052 | };
1053 |
1054 | /** Asks for atom number, and checks whether in list.
1055 | * \param *text question before entering
1056 | */
1057 | atom * molecule::AskAtom(string text)
1058 | {
1059 | int No;
1060 | atom *ion = NULL;
1061 | do {
1062 | //cout << Verbose(0) << "============Atom list==========================" << endl;
1063 | //mol->Output((ofstream *)&cout);
1064 | //cout << Verbose(0) << "===============================================" << endl;
1065 | cout << Verbose(0) << text;
1066 | cin >> No;
1067 | ion = this->FindAtom(No);
1068 | } while (ion == NULL);
1069 | return ion;
1070 | };
1071 |
1072 | /** Checks if given coordinates are within cell volume.
1073 | * \param *x array of coordinates
1074 | * \return true - is within, false - out of cell
1075 | */
1076 | bool molecule::CheckBounds(const vector *x) const
1077 | {
1078 | bool result = true;
1079 | int j =-1;
1080 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
1081 | j += i+1;
1082 | result = result && ((x->x[i] >= 0) && (x->x[i] < cell_size[j]));
1083 | }
1084 | //return result;
1085 | return true; /// probably not gonna use the check no more
1086 | };
1087 |
1088 | /** Calculates sum over least square distance to line hidden in \a *x.
1089 | * \param *x offset and direction vector
1090 | * \param *params pointer to lsq_params structure
1091 | * \return \f$ sum_i^N | y_i - (a + t_i b)|^2\f$
1092 | */
1093 | double LeastSquareDistance (const gsl_vector * x, void * params)
1094 | {
1095 | double res = 0, t;
1096 | vector a,b,c,d;
1097 | struct lsq_params *par = (struct lsq_params *)params;
1098 | atom *ptr = par->mol->start;
1099 |
1100 | // initialize vectors
1101 | a.x[0] = gsl_vector_get(x,0);
1102 | a.x[1] = gsl_vector_get(x,1);
1103 | a.x[2] = gsl_vector_get(x,2);
1104 | b.x[0] = gsl_vector_get(x,3);
1105 | b.x[1] = gsl_vector_get(x,4);
1106 | b.x[2] = gsl_vector_get(x,5);
1107 | // go through all atoms
1108 | while (ptr != par->mol->end) {
1109 | ptr = ptr->next;
1110 | if (ptr->type == ((struct lsq_params *)params)->type) { // for specific type
1111 | c.CopyVector(&ptr->x); // copy vector to temporary one
1112 | c.SubtractVector(&a); // subtract offset vector
1113 | t = c.ScalarProduct(&b); // get direction parameter
1114 | d.CopyVector(&b); // and create vector
1115 | d.Scale(&t);
1116 | c.SubtractVector(&d); // ... yielding distance vector
1117 | res += d.ScalarProduct((const vector *)&d); // add squared distance
1118 | }
1119 | }
1120 | return res;
1121 | };
1122 |
1123 | /** By minimizing the least square distance gains alignment vector.
1124 | * \bug this is not yet working properly it seems
1125 | */
1126 | void molecule::GetAlignVector(struct lsq_params * par) const
1127 | {
1128 | int np = 6;
1129 |
1130 | const gsl_multimin_fminimizer_type *T =
1131 | gsl_multimin_fminimizer_nmsimplex;
1132 | gsl_multimin_fminimizer *s = NULL;
1133 | gsl_vector *ss;
1134 | gsl_multimin_function minex_func;
1135 |
1136 | size_t iter = 0, i;
1137 | int status;
1138 | double size;
1139 |
1140 | /* Initial vertex size vector */
1141 | ss = gsl_vector_alloc (np);
1142 |
1143 | /* Set all step sizes to 1 */
1144 | gsl_vector_set_all (ss, 1.0);
1145 |
1146 | /* Starting point */
1147 | par->x = gsl_vector_alloc (np);
1148 | par->mol = this;
1149 |
1150 | gsl_vector_set (par->x, 0, 0.0); // offset
1151 | gsl_vector_set (par->x, 1, 0.0);
1152 | gsl_vector_set (par->x, 2, 0.0);
1153 | gsl_vector_set (par->x, 3, 0.0); // direction
1154 | gsl_vector_set (par->x, 4, 0.0);
1155 | gsl_vector_set (par->x, 5, 1.0);
1156 |
1157 | /* Initialize method and iterate */
1158 | minex_func.f = &LeastSquareDistance;
1159 | minex_func.n = np;
1160 | minex_func.params = (void *)par;
1161 |
1162 | s = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_alloc (T, np);
1163 | gsl_multimin_fminimizer_set (s, &minex_func, par->x, ss);
1164 |
1165 | do
1166 | {
1167 | iter++;
1168 | status = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_iterate(s);
1169 |
1170 | if (status)
1171 | break;
1172 |
1173 | size = gsl_multimin_fminimizer_size (s);
1174 | status = gsl_multimin_test_size (size, 1e-2);
1175 |
1176 | if (status == GSL_SUCCESS)
1177 | {
1178 | printf ("converged to minimum at\n");
1179 | }
1180 |
1181 | printf ("%5d ", (int)iter);
1182 | for (i = 0; i < (size_t)np; i++)
1183 | {
1184 | printf ("%10.3e ", gsl_vector_get (s->x, i));
1185 | }
1186 | printf ("f() = %7.3f size = %.3f\n", s->fval, size);
1187 | }
1188 | while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 100);
1189 |
1190 | for (i=0;i<(size_t)np;i++)
1191 | gsl_vector_set(par->x, i, gsl_vector_get(s->x, i));
1192 | //gsl_vector_free(par->x);
1193 | gsl_vector_free(ss);
1194 | gsl_multimin_fminimizer_free (s);
1195 | };
1196 |
1197 | /** Prints molecule to *out.
1198 | * \param *out output stream
1199 | */
1200 | bool molecule::Output(ofstream *out)
1201 | {
1202 | element *runner = elemente->start;
1203 | atom *walker = NULL;
1204 | int ElementNo, AtomNo;
1205 | CountElements();
1206 |
1207 | if (out == NULL) {
1208 | return false;
1209 | } else {
1210 | *out << "#Ion_TypeNr._Nr.R[0] R[1] R[2] MoveType (0 MoveIon, 1 FixedIon)" << endl;
1211 | ElementNo = 0;
1212 | while (runner->next != elemente->end) { // go through every element
1213 | runner = runner->next;
1214 | if (ElementsInMolecule[runner->Z]) { // if this element got atoms
1215 | ElementNo++;
1216 | AtomNo = 0;
1217 | walker = start;
1218 | while (walker->next != end) { // go through every atom of this element
1219 | walker = walker->next;
1220 | if (walker->type == runner) { // if this atom fits to element
1221 | AtomNo++;
1222 | walker->Output(ElementNo, AtomNo, out);
1223 | }
1224 | }
1225 | }
1226 | }
1227 | return true;
1228 | }
1229 | };
1230 |
1231 | /** Outputs contents of molecule::ListOfBondsPerAtom.
1232 | * \param *out output stream
1233 | */
1234 | void molecule::OutputListOfBonds(ofstream *out) const
1235 | {
1236 | *out << Verbose(2) << endl << "From Contents of ListOfBondsPerAtom, all non-hydrogen atoms:" << endl;
1237 | atom *Walker = start;
1238 | while (Walker->next != end) {
1239 | Walker = Walker->next;
1240 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
1241 | if (Walker->type->Z != 1) { // regard only non-hydrogen
1242 | #endif
1243 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Atom " << Walker->Name << " has Bonds: "<<endl;
1244 | for(int j=0;j<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];j++) {
1245 | *out << Verbose(3) << *(ListOfBondsPerAtom)[Walker->nr][j] << endl;
1246 | }
1247 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
1248 | }
1249 | #endif
1250 | }
1251 | *out << endl;
1252 | };
1253 |
1254 | /** Output of element before the actual coordination list.
1255 | * \param *out stream pointer
1256 | */
1257 | bool molecule::Checkout(ofstream *out) const
1258 | {
1259 | return elemente->Checkout(out, ElementsInMolecule);
1260 | };
1261 |
1262 | /** Prints molecule to *out as xyz file.
1263 | * \param *out output stream
1264 | */
1265 | bool molecule::OutputXYZ(ofstream *out) const
1266 | {
1267 | atom *walker = NULL;
1268 | int No = 0;
1269 | time_t now;
1270 |
1271 | now = time((time_t *)NULL); // Get the system time and put it into 'now' as 'calender time'
1272 | walker = start;
1273 | while (walker->next != end) { // go through every atom and count
1274 | walker = walker->next;
1275 | No++;
1276 | }
1277 | if (out != NULL) {
1278 | *out << No << "\n\tCreated by molecuilder on " << ctime(&now);
1279 | walker = start;
1280 | while (walker->next != end) { // go through every atom of this element
1281 | walker = walker->next;
1282 | walker->OutputXYZLine(out);
1283 | }
1284 | return true;
1285 | } else
1286 | return false;
1287 | };
1288 |
1289 | /** Brings molecule::AtomCount and atom::*Name up-to-date.
1290 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1291 | */
1292 | void molecule::CountAtoms(ofstream *out)
1293 | {
1294 | int i = 0;
1295 | atom *Walker = start;
1296 | while (Walker->next != end) {
1297 | Walker = Walker->next;
1298 | i++;
1299 | }
1300 | if ((AtomCount == 0) || (i != AtomCount)) {
1301 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Mismatch in AtomCount " << AtomCount << " and recounted number " << i << ", renaming all." << endl;
1302 | AtomCount = i;
1303 |
1304 | // count NonHydrogen atoms and give each atom a unique name
1305 | if (AtomCount != 0) {
1306 | i=0;
1307 | NoNonHydrogen = 0;
1308 | Walker = start;
1309 | while (Walker->next != end) {
1310 | Walker = Walker->next;
1311 | Walker->nr = i; // update number in molecule (for easier referencing in FragmentMolecule lateron)
1312 | if (Walker->type->Z != 1) // count non-hydrogen atoms whilst at it
1313 | NoNonHydrogen++;
1314 | Free((void **)&Walker->Name, "molecule::CountAtoms: *walker->Name");
1315 | Walker->Name = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*6, "molecule::CountAtoms: *walker->Name");
1316 | sprintf(Walker->Name, "%2s%02d", Walker->type->symbol, Walker->nr+1);
1317 | *out << "Naming atom nr. " << Walker->nr << " " << Walker->Name << "." << endl;
1318 | i++;
1319 | }
1320 | } else
1321 | *out << Verbose(3) << "AtomCount is still " << AtomCount << ", thus counting nothing." << endl;
1322 | }
1323 | };
1324 |
1325 | /** Brings molecule::ElementCount and molecule::ElementsInMolecule up-to-date.
1326 | */
1327 | void molecule::CountElements()
1328 | {
1329 | int i = 0;
1330 | for(i=MAX_ELEMENTS;i--;)
1331 | ElementsInMolecule[i] = 0;
1332 | ElementCount = 0;
1333 |
1334 | atom *walker = start;
1335 | while (walker->next != end) {
1336 | walker = walker->next;
1337 | ElementsInMolecule[walker->type->Z]++;
1338 | i++;
1339 | }
1340 | for(i=MAX_ELEMENTS;i--;)
1341 | ElementCount += (ElementsInMolecule[i] != 0 ? 1 : 0);
1342 | };
1343 |
1344 | /** Counts all cyclic bonds and returns their number.
1345 | * \note Hydrogen bonds can never by cyclic, thus no check for that
1346 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1347 | * \return number opf cyclic bonds
1348 | */
1349 | int molecule::CountCyclicBonds(ofstream *out)
1350 | {
1351 | int No = 0;
1352 | int *MinimumRingSize = NULL;
1353 | MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL;
1354 | bond *Binder = first;
1355 | if ((Binder->next != last) && (Binder->next->Type == Undetermined)) {
1356 | *out << Verbose(0) << "No Depth-First-Search analysis performed so far, calling ..." << endl;
1357 | Subgraphs = DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(out, MinimumRingSize);
1358 | while (Subgraphs->next != NULL) {
1359 | Subgraphs = Subgraphs->next;
1360 | delete(Subgraphs->previous);
1361 | }
1362 | delete(Subgraphs);
1363 | delete[](MinimumRingSize);
1364 | }
1365 | while(Binder->next != last) {
1366 | Binder = Binder->next;
1367 | if (Binder->Cyclic)
1368 | No++;
1369 | }
1370 | return No;
1371 | };
1372 | /** Returns Shading as a char string.
1373 | * \param color the Shading
1374 | * \return string of the flag
1375 | */
1376 | string molecule::GetColor(enum Shading color)
1377 | {
1378 | switch(color) {
1379 | case white:
1380 | return "white";
1381 | break;
1382 | case lightgray:
1383 | return "lightgray";
1384 | break;
1385 | case darkgray:
1386 | return "darkgray";
1387 | break;
1388 | case black:
1389 | return "black";
1390 | break;
1391 | default:
1392 | return "uncolored";
1393 | break;
1394 | };
1395 | };
1396 |
1397 |
1398 | /** Counts necessary number of valence electrons and returns number and SpinType.
1399 | * \param configuration containing everything
1400 | */
1401 | void molecule::CalculateOrbitals(class config &configuration)
1402 | {
1403 | configuration.MaxPsiDouble = configuration.PsiMaxNoDown = configuration.PsiMaxNoUp = configuration.PsiType = 0;
1404 | for(int i=MAX_ELEMENTS;i--;) {
1405 | if (ElementsInMolecule[i] != 0) {
1406 | //cout << "CalculateOrbitals: " << elemente->FindElement(i)->name << " has a valence of " << (int)elemente->FindElement(i)->Valence << " and there are " << ElementsInMolecule[i] << " of it." << endl;
1407 | configuration.MaxPsiDouble += ElementsInMolecule[i]*((int)elemente->FindElement(i)->Valence);
1408 | }
1409 | }
1410 | configuration.PsiMaxNoDown = configuration.MaxPsiDouble/2 + (configuration.MaxPsiDouble % 2);
1411 | configuration.PsiMaxNoUp = configuration.MaxPsiDouble/2;
1412 | configuration.MaxPsiDouble /= 2;
1413 | configuration.PsiType = (configuration.PsiMaxNoDown == configuration.PsiMaxNoUp) ? 0 : 1;
1414 | if ((configuration.PsiType == 1) && (configuration.ProcPEPsi < 2)) {
1415 | configuration.ProcPEGamma /= 2;
1416 | configuration.ProcPEPsi *= 2;
1417 | } else {
1418 | configuration.ProcPEGamma *= configuration.ProcPEPsi;
1419 | configuration.ProcPEPsi = 1;
1420 | }
1421 | configuration.InitMaxMinStopStep = configuration.MaxMinStopStep = configuration.MaxPsiDouble;
1422 | };
1423 |
1424 | /** Creates an adjacency list of the molecule.
1425 | * Generally, we use the CSD approach to bond recognition, that is the the distance
1426 | * between two atoms A and B must be within [Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)-t,Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)+t] with
1427 | * a threshold t = 0.4 Angstroem.
1428 | * To make it O(N log N) the function uses the linked-cell technique as follows:
1429 | * The procedure is step-wise:
1430 | * -# Remove every bond in list
1431 | * -# Count the atoms in the molecule with CountAtoms()
1432 | * -# partition cell into smaller linked cells of size \a bonddistance
1433 | * -# put each atom into its corresponding cell
1434 | * -# go through every cell, check the atoms therein against all possible bond partners in the 27 adjacent cells, add bond if true
1435 | * -# create the list of bonds via CreateListOfBondsPerAtom()
1436 | * -# correct the bond degree iteratively (single->double->triple bond)
1437 | * -# finally print the bond list to \a *out if desired
1438 | * \param *out out stream for printing the matrix, NULL if no output
1439 | * \param bonddistance length of linked cells (i.e. maximum minimal length checked)
1440 | * \param IsAngstroem whether coordinate system is gauged to Angstroem or Bohr radii
1441 | */
1442 | void molecule::CreateAdjacencyList(ofstream *out, double bonddistance, bool IsAngstroem)
1443 | {
1444 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherWalker = NULL;
1445 | int No, NoBonds;
1446 | int NumberCells, divisor[NDIM], n[NDIM], N[NDIM], index, Index, j;
1447 | molecule **CellList;
1448 | double distance, MinDistance, MaxDistance;
1449 | double *matrix = ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(cell_size);
1450 | vector x;
1451 |
1452 | BondDistance = bonddistance; // * ((IsAngstroem) ? 1. : 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem);
1453 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of CreateAdjacencyList." << endl;
1454 | // remove every bond from the list
1455 | if ((first->next != last) && (last->previous != first)) { // there are bonds present
1456 | cleanup(first,last);
1457 | }
1458 |
1459 | // count atoms in molecule = dimension of matrix (also give each unique name and continuous numbering)
1460 | CountAtoms(out);
1461 | *out << Verbose(1) << "AtomCount " << AtomCount << "." << endl;
1462 |
1463 | if (AtomCount != 0) {
1464 | // 1. find divisor for each axis, such that a sphere with radius of at least bonddistance can be placed into each cell
1465 | j=-1;
1466 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
1467 | j += i+1;
1468 | divisor[i] = (int)floor(cell_size[j]/bonddistance); // take smaller value such that size of linked cell is at least bonddistance
1469 | *out << Verbose(1) << "divisor[" << i << "] = " << divisor[i] << "." << endl;
1470 | }
1471 | // 2a. allocate memory for the cell list
1472 | NumberCells = divisor[0]*divisor[1]*divisor[2];
1473 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Allocating " << NumberCells << " cells." << endl;
1474 | CellList = (molecule **) Malloc(sizeof(molecule *)*NumberCells, "molecule::CreateAdjacencyList - ** CellList");
1475 | for (int i=NumberCells;i--;)
1476 | CellList[i] = NULL;
1477 |
1478 | // 2b. put all atoms into its corresponding list
1479 | Walker = start;
1480 | while(Walker->next != end) {
1481 | Walker = Walker->next;
1482 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Current atom is " << *Walker << " with coordinates ";
1483 | //Walker->x.Output(out);
1484 | //*out << "." << endl;
1485 | // compute the cell by the atom's coordinates
1486 | j=-1;
1487 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
1488 | j += i+1;
1489 | x.CopyVector(&(Walker->x));
1490 | x.KeepPeriodic(out, matrix);
1491 | n[i] = (int)floor(x.x[i]/cell_size[j]*(double)divisor[i]);
1492 | }
1493 | index = n[2] + (n[1] + n[0] * divisor[1]) * divisor[2];
1494 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Atom " << *Walker << " goes into cell number [" << n[0] << "," << n[1] << "," << n[2] << "] = " << index << "." << endl;
1495 | // add copy atom to this cell
1496 | if (CellList[index] == NULL) // allocate molecule if not done
1497 | CellList[index] = new molecule(elemente);
1498 | OtherWalker = CellList[index]->AddCopyAtom(Walker); // add a copy of walker to this atom, father will be walker for later reference
1499 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Copy Atom is " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
1500 | }
1501 | //for (int i=0;i<NumberCells;i++)
1502 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Cell number " << i << ": " << CellList[i] << "." << endl;
1503 |
1504 | // 3a. go through every cell
1505 | for (N[0]=divisor[0];N[0]--;)
1506 | for (N[1]=divisor[1];N[1]--;)
1507 | for (N[2]=divisor[2];N[2]--;) {
1508 | Index = N[2] + (N[1] + N[0] * divisor[1]) * divisor[2];
1509 | if (CellList[Index] != NULL) { // if there atoms in this cell
1510 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Current cell is " << Index << "." << endl;
1511 | // 3b. for every atom therein
1512 | Walker = CellList[Index]->start;
1513 | while (Walker->next != CellList[Index]->end) { // go through every atom
1514 | Walker = Walker->next;
1515 | //*out << Verbose(0) << "Current Atom is " << *Walker << "." << endl;
1516 | // 3c. check for possible bond between each atom in this and every one in the 27 cells
1517 | for (n[0]=-1;n[0]<=1;n[0]++)
1518 | for (n[1]=-1;n[1]<=1;n[1]++)
1519 | for (n[2]=-1;n[2]<=1;n[2]++) {
1520 | // compute the index of this comparison cell and make it periodic
1521 | index = ((N[2]+n[2]+divisor[2])%divisor[2]) + (((N[1]+n[1]+divisor[1])%divisor[1]) + ((N[0]+n[0]+divisor[0])%divisor[0]) * divisor[1]) * divisor[2];
1522 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Number of comparison cell is " << index << "." << endl;
1523 | if (CellList[index] != NULL) { // if there are any atoms in this cell
1524 | OtherWalker = CellList[index]->start;
1525 | while(OtherWalker->next != CellList[index]->end) { // go through every atom in this cell
1526 | OtherWalker = OtherWalker->next;
1527 | //*out << Verbose(0) << "Current comparison atom is " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
1528 | /// \todo periodic check is missing here!
1529 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Checking distance " << OtherWalker->x.PeriodicDistance(&(Walker->x), cell_size) << " against typical bond length of " << bonddistance*bonddistance << "." << endl;
1530 | MinDistance = OtherWalker->type->CovalentRadius + Walker->type->CovalentRadius;
1531 | MinDistance *= (IsAngstroem) ? 1. : 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem;
1532 | MaxDistance = MinDistance + BONDTHRESHOLD;
1533 | MinDistance -= BONDTHRESHOLD;
1534 | distance = OtherWalker->x.PeriodicDistance(&(Walker->x), cell_size);
1535 | if ((OtherWalker->father->nr > Walker->father->nr) && (distance <= MaxDistance*MaxDistance) && (distance >= MinDistance*MinDistance)) { // create bond if distance is smaller
1536 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Adding Bond between " << *Walker << " and " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
1537 | AddBond(Walker->father, OtherWalker->father, 1); // also increases molecule::BondCount
1538 | BondCount++;
1539 | } else {
1540 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Not Adding: Wrong label order or distance too great." << endl;
1541 | }
1542 | }
1543 | }
1544 | }
1545 | }
1546 | }
1547 | }
1548 | // 4. free the cell again
1549 | for (int i=NumberCells;i--;)
1550 | if (CellList[i] != NULL) {
1551 | delete(CellList[i]);
1552 | }
1553 | Free((void **)&CellList, "molecule::CreateAdjacencyList - ** CellList");
1554 |
1555 | // create the adjacency list per atom
1556 | CreateListOfBondsPerAtom(out);
1557 |
1558 | // correct Bond degree of each bond by checking of updated(!) sum of bond degree for an atom match its valence count
1559 | // bond degrres are correctled iteratively by one, so that 2-2 instead of 1-3 or 3-1 corrections are favoured: We want
1560 | // a rather symmetric distribution of higher bond degrees
1561 | if (BondCount != 0) {
1562 | NoCyclicBonds = 0;
1563 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Correcting Bond degree of each bond ... ";
1564 | do {
1565 | No = 0; // No acts as breakup flag (if 1 we still continue)
1566 | Walker = start;
1567 | while (Walker->next != end) { // go through every atom
1568 | Walker = Walker->next;
1569 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) { // go through each of its bond partners
1570 | OtherWalker = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
1571 | // count valence of first partner (updated!), might have changed during last bond partner
1572 | NoBonds = 0;
1573 | for(j=0;j<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];j++)
1574 | NoBonds += ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][j]->BondDegree;
1575 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Walker: " << (int)Walker->type->NoValenceOrbitals << " > " << NoBonds << "?" << endl;
1576 | if ((int)(Walker->type->NoValenceOrbitals) > NoBonds) { // we have a mismatch, check NoBonds of other atom
1577 | // count valence of second partner
1578 | NoBonds = 0;
1579 | for(j=0;j<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[OtherWalker->nr];j++)
1580 | NoBonds += ListOfBondsPerAtom[OtherWalker->nr][j]->BondDegree;
1581 | *out << Verbose(3) << "OtherWalker: " << (int)OtherWalker->type->NoValenceOrbitals << " > " << NoBonds << "?" << endl;
1582 | if ((int)(OtherWalker->type->NoValenceOrbitals) > NoBonds) // increase bond degree by one
1583 | ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->BondDegree++;
1584 | }
1585 | }
1586 | }
1587 | } while (No);
1588 | *out << " done." << endl;
1589 | } else
1590 | *out << Verbose(1) << "BondCount is " << BondCount << ", no bonds between any of the " << AtomCount << " atoms." << endl;
1591 | *out << Verbose(1) << "I detected " << BondCount << " bonds in the molecule with distance " << bonddistance << "." << endl;
1592 |
1593 | // output bonds for debugging (if bond chain list was correctly installed)
1594 | *out << Verbose(1) << endl << "From contents of bond chain list:";
1595 | bond *Binder = first;
1596 | while(Binder->next != last) {
1597 | Binder = Binder->next;
1598 | *out << *Binder << "\t" << endl;
1599 | }
1600 | *out << endl;
1601 | } else
1602 | *out << Verbose(1) << "AtomCount is " << AtomCount << ", thus no bonds, no connections!." << endl;
1603 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of CreateAdjacencyList." << endl;
1604 | Free((void **)&matrix, "molecule::CreateAdjacencyList: *matrix");
1605 | };
1606 |
1607 | /** Performs a Depth-First search on this molecule.
1608 | * Marks bonds in molecule as cyclic, bridge, ... and atoms as
1609 | * articulations points, ...
1610 | * We use the algorithm from [Even, Graph Algorithms, p.62].
1611 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1612 | * \param *&MinimumRingSize contains smallest ring size in molecular structure on return or -1 if no rings were found
1613 | * \return list of each disconnected subgraph as an individual molecule class structure
1614 | */
1615 | MoleculeLeafClass * molecule::DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(ofstream *out, int *&MinimumRingSize)
1616 | {
1617 | class StackClass<atom *> *AtomStack;
1618 | AtomStack = new StackClass<atom *>(AtomCount);
1619 | class StackClass<bond *> *BackEdgeStack = new StackClass<bond *> (BondCount);
1620 | MoleculeLeafClass *SubGraphs = new MoleculeLeafClass(NULL);
1621 | MoleculeLeafClass *LeafWalker = SubGraphs;
1622 | int CurrentGraphNr = 0, OldGraphNr;
1623 | int ComponentNumber = 0;
1624 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL, *Root = start->next;
1625 | bond *Binder = NULL;
1626 | bool BackStepping = false;
1627 |
1628 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of DepthFirstSearchAnalysis" << endl;
1629 |
1630 | ResetAllBondsToUnused();
1631 | ResetAllAtomNumbers();
1632 | InitComponentNumbers();
1633 | BackEdgeStack->ClearStack();
1634 | while (Root != end) { // if there any atoms at all
1635 | // (1) mark all edges unused, empty stack, set atom->GraphNr = 0 for all
1636 | AtomStack->ClearStack();
1637 |
1638 | // put into new subgraph molecule and add this to list of subgraphs
1639 | LeafWalker = new MoleculeLeafClass(LeafWalker);
1640 | LeafWalker->Leaf = new molecule(elemente);
1641 | LeafWalker->Leaf->AddCopyAtom(Root);
1642 |
1643 | OldGraphNr = CurrentGraphNr;
1644 | Walker = Root;
1645 | do { // (10)
1646 | do { // (2) set number and Lowpoint of Atom to i, increase i, push current atom
1647 | if (!BackStepping) { // if we don't just return from (8)
1648 | Walker->GraphNr = CurrentGraphNr;
1649 | Walker->LowpointNr = CurrentGraphNr;
1650 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Setting Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s number to " << Walker->GraphNr << " with Lowpoint " << Walker->LowpointNr << "." << endl;
1651 | AtomStack->Push(Walker);
1652 | CurrentGraphNr++;
1653 | }
1654 | do { // (3) if Walker has no unused egdes, go to (5)
1655 | BackStepping = false; // reset backstepping flag for (8)
1656 | if (Binder == NULL) // if we don't just return from (11), Binder is already set to next unused
1657 | Binder = FindNextUnused(Walker);
1658 | if (Binder == NULL)
1659 | break;
1660 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Current Unused Bond is " << *Binder << "." << endl;
1661 | // (4) Mark Binder used, ...
1662 | Binder->MarkUsed(black);
1663 | OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
1664 | *out << Verbose(2) << "(4) OtherAtom is " << OtherAtom->Name << "." << endl;
1665 | if (OtherAtom->GraphNr != -1) {
1666 | // (4a) ... if "other" atom has been visited (GraphNr != 0), set lowpoint to minimum of both, go to (3)
1667 | Binder->Type = BackEdge;
1668 | BackEdgeStack->Push(Binder);
1669 | Walker->LowpointNr = ( Walker->LowpointNr < OtherAtom->GraphNr ) ? Walker->LowpointNr : OtherAtom->GraphNr;
1670 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(4a) Visited: Setting Lowpoint of Walker[" << Walker->Name << "] to " << Walker->LowpointNr << "." << endl;
1671 | } else {
1672 | // (4b) ... otherwise set OtherAtom as Ancestor of Walker and Walker as OtherAtom, go to (2)
1673 | Binder->Type = TreeEdge;
1674 | OtherAtom->Ancestor = Walker;
1675 | Walker = OtherAtom;
1676 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(4b) Not Visited: OtherAtom[" << OtherAtom->Name << "]'s Ancestor is now " << OtherAtom->Ancestor->Name << ", Walker is OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << "." << endl;
1677 | break;
1678 | }
1679 | Binder = NULL;
1680 | } while (1); // (3)
1681 | if (Binder == NULL) {
1682 | *out << Verbose(2) << "No more Unused Bonds." << endl;
1683 | break;
1684 | } else
1685 | Binder = NULL;
1686 | } while (1); // (2)
1687 |
1688 | // if we came from backstepping, yet there were no more unused bonds, we end up here with no Ancestor, because Walker is Root! Then we are finished!
1689 | if ((Walker == Root) && (Binder == NULL))
1690 | break;
1691 |
1692 | // (5) if Ancestor of Walker is ...
1693 | *out << Verbose(1) << "(5) Number of Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->Name << "] is " << Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr << "." << endl;
1694 | if (Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr != Root->GraphNr) {
1695 | // (6) (Ancestor of Walker is not Root)
1696 | if (Walker->LowpointNr < Walker->Ancestor->GraphNr) {
1697 | // (6a) set Ancestor's Lowpoint number to minimum of of its Ancestor and itself, go to Step(8)
1698 | Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr = (Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr < Walker->LowpointNr) ? Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr : Walker->LowpointNr;
1699 | *out << Verbose(2) << "(6) Setting Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->Name << "]'s Lowpoint to " << Walker->Ancestor->LowpointNr << "." << endl;
1700 | } else {
1701 | // (7) (Ancestor of Walker is a separating vertex, remove all from stack till Walker (including), these and Ancestor form a component
1702 | Walker->Ancestor->SeparationVertex = true;
1703 | *out << Verbose(2) << "(7) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor[" << Walker->Ancestor->Name << "]'s is a separating vertex, creating component." << endl;
1704 | SetNextComponentNumber(Walker->Ancestor, ComponentNumber);
1705 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Ancestor's Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl;
1706 | SetNextComponentNumber(Walker, ComponentNumber);
1707 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl;
1708 | do {
1709 | OtherAtom = AtomStack->PopLast();
1710 | LeafWalker->Leaf->AddCopyAtom(OtherAtom);
1711 | SetNextComponentNumber(OtherAtom, ComponentNumber);
1712 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Other[" << OtherAtom->Name << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl;
1713 | } while (OtherAtom != Walker);
1714 | ComponentNumber++;
1715 | }
1716 | // (8) Walker becomes its Ancestor, go to (3)
1717 | *out << Verbose(2) << "(8) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "] is now its Ancestor " << Walker->Ancestor->Name << ", backstepping. " << endl;
1718 | Walker = Walker->Ancestor;
1719 | BackStepping = true;
1720 | }
1721 | if (!BackStepping) { // coming from (8) want to go to (3)
1722 | // (9) remove all from stack till Walker (including), these and Root form a component
1723 | AtomStack->Output(out);
1724 | SetNextComponentNumber(Root, ComponentNumber);
1725 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(9) Root[" << Root->Name << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl;
1726 | SetNextComponentNumber(Walker, ComponentNumber);
1727 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(9) Walker[" << Walker->Name << "]'s Component is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl;
1728 | do {
1729 | OtherAtom = AtomStack->PopLast();
1730 | LeafWalker->Leaf->AddCopyAtom(OtherAtom);
1731 | SetNextComponentNumber(OtherAtom, ComponentNumber);
1732 | *out << Verbose(3) << "(7) Other[" << OtherAtom->Name << "]'s Compont is " << ComponentNumber << "." << endl;
1733 | } while (OtherAtom != Walker);
1734 | ComponentNumber++;
1735 |
1736 | // (11) Root is separation vertex, set Walker to Root and go to (4)
1737 | Walker = Root;
1738 | Binder = FindNextUnused(Walker);
1739 | *out << Verbose(1) << "(10) Walker is Root[" << Root->Name << "], next Unused Bond is " << Binder << "." << endl;
1740 | if (Binder != NULL) { // Root is separation vertex
1741 | *out << Verbose(1) << "(11) Root is a separation vertex." << endl;
1742 | Walker->SeparationVertex = true;
1743 | }
1744 | }
1745 | } while ((BackStepping) || (Binder != NULL)); // (10) halt only if Root has no unused edges
1746 |
1747 | // From OldGraphNr to CurrentGraphNr ranges an disconnected subgraph
1748 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Disconnected subgraph ranges from " << OldGraphNr << " to " << CurrentGraphNr << "." << endl;
1749 | LeafWalker->Leaf->Output(out);
1750 | *out << endl;
1751 |
1752 | // step on to next root
1753 | while ((Root != end) && (Root->GraphNr != -1)) {
1754 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Current next subgraph root candidate is " << Root->Name << "." << endl;
1755 | if (Root->GraphNr != -1) // if already discovered, step on
1756 | Root = Root->next;
1757 | }
1758 | }
1759 | // set cyclic bond criterium on "same LP" basis
1760 | Binder = first;
1761 | while(Binder->next != last) {
1762 | Binder = Binder->next;
1763 | if (Binder->rightatom->LowpointNr == Binder->leftatom->LowpointNr) { // cyclic ??
1764 | Binder->Cyclic = true;
1765 | NoCyclicBonds++;
1766 | }
1767 | }
1768 |
1769 | // analysis of the cycles (print rings, get minimum cycle length)
1770 | CyclicStructureAnalysis(out, BackEdgeStack, MinimumRingSize);
1771 |
1772 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Final graph info for each atom is:" << endl;
1773 | Walker = start;
1774 | while (Walker->next != end) {
1775 | Walker = Walker->next;
1776 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Atom " << Walker->Name << " is " << ((Walker->SeparationVertex) ? "a" : "not a") << " separation vertex, components are ";
1777 | OutputComponentNumber(out, Walker);
1778 | *out << " with Lowpoint " << Walker->LowpointNr << " and Graph Nr. " << Walker->GraphNr << "." << endl;
1779 | }
1780 |
1781 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Final graph info for each bond is:" << endl;
1782 | Binder = first;
1783 | while(Binder->next != last) {
1784 | Binder = Binder->next;
1785 | *out << Verbose(2) << ((Binder->Type == TreeEdge) ? "TreeEdge " : "BackEdge ") << *Binder << ": <";
1786 | *out << ((Binder->leftatom->SeparationVertex) ? "SP," : "") << "L" << Binder->leftatom->LowpointNr << " G" << Binder->leftatom->GraphNr << " Comp.";
1787 | OutputComponentNumber(out, Binder->leftatom);
1788 | *out << " === ";
1789 | *out << ((Binder->rightatom->SeparationVertex) ? "SP," : "") << "L" << Binder->rightatom->LowpointNr << " G" << Binder->rightatom->GraphNr << " Comp.";
1790 | OutputComponentNumber(out, Binder->rightatom);
1791 | *out << ">." << endl;
1792 | if (Binder->Cyclic) // cyclic ??
1793 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Lowpoint at each side are equal: CYCLIC!" << endl;
1794 | }
1795 |
1796 | // free all and exit
1797 | delete(AtomStack);
1798 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of DepthFirstSearchAnalysis" << endl;
1799 | return SubGraphs;
1800 | };
1801 |
1802 | /** Analyses the cycles found and returns minimum of all cycle lengths.
1803 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1804 | * \param *BackEdgeStack stack with all back edges found during DFS scan
1805 | * \param *&MinimumRingSize contains smallest ring size in molecular structure on return or -1 if no rings were found, if set is maximum search distance
1806 | * \todo BFS from the not-same-LP to find back to starting point of tributary cycle over more than one bond
1807 | */
1808 | void molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis(ofstream *out, class StackClass<bond *> * BackEdgeStack, int *&MinimumRingSize)
1809 | {
1810 | atom **PredecessorList = (atom **) Malloc(sizeof(atom *)*AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: **PredecessorList");
1811 | int *ShortestPathList = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: *ShortestPathList");
1812 | enum Shading *ColorList = (enum Shading *) Malloc(sizeof(enum Shading)*AtomCount, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: *ColorList");
1813 | class StackClass<atom *> *BFSStack = new StackClass<atom *> (AtomCount); // will hold the current ring
1814 | class StackClass<atom *> *TouchedStack = new StackClass<atom *> (AtomCount); // contains all "touched" atoms
1815 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL, *Root = NULL;
1816 | bond *Binder = NULL, *BackEdge = NULL;
1817 | int RingSize, NumCycles, MinRingSize = -1;
1818 |
1819 | // initialise each vertex as white with no predecessor, empty queue, color Root lightgray
1820 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) {
1821 | PredecessorList[i] = NULL;
1822 | ShortestPathList[i] = -1;
1823 | ColorList[i] = white;
1824 | }
1825 | MinimumRingSize = new int[AtomCount];
1826 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
1827 | MinimumRingSize[i] = AtomCount;
1828 |
1829 |
1830 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Back edge list - ";
1831 | BackEdgeStack->Output(out);
1832 |
1833 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Analysing cycles ... " << endl;
1834 | NumCycles = 0;
1835 | while (!BackEdgeStack->IsEmpty()) {
1836 | BackEdge = BackEdgeStack->PopFirst();
1837 | // this is the target
1838 | Root = BackEdge->leftatom;
1839 | // this is the source point
1840 | Walker = BackEdge->rightatom;
1841 | ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = 0;
1842 | BFSStack->ClearStack(); // start with empty BFS stack
1843 | BFSStack->Push(Walker);
1844 | TouchedStack->Push(Walker);
1845 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
1846 | OtherAtom = NULL;
1847 | while ((Walker != Root) && ((OtherAtom == NULL) || (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr]))) { // look for Root
1848 | Walker = BFSStack->PopFirst();
1849 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current Walker is " << *Walker << ", we look for SP to Root " << *Root << "." << endl;
1850 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) {
1851 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i];
1852 | if (Binder != BackEdge) { // only walk along DFS spanning tree (otherwise we always find SP of one being backedge Binder)
1853 | OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
1854 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->Name << " for bond " << *Binder << "." << endl;
1855 | if (ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) {
1856 | TouchedStack->Push(OtherAtom);
1857 | ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray;
1858 | PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor
1859 | ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1;
1860 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << " lightgray, its predecessor is " << Walker->Name << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] << " egde(s) long." << endl;
1861 | if (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr]) { // Check for maximum distance
1862 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "Putting OtherAtom into queue." << endl;
1863 | BFSStack->Push(OtherAtom);
1864 | }
1865 | } else {
1866 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "Not Adding, has already been visited." << endl;
1867 | }
1868 | } else {
1869 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "Not Visiting, is a back edge." << endl;
1870 | }
1871 | }
1872 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = black;
1873 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Coloring Walker " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl;
1874 | }
1875 |
1876 | if (Walker == Root) {
1877 | // now climb back the predecessor list and thus find the cycle members
1878 | NumCycles++;
1879 | RingSize = 1;
1880 | Walker = Root;
1881 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Found ring contains: ";
1882 | while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) {
1883 | *out << Walker->Name << " <-> ";
1884 | Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->nr];
1885 | RingSize++;
1886 | }
1887 | *out << Walker->Name << " with a length of " << RingSize << "." << endl << endl;
1888 | // walk through all and set MinimumRingSize
1889 | Walker = Root;
1890 | while (Walker != BackEdge->rightatom) {
1891 | Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->nr];
1892 | if (RingSize < MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr])
1893 | MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] = RingSize;
1894 | }
1895 | if ((RingSize < MinRingSize) || (MinRingSize == -1))
1896 | MinRingSize = RingSize;
1897 | } else {
1898 | *out << Verbose(1) << "No ring containing " << *Root << " with length equal to or smaller than " << MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] << " found." << endl;
1899 | }
1900 |
1901 | // now clean the lists
1902 | while (!TouchedStack->IsEmpty()){
1903 | Walker = TouchedStack->PopFirst();
1904 | PredecessorList[Walker->nr] = NULL;
1905 | ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = -1;
1906 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = white;
1907 | }
1908 | }
1909 | if (MinRingSize != -1) {
1910 | // go over all atoms
1911 | Root = start;
1912 | while(Root->next != end) {
1913 | Root = Root->next;
1914 |
1915 | if (MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->nr] == AtomCount) { // check whether MinimumRingSize is set, if not BFS to next where it is
1916 | ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = 0;
1917 | BFSStack->ClearStack(); // start with empty BFS stack
1918 | BFSStack->Push(Walker);
1919 | TouchedStack->Push(Walker);
1920 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
1921 | OtherAtom = Walker;
1922 | while ((Walker != Root) && (OtherAtom != NULL)) { // look for Root
1923 | Walker = BFSStack->PopFirst();
1924 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current Walker is " << *Walker << ", we look for SP to Root " << *Root << "." << endl;
1925 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) {
1926 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i];
1927 | if (Binder != BackEdge) { // only walk along DFS spanning tree (otherwise we always find SP of one being backedge Binder)
1928 | OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
1929 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->Name << " for bond " << *Binder << "." << endl;
1930 | if (ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) {
1931 | TouchedStack->Push(OtherAtom);
1932 | ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray;
1933 | PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor
1934 | ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1;
1935 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << " lightgray, its predecessor is " << Walker->Name << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] << " egde(s) long." << endl;
1936 | if (MinimumRingSize[OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->nr] != AtomCount) { // if the other atom is connected to a ring
1937 | MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->nr] = ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr]+MinimumRingSize[OtherAtom->GetTrueFather()->nr];
1938 | OtherAtom = NULL; //break;
1939 | break;
1940 | } else
1941 | BFSStack->Push(OtherAtom);
1942 | } else {
1943 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "Not Adding, has already been visited." << endl;
1944 | }
1945 | } else {
1946 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "Not Visiting, is a back edge." << endl;
1947 | }
1948 | }
1949 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = black;
1950 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Coloring Walker " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl;
1951 | }
1952 |
1953 | // now clean the lists
1954 | while (!TouchedStack->IsEmpty()){
1955 | Walker = TouchedStack->PopFirst();
1956 | PredecessorList[Walker->nr] = NULL;
1957 | ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = -1;
1958 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = white;
1959 | }
1960 | }
1961 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Minimum ring size of " << *Root << " is " << MinimumRingSize[Root->GetTrueFather()->nr] << "." << endl;
1962 | }
1963 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Minimum ring size is " << MinRingSize << ", over " << NumCycles << " cycles total." << endl;
1964 | } else
1965 | *out << Verbose(1) << "No rings were detected in the molecular structure." << endl;
1966 |
1967 | Free((void **)&PredecessorList, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: **PredecessorList");
1968 | Free((void **)&ShortestPathList, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: **ShortestPathList");
1969 | Free((void **)&ColorList, "molecule::CyclicStructureAnalysis: **ColorList");
1970 | delete(BFSStack);
1971 | };
1972 |
1973 | /** Sets the next component number.
1974 | * This is O(N) as the number of bonds per atom is bound.
1975 | * \param *vertex atom whose next atom::*ComponentNr is to be set
1976 | * \param nr number to use
1977 | */
1978 | void molecule::SetNextComponentNumber(atom *vertex, int nr)
1979 | {
1980 | int i=0;
1981 | if (vertex != NULL) {
1982 | for(;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[vertex->nr];i++) {
1983 | if (vertex->ComponentNr[i] == -1) { // check if not yet used
1984 | vertex->ComponentNr[i] = nr;
1985 | break;
1986 | }
1987 | else if (vertex->ComponentNr[i] == nr) // if number is already present, don't add another time
1988 | break; // breaking here will not cause error!
1989 | }
1990 | if (i == NumberOfBondsPerAtom[vertex->nr])
1991 | cerr << "Error: All Component entries are already occupied!" << endl;
1992 | } else
1993 | cerr << "Error: Given vertex is NULL!" << endl;
1994 | };
1995 |
1996 | /** Output a list of flags, stating whether the bond was visited or not.
1997 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
1998 | */
1999 | void molecule::OutputComponentNumber(ofstream *out, atom *vertex)
2000 | {
2001 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[vertex->nr];i++)
2002 | *out << vertex->ComponentNr[i] << " ";
2003 | };
2004 |
2005 | /** Allocates memory for all atom::*ComponentNr in this molecule and sets each entry to -1.
2006 | */
2007 | void molecule::InitComponentNumbers()
2008 | {
2009 | atom *Walker = start;
2010 | while(Walker->next != end) {
2011 | Walker = Walker->next;
2012 | if (Walker->ComponentNr != NULL)
2013 | Free((void **)&Walker->ComponentNr, "molecule::InitComponentNumbers: **Walker->ComponentNr");
2014 | Walker->ComponentNr = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr], "molecule::InitComponentNumbers: *Walker->ComponentNr");
2015 | for (int i=NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i--;)
2016 | Walker->ComponentNr[i] = -1;
2017 | }
2018 | };
2019 |
2020 | /** Returns next unused bond for this atom \a *vertex or NULL of none exists.
2021 | * \param *vertex atom to regard
2022 | * \return bond class or NULL
2023 | */
2024 | bond * molecule::FindNextUnused(atom *vertex)
2025 | {
2026 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[vertex->nr];i++)
2027 | if (ListOfBondsPerAtom[vertex->nr][i]->IsUsed() == white)
2028 | return(ListOfBondsPerAtom[vertex->nr][i]);
2029 | return NULL;
2030 | };
2031 |
2032 | /** Resets bond::Used flag of all bonds in this molecule.
2033 | * \return true - success, false - -failure
2034 | */
2035 | void molecule::ResetAllBondsToUnused()
2036 | {
2037 | bond *Binder = first;
2038 | while (Binder->next != last) {
2039 | Binder = Binder->next;
2040 | Binder->ResetUsed();
2041 | }
2042 | };
2043 |
2044 | /** Resets atom::nr to -1 of all atoms in this molecule.
2045 | */
2046 | void molecule::ResetAllAtomNumbers()
2047 | {
2048 | atom *Walker = start;
2049 | while (Walker->next != end) {
2050 | Walker = Walker->next;
2051 | Walker->GraphNr = -1;
2052 | }
2053 | };
2054 |
2055 | /** Output a list of flags, stating whether the bond was visited or not.
2056 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2057 | * \param *list
2058 | */
2059 | void OutputAlreadyVisited(ofstream *out, int *list)
2060 | {
2061 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Already Visited Bonds:\t";
2062 | for(int i=1;i<=list[0];i++) *out << Verbose(0) << list[i] << " ";
2063 | *out << endl;
2064 | };
2065 |
2066 | /** Estimates by educated guessing (using upper limit) the expected number of fragments.
2067 | * The upper limit is
2068 | * \f[
2069 | * n = N \cdot C^k
2070 | * \f]
2071 | * where \f$C=2^c\f$ and c is the maximum bond degree over N number of atoms.
2072 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2073 | * \param order bond order k
2074 | * \return number n of fragments
2075 | */
2076 | int molecule::GuesstimateFragmentCount(ofstream *out, int order)
2077 | {
2078 | int c = 0;
2079 | int FragmentCount;
2080 | // get maximum bond degree
2081 | atom *Walker = start;
2082 | while (Walker->next != end) {
2083 | Walker = Walker->next;
2084 | c = (NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr] > c) ? NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr] : c;
2085 | }
2086 | FragmentCount = NoNonHydrogen*(1 << (c*order));
2087 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Upper limit for this subgraph is " << FragmentCount << " for " << NoNonHydrogen << " non-H atoms with maximum bond degree of " << c << "." << endl;
2088 | return FragmentCount;
2089 | };
2090 |
2091 | /** Scans a single line for number and puts them into \a KeySet.
2092 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2093 | * \param *buffer buffer to scan
2094 | * \param &CurrentSet filled KeySet on return
2095 | * \return true - at least one valid atom id parsed, false - CurrentSet is empty
2096 | */
2097 | bool molecule::ScanBufferIntoKeySet(ofstream *out, char *buffer, KeySet &CurrentSet)
2098 | {
2099 | stringstream line;
2100 | int AtomNr;
2101 | int status = 0;
2102 |
2103 | line.str(buffer);
2104 | while (!line.eof()) {
2105 | line >> AtomNr;
2106 | if ((AtomNr >= 0) && (AtomNr < AtomCount)) {
2107 | CurrentSet.insert(AtomNr); // insert at end, hence in same order as in file!
2108 | status++;
2109 | } // else it's "-1" or else and thus must not be added
2110 | }
2111 | *out << Verbose(1) << "The scanned KeySet is ";
2112 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = CurrentSet.begin(); runner != CurrentSet.end(); runner++) {
2113 | *out << (*runner) << "\t";
2114 | }
2115 | *out << endl;
2116 | return (status != 0);
2117 | };
2118 |
2119 | /** Parses the KeySet file and fills \a *FragmentList from the known molecule structure.
2120 | * Does two-pass scanning:
2121 | * -# Scans the keyset file and initialises a temporary graph
2122 | * -# Scans TEFactors file and sets the TEFactor of each key set in the temporary graph accordingly
2123 | * Finally, the temporary graph is inserted into the given \a FragmentList for return.
2124 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2125 | * \param *path path to file
2126 | * \param *FragmentList empty, filled on return
2127 | * \return true - parsing successfully, false - failure on parsing (FragmentList will be NULL)
2128 | */
2129 | bool molecule::ParseKeySetFile(ofstream *out, char *path, Graph *&FragmentList)
2130 | {
2131 | bool status = true;
2132 | ifstream InputFile;
2133 | stringstream line;
2134 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
2135 | int NumberOfFragments = 0;
2136 | double TEFactor;
2137 | char *filename = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::ParseKeySetFile - filename");
2138 |
2139 | if (FragmentList == NULL) { // check list pointer
2140 | FragmentList = new Graph;
2141 | }
2142 |
2143 | // 1st pass: open file and read
2144 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Parsing the KeySet file ... " << endl;
2145 | sprintf(filename, "%s/%s%s", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, KEYSETFILE);
2146 | InputFile.open(filename);
2147 | if (InputFile != NULL) {
2148 | // each line represents a new fragment
2149 | char *buffer = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::ParseKeySetFile - *buffer");
2150 | // 1. parse keysets and insert into temp. graph
2151 | while (!InputFile.eof()) {
2152 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
2153 | KeySet CurrentSet;
2154 | if ((strlen(buffer) > 0) && (ScanBufferIntoKeySet(out, buffer, CurrentSet))) { // if at least one valid atom was added, write config
2155 | testGraphInsert = FragmentList->insert(GraphPair (CurrentSet,pair<int,double>(NumberOfFragments++,1))); // store fragment number and current factor
2156 | if (!testGraphInsert.second) {
2157 | cerr << "KeySet file must be corrupt as there are two equal key sets therein!" << endl;
2158 | }
2159 | //FragmentList->ListOfMolecules[NumberOfFragments++] = StoreFragmentFromKeySet(out, CurrentSet, IsAngstroem);
2160 | }
2161 | }
2162 | // 2. Free and done
2163 | InputFile.close();
2164 | InputFile.clear();
2165 | Free((void **)&buffer, "molecule::ParseKeySetFile - *buffer");
2166 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
2167 | } else {
2168 | *out << Verbose(1) << "File " << filename << " not found." << endl;
2169 | status = false;
2170 | }
2171 |
2172 | // 2nd pass: open TEFactors file and read
2173 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Parsing the TEFactors file ... " << endl;
2174 | sprintf(filename, "%s/%s%s", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, TEFACTORSFILE);
2175 | InputFile.open(filename);
2176 | if (InputFile != NULL) {
2177 | // 3. add found TEFactors to each keyset
2178 | NumberOfFragments = 0;
2179 | for(Graph::iterator runner = FragmentList->begin();runner != FragmentList->end(); runner++) {
2180 | if (!InputFile.eof()) {
2181 | InputFile >> TEFactor;
2182 | (*runner).second.second = TEFactor;
2183 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Setting " << ++NumberOfFragments << " fragment's TEFactor to " << (*runner).second.second << "." << endl;
2184 | } else {
2185 | status = false;
2186 | break;
2187 | }
2188 | }
2189 | // 4. Free and done
2190 | InputFile.close();
2191 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
2192 | } else {
2193 | *out << Verbose(1) << "File " << filename << " not found." << endl;
2194 | status = false;
2195 | }
2196 |
2197 | // free memory
2198 | Free((void **)&filename, "molecule::ParseKeySetFile - filename");
2199 |
2200 | return status;
2201 | };
2202 |
2203 | /** Stores keysets and TEFactors to file.
2204 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2205 | * \param KeySetList Graph with Keysets and factors
2206 | * \param *path path to file
2207 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
2208 | */
2209 | bool molecule::StoreKeySetFile(ofstream *out, Graph &KeySetList, char *path)
2210 | {
2211 | ofstream output;
2212 | bool status = true;
2213 | string line;
2214 | string::iterator ende;
2215 |
2216 | // open KeySet file
2217 | line = path;
2218 | line.append("/");
2219 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
2220 | ende = line.end();
2221 | line += KEYSETFILE;
2222 | output.open(line.c_str(), ios::out);
2223 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Saving key sets of the total graph ... ";
2224 | if(output != NULL) {
2225 | for(Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList.begin(); runner != KeySetList.end(); runner++) {
2226 | for (KeySet::iterator sprinter = (*runner).first.begin();sprinter != (*runner).first.end(); sprinter++) {
2227 | if (sprinter != (*runner).first.begin())
2228 | output << "\t";
2229 | output << *sprinter;
2230 | }
2231 | output << endl;
2232 | }
2233 | *out << "done." << endl;
2234 | } else {
2235 | cerr << "Unable to open " << line << " for writing keysets!" << endl;
2236 | status = false;
2237 | }
2238 | output.close();
2239 | output.clear();
2240 |
2241 | // open TEFactors file
2242 | line = path;
2243 | line.append("/");
2244 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
2245 | ende = line.end();
2246 | line += TEFACTORSFILE;
2247 | output.open(line.c_str(), ios::out);
2248 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Saving TEFactors of the total graph ... ";
2249 | if(output != NULL) {
2250 | for(Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList.begin(); runner != KeySetList.end(); runner++)
2251 | output << (*runner).second.second << endl;
2252 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
2253 | } else {
2254 | *out << Verbose(1) << "failed to open " << line << "." << endl;
2255 | status = false;
2256 | }
2257 | output.close();
2258 |
2259 | return status;
2260 | };
2261 |
2262 | /** Storing the bond structure of a molecule to file.
2263 | * Simply stores Atom::nr and then the Atom::nr of all bond partners per line.
2264 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2265 | * \param *path path to file
2266 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
2267 | */
2268 | bool molecule::StoreAdjacencyToFile(ofstream *out, char *path)
2269 | {
2270 | ofstream AdjacencyFile;
2271 | atom *Walker = NULL;
2272 | stringstream line;
2273 | bool status = true;
2274 |
2275 | line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ADJACENCYFILE;
2276 | AdjacencyFile.open(line.str().c_str(), ios::out);
2277 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Saving adjacency list ... ";
2278 | if (AdjacencyFile != NULL) {
2279 | Walker = start;
2280 | while(Walker->next != end) {
2281 | Walker = Walker->next;
2282 | AdjacencyFile << Walker->nr << "\t";
2283 | for (int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++)
2284 | AdjacencyFile << ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->GetOtherAtom(Walker)->nr << "\t";
2285 | AdjacencyFile << endl;
2286 | }
2287 | AdjacencyFile.close();
2288 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
2289 | } else {
2290 | *out << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl;
2291 | status = false;
2292 | }
2293 |
2294 | return status;
2295 | };
2296 |
2297 | /** Checks contents of adjacency file against bond structure in structure molecule.
2298 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2299 | * \param *path path to file
2300 | * \param **ListOfAtoms allocated (molecule::AtomCount) and filled lookup table for ids (Atom::nr) to *Atom
2301 | * \return true - structure is equal, false - not equivalence
2302 | */
2303 | bool molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule(ofstream *out, char *path, atom **ListOfAtoms)
2304 | {
2305 | ifstream File;
2306 | stringstream filename;
2307 | bool status = true;
2308 | char *buffer = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule: *buffer");
2309 |
2310 | filename << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ADJACENCYFILE;
2311 | File.open(filename.str().c_str(), ios::out);
2312 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Looking at bond structure stored in adjacency file and comparing to present one ... ";
2313 | if (File != NULL) {
2314 | // allocate storage structure
2315 | int NonMatchNumber = 0; // will number of atoms with differing bond structure
2316 | int *CurrentBonds = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*8, "molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule - CurrentBonds"); // contains parsed bonds of current atom
2317 | int CurrentBondsOfAtom;
2318 |
2319 | // Parse the file line by line and count the bonds
2320 | while (!File.eof()) {
2321 | File.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
2322 | stringstream line;
2323 | line.str(buffer);
2324 | int AtomNr = -1;
2325 | line >> AtomNr;
2326 | CurrentBondsOfAtom = -1; // we count one too far due to line end
2327 | // parse into structure
2328 | if ((AtomNr >= 0) && (AtomNr < AtomCount)) {
2329 | while (!line.eof())
2330 | line >> CurrentBonds[ ++CurrentBondsOfAtom ];
2331 | // compare against present bonds
2332 | //cout << Verbose(2) << "Walker is " << *Walker << ", bond partners: ";
2333 | if (CurrentBondsOfAtom == NumberOfBondsPerAtom[AtomNr]) {
2334 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[AtomNr];i++) {
2335 | int id = ListOfBondsPerAtom[AtomNr][i]->GetOtherAtom(ListOfAtoms[AtomNr])->nr;
2336 | int j = 0;
2337 | for (;(j<CurrentBondsOfAtom) && (CurrentBonds[j++] != id);); // check against all parsed bonds
2338 | if (CurrentBonds[j-1] != id) { // no match ? Then mark in ListOfAtoms
2339 | ListOfAtoms[AtomNr] = NULL;
2340 | NonMatchNumber++;
2341 | status = false;
2342 | //out << "[" << id << "]\t";
2343 | } else {
2344 | //out << id << "\t";
2345 | }
2346 | }
2347 | //out << endl;
2348 | } else {
2349 | *out << "Number of bonds for Atom " << *ListOfAtoms[AtomNr] << " does not match, parsed " << CurrentBondsOfAtom << " against " << NumberOfBondsPerAtom[AtomNr] << "." << endl;
2350 | status = false;
2351 | }
2352 | }
2353 | }
2354 | File.close();
2355 | File.clear();
2356 | if (status) { // if equal we parse the KeySetFile
2357 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done: Equal." << endl;
2358 | status = true;
2359 | } else
2360 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done: Not equal by " << NonMatchNumber << " atoms." << endl;
2361 | Free((void **)&CurrentBonds, "molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule - **CurrentBonds");
2362 | } else {
2363 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Adjacency file not found." << endl;
2364 | status = false;
2365 | }
2366 | *out << endl;
2367 | Free((void **)&buffer, "molecule::CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule: *buffer");
2368 |
2369 | return status;
2370 | };
2371 |
2372 | /** Checks whether the OrderAtSite is still bewloe \a Order at some site.
2373 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2374 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
2375 | * \param *GlobalKeySetList list of keysets with global ids (valid in "this" molecule) needed for adaptive increase
2376 | * \param Order desired Order if positive, desired exponent in threshold criteria if negative (0 is single-step)
2377 | * \param *path path to ENERGYPERFRAGMENT file (may be NULL if Order is non-negative)
2378 | * \return true - needs further fragmentation, false - does not need fragmentation
2379 | */
2380 | bool molecule::CheckOrderAtSite(ofstream *out, bool *AtomMask, Graph *GlobalKeySetList, int Order, char *path)
2381 | {
2382 | atom *Walker = start;
2383 | bool status = false;
2384 | ifstream InputFile;
2385 |
2386 | // initialize mask list
2387 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
2388 | AtomMask[i] = false;
2389 |
2390 | if (Order < 0) { // adaptive increase of BondOrder per site
2391 | if (AtomMask[AtomCount] == true) // break after one step
2392 | return false;
2393 | // parse the EnergyPerFragment file
2394 | char *buffer = (char *) Malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXSTRINGSIZE, "molecule::CheckOrderAtSite: *buffer");
2395 | sprintf(buffer, "%s/%s%s.dat", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, ENERGYPERFRAGMENT);
2396 | InputFile.open(buffer, ios::in);
2397 | if ((InputFile != NULL) && (GlobalKeySetList != NULL)) {
2398 | // transmorph graph keyset list into indexed KeySetList
2399 | map<int,KeySet> IndexKeySetList;
2400 | for(Graph::iterator runner = GlobalKeySetList->begin(); runner != GlobalKeySetList->end(); runner++) {
2401 | IndexKeySetList.insert( pair<int,KeySet>(runner->second.first,runner->first) );
2402 | }
2403 | int lines = 0;
2404 | // count the number of lines, i.e. the number of fragments
2405 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); // skip comment lines
2406 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
2407 | while(!InputFile.eof()) {
2408 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
2409 | lines++;
2410 | }
2411 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Scanned " << lines-1 << " lines." << endl; // one endline too much
2412 | InputFile.clear();
2413 | InputFile.seekg(ios::beg);
2414 | map<int, pair<double,int> > AdaptiveCriteriaList; // (Root No., (Value, Order)) !
2415 | int No, FragOrder;
2416 | double Value;
2417 | // each line represents a fragment root (Atom::nr) id and its energy contribution
2418 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); // skip comment lines
2419 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
2420 | while(!InputFile.eof()) {
2421 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
2422 | if (strlen(buffer) > 2) {
2423 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "Scanning: " << buffer;
2424 | stringstream line(buffer);
2425 | line >> FragOrder;
2426 | line >> ws >> No;
2427 | line >> ws >> Value; // skip time entry
2428 | line >> ws >> Value;
2429 | No -= 1; // indices start at 1 in file, not 0
2430 | //*out << Verbose(2) << " - yields (" << No << "," << Value << ")" << endl;
2431 |
2432 | // clean the list of those entries that have been superceded by higher order terms already
2433 | map<int,KeySet>::iterator marker = IndexKeySetList.find(No); // find keyset to Frag No.
2434 | if (marker != IndexKeySetList.end()) { // if found
2435 | // as the smallest number in each set has always been the root (we use global id to keep the doubles away), seek smallest and insert into AtomMask
2436 | pair <map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator, bool> InsertedElement = AdaptiveCriteriaList.insert( make_pair(*((*marker).second.begin()), pair<double,int>( Value, Order) ));
2437 | map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator PresentItem = InsertedElement.first;
2438 | if (!InsertedElement.second) { // this root is already present
2439 | if ((*PresentItem).second.second < FragOrder) // if order there is lower, update entry with higher-order term
2440 | //if ((*PresentItem).second.first < (*runner).first) // as higher-order terms are not always better, we skip this part (which would always include this site into adaptive increase)
2441 | { // if value is smaller, update value and order
2442 | (*PresentItem).second.first = Value;
2443 | (*PresentItem).second.second = FragOrder;
2444 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Updated element (" << (*PresentItem).first << ",[" << (*PresentItem).second.first << "," << (*PresentItem).second.second << "])." << endl;
2445 | }
2446 | } else {
2447 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Inserted element (" << (*PresentItem).first << ",[" << (*PresentItem).second.first << "," << (*PresentItem).second.second << "])." << endl;
2448 | }
2449 | } else {
2450 | *out << Verbose(1) << "No Fragment under No. " << No << "found." << endl;
2451 | }
2452 | }
2453 | }
2454 | // then map back onto (Value, (Root Nr., Order)) (i.e. sorted by value to pick the highest ones)
2455 | map<double, pair<int,int> > FinalRootCandidates;
2456 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Root candidate list is: " << endl;
2457 | for(map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator runner = AdaptiveCriteriaList.begin(); runner != AdaptiveCriteriaList.end(); runner++) {
2458 | Walker = FindAtom((*runner).first);
2459 | if (Walker != NULL) {
2460 | if ((*runner).second.second >= Walker->AdaptiveOrder) { // only insert if this is an "active" root site for the current order
2461 | *out << Verbose(2) << "(" << (*runner).first << ",[" << (*runner).second.first << "," << (*runner).second.second << "])" << endl;
2462 | FinalRootCandidates.insert( make_pair( (*runner).second.first, pair<int,int>((*runner).first, (*runner).second.second) ) );
2463 | }
2464 | } else {
2465 | cerr << "Atom No. " << (*runner).second.first << " was not found in this molecule." << endl;
2466 | }
2467 | }
2468 | // pick the ones still below threshold and mark as to be adaptively updated
2469 | for(map<double, pair<int,int> >::iterator runner = FinalRootCandidates.upper_bound(pow(10.,Order)); runner != FinalRootCandidates.end(); runner++) {
2470 | No = (*runner).second.first;
2471 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Root " << No << " is still above threshold (10^{" << Order <<"}: " << runner->first << ", setting entry " << No << " of Atom mask to true." << endl;
2472 | AtomMask[No] = true;
2473 | status = true;
2474 | }
2475 | // close and done
2476 | InputFile.close();
2477 | InputFile.clear();
2478 | } else {
2479 | cerr << "Unable to parse " << buffer << " file, incrementing all." << endl;
2480 | while (Walker->next != end) {
2481 | Walker = Walker->next;
2482 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
2483 | if (Walker->type->Z != 1) // skip hydrogen
2484 | #endif
2485 | {
2486 | AtomMask[Walker->nr] = true; // include all (non-hydrogen) atoms
2487 | status = true;
2488 | }
2489 | }
2490 | }
2491 | Free((void **)&buffer, "molecule::CheckOrderAtSite: *buffer");
2492 | // pick a given number of highest values and set AtomMask
2493 | } else { // global increase of Bond Order
2494 | while (Walker->next != end) {
2495 | Walker = Walker->next;
2496 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
2497 | if (Walker->type->Z != 1) // skip hydrogen
2498 | #endif
2499 | {
2500 | AtomMask[Walker->nr] = true; // include all (non-hydrogen) atoms
2501 | if ((Order != 0) && (Walker->AdaptiveOrder < Order))
2502 | status = true;
2503 | }
2504 | }
2505 | if ((Order == 0) && (AtomMask[AtomCount] == true)) // single stepping, just check
2506 | status = false;
2507 |
2508 | if (!status)
2509 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Order at every site is already equal or above desired order " << Order << "." << endl;
2510 | }
2511 |
2512 | // print atom mask for debugging
2513 | *out << " ";
2514 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
2515 | *out << (i % 10);
2516 | *out << endl << "Atom mask is: ";
2517 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
2518 | *out << (AtomMask[i] ? "t" : "f");
2519 | *out << endl;
2520 |
2521 | return status;
2522 | };
2523 |
2524 | /** Create a SortIndex to map from BFS labels to the sequence in which the atoms are given in the config file.
2525 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2526 | * \param *&SortIndex Mapping array of size molecule::AtomCount
2527 | * \return true - success, false - failure of SortIndex alloc
2528 | */
2529 | bool molecule::CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(ofstream *out, int *&SortIndex)
2530 | {
2531 | element *runner = elemente->start;
2532 | int AtomNo = 0;
2533 | atom *Walker = NULL;
2534 |
2535 | if (SortIndex != NULL) {
2536 | *out << Verbose(1) << "SortIndex is " << SortIndex << " and not NULL as expected." << endl;
2537 | return false;
2538 | }
2539 | SortIndex = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::FragmentMolecule: *SortIndex");
2540 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
2541 | SortIndex[i] = -1;
2542 | while (runner->next != elemente->end) { // go through every element
2543 | runner = runner->next;
2544 | if (ElementsInMolecule[runner->Z]) { // if this element got atoms
2545 | Walker = start;
2546 | while (Walker->next != end) { // go through every atom of this element
2547 | Walker = Walker->next;
2548 | if (Walker->type->Z == runner->Z) // if this atom fits to element
2549 | SortIndex[Walker->nr] = AtomNo++;
2550 | }
2551 | }
2552 | }
2553 | return true;
2554 | };
2555 |
2556 | /** Performs a many-body bond order analysis for a given bond order.
2557 | * -# parses adjacency, keysets and orderatsite files
2558 | * -# performs DFS to find connected subgraphs (to leave this in was a design decision: might be useful later)
2559 | * -# RootStack is created for every subgraph (here, later we implement the "update 10 sites with highest energ
2560 | y contribution", and that's why this consciously not done in the following loop)
2561 | * -# in a loop over all subgraphs
2562 | * -# calls FragmentBOSSANOVA with this RootStack and within the subgraph molecule structure
2563 | * -# creates molecule (fragment)s from the returned keysets (StoreFragmentFromKeySet)
2564 | * -# combines the generated molecule lists from all subgraphs
2565 | * -# saves to disk: fragment configs, adjacency, orderatsite, keyset files
2566 | * Note that as we split "this" molecule up into a list of subgraphs, i.e. a MoleculeListClass, we have two sets
2567 | * of vertex indices: Global always means the index in "this" molecule, whereas local refers to the molecule or
2568 | * subgraph in the MoleculeListClass.
2569 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2570 | * \param Order up to how many neighbouring bonds a fragment contains in BondOrderScheme::BottumUp scheme
2571 | * \param *configuration configuration for writing config files for each fragment
2572 | */
2573 | void molecule::FragmentMolecule(ofstream *out, int Order, config *configuration)
2574 | {
2575 | MoleculeListClass *BondFragments = NULL;
2576 | int *SortIndex = NULL;
2577 | int *MinimumRingSize = NULL;
2578 | int FragmentCounter;
2579 | MoleculeLeafClass *MolecularWalker = NULL;
2580 | MoleculeLeafClass *Subgraphs = NULL; // list of subgraphs from DFS analysis
2581 | fstream File;
2582 | bool FragmentationToDo = true;
2583 | Graph **FragmentList = NULL;
2584 | Graph *ParsedFragmentList = NULL;
2585 | Graph TotalGraph; // graph with all keysets however local numbers
2586 | int TotalNumberOfKeySets = 0;
2587 | atom **ListOfAtoms = NULL;
2588 | atom ***ListOfLocalAtoms = NULL;
2589 | bool *AtomMask = NULL;
2590 |
2591 | *out << endl;
2592 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
2593 | *out << Verbose(0) << "I will treat hydrogen special and saturate dangling bonds with it." << endl;
2594 | #else
2595 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Hydrogen is treated just like the rest of the lot." << endl;
2596 | #endif
2597 |
2598 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INITIAL STUFF: Bond structure analysis, file parsing, ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2599 |
2600 | // ===== 1. Check whether bond structure is same as stored in files ====
2601 |
2602 | // fill the adjacency list
2603 | CreateListOfBondsPerAtom(out);
2604 |
2605 | // create lookup table for Atom::nr
2606 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && CreateFatherLookupTable(out, start, end, ListOfAtoms, AtomCount);
2607 |
2608 | // === compare it with adjacency file ===
2609 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule(out, configuration->configpath, ListOfAtoms);
2610 | Free((void **)&ListOfAtoms, "molecule::FragmentMolecule - **ListOfAtoms");
2611 |
2612 | // ===== 2. perform a DFS analysis to gather info on cyclic structure and a list of disconnected subgraphs =====
2613 | Subgraphs = DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(out, MinimumRingSize);
2614 | // fill the bond structure of the individually stored subgraphs
2615 | Subgraphs->next->FillBondStructureFromReference(out, this, (FragmentCounter = 0), ListOfLocalAtoms, false); // we want to keep the created ListOfLocalAtoms
2616 |
2617 | // ===== 3. if structure still valid, parse key set file and others =====
2618 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && ParseKeySetFile(out, configuration->configpath, ParsedFragmentList);
2619 |
2620 | // ===== 4. check globally whether there's something to do actually (first adaptivity check)
2621 | FragmentationToDo = FragmentationToDo && ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(out, configuration->configpath);
2622 |
2623 | // =================================== Begin of FRAGMENTATION ===============================
2624 | // ===== 6a. assign each keyset to its respective subgraph =====
2625 | Subgraphs->next->AssignKeySetsToFragment(out, this, ParsedFragmentList, ListOfLocalAtoms, FragmentList, (FragmentCounter = 0), false);
2626 |
2627 | KeyStack *RootStack = new KeyStack[Subgraphs->next->Count()];
2628 | AtomMask = new bool[AtomCount+1];
2629 | while (CheckOrderAtSite(out, AtomMask, ParsedFragmentList, Order, configuration->configpath)) {
2630 | AtomMask[AtomCount] = true; // last plus one entry is used as marker that we have been through this loop once already in CheckOrderAtSite()
2631 | // ===== 6b. fill RootStack for each subgraph (second adaptivity check) =====
2632 | Subgraphs->next->FillRootStackForSubgraphs(out, RootStack, AtomMask, (FragmentCounter = 0));
2633 |
2634 | // ===== 7. fill the bond fragment list =====
2635 | FragmentCounter = 0;
2636 | MolecularWalker = Subgraphs;
2637 | while (MolecularWalker->next != NULL) {
2638 | MolecularWalker = MolecularWalker->next;
2639 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Fragmenting subgraph " << MolecularWalker << "." << endl;
2640 | // output ListOfBondsPerAtom for debugging
2641 | MolecularWalker->Leaf->OutputListOfBonds(out);
2642 | if (MolecularWalker->Leaf->first->next != MolecularWalker->Leaf->last) {
2643 |
2644 | // call BOSSANOVA method
2645 | *out << Verbose(0) << endl << " ========== BOND ENERGY of subgraph " << FragmentCounter << " ========================= " << endl;
2646 | MolecularWalker->Leaf->FragmentBOSSANOVA(out, FragmentList[FragmentCounter], RootStack[FragmentCounter], MinimumRingSize);
2647 | } else {
2648 | cerr << "Subgraph " << MolecularWalker << " has no atoms!" << endl;
2649 | }
2650 | FragmentCounter++; // next fragment list
2651 | }
2652 | }
2653 | delete[](RootStack);
2654 | delete[](AtomMask);
2655 | delete(ParsedFragmentList);
2656 | delete[](MinimumRingSize);
2657 |
2658 | // free the index lookup list
2659 | for (int i=FragmentCounter;i--;)
2660 | Free((void **)&ListOfLocalAtoms[i], "molecule::FragmentMolecule - *ListOfLocalAtoms[]");
2661 | Free((void **)&ListOfLocalAtoms, "molecule::FragmentMolecule - **ListOfLocalAtoms");
2662 |
2663 | // ==================================== End of FRAGMENTATION ============================================
2664 |
2665 | // ===== 8a. translate list into global numbers (i.e. ones that are valid in "this" molecule, not in MolecularWalker->Leaf)
2666 | Subgraphs->next->TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs(out, FragmentList, (FragmentCounter = 0), TotalNumberOfKeySets, TotalGraph);
2667 |
2668 | // free subgraph memory again
2669 | FragmentCounter = 0;
2670 | if (Subgraphs != NULL) {
2671 | while (Subgraphs->next != NULL) {
2672 | Subgraphs = Subgraphs->next;
2673 | delete(FragmentList[FragmentCounter++]);
2674 | delete(Subgraphs->previous);
2675 | }
2676 | delete(Subgraphs);
2677 | }
2678 | Free((void **)&FragmentList, "molecule::FragmentMolecule - **FragmentList");
2679 |
2680 | // ===== 8b. gather keyset lists (graphs) from all subgraphs and transform into MoleculeListClass =====
2681 | // allocate memory for the pointer array and transmorph graphs into full molecular fragments
2682 | BondFragments = new MoleculeListClass(TotalGraph.size(), AtomCount);
2683 | int k=0;
2684 | for(Graph::iterator runner = TotalGraph.begin(); runner != TotalGraph.end(); runner++) {
2685 | KeySet test = (*runner).first;
2686 | *out << "Fragment No." << (*runner).second.first << " with TEFactor " << (*runner).second.second << "." << endl;
2687 | BondFragments->ListOfMolecules[k] = StoreFragmentFromKeySet(out, test, configuration);
2688 | k++;
2689 | }
2690 | *out << k << "/" << BondFragments->NumberOfMolecules << " fragments generated from the keysets." << endl;
2691 |
2692 | // ===== 9. Save fragments' configuration and keyset files et al to disk ===
2693 | if (BondFragments->NumberOfMolecules != 0) {
2694 | // create the SortIndex from BFS labels to order in the config file
2695 | CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(out, SortIndex);
2696 |
2697 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Writing " << BondFragments->NumberOfMolecules << " possible bond fragmentation configs" << endl;
2698 | if (BondFragments->OutputConfigForListOfFragments(out, configuration, SortIndex))
2699 | *out << Verbose(1) << "All configs written." << endl;
2700 | else
2701 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Some config writing failed." << endl;
2702 |
2703 | // store force index reference file
2704 | BondFragments->StoreForcesFile(out, configuration->configpath, SortIndex);
2705 |
2706 | // store keysets file
2707 | StoreKeySetFile(out, TotalGraph, configuration->configpath);
2708 |
2709 | // store Adjacency file
2710 | StoreAdjacencyToFile(out, configuration->configpath);
2711 |
2712 | // store adaptive orders into file
2713 | StoreOrderAtSiteFile(out, configuration->configpath);
2714 |
2715 | // restore orbital and Stop values
2716 | CalculateOrbitals(*configuration);
2717 |
2718 | // free memory for bond part
2719 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Freeing bond memory" << endl;
2720 | delete(FragmentList); // remove bond molecule from memory
2721 | Free((void **)&SortIndex, "molecule::FragmentMolecule: *SortIndex");
2722 | } else
2723 | *out << Verbose(1) << "FragmentList is zero on return, splitting failed." << endl;
2724 |
2725 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of bond fragmentation." << endl;
2726 | };
2727 |
2728 | /** Stores pairs (Atom::nr, Atom::AdaptiveOrder) into file.
2729 | * Atoms not present in the file get "-1".
2730 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2731 | * \param *path path to file ORDERATSITEFILE
2732 | * \return true - file writable, false - not writable
2733 | */
2734 | bool molecule::StoreOrderAtSiteFile(ofstream *out, char *path)
2735 | {
2736 | stringstream line;
2737 | ofstream file;
2738 |
2739 | line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ORDERATSITEFILE;
2740 | file.open(line.str().c_str());
2741 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Writing OrderAtSite " << ORDERATSITEFILE << " ... " << endl;
2742 | if (file != NULL) {
2743 | atom *Walker = start;
2744 | while (Walker->next != end) {
2745 | Walker = Walker->next;
2746 | file << Walker->nr << "\t" << (int)Walker->AdaptiveOrder << endl;
2747 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Storing: " << Walker->nr << "\t" << (int)Walker->AdaptiveOrder << "." << endl;
2748 | }
2749 | file.close();
2750 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
2751 | return true;
2752 | } else {
2753 | *out << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl;
2754 | return false;
2755 | }
2756 | };
2757 |
2758 | /** Parses pairs(Atom::nr, Atom::AdaptiveOrder) from file and stores in molecule's Atom's.
2759 | * Atoms not present in the file get "0".
2760 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2761 | * \param *path path to file ORDERATSITEFILEe
2762 | * \return true - file found and scanned, false - file not found
2763 | * \sa ParseKeySetFile() and CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule() as this is meant to be used in conjunction with the two
2764 | */
2765 | bool molecule::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(ofstream *out, char *path)
2766 | {
2767 | unsigned char *OrderArray = (unsigned char *) Malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*AtomCount, "molecule::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile - *OrderArray");
2768 | bool status;
2769 | int AtomNr;
2770 | stringstream line;
2771 | ifstream file;
2772 | int Order;
2773 |
2774 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile" << endl;
2775 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
2776 | OrderArray[i] = 0;
2777 | line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << ORDERATSITEFILE;
2778 | file.open(line.str().c_str());
2779 | if (file != NULL) {
2780 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) // initialise with 0
2781 | OrderArray[i] = 0;
2782 | while (!file.eof()) { // parse from file
2783 | file >> AtomNr;
2784 | file >> Order;
2785 | OrderArray[AtomNr] = (unsigned char) Order;
2786 | //*out << Verbose(2) << "AtomNr " << AtomNr << " with order " << (int)OrderArray[AtomNr] << "." << endl;
2787 | }
2788 | atom *Walker = start;
2789 | while (Walker->next != end) { // fill into atom classes
2790 | Walker = Walker->next;
2791 | Walker->AdaptiveOrder = OrderArray[Walker->nr];
2792 | *out << Verbose(2) << *Walker << " gets order " << (int)Walker->AdaptiveOrder << "." << endl;
2793 | }
2794 | file.close();
2795 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
2796 | status = true;
2797 | } else {
2798 | *out << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl;
2799 | status = false;
2800 | }
2801 | Free((void **)&OrderArray, "molecule::ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile - *OrderArray");
2802 |
2803 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile" << endl;
2804 | return status;
2805 | };
2806 |
2807 | /** Creates an 2d array of pointer with an entry for each atom and each bond it has.
2808 | * Updates molecule::ListOfBondsPerAtom, molecule::NumberOfBondsPerAtom by parsing through
2809 | * bond chain list, using molecule::AtomCount and molecule::BondCount.
2810 | * Allocates memory, fills the array and exits
2811 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2812 | */
2813 | void molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom(ofstream *out)
2814 | {
2815 | bond *Binder = NULL;
2816 | atom *Walker = NULL;
2817 | int TotalDegree;
2818 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of Creating ListOfBondsPerAtom: AtomCount = " << AtomCount << "\tBondCount = " << BondCount << "\tNoNonBonds = " << NoNonBonds << "." << endl;
2819 |
2820 | // re-allocate memory
2821 | *out << Verbose(2) << "(Re-)Allocating memory." << endl;
2822 | if (ListOfBondsPerAtom != NULL) {
2823 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
2824 | Free((void **)&ListOfBondsPerAtom[i], "molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom: ListOfBondsPerAtom[i]");
2825 | Free((void **)&ListOfBondsPerAtom, "molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom: ListOfBondsPerAtom");
2826 | }
2827 | if (NumberOfBondsPerAtom != NULL)
2828 | Free((void **)&NumberOfBondsPerAtom, "molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom: NumberOfBondsPerAtom");
2829 | ListOfBondsPerAtom = (bond ***) Malloc(sizeof(bond **)*AtomCount, "molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom: ***ListOfBondsPerAtom");
2830 | NumberOfBondsPerAtom = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom: *NumberOfBondsPerAtom");
2831 |
2832 | // reset bond counts per atom
2833 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
2834 | NumberOfBondsPerAtom[i] = 0;
2835 | // count bonds per atom
2836 | Binder = first;
2837 | while (Binder->next != last) {
2838 | Binder = Binder->next;
2839 | NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Binder->leftatom->nr]++;
2840 | NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Binder->rightatom->nr]++;
2841 | }
2842 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;) {
2843 | // allocate list of bonds per atom
2844 | ListOfBondsPerAtom[i] = (bond **) Malloc(sizeof(bond *)*NumberOfBondsPerAtom[i], "molecule::CreateListOfBondsPerAtom: **ListOfBondsPerAtom[]");
2845 | // clear the list again, now each NumberOfBondsPerAtom marks current free field
2846 | NumberOfBondsPerAtom[i] = 0;
2847 | }
2848 | // fill the list
2849 | Binder = first;
2850 | while (Binder->next != last) {
2851 | Binder = Binder->next;
2852 | ListOfBondsPerAtom[Binder->leftatom->nr][NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Binder->leftatom->nr]++] = Binder;
2853 | ListOfBondsPerAtom[Binder->rightatom->nr][NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Binder->rightatom->nr]++] = Binder;
2854 | }
2855 |
2856 | // output list for debugging
2857 | *out << Verbose(3) << "ListOfBondsPerAtom for each atom:" << endl;
2858 | Walker = start;
2859 | while (Walker->next != end) {
2860 | Walker = Walker->next;
2861 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Atom " << Walker->Name << " with " << NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr] << " bonds: ";
2862 | TotalDegree = 0;
2863 | for (int j=0;j<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];j++) {
2864 | *out << *ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][j] << "\t";
2865 | TotalDegree += ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][j]->BondDegree;
2866 | }
2867 | *out << " -- TotalDegree: " << TotalDegree << endl;
2868 | }
2869 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of Creating ListOfBondsPerAtom." << endl << endl;
2870 | };
2871 |
2872 | /** Adds atoms up to \a BondCount distance from \a *Root and notes them down in \a **AddedAtomList.
2873 | * Gray vertices are always enqueued in an StackClass<atom *> FIFO queue, the rest is usual BFS with adding vertices found was
2874 | * white and putting into queue.
2875 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
2876 | * \param *Mol Molecule class to add atoms to
2877 | * \param **AddedAtomList list with added atom pointers, index is atom father's number
2878 | * \param **AddedBondList list with added bond pointers, index is bond father's number
2879 | * \param *Root root vertex for BFS
2880 | * \param *Bond bond not to look beyond
2881 | * \param BondOrder maximum distance for vertices to add
2882 | * \param IsAngstroem lengths are in angstroem or bohrradii
2883 | */
2884 | void molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd(ofstream *out, molecule *Mol, atom **&AddedAtomList, bond **&AddedBondList, atom *Root, bond *Bond, int BondOrder, bool IsAngstroem)
2885 | {
2886 | atom **PredecessorList = (atom **) Malloc(sizeof(atom *)*AtomCount, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: **PredecessorList");
2887 | int *ShortestPathList = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: *ShortestPathList");
2888 | enum Shading *ColorList = (enum Shading *) Malloc(sizeof(enum Shading)*AtomCount, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: *ColorList");
2889 | class StackClass<atom *> *AtomStack = new StackClass<atom *>(AtomCount);
2890 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL;
2891 | bond *Binder = NULL;
2892 |
2893 | // add Root if not done yet
2894 | AtomStack->ClearStack();
2895 | if (AddedAtomList[Root->nr] == NULL) // add Root if not yet present
2896 | AddedAtomList[Root->nr] = Mol->AddCopyAtom(Root);
2897 | AtomStack->Push(Root);
2898 |
2899 | // initialise each vertex as white with no predecessor, empty queue, color Root lightgray
2900 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) {
2901 | PredecessorList[i] = NULL;
2902 | ShortestPathList[i] = -1;
2903 | if (AddedAtomList[i] != NULL) // mark already present atoms (i.e. Root and maybe others) as visited
2904 | ColorList[i] = lightgray;
2905 | else
2906 | ColorList[i] = white;
2907 | }
2908 | ShortestPathList[Root->nr] = 0;
2909 |
2910 | // and go on ... Queue always contains all lightgray vertices
2911 | while (!AtomStack->IsEmpty()) {
2912 | // we have to pop the oldest atom from stack. This keeps the atoms on the stack always of the same ShortestPath distance.
2913 | // e.g. if current atom is 2, push to end of stack are of length 3, but first all of length 2 would be popped. They again
2914 | // append length of 3 (their neighbours). Thus on stack we have always atoms of a certain length n at bottom of stack and
2915 | // followed by n+1 till top of stack.
2916 | Walker = AtomStack->PopFirst(); // pop oldest added
2917 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Current Walker is: " << Walker->Name << ", and has " << NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr] << " bonds." << endl;
2918 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) {
2919 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i];
2920 | if (Binder != NULL) { // don't look at bond equal NULL
2921 | OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
2922 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Current OtherAtom is: " << OtherAtom->Name << " for bond " << *Binder << "." << endl;
2923 | if (ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) {
2924 | if (Binder != Bond) // let other atom white if it's via Root bond. In case it's cyclic it has to be reached again (yet Root is from OtherAtom already black, thus no problem)
2925 | ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray;
2926 | PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker; // Walker is the predecessor
2927 | ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] = ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1;
2928 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name << " " << ((ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) ? "white" : "lightgray") << ", its predecessor is " << Walker->Name << " and its Shortest Path is " << ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] << " egde(s) long." << endl;
2929 | if ((((ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] < BondOrder) && (Binder != Bond))) ) { // Check for maximum distance
2930 | *out << Verbose(3);
2931 | if (AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] == NULL) { // add if it's not been so far
2932 | AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] = Mol->AddCopyAtom(OtherAtom);
2933 | *out << "Added OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name;
2934 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr] = Mol->AddBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], Binder->BondDegree);
2935 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Cyclic = Binder->Cyclic;
2936 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Type = Binder->Type;
2937 | *out << " and bond " << *(AddedBondList[Binder->nr]) << ", ";
2938 | } else { // this code should actually never come into play (all white atoms are not yet present in BondMolecule, that's why they are white in the first place)
2939 | *out << "Not adding OtherAtom " << OtherAtom->Name;
2940 | if (AddedBondList[Binder->nr] == NULL) {
2941 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr] = Mol->AddBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], Binder->BondDegree);
2942 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Cyclic = Binder->Cyclic;
2943 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Type = Binder->Type;
2944 | *out << ", added Bond " << *(AddedBondList[Binder->nr]);
2945 | } else
2946 | *out << ", not added Bond ";
2947 | }
2948 | *out << ", putting OtherAtom into queue." << endl;
2949 | AtomStack->Push(OtherAtom);
2950 | } else { // out of bond order, then replace
2951 | if ((AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] == NULL) && (Binder->Cyclic))
2952 | ColorList[OtherAtom->nr] = white; // unmark if it has not been queued/added, to make it available via its other bonds (cyclic)
2953 | if (Binder == Bond)
2954 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Queueing, is the Root bond";
2955 | else if (ShortestPathList[OtherAtom->nr] >= BondOrder)
2956 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Queueing, is out of Bond Count of " << BondOrder;
2957 | if (!Binder->Cyclic)
2958 | *out << ", is not part of a cyclic bond, saturating bond with Hydrogen." << endl;
2959 | if (AddedBondList[Binder->nr] == NULL) {
2960 | if ((AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr] != NULL)) { // .. whether we add or saturate
2961 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr] = Mol->AddBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], Binder->BondDegree);
2962 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Cyclic = Binder->Cyclic;
2963 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Type = Binder->Type;
2964 | } else {
2965 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
2966 | Mol->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(out, Binder, AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], Walker, OtherAtom, ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr], NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr], IsAngstroem);
2967 | #endif
2968 | }
2969 | }
2970 | }
2971 | } else {
2972 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Not Adding, has already been visited." << endl;
2973 | // This has to be a cyclic bond, check whether it's present ...
2974 | if (AddedBondList[Binder->nr] == NULL) {
2975 | if ((Binder != Bond) && (Binder->Cyclic) && (((ShortestPathList[Walker->nr]+1) < BondOrder))) {
2976 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr] = Mol->AddBond(AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], AddedAtomList[OtherAtom->nr], Binder->BondDegree);
2977 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Cyclic = Binder->Cyclic;
2978 | AddedBondList[Binder->nr]->Type = Binder->Type;
2979 | } else { // if it's root bond it has to broken (otherwise we would not create the fragments)
2980 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
2981 | Mol->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(out, Binder, AddedAtomList[Walker->nr], Walker, OtherAtom, ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr], NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr], IsAngstroem);
2982 | #endif
2983 | }
2984 | }
2985 | }
2986 | }
2987 | }
2988 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = black;
2989 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Coloring Walker " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl;
2990 | }
2991 | Free((void **)&PredecessorList, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: **PredecessorList");
2992 | Free((void **)&ShortestPathList, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: **ShortestPathList");
2993 | Free((void **)&ColorList, "molecule::BreadthFirstSearchAdd: **ColorList");
2994 | delete(AtomStack);
2995 | };
2996 |
2997 | /** Adds bond structure to this molecule from \a Father molecule.
2998 | * This basically causes this molecule to become an induced subgraph of the \a Father, i.e. for every bond in Father
2999 | * with end points present in this molecule, bond is created in this molecule.
3000 | * Special care was taken to ensure that this is of complexity O(N), where N is the \a Father's molecule::AtomCount.
3001 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3002 | * \param *Father father molecule
3003 | * \return true - is induced subgraph, false - there are atoms with fathers not in \a Father
3004 | * \todo not checked, not fully working probably
3005 | */
3006 | bool molecule::BuildInducedSubgraph(ofstream *out, const molecule *Father)
3007 | {
3008 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL;
3009 | bool status = true;
3010 | atom **ParentList = (atom **) Malloc(sizeof(atom *)*Father->AtomCount, "molecule::BuildInducedSubgraph: **ParentList");
3011 |
3012 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Begin of BuildInducedSubgraph." << endl;
3013 |
3014 | // reset parent list
3015 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Resetting ParentList." << endl;
3016 | for (int i=Father->AtomCount;i--;)
3017 | ParentList[i] = NULL;
3018 |
3019 | // fill parent list with sons
3020 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Filling Parent List." << endl;
3021 | Walker = start;
3022 | while (Walker->next != end) {
3023 | Walker = Walker->next;
3024 | ParentList[Walker->father->nr] = Walker;
3025 | // Outputting List for debugging
3026 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Son["<< Walker->father->nr <<"] of " << Walker->father << " is " << ParentList[Walker->father->nr] << "." << endl;
3027 | }
3028 |
3029 | // check each entry of parent list and if ok (one-to-and-onto matching) create bonds
3030 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Creating bonds." << endl;
3031 | Walker = Father->start;
3032 | while (Walker->next != Father->end) {
3033 | Walker = Walker->next;
3034 | if (ParentList[Walker->nr] != NULL) {
3035 | if (ParentList[Walker->nr]->father != Walker) {
3036 | status = false;
3037 | } else {
3038 | for (int i=0;i<Father->NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) {
3039 | OtherAtom = Father->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
3040 | if (ParentList[OtherAtom->nr] != NULL) { // if otheratom is also a father of an atom on this molecule, create the bond
3041 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Endpoints of Bond " << Father->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i] << " are both present: " << ParentList[Walker->nr]->Name << " and " << ParentList[OtherAtom->nr]->Name << "." << endl;
3042 | AddBond(ParentList[Walker->nr], ParentList[OtherAtom->nr], Father->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->BondDegree);
3043 | }
3044 | }
3045 | }
3046 | }
3047 | }
3048 |
3049 | Free((void **)&ParentList, "molecule::BuildInducedSubgraph: **ParentList");
3050 | *out << Verbose(2) << "End of BuildInducedSubgraph." << endl;
3051 | return status;
3052 | };
3053 |
3054 |
3055 | /** Looks through a StackClass<atom *> and returns the likeliest removal candiate.
3056 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
3057 | * \param *&Leaf KeySet to look through
3058 | * \param *&ShortestPathList list of the shortest path to decide which atom to suggest as removal candidate in the end
3059 | * \param index of the atom suggested for removal
3060 | */
3061 | int molecule::LookForRemovalCandidate(ofstream *&out, KeySet *&Leaf, int *&ShortestPathList)
3062 | {
3063 | atom *Runner = NULL;
3064 | int SP, Removal;
3065 |
3066 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Looking for removal candidate." << endl;
3067 | SP = -1; //0; // not -1, so that Root is never removed
3068 | Removal = -1;
3069 | for (KeySet::iterator runner = Leaf->begin(); runner != Leaf->end(); runner++) {
3070 | Runner = FindAtom((*runner));
3071 | if (Runner->type->Z != 1) { // skip all those added hydrogens when re-filling snake stack
3072 | if (ShortestPathList[(*runner)] > SP) { // remove the oldest one with longest shortest path
3073 | SP = ShortestPathList[(*runner)];
3074 | Removal = (*runner);
3075 | }
3076 | }
3077 | }
3078 | return Removal;
3079 | };
3080 |
3081 | /** Stores a fragment from \a KeySet into \a molecule.
3082 | * First creates the minimal set of atoms from the KeySet, then creates the bond structure from the complete
3083 | * molecule and adds missing hydrogen where bonds were cut.
3084 | * \param *out output stream for debugging messages
3085 | * \param &Leaflet pointer to KeySet structure
3086 | * \param IsAngstroem whether we have Ansgtroem or bohrradius
3087 | * \return pointer to constructed molecule
3088 | */
3089 | molecule * molecule::StoreFragmentFromKeySet(ofstream *out, KeySet &Leaflet, bool IsAngstroem)
3090 | {
3091 | atom *Runner = NULL, *FatherOfRunner = NULL, *OtherFather = NULL;
3092 | atom **SonList = (atom **) Malloc(sizeof(atom *)*AtomCount, "molecule::StoreFragmentFromStack: **SonList");
3093 | molecule *Leaf = new molecule(elemente);
3094 |
3095 | // *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of StoreFragmentFromKeyset." << endl;
3096 |
3097 | Leaf->BondDistance = BondDistance;
3098 | for(int i=NDIM*2;i--;)
3099 | Leaf->cell_size[i] = cell_size[i];
3100 |
3101 | // initialise SonList (indicates when we need to replace a bond with hydrogen instead)
3102 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
3103 | SonList[i] = NULL;
3104 |
3105 | // first create the minimal set of atoms from the KeySet
3106 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = Leaflet.begin(); runner != Leaflet.end(); runner++) {
3107 | FatherOfRunner = FindAtom((*runner)); // find the id
3108 | SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] = Leaf->AddCopyAtom(FatherOfRunner);
3109 | }
3110 |
3111 | // create the bonds between all: Make it an induced subgraph and add hydrogen
3112 | // *out << Verbose(2) << "Creating bonds from father graph (i.e. induced subgraph creation)." << endl;
3113 | Runner = Leaf->start;
3114 | while (Runner->next != Leaf->end) {
3115 | Runner = Runner->next;
3116 | FatherOfRunner = Runner->father;
3117 | if (SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] != NULL) { // check if this, our father, is present in list
3118 | // create all bonds
3119 | for (int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr];i++) { // go through every bond of father
3120 | OtherFather = ListOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr][i]->GetOtherAtom(FatherOfRunner);
3121 | // *out << Verbose(2) << "Father " << *FatherOfRunner << " of son " << *SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] << " is bound to " << *OtherFather;
3122 | if (SonList[OtherFather->nr] != NULL) {
3123 | // *out << ", whose son is " << *SonList[OtherFather->nr] << "." << endl;
3124 | if (OtherFather->nr > FatherOfRunner->nr) { // add bond (nr check is for adding only one of both variants: ab, ba)
3125 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Adding Bond: ";
3126 | // *out <<
3127 | Leaf->AddBond(Runner, SonList[OtherFather->nr], ListOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr][i]->BondDegree);
3128 | // *out << "." << endl;
3129 | //NumBonds[Runner->nr]++;
3130 | } else {
3131 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Not adding bond, labels in wrong order." << endl;
3132 | }
3133 | } else {
3134 | // *out << ", who has no son in this fragment molecule." << endl;
3135 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
3136 | //*out << Verbose(3) << "Adding Hydrogen to " << Runner->Name << " and a bond in between." << endl;
3137 | Leaf->AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(out, ListOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr][i], Runner, FatherOfRunner, OtherFather, ListOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr],NumberOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr], IsAngstroem);
3138 | #endif
3139 | //NumBonds[Runner->nr] += ListOfBondsPerAtom[FatherOfRunner->nr][i]->BondDegree;
3140 | }
3141 | }
3142 | } else {
3143 | *out << Verbose(0) << "ERROR: Son " << Runner->Name << " has father " << FatherOfRunner->Name << " but its entry in SonList is " << SonList[FatherOfRunner->nr] << "!" << endl;
3144 | }
3145 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
3146 | while ((Runner->next != Leaf->end) && (Runner->next->type->Z == 1)) // skip added hydrogen
3147 | Runner = Runner->next;
3148 | #endif
3149 | }
3150 | Leaf->CreateListOfBondsPerAtom(out);
3151 | //Leaflet->Leaf->ScanForPeriodicCorrection(out);
3152 | Free((void **)&SonList, "molecule::StoreFragmentFromStack: **SonList");
3153 | // *out << Verbose(1) << "End of StoreFragmentFromKeyset." << endl;
3154 | return Leaf;
3155 | };
3156 |
3157 | /** Creates \a MoleculeListClass of all unique fragments of the \a molecule containing \a Order atoms or vertices.
3158 | * The picture to have in mind is that of a DFS "snake" of a certain length \a Order, i.e. as in the infamous
3159 | * computer game, that winds through the connected graph representing the molecule. Color (white,
3160 | * lightgray, darkgray, black) indicates whether a vertex has been discovered so far or not. Labels will help in
3161 | * creating only unique fragments and not additional ones with vertices simply in different sequence.
3162 | * The Predecessor is always the one that came before in discovering, needed on backstepping. And
3163 | * finally, the ShortestPath is needed for removing vertices from the snake stack during the back-
3164 | * stepping.
3165 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3166 | * \param Order number of atoms in each fragment
3167 | * \param *configuration configuration for writing config files for each fragment
3168 | * \return List of all unique fragments with \a Order atoms
3169 | */
3170 | /*
3171 | MoleculeListClass * molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder(ofstream *out, int Order, config *configuration)
3172 | {
3173 | atom **PredecessorList = (atom **) Malloc(sizeof(atom *)*AtomCount, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: **PredecessorList");
3174 | int *ShortestPathList = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *ShortestPathList");
3175 | int *Labels = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *Labels");
3176 | enum Shading *ColorVertexList = (enum Shading *) Malloc(sizeof(enum Shading)*AtomCount, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *ColorList");
3177 | enum Shading *ColorEdgeList = (enum Shading *) Malloc(sizeof(enum Shading)*BondCount, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *ColorBondList");
3178 | StackClass<atom *> *RootStack = new StackClass<atom *>(AtomCount);
3179 | StackClass<atom *> *TouchedStack = new StackClass<atom *>((int)pow(4,Order)+2); // number of atoms reached from one with maximal 4 bonds plus Root itself
3180 | StackClass<atom *> *SnakeStack = new StackClass<atom *>(Order+1); // equal to Order is not possible, as then the StackClass<atom *> cannot discern between full and empty stack!
3181 | MoleculeLeafClass *Leaflet = NULL, *TempLeaf = NULL;
3182 | MoleculeListClass *FragmentList = NULL;
3183 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherAtom = NULL, *Root = NULL, *Removal = NULL;
3184 | bond *Binder = NULL;
3185 | int RunningIndex = 0, FragmentCounter = 0;
3186 |
3187 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder." << endl;
3188 |
3189 | // reset parent list
3190 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Resetting labels, parent, predecessor, color and shortest path lists." << endl;
3191 | for (int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++) { // reset all atom labels
3192 | // initialise each vertex as white with no predecessor, empty queue, color lightgray, not labelled, no sons
3193 | Labels[i] = -1;
3194 | SonList[i] = NULL;
3195 | PredecessorList[i] = NULL;
3196 | ColorVertexList[i] = white;
3197 | ShortestPathList[i] = -1;
3198 | }
3199 | for (int i=0;i<BondCount;i++)
3200 | ColorEdgeList[i] = white;
3201 | RootStack->ClearStack(); // clearstack and push first atom if exists
3202 | TouchedStack->ClearStack();
3203 | Walker = start->next;
3204 | while ((Walker != end)
3205 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
3206 | && (Walker->type->Z == 1)
3207 | #endif
3208 | ) { // search for first non-hydrogen atom
3209 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Current Root candidate is " << Walker->Name << "." << endl;
3210 | Walker = Walker->next;
3211 | }
3212 | if (Walker != end)
3213 | RootStack->Push(Walker);
3214 | else
3215 | *out << Verbose(0) << "ERROR: Could not find an appropriate Root atom!" << endl;
3216 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Root " << Walker->Name << " is on AtomStack, beginning loop through all vertices ..." << endl;
3217 |
3218 | ///// OUTER LOOP ////////////
3219 | while (!RootStack->IsEmpty()) {
3220 | // get new root vertex from atom stack
3221 | Root = RootStack->PopFirst();
3222 | ShortestPathList[Root->nr] = 0;
3223 | if (Labels[Root->nr] == -1)
3224 | Labels[Root->nr] = RunningIndex++; // prevent it from getting again on AtomStack
3225 | PredecessorList[Root->nr] = Root;
3226 | TouchedStack->Push(Root);
3227 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Root for this loop is: " << Root->Name << ".\n";
3228 |
3229 | // clear snake stack
3230 | SnakeStack->ClearStack();
3231 | //SnakeStack->TestImplementation(out, start->next);
3232 |
3233 | ///// INNER LOOP ////////////
3234 | // Problems:
3235 | // - what about cyclic bonds?
3236 | Walker = Root;
3237 | do {
3238 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Current Walker is: " << Walker->Name;
3239 | // initial setting of the new Walker: label, color, shortest path and put on stacks
3240 | if (Labels[Walker->nr] == -1) { // give atom a unique, monotonely increasing number
3241 | Labels[Walker->nr] = RunningIndex++;
3242 | RootStack->Push(Walker);
3243 | }
3244 | *out << ", has label " << Labels[Walker->nr];
3245 | if ((ColorVertexList[Walker->nr] == white) || ((Binder != NULL) && (ColorEdgeList[Binder->nr] == white))) { // color it if newly discovered and push on stacks (and if within reach!)
3246 | if ((Binder != NULL) && (ColorEdgeList[Binder->nr] == white)) {
3247 | // Binder ought to be set still from last neighbour search
3248 | *out << ", coloring bond " << *Binder << " black";
3249 | ColorEdgeList[Binder->nr] = black; // mark this bond as used
3250 | }
3251 | if (ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] == -1) {
3252 | ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = ShortestPathList[PredecessorList[Walker->nr]->nr]+1;
3253 | TouchedStack->Push(Walker); // mark every atom for lists cleanup later, whose shortest path has been changed
3254 | }
3255 | if ((ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] < Order) && (ColorVertexList[Walker->nr] != darkgray)) { // if not already on snake stack
3256 | SnakeStack->Push(Walker);
3257 | ColorVertexList[Walker->nr] = darkgray; // mark as dark gray of on snake stack
3258 | }
3259 | }
3260 | *out << ", SP of " << ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] << " and its color is " << GetColor(ColorVertexList[Walker->nr]) << "." << endl;
3261 |
3262 | // then check the stack for a newly stumbled upon fragment
3263 | if (SnakeStack->ItemCount() == Order) { // is stack full?
3264 | // store the fragment if it is one and get a removal candidate
3265 | Removal = StoreFragmentFromStack(out, Root, Walker, Leaflet, SnakeStack, ShortestPathList, SonList, Labels, &FragmentCounter, configuration);
3266 | // remove the candidate if one was found
3267 | if (Removal != NULL) {
3268 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Removing item " << Removal->Name << " with SP of " << ShortestPathList[Removal->nr] << " from snake stack." << endl;
3269 | SnakeStack->RemoveItem(Removal);
3270 | ColorVertexList[Removal->nr] = lightgray; // return back to not on snake stack but explored marking
3271 | if (Walker == Removal) { // if the current atom is to be removed, we also have to take a step back
3272 | Walker = PredecessorList[Removal->nr];
3273 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Stepping back to " << Walker->Name << "." << endl;
3274 | }
3275 | }
3276 | } else
3277 | Removal = NULL;
3278 |
3279 | // finally, look for a white neighbour as the next Walker
3280 | Binder = NULL;
3281 | if ((Removal == NULL) || (Walker != PredecessorList[Removal->nr])) { // don't look, if a new walker has been set above
3282 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Snake has currently " << SnakeStack->ItemCount() << " item(s)." << endl;
3283 | OtherAtom = NULL; // this is actually not needed, every atom has at least one neighbour
3284 | if (ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] < Order) {
3285 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) {
3286 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i];
3287 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Current bond is " << *Binder << ": ";
3288 | OtherAtom = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
3289 | if ((Labels[OtherAtom->nr] != -1) && (Labels[OtherAtom->nr] < Labels[Root->nr])) { // we don't step up to labels bigger than us
3290 | *out << "Label " << Labels[OtherAtom->nr] << " is smaller than Root's " << Labels[Root->nr] << "." << endl;
3291 | //ColorVertexList[OtherAtom->nr] = lightgray; // mark as explored
3292 | } else { // otherwise check its colour and element
3293 | if (
3294 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
3295 | (OtherAtom->type->Z != 1) &&
3296 | #endif
3297 | (ColorEdgeList[Binder->nr] == white)) { // skip hydrogen, look for unexplored vertices
3298 | *out << "Moving along " << GetColor(ColorEdgeList[Binder->nr]) << " bond " << Binder << " to " << ((ColorVertexList[OtherAtom->nr] == white) ? "unexplored" : "explored") << " item: " << OtherAtom->Name << "." << endl;
3299 | // i find it currently rather sensible to always set the predecessor in order to find one's way back
3300 | //if (PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] == NULL) {
3301 | PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr] = Walker;
3302 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Setting Predecessor of " << OtherAtom->Name << " to " << PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr]->Name << "." << endl;
3303 | //} else {
3304 | // *out << Verbose(3) << "Predecessor of " << OtherAtom->Name << " is " << PredecessorList[OtherAtom->nr]->Name << "." << endl;
3305 | //}
3306 | Walker = OtherAtom;
3307 | break;
3308 | } else {
3309 | if (OtherAtom->type->Z == 1)
3310 | *out << "Links to a hydrogen atom." << endl;
3311 | else
3312 | *out << "Bond has not white but " << GetColor(ColorEdgeList[Binder->nr]) << " color." << endl;
3313 | }
3314 | }
3315 | }
3316 | } else { // means we have stepped beyond the horizon: Return!
3317 | Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->nr];
3318 | OtherAtom = Walker;
3319 | *out << Verbose(3) << "We have gone too far, stepping back to " << Walker->Name << "." << endl;
3320 | }
3321 | if (Walker != OtherAtom) { // if no white neighbours anymore, color it black
3322 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Coloring " << Walker->Name << " black." << endl;
3323 | ColorVertexList[Walker->nr] = black;
3324 | Walker = PredecessorList[Walker->nr];
3325 | }
3326 | }
3327 | } while ((Walker != Root) || (ColorVertexList[Root->nr] != black));
3328 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Inner Looping is finished." << endl;
3329 |
3330 | // if we reset all AtomCount atoms, we have again technically O(N^2) ...
3331 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Resetting lists." << endl;
3332 | Walker = NULL;
3333 | Binder = NULL;
3334 | while (!TouchedStack->IsEmpty()) {
3335 | Walker = TouchedStack->PopLast();
3336 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Re-initialising entries of " << *Walker << "." << endl;
3337 | for(int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++)
3338 | ColorEdgeList[ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->nr] = white;
3339 | PredecessorList[Walker->nr] = NULL;
3340 | ColorVertexList[Walker->nr] = white;
3341 | ShortestPathList[Walker->nr] = -1;
3342 | }
3343 | }
3344 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Outer Looping over all vertices is done." << endl;
3345 |
3346 | // copy together
3347 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Copying all fragments into MoleculeList structure." << endl;
3348 | FragmentList = new MoleculeListClass(FragmentCounter, AtomCount);
3349 | RunningIndex = 0;
3350 | while ((Leaflet != NULL) && (RunningIndex < FragmentCounter)) {
3351 | FragmentList->ListOfMolecules[RunningIndex++] = Leaflet->Leaf;
3352 | Leaflet->Leaf = NULL; // prevent molecule from being removed
3353 | TempLeaf = Leaflet;
3354 | Leaflet = Leaflet->previous;
3355 | delete(TempLeaf);
3356 | };
3357 |
3358 | // free memory and exit
3359 | Free((void **)&PredecessorList, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: **PredecessorList");
3360 | Free((void **)&ShortestPathList, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *ShortestPathList");
3361 | Free((void **)&Labels, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *Labels");
3362 | Free((void **)&ColorVertexList, "molecule::CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder: *ColorList");
3363 | delete(RootStack);
3364 | delete(TouchedStack);
3365 | delete(SnakeStack);
3366 |
3367 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of CreateListOfUniqueFragmentsOfOrder." << endl;
3368 | return FragmentList;
3369 | };
3370 | */
3371 |
3372 | /** Structure containing all values in power set combination generation.
3373 | */
3374 | struct UniqueFragments {
3375 | config *configuration;
3376 | atom *Root;
3377 | Graph *Leaflet;
3378 | KeySet *FragmentSet;
3379 | int ANOVAOrder;
3380 | int FragmentCounter;
3381 | int CurrentIndex;
3382 | int *Labels;
3383 | double TEFactor;
3384 | int *ShortestPathList;
3385 | bool **UsedList;
3386 | bond **BondsPerSPList;
3387 | int *BondsPerSPCount;
3388 | };
3389 |
3390 | /** From a given set of Bond sorted by Shortest Path distance, create all possible fragments of size \a SetDimension.
3391 | * -# loops over every possible combination (2^dimension of edge set)
3392 | * -# inserts current set, if there's still space left
3393 | * -# yes: calls SPFragmentGenerator with structure, created new edge list and size respective to root dist
3394 | ance+1
3395 | * -# no: stores fragment into keyset list by calling InsertFragmentIntoGraph
3396 | * -# removes all items added into the snake stack (in UniqueFragments structure) added during level (root
3397 | distance) and current set
3398 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3399 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments structure with all values needed
3400 | * \param RootDistance current shortest path level, whose set of edges is represented by **BondsSet
3401 | * \param SetDimension Number of possible bonds on this level (i.e. size of the array BondsSet[])
3402 | * \param SubOrder remaining number of allowed vertices to add
3403 | */
3404 | void molecule::SPFragmentGenerator(ofstream *out, struct UniqueFragments *FragmentSearch, int RootDistance, bond **BondsSet, int SetDimension, int SubOrder)
3405 | {
3406 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
3407 | int verbosity = 0; //FragmentSearch->ANOVAOrder-SubOrder;
3408 | int NumCombinations;
3409 | bool bit;
3410 | int bits, TouchedIndex, SubSetDimension, SP;
3411 | int Removal;
3412 | int *TouchedList = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*(SubOrder+1), "molecule::SPFragmentGenerator: *TouchedList");
3413 | bond *Binder = NULL;
3414 | bond **BondsList = NULL;
3415 |
3416 | NumCombinations = 1 << SetDimension;
3417 |
3418 | // Hier muessen von 1 bis NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr] alle Kombinationen
3419 | // von Endstuecken (aus den Bonds) hinzugefᅵᅵgt werden und fᅵᅵr verbleibende ANOVAOrder
3420 | // rekursiv GraphCrawler in der nᅵᅵchsten Ebene aufgerufen werden
3421 |
3422 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Begin of SPFragmentGenerator." << endl;
3423 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "We are " << RootDistance << " away from Root, which is " << *FragmentSearch->Root << ", SubOrder is " << SubOrder << ", SetDimension is " << SetDimension << " and this means " << NumCombinations-1 << " combination(s)." << endl;
3424 |
3425 | // initialised touched list (stores added atoms on this level)
3426 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Clearing touched list." << endl;
3427 | for (TouchedIndex=SubOrder+1;TouchedIndex--;) // empty touched list
3428 | TouchedList[TouchedIndex] = -1;
3429 | TouchedIndex = 0;
3430 |
3431 | // create every possible combination of the endpieces
3432 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Going through all combinations of the power set." << endl;
3433 | for (int i=1;i<NumCombinations;i++) { // sweep through all power set combinations (skip empty set!)
3434 | // count the set bit of i
3435 | bits = 0;
3436 | for (int j=SetDimension;j--;)
3437 | bits += (i & (1 << j)) >> j;
3438 |
3439 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Current set is " << Binary(i | (1 << SetDimension)) << ", number of bits is " << bits << "." << endl;
3440 | if (bits <= SubOrder) { // if not greater than additional atoms allowed on stack, continue
3441 | // --1-- add this set of the power set of bond partners to the snake stack
3442 | for (int j=0;j<SetDimension;j++) { // pull out every bit by shifting
3443 | bit = ((i & (1 << j)) != 0); // mask the bit for the j-th bond
3444 | if (bit) { // if bit is set, we add this bond partner
3445 | OtherWalker = BondsSet[j]->rightatom; // rightatom is always the one more distant, i.e. the one to add
3446 | //*out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Current Bond is " << ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i] << ", checking on " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
3447 | //if ((!FragmentSearch->UsedList[OtherWalker->nr][i]) && (FragmentSearch->Labels[OtherWalker->nr] > FragmentSearch->Labels[FragmentSearch->Root->nr])) {
3448 | //*out << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Not used so far, label " << FragmentSearch->Labels[OtherWalker->nr] << " is bigger than Root's " << FragmentSearch->Labels[FragmentSearch->Root->nr] << "." << endl;
3449 | *out << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Adding " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->nr << "." << endl;
3450 | TouchedList[TouchedIndex++] = OtherWalker->nr; // note as added
3451 | FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->insert(OtherWalker->nr);
3452 | //FragmentSearch->UsedList[OtherWalker->nr][i] = true;
3453 | //}
3454 | } else {
3455 | *out << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Not adding." << endl;
3456 | }
3457 | }
3458 |
3459 | if (bits < SubOrder) {
3460 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "There's still some space left on stack: " << (SubOrder - bits) << "." << endl;
3461 | // --2-- look at all added end pieces of this combination, construct bond subsets and sweep through a power set of these by recursion
3462 | SP = RootDistance+1; // this is the next level
3463 | // first count the members in the subset
3464 | SubSetDimension = 0;
3465 | Binder = FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP]; // start node for this level
3466 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP+1]) { // compare to end node of this level
3467 | Binder = Binder->next;
3468 | for (int k=TouchedIndex;k--;) {
3469 | if (Binder->Contains(TouchedList[k])) // if we added this very endpiece
3470 | SubSetDimension++;
3471 | }
3472 | }
3473 | // then allocate and fill the list
3474 | BondsList = (bond **) Malloc(sizeof(bond *)*SubSetDimension, "molecule::SPFragmentGenerator: **BondsList");
3475 | SubSetDimension = 0;
3476 | Binder = FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP];
3477 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch->BondsPerSPList[2*SP+1]) {
3478 | Binder = Binder->next;
3479 | for (int k=0;k<TouchedIndex;k++) {
3480 | if (Binder->leftatom->nr == TouchedList[k]) // leftatom is always the close one
3481 | BondsList[SubSetDimension++] = Binder;
3482 | }
3483 | }
3484 | *out << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Calling subset generator " << SP << " away from root " << *FragmentSearch->Root << " with sub set dimension " << SubSetDimension << "." << endl;
3485 | SPFragmentGenerator(out, FragmentSearch, SP, BondsList, SubSetDimension, SubOrder-bits);
3486 | Free((void **)&BondsList, "molecule::SPFragmentGenerator: **BondsList");
3487 | } else {
3488 | // --2-- otherwise store the complete fragment
3489 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Enough items on stack for a fragment!" << endl;
3490 | // store fragment as a KeySet
3491 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Found a new fragment[" << FragmentSearch->FragmentCounter << "], local nr.s are: ";
3492 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->end(); runner++)
3493 | *out << (*runner) << " ";
3494 | InsertFragmentIntoGraph(out, FragmentSearch);
3495 | //Removal = LookForRemovalCandidate(out, FragmentSearch->FragmentSet, FragmentSearch->ShortestPathList);
3496 | //Removal = StoreFragmentFromStack(out, FragmentSearch->Root, FragmentSearch->Leaflet, FragmentSearch->FragmentStack, FragmentSearch->ShortestPathList,FragmentSearch->Labels, &FragmentSearch->FragmentCounter, FragmentSearch->configuration);
3497 | }
3498 |
3499 | // --3-- remove all added items in this level from snake stack
3500 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Removing all items that were added on this SP level " << RootDistance << "." << endl;
3501 | for(int j=0;j<TouchedIndex;j++) {
3502 | Removal = TouchedList[j];
3503 | *out << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Removing item nr. " << Removal << " from snake stack." << endl;
3504 | FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->erase(Removal);
3505 | TouchedList[j] = -1;
3506 | }
3507 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Remaining local nr.s on snake stack are: ";
3508 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSearch->FragmentSet->end(); runner++)
3509 | *out << (*runner) << " ";
3510 | *out << endl;
3511 | TouchedIndex = 0; // set Index to 0 for list of atoms added on this level
3512 | } else {
3513 | *out << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "More atoms to add for this set (" << bits << ") than space left on stack " << SubOrder << ", skipping this set." << endl;
3514 | }
3515 | }
3516 | Free((void **)&TouchedList, "molecule::SPFragmentGenerator: *TouchedList");
3517 | *out << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "End of SPFragmentGenerator, " << RootDistance << " away from Root " << *FragmentSearch->Root << " and SubOrder is " << SubOrder << "." << endl;
3518 | };
3519 |
3520 | /** Creates a list of all unique fragments of certain vertex size from a given graph \a Fragment for a given root vertex in the context of \a this molecule.
3521 | * -# initialises UniqueFragments structure
3522 | * -# fills edge list via BFS
3523 | * -# creates the fragment by calling recursive function SPFragmentGenerator with UniqueFragments structure, 0 as
3524 | root distance, the edge set, its dimension and the current suborder
3525 | * -# Free'ing structure
3526 | * Note that we may use the fact that the atoms are SP-ordered on the atomstack. I.e. when popping always the last, we first get all
3527 | * with SP of 2, then those with SP of 3, then those with SP of 4 and so on.
3528 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3529 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
3530 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments structure containing TEFactor, root atom and so on
3531 | * \param RestrictedKeySet Restricted vertex set to use in context of molecule
3532 | * \return number of inserted fragments
3533 | * \note ShortestPathList in FragmentSearch structure is probably due to NumberOfAtomsSPLevel and SP not needed anymore
3534 | */
3535 | int molecule::PowerSetGenerator(ofstream *out, int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch, KeySet RestrictedKeySet)
3536 | {
3537 | int SP, UniqueIndex, AtomKeyNr;
3538 | int *NumberOfAtomsSPLevel = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*Order, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *SPLevelCount");
3539 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherWalker = NULL;
3540 | bond *Binder = NULL;
3541 | bond **BondsList = NULL;
3542 | KeyStack AtomStack;
3543 | atom **PredecessorList = (atom **) Malloc(sizeof(atom *)*AtomCount, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: **PredecessorList");
3544 | int RootKeyNr = FragmentSearch.Root->nr;
3545 | int Counter = FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter;
3546 |
3547 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) {
3548 | PredecessorList[i] = NULL;
3549 | }
3550 |
3551 | *out << endl;
3552 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of PowerSetGenerator with order " << Order << " at Root " << *FragmentSearch.Root << "." << endl;
3553 |
3554 | UniqueIndex = 0;
3555 | if (FragmentSearch.Labels[RootKeyNr] == -1)
3556 | FragmentSearch.Labels[RootKeyNr] = UniqueIndex++;
3557 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[RootKeyNr] = 0;
3558 | // prepare the atom stack counters (number of atoms with certain SP on stack)
3559 | for (int i=Order;i--;)
3560 | NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[i] = 0;
3561 | NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[0] = 1; // for root
3562 | SP = -1;
3563 | *out << endl;
3564 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Starting BFS analysis ..." << endl;
3565 | // push as first on atom stack and goooo ...
3566 | AtomStack.clear();
3567 | AtomStack.push_back(RootKeyNr);
3568 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Cleared AtomStack and pushed root as first item onto it." << endl;
3569 | // do a BFS search to fill the SP lists and label the found vertices
3570 | while (!AtomStack.empty()) {
3571 | // pop next atom
3572 | AtomKeyNr = AtomStack.front();
3573 | AtomStack.pop_front();
3574 | if (SP != -1)
3575 | NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[SP]--;
3576 | if ((SP == -1) || (NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[SP] == -1)) {
3577 | SP++;
3578 | NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[SP]--; // carry over "-1" to next level
3579 | *out << Verbose(1) << "New SP level reached: " << SP << ", creating new SP list with 0 item(s)";
3580 | if (SP > 0)
3581 | *out << ", old level closed with " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP-1] << " item(s)." << endl;
3582 | else
3583 | *out << "." << endl;
3584 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] = 0;
3585 | } else {
3586 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Still " << NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[SP]+1 << " on this SP (" << SP << ") level, currently having " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] << " item(s)." << endl;
3587 | }
3588 | Walker = FindAtom(AtomKeyNr);
3589 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Current Walker is: " << *Walker << " with nr " << Walker->nr << " and label " << FragmentSearch.Labels[AtomKeyNr] << " and SP of " << SP << "." << endl;
3590 | // check for new sp level
3591 | // go through all its bonds
3592 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Going through all bonds of Walker." << endl;
3593 | for (int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[AtomKeyNr];i++) {
3594 | Binder = ListOfBondsPerAtom[AtomKeyNr][i];
3595 | OtherWalker = Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
3596 | if ((RestrictedKeySet.find(OtherWalker->nr) != RestrictedKeySet.end())
3597 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
3598 | && (OtherWalker->type->Z != 1)
3599 | #endif
3600 | ) { // skip hydrogens and restrict to fragment
3601 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Current partner is " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->nr << " in bond " << *Binder << "." << endl;
3602 | // set the label if not set (and push on root stack as well)
3603 | if (FragmentSearch.Labels[OtherWalker->nr] == -1) {
3604 | FragmentSearch.Labels[OtherWalker->nr] = UniqueIndex++;
3605 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Set label to " << FragmentSearch.Labels[OtherWalker->nr] << "." << endl;
3606 | } else {
3607 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Label is already " << FragmentSearch.Labels[OtherWalker->nr] << "." << endl;
3608 | }
3609 | if ((OtherWalker != PredecessorList[AtomKeyNr]) && (OtherWalker->nr > RootKeyNr)) { // only pass through those with label bigger than Root's
3610 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] = SP+1;
3611 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Set Shortest Path to " << FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] << "." << endl;
3612 | if (FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] < Order) { // only pass through those within reach of Order
3613 | // push for exploration on stack (only if the SP of OtherWalker is longer than of Walker! (otherwise it has been added already!)
3614 | if (FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] > SP) {
3615 | if (FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr] < (Order-1)) {
3616 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Putting on atom stack for further exploration." << endl;
3617 | PredecessorList[OtherWalker->nr] = Walker; // note down the one further up the exploration tree
3618 | AtomStack.push_back(OtherWalker->nr);
3619 | NumberOfAtomsSPLevel[FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->nr]]++;
3620 | } else {
3621 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Not putting on atom stack, is at end of reach." << endl;
3622 | }
3623 | // add the bond in between to the SP list
3624 | Binder = new bond(Walker, OtherWalker); // create a new bond in such a manner, that bond::rightatom is always the one more distant
3625 | add(Binder, FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*SP+1]);
3626 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP]++;
3627 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Added its bond to SP list, having now " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] << " item(s)." << endl;
3628 | } else *out << Verbose(3) << "Not putting on atom stack, nor adding bond, as " << *OtherWalker << "'s SP is shorter than Walker's." << endl;
3629 | } else *out << Verbose(3) << "Not continuing, as " << *OtherWalker << " is out of reach of order " << Order << "." << endl;
3630 | } else *out << Verbose(3) << "Not passing on, as index of " << *OtherWalker << " " << OtherWalker->nr << " is smaller than that of Root " << RootKeyNr << " or this is my predecessor." << endl;
3631 | } else *out << Verbose(2) << "Is not in the restricted keyset or skipping hydrogen " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
3632 | }
3633 | }
3634 | // reset predecessor list
3635 | for(int i=0;i<Order;i++) {
3636 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
3637 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << "." << endl;
3638 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
3639 | Binder = Binder->next;
3640 | PredecessorList[Binder->rightatom->nr] = NULL; // By construction "OtherAtom" is always Bond::rightatom!
3641 | }
3642 | }
3643 | *out << endl;
3644 |
3645 | // outputting all list for debugging
3646 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Printing all found lists." << endl;
3647 | for(int i=0;i<Order;i++) {
3648 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
3649 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << "." << endl;
3650 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
3651 | Binder = Binder->next;
3652 | *out << Verbose(2) << *Binder << endl;
3653 | }
3654 | }
3655 |
3656 | // creating fragments with the found edge sets (may be done in reverse order, faster)
3657 | SP = 0;
3658 | for(int i=Order;i--;) { // sum up all found edges
3659 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
3660 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
3661 | Binder = Binder->next;
3662 | SP ++;
3663 | }
3664 | }
3665 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Total number of edges is " << SP << "." << endl;
3666 | if (SP >= (Order-1)) {
3667 | // start with root (push on fragment stack)
3668 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Starting fragment generation with " << *FragmentSearch.Root << ", local nr is " << FragmentSearch.Root->nr << "." << endl;
3669 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->clear();
3670 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->insert(FragmentSearch.Root->nr);
3671 |
3672 | if (FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->size() == (unsigned int) Order) {
3673 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Enough items on stack already for a fragment!" << endl;
3674 | // store fragment as a KeySet
3675 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Found a new fragment[" << FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter << "], local nr.s are: ";
3676 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->end(); runner++) {
3677 | *out << (*runner) << " ";
3678 | }
3679 | *out << endl;
3680 | InsertFragmentIntoGraph(out, &FragmentSearch);
3681 | } else {
3682 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Preparing subset for this root and calling generator." << endl;
3683 | // prepare the subset and call the generator
3684 | BondsList = (bond **) Malloc(sizeof(bond *)*FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0], "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: **BondsList");
3685 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[0];
3686 | for(int i=0;i<FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0];i++) {
3687 | Binder = Binder->next;
3688 | BondsList[i] = Binder;
3689 | }
3690 | SPFragmentGenerator(out, &FragmentSearch, 0, BondsList, FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0], Order-1);
3691 | Free((void **)&BondsList, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: **BondsList");
3692 | }
3693 | } else {
3694 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Not enough total number of edges to build " << Order << "-body fragments." << endl;
3695 | }
3696 |
3697 | // as FragmentSearch structure is used only once, we don't have to clean it anymore
3698 | // remove root from stack
3699 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Removing root again from stack." << endl;
3700 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet->erase(FragmentSearch.Root->nr);
3701 |
3702 | // free'ing the bonds lists
3703 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Free'ing all found lists. and resetting index lists" << endl;
3704 | for(int i=Order;i--;) {
3705 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << ": ";
3706 | Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
3707 | while (Binder->next != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]) {
3708 | Binder = Binder->next;
3709 | // *out << "Removing atom " << Binder->leftatom->nr << " and " << Binder->rightatom->nr << "." << endl; // make sure numbers are local
3710 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[Binder->leftatom->nr] = -1;
3711 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[Binder->rightatom->nr] = -1;
3712 | }
3713 | // delete added bonds
3714 | cleanup(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i], FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]);
3715 | // also start and end node
3716 | *out << "cleaned." << endl;
3717 | }
3718 |
3719 | // free allocated memory
3720 | Free((void **)&NumberOfAtomsSPLevel, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *SPLevelCount");
3721 | Free((void **)&PredecessorList, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: **PredecessorList");
3722 |
3723 | // return list
3724 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of PowerSetGenerator." << endl;
3725 | return (FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter - Counter);
3726 | };
3727 |
3728 | /** Corrects the nuclei position if the fragment was created over the cell borders.
3729 | * Scans all bonds, checks the distance, if greater than typical, we have a candidate for the correction.
3730 | * We remove the bond whereafter the graph probably separates. Then, we translate the one component periodically
3731 | * and re-add the bond. Looping on the distance check.
3732 | * \param *out ofstream for debugging messages
3733 | */
3734 | void molecule::ScanForPeriodicCorrection(ofstream *out)
3735 | {
3736 | bond *Binder = NULL;
3737 | bond *OtherBinder = NULL;
3738 | atom *Walker = NULL;
3739 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
3740 | double *matrix = ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(cell_size);
3741 | enum Shading *ColorList = NULL;
3742 | double tmp;
3743 | vector TranslationVector;
3744 | //class StackClass<atom *> *CompStack = NULL;
3745 | class StackClass<atom *> *AtomStack = new StackClass<atom *>(AtomCount);
3746 | bool flag = true;
3747 |
3748 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of ScanForPeriodicCorrection." << endl;
3749 |
3750 | ColorList = (enum Shading *) Malloc(sizeof(enum Shading)*AtomCount, "molecule::ScanForPeriodicCorrection: *ColorList");
3751 | while (flag) {
3752 | // remove bonds that are beyond bonddistance
3753 | for(int i=NDIM;i--;)
3754 | TranslationVector.x[i] = 0.;
3755 | // scan all bonds
3756 | Binder = first;
3757 | flag = false;
3758 | while ((!flag) && (Binder->next != last)) {
3759 | Binder = Binder->next;
3760 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
3761 | tmp = fabs(Binder->leftatom->x.x[i] - Binder->rightatom->x.x[i]);
3762 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Checking " << i << "th distance of " << *Binder->leftatom << " to " << *Binder->rightatom << ": " << tmp << "." << endl;
3763 | if (tmp > BondDistance) {
3764 | OtherBinder = Binder->next; // note down binding partner for later re-insertion
3765 | unlink(Binder); // unlink bond
3766 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Correcting at bond " << *Binder << "." << endl;
3767 | flag = true;
3768 | break;
3769 | }
3770 | }
3771 | }
3772 | if (flag) {
3773 | // create translation vector from their periodically modified distance
3774 | for (int i=NDIM;i--;) {
3775 | tmp = Binder->leftatom->x.x[i] - Binder->rightatom->x.x[i];
3776 | if (fabs(tmp) > BondDistance)
3777 | TranslationVector.x[i] = (tmp < 0) ? +1. : -1.;
3778 | }
3779 | TranslationVector.MatrixMultiplication(matrix);
3780 | *out << "Translation vector is ";
3781 | TranslationVector.Output(out);
3782 | *out << endl;
3783 | // apply to all atoms of first component via BFS
3784 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;)
3785 | ColorList[i] = white;
3786 | AtomStack->Push(Binder->leftatom);
3787 | while (!AtomStack->IsEmpty()) {
3788 | Walker = AtomStack->PopFirst();
3789 | //*out << Verbose (3) << "Current Walker is: " << *Walker << "." << endl;
3790 | ColorList[Walker->nr] = black; // mark as explored
3791 | Walker->x.AddVector(&TranslationVector); // translate
3792 | for (int i=0;i<NumberOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr];i++) { // go through all binding partners
3793 | if (ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i] != Binder) {
3794 | OtherWalker = ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][i]->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
3795 | if (ColorList[OtherWalker->nr] == white) {
3796 | AtomStack->Push(OtherWalker); // push if yet unexplored
3797 | }
3798 | }
3799 | }
3800 | }
3801 | // re-add bond
3802 | link(Binder, OtherBinder);
3803 | } else {
3804 | *out << Verbose(2) << "No corrections for this fragment." << endl;
3805 | }
3806 | //delete(CompStack);
3807 | }
3808 |
3809 | // free allocated space from ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric()
3810 | delete(AtomStack);
3811 | Free((void **)&ColorList, "molecule::ScanForPeriodicCorrection: *ColorList");
3812 | Free((void **)&matrix, "molecule::ScanForPeriodicCorrection: *matrix");
3813 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of ScanForPeriodicCorrection." << endl;
3814 | };
3815 |
3816 | /** Blows the 6-dimensional \a cell_size array up to a full NDIM by NDIM matrix.
3817 | * \param *symm 6-dim array of unique symmetric matrix components
3818 | * \return allocated NDIM*NDIM array with the symmetric matrix
3819 | */
3820 | double * molecule::ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(double *symm)
3821 | {
3822 | double *matrix = (double *) Malloc(sizeof(double)*NDIM*NDIM, "molecule::ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric: *matrix");
3823 | matrix[0] = symm[0];
3824 | matrix[1] = symm[1];
3825 | matrix[2] = symm[3];
3826 | matrix[3] = symm[1];
3827 | matrix[4] = symm[2];
3828 | matrix[5] = symm[4];
3829 | matrix[6] = symm[3];
3830 | matrix[7] = symm[4];
3831 | matrix[8] = symm[5];
3832 | return matrix;
3833 | };
3834 |
3835 | bool KeyCompare::operator() (const KeySet SubgraphA, const KeySet SubgraphB) const
3836 | {
3837 | //cout << "my check is used." << endl;
3838 | if (SubgraphA.size() < SubgraphB.size()) {
3839 | return true;
3840 | } else {
3841 | if (SubgraphA.size() > SubgraphB.size()) {
3842 | return false;
3843 | } else {
3844 | KeySet::iterator IteratorA = SubgraphA.begin();
3845 | KeySet::iterator IteratorB = SubgraphB.begin();
3846 | while ((IteratorA != SubgraphA.end()) && (IteratorB != SubgraphB.end())) {
3847 | if ((*IteratorA) < (*IteratorB))
3848 | return true;
3849 | else if ((*IteratorA) > (*IteratorB)) {
3850 | return false;
3851 | } // else, go on to next index
3852 | IteratorA++;
3853 | IteratorB++;
3854 | } // end of while loop
3855 | }// end of check in case of equal sizes
3856 | }
3857 | return false; // if we reach this point, they are equal
3858 | };
3859 |
3860 | //bool operator < (KeySet SubgraphA, KeySet SubgraphB)
3861 | //{
3862 | // return KeyCompare(SubgraphA, SubgraphB);
3863 | //};
3864 |
3865 | /** Checking whether KeySet is not already present in Graph, if so just adds factor.
3866 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3867 | * \param &set KeySet to insert
3868 | * \param &graph Graph to insert into
3869 | * \param *counter pointer to unique fragment count
3870 | * \param factor energy factor for the fragment
3871 | */
3872 | inline void InsertFragmentIntoGraph(ofstream *out, struct UniqueFragments *Fragment)
3873 | {
3874 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
3875 |
3876 | testGraphInsert = Fragment->Leaflet->insert(GraphPair (*Fragment->FragmentSet,pair<int,double>(Fragment->FragmentCounter,Fragment->TEFactor))); // store fragment number and current factor
3877 | if (testGraphInsert.second) {
3878 | *out << Verbose(2) << "KeySet " << Fragment->FragmentCounter << " successfully inserted." << endl;
3879 | Fragment->FragmentCounter++;
3880 | } else {
3881 | *out << Verbose(2) << "KeySet " << Fragment->FragmentCounter << " failed to insert, present fragment is " << ((*(testGraphInsert.first)).second).first << endl;
3882 | ((*(testGraphInsert.first)).second).second += Fragment->TEFactor; // increase the "created" counter
3883 | *out << Verbose(2) << "New factor is " << ((*(testGraphInsert.first)).second).second << "." << endl;
3884 | }
3885 | };
3886 | //void inline InsertIntoGraph(ofstream *out, KeyStack &stack, Graph &graph, int *counter, double factor)
3887 | //{
3888 | // // copy stack contents to set and call overloaded function again
3889 | // KeySet set;
3890 | // for(KeyStack::iterator runner = stack.begin(); runner != stack.begin(); runner++)
3891 | // set.insert((*runner));
3892 | // InsertIntoGraph(out, set, graph, counter, factor);
3893 | //};
3894 |
3895 | /** Inserts each KeySet in \a graph2 into \a graph1.
3896 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3897 | * \param graph1 first (dest) graph
3898 | * \param graph2 second (source) graph
3899 | * \param *counter keyset counter that gets increased
3900 | */
3901 | inline void InsertGraphIntoGraph(ofstream *out, Graph &graph1, Graph &graph2, int *counter)
3902 | {
3903 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
3904 |
3905 | for(Graph::iterator runner = graph2.begin(); runner != graph2.end(); runner++) {
3906 | testGraphInsert = graph1.insert(GraphPair ((*runner).first,pair<int,double>((*counter)++,((*runner).second).second))); // store fragment number and current factor
3907 | if (testGraphInsert.second) {
3908 | *out << Verbose(2) << "KeySet " << (*counter)-1 << " successfully inserted." << endl;
3909 | } else {
3910 | *out << Verbose(2) << "KeySet " << (*counter)-1 << " failed to insert, present fragment is " << ((*(testGraphInsert.first)).second).first << endl;
3911 | ((*(testGraphInsert.first)).second).second += (*runner).second.second;
3912 | *out << Verbose(2) << "New factor is " << (*(testGraphInsert.first)).second.second << "." << endl;
3913 | }
3914 | }
3915 | };
3916 |
3917 |
3918 | /** Performs BOSSANOVA decomposition at selected sites, increasing the cutoff by one at these sites.
3919 | * -# constructs a complete keyset of the molecule
3920 | * -# In a loop over all possible roots from the given rootstack
3921 | * -# increases order of root site
3922 | * -# calls PowerSetGenerator with this order, the complete keyset and the rootkeynr
3923 | * -# for all consecutive lower levels PowerSetGenerator is called with the suborder, the higher order keyset
3924 | as the restricted one and each site in the set as the root)
3925 | * -# these are merged into a fragment list of keysets
3926 | * -# All fragment lists (for all orders, i.e. from all destination fields) are merged into one list for return
3927 | * Important only is that we create all fragments, it is not important if we create them more than once
3928 | * as these copies are filtered out via use of the hash table (KeySet).
3929 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
3930 | * \param Fragment&*List list of already present keystacks (adaptive scheme) or empty list
3931 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
3932 | * \param *MinimumRingSize minimum ring size for each atom (molecule::Atomcount)
3933 | * \return pointer to Graph list
3934 | */
3935 | void molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA(ofstream *out, Graph *&FragmentList, KeyStack &RootStack, int *MinimumRingSize)
3936 | {
3937 | Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList = NULL;
3938 | int NumLevels, NumMolecules, TotalNumMolecules = 0, *NumMoleculesOfOrder = NULL;
3939 | int counter = 0, Order;
3940 | int UpgradeCount = RootStack.size();
3941 | KeyStack FragmentRootStack;
3942 | int RootKeyNr, RootNr;
3943 | struct UniqueFragments FragmentSearch;
3944 |
3945 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Begin of FragmentBOSSANOVA." << endl;
3946 |
3947 | // FragmentLowerOrdersList is a 2D-array of pointer to MoleculeListClass objects, one dimension represents the ANOVA expansion of a single order (i.e. 5)
3948 | // with all needed lower orders that are subtracted, the other dimension is the BondOrder (i.e. from 1 to 5)
3949 | NumMoleculesOfOrder = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*UpgradeCount, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: *NumMoleculesOfOrder");
3950 | FragmentLowerOrdersList = (Graph ***) Malloc(sizeof(Graph **)*UpgradeCount, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: ***FragmentLowerOrdersList");
3951 |
3952 | // initialise the fragments structure
3953 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *ShortestPathList");
3954 | FragmentSearch.Labels = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *Labels");
3955 | FragmentSearch.FragmentCounter = 0;
3956 | FragmentSearch.FragmentSet = new KeySet;
3957 | FragmentSearch.Root = FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
3958 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) {
3959 | FragmentSearch.Labels[i] = -1;
3960 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[i] = -1;
3961 | }
3962 |
3963 | // Construct the complete KeySet which we need for topmost level only (but for all Roots)
3964 | atom *Walker = start;
3965 | KeySet CompleteMolecule;
3966 | while (Walker->next != end) {
3967 | Walker = Walker->next;
3968 | CompleteMolecule.insert(Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr);
3969 | }
3970 |
3971 | // this can easily be seen: if Order is 5, then the number of levels for each lower order is the total sum of the number of levels above, as
3972 | // each has to be split up. E.g. for the second level we have one from 5th, one from 4th, two from 3th (which in turn is one from 5th, one from 4th),
3973 | // hence we have overall four 2th order levels for splitting. This also allows for putting all into a single array (FragmentLowerOrdersList[])
3974 | // with the order along the cells as this: 5433222211111111 for BondOrder 5 needing 16=pow(2,5-1) cells (only we use bit-shifting which is faster)
3975 | RootNr = 0; // counts through the roots in RootStack
3976 | while (RootNr < UpgradeCount) {
3977 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
3978 | RootStack.pop_front();
3979 | Walker = FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
3980 | // check cyclic lengths
3981 | if ((MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] != -1) && (Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder+1 >= MinimumRingSize[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr])) {
3982 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Bond order " << Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder << " of Root " << *Walker << " greater than or equal to Minimum Ring size of " << MinimumRingSize << " found is not allowed." << endl;
3983 | } else {
3984 | // increase adaptive order by one
3985 | Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder++;
3986 | Order = Walker->AdaptiveOrder = Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder;
3987 |
3988 | // initialise Order-dependent entries of UniqueFragments structure
3989 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList = (bond **) Malloc(sizeof(bond *)*Order*2, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: ***BondsPerSPList");
3990 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*Order, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *BondsPerSPCount");
3991 | for (int i=Order;i--;) {
3992 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i] = new bond(); // start node
3993 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1] = new bond(); // end node
3994 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i]->next = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]; // intertwine these two
3995 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]->previous = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i];
3996 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[i] = 0;
3997 | }
3998 |
3999 | // allocate memory for all lower level orders in this 1D-array of ptrs
4000 | NumLevels = 1 << (Order-1); // (int)pow(2,Order);
4001 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr] = (Graph **) Malloc(sizeof(Graph *)*NumLevels, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: **FragmentLowerOrdersList[]");
4002 |
4003 | // create top order where nothing is reduced
4004 | *out << Verbose(0) << "==============================================================================================================" << endl;
4005 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Creating KeySets of Bond Order " << Order << " for " << *Walker << ", NumLevels is " << NumLevels << ", " << (RootStack.size()-RootNr-1) << " Roots remaining." << endl;
4006 |
4007 | // Create list of Graphs of current Bond Order (i.e. F_{ij})
4008 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][0] = new Graph;
4009 | FragmentSearch.TEFactor = 1.;
4010 | FragmentSearch.Leaflet = FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][0]; // set to insertion graph
4011 | FragmentSearch.Root = Walker;
4012 | NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] = PowerSetGenerator(out, Walker->AdaptiveOrder, FragmentSearch, CompleteMolecule);
4013 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Number of resulting KeySets is: " << NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] << "." << endl;
4014 | NumMolecules = 0;
4015 |
4016 | if ((NumLevels >> 1) > 0) {
4017 | // create lower order fragments
4018 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Creating list of unique fragments of lower Bond Order terms to be subtracted." << endl;
4019 | Order = Walker->AdaptiveOrder;
4020 | for (int source=0;source<(NumLevels >> 1);source++) { // 1-terms don't need any more splitting, that's why only half is gone through (shift again)
4021 | // step down to next order at (virtual) boundary of powers of 2 in array
4022 | while (source >= (1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder-Order))) // (int)pow(2,Walker->AdaptiveOrder-Order))
4023 | Order--;
4024 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Current Order is: " << Order << "." << endl;
4025 | for (int SubOrder=Order-1;SubOrder>0;SubOrder--) {
4026 | int dest = source + (1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder-(SubOrder+1)));
4027 | *out << Verbose(0) << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
4028 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Current SubOrder is: " << SubOrder << " with source " << source << " to destination " << dest << "." << endl;
4029 |
4030 | // every molecule is split into a list of again (Order - 1) molecules, while counting all molecules
4031 | //*out << Verbose(1) << "Splitting the " << (*FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][source]).size() << " molecules of the " << source << "th cell in the array." << endl;
4032 | //NumMolecules = 0;
4033 | FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][dest] = new Graph;
4034 | for(Graph::iterator runner = (*FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][source]).begin();runner != (*FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][source]).end(); runner++) {
4035 | for (KeySet::iterator sprinter = (*runner).first.begin();sprinter != (*runner).first.end(); sprinter++) {
4036 | Graph TempFragmentList;
4037 | FragmentSearch.TEFactor = -(*runner).second.second;
4038 | FragmentSearch.Leaflet = &TempFragmentList; // set to insertion graph
4039 | FragmentSearch.Root = FindAtom(*sprinter);
4040 | NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] += PowerSetGenerator(out, SubOrder, FragmentSearch, (*runner).first);
4041 | // insert new keysets FragmentList into FragmentLowerOrdersList[Walker->AdaptiveOrder-1][dest]
4042 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Merging resulting key sets with those present in destination " << dest << "." << endl;
4043 | InsertGraphIntoGraph(out, *FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][dest], TempFragmentList, &NumMolecules);
4044 | }
4045 | }
4046 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Number of resulting molecules for SubOrder " << SubOrder << " is: " << NumMolecules << "." << endl;
4047 | }
4048 | }
4049 | }
4050 | // now, we have completely filled each cell of FragmentLowerOrdersList[] for the current Walker->AdaptiveOrder
4051 | //NumMoleculesOfOrder[Walker->AdaptiveOrder-1] = NumMolecules;
4052 | TotalNumMolecules += NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr];
4053 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Number of resulting molecules for Order " << (int)Walker->GetTrueFather()->AdaptiveOrder << " is: " << NumMoleculesOfOrder[RootNr] << "." << endl;
4054 | RootStack.push_back(RootKeyNr); // put back on stack
4055 | RootNr++;
4056 |
4057 | // free Order-dependent entries of UniqueFragments structure for next loop cycle
4058 | Free((void **)&FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *BondsPerSPCount");
4059 | for (int i=Order;i--;) {
4060 | delete(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i]);
4061 | delete(FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[2*i+1]);
4062 | }
4063 | Free((void **)&FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: ***BondsPerSPList");
4064 | }
4065 | }
4066 | *out << Verbose(0) << "==============================================================================================================" << endl;
4067 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Total number of resulting molecules is: " << TotalNumMolecules << "." << endl;
4068 | *out << Verbose(0) << "==============================================================================================================" << endl;
4069 |
4070 | // cleanup FragmentSearch structure
4071 | Free((void **)&FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *ShortestPathList");
4072 | Free((void **)&FragmentSearch.Labels, "molecule::PowerSetGenerator: *Labels");
4073 | delete(FragmentSearch.FragmentSet);
4074 |
4075 | // now, FragmentLowerOrdersList is complete, it looks - for BondOrder 5 - as this (number is the ANOVA Order of the terms therein)
4076 | // 5433222211111111
4077 | // 43221111
4078 | // 3211
4079 | // 21
4080 | // 1
4081 |
4082 | // Subsequently, we combine all into a single list (FragmentList)
4083 |
4084 | *out << Verbose(0) << "Combining the lists of all orders per order and finally into a single one." << endl;
4085 | if (FragmentList == NULL) {
4086 | FragmentList = new Graph;
4087 | counter = 0;
4088 | } else {
4089 | counter = FragmentList->size();
4090 | }
4091 | RootNr = 0;
4092 | while (!RootStack.empty()) {
4093 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
4094 | RootStack.pop_front();
4095 | Walker = FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
4096 | NumLevels = 1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder - 1);
4097 | for(int i=0;i<NumLevels;i++) {
4098 | InsertGraphIntoGraph(out, *FragmentList, (*FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i]), &counter);
4099 | delete(FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i]);
4100 | }
4101 | Free((void **)&FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr], "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: **FragmentLowerOrdersList[]");
4102 | RootNr++;
4103 | }
4104 | Free((void **)&FragmentLowerOrdersList, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: ***FragmentLowerOrdersList");
4105 | Free((void **)&NumMoleculesOfOrder, "molecule::FragmentBOSSANOVA: *NumMoleculesOfOrder");
4106 |
4107 | *out << Verbose(0) << "End of FragmentBOSSANOVA." << endl;
4108 | };
4109 |
4110 | /** Comparison function for GSL heapsort on distances in two molecules.
4111 | * \param *a
4112 | * \param *b
4113 | * \return <0, \a *a less than \a *b, ==0 if equal, >0 \a *a greater than \a *b
4114 | */
4115 | inline int CompareDoubles (const void * a, const void * b)
4116 | {
4117 | if (*(double *)a > *(double *)b)
4118 | return -1;
4119 | else if (*(double *)a < *(double *)b)
4120 | return 1;
4121 | else
4122 | return 0;
4123 | };
4124 |
4125 | /** Determines whether two molecules actually contain the same atoms and coordination.
4126 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
4127 | * \param *OtherMolecule the molecule to compare this one to
4128 | * \param threshold upper limit of difference when comparing the coordination.
4129 | * \return NULL - not equal, otherwise an allocated (molecule::AtomCount) permutation map of the atom numbers (which corresponds to which)
4130 | */
4131 | int * molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold(ofstream *out, molecule *OtherMolecule, double threshold)
4132 | {
4133 | int flag;
4134 | double *Distances = NULL, *OtherDistances = NULL;
4135 | vector CenterOfGravity, OtherCenterOfGravity;
4136 | size_t *PermMap = NULL, *OtherPermMap = NULL;
4137 | int *PermutationMap = NULL;
4138 | atom *Walker = NULL;
4139 | bool result = true; // status of comparison
4140 |
4141 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Begin of IsEqualToWithinThreshold." << endl;
4142 | /// first count both their atoms and elements and update lists thereby ...
4143 | //*out << Verbose(0) << "Counting atoms, updating list" << endl;
4144 | CountAtoms(out);
4145 | OtherMolecule->CountAtoms(out);
4146 | CountElements();
4147 | OtherMolecule->CountElements();
4148 |
4149 | /// ... and compare:
4150 | /// -# AtomCount
4151 | if (result) {
4152 | if (AtomCount != OtherMolecule->AtomCount) {
4153 | *out << Verbose(4) << "AtomCounts don't match: " << AtomCount << " == " << OtherMolecule->AtomCount << endl;
4154 | result = false;
4155 | } else *out << Verbose(4) << "AtomCounts match: " << AtomCount << " == " << OtherMolecule->AtomCount << endl;
4156 | }
4157 | /// -# ElementCount
4158 | if (result) {
4159 | if (ElementCount != OtherMolecule->ElementCount) {
4160 | *out << Verbose(4) << "ElementCount don't match: " << ElementCount << " == " << OtherMolecule->ElementCount << endl;
4161 | result = false;
4162 | } else *out << Verbose(4) << "ElementCount match: " << ElementCount << " == " << OtherMolecule->ElementCount << endl;
4163 | }
4164 | /// -# ElementsInMolecule
4165 | if (result) {
4166 | for (flag=MAX_ELEMENTS;flag--;) {
4167 | //*out << Verbose(5) << "Element " << flag << ": " << ElementsInMolecule[flag] << " <-> " << OtherMolecule->ElementsInMolecule[flag] << "." << endl;
4168 | if (ElementsInMolecule[flag] != OtherMolecule->ElementsInMolecule[flag])
4169 | break;
4170 | }
4171 | if (flag < MAX_ELEMENTS) {
4172 | *out << Verbose(4) << "ElementsInMolecule don't match." << endl;
4173 | result = false;
4174 | } else *out << Verbose(4) << "ElementsInMolecule match." << endl;
4175 | }
4176 | /// then determine and compare center of gravity for each molecule ...
4177 | if (result) {
4178 | *out << Verbose(5) << "Calculating Centers of Gravity" << endl;
4179 | DetermineCenter(CenterOfGravity);
4180 | OtherMolecule->DetermineCenter(OtherCenterOfGravity);
4181 | *out << Verbose(5) << "Center of Gravity: ";
4182 | CenterOfGravity.Output(out);
4183 | *out << endl << Verbose(5) << "Other Center of Gravity: ";
4184 | OtherCenterOfGravity.Output(out);
4185 | *out << endl;
4186 | if (CenterOfGravity.Distance(&OtherCenterOfGravity) > threshold) {
4187 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Centers of gravity don't match." << endl;
4188 | result = false;
4189 | }
4190 | }
4191 |
4192 | /// ... then make a list with the euclidian distance to this center for each atom of both molecules
4193 | if (result) {
4194 | *out << Verbose(5) << "Calculating distances" << endl;
4195 | Distances = (double *) Malloc(sizeof(double)*AtomCount, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: Distances");
4196 | OtherDistances = (double *) Malloc(sizeof(double)*AtomCount, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: OtherDistances");
4197 | Walker = start;
4198 | while (Walker->next != end) {
4199 | Walker = Walker->next;
4200 | Distances[Walker->nr] = CenterOfGravity.Distance(&Walker->x);
4201 | }
4202 | Walker = OtherMolecule->start;
4203 | while (Walker->next != OtherMolecule->end) {
4204 | Walker = Walker->next;
4205 | OtherDistances[Walker->nr] = OtherCenterOfGravity.Distance(&Walker->x);
4206 | }
4207 |
4208 | /// ... sort each list (using heapsort (o(N log N)) from GSL)
4209 | *out << Verbose(5) << "Sorting distances" << endl;
4210 | PermMap = (size_t *) Malloc(sizeof(size_t)*AtomCount, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: *PermMap");
4211 | OtherPermMap = (size_t *) Malloc(sizeof(size_t)*AtomCount, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: *OtherPermMap");
4212 | gsl_heapsort_index (PermMap, Distances, AtomCount, sizeof(double), CompareDoubles);
4213 | gsl_heapsort_index (OtherPermMap, OtherDistances, AtomCount, sizeof(double), CompareDoubles);
4214 | PermutationMap = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: *PermutationMap");
4215 | *out << Verbose(5) << "Combining Permutation Maps" << endl;
4216 | for(int i=AtomCount;i--;)
4217 | PermutationMap[PermMap[i]] = (int) OtherPermMap[i];
4218 |
4219 | /// ... and compare them step by step, whether the difference is individiually(!) below \a threshold for all
4220 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Comparing distances" << endl;
4221 | flag = 0;
4222 | for (int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++) {
4223 | *out << Verbose(5) << "Distances: |" << Distances[PermMap[i]] << " - " << OtherDistances[OtherPermMap[i]] << "| = " << fabs(Distances[PermMap[i]] - OtherDistances[OtherPermMap[i]]) << " ?<? " << threshold << endl;
4224 | if (fabs(Distances[PermMap[i]] - OtherDistances[OtherPermMap[i]]) > threshold)
4225 | flag = 1;
4226 | }
4227 | Free((void **)&PermMap, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: *PermMap");
4228 | Free((void **)&OtherPermMap, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: *OtherPermMap");
4229 |
4230 | /// free memory
4231 | Free((void **)&Distances, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: Distances");
4232 | Free((void **)&OtherDistances, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: OtherDistances");
4233 | if (flag) { // if not equal
4234 | Free((void **)&PermutationMap, "molecule::IsEqualToWithinThreshold: *PermutationMap");
4235 | result = false;
4236 | }
4237 | }
4238 | /// return pointer to map if all distances were below \a threshold
4239 | *out << Verbose(3) << "End of IsEqualToWithinThreshold." << endl;
4240 | if (result) {
4241 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Result: Equal." << endl;
4242 | return PermutationMap;
4243 | } else {
4244 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Result: Not equal." << endl;
4245 | return NULL;
4246 | }
4247 | };
4248 |
4249 | /** Returns an index map for two father-son-molecules.
4250 | * The map tells which atom in this molecule corresponds to which one in the other molecul with their fathers.
4251 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
4252 | * \param *OtherMolecule corresponding molecule with fathers
4253 | * \return allocated map of size molecule::AtomCount with map
4254 | * \todo make this with a good sort O(n), not O(n^2)
4255 | */
4256 | int * molecule::GetFatherSonAtomicMap(ofstream *out, molecule *OtherMolecule)
4257 | {
4258 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherWalker = NULL;
4259 | *out << Verbose(3) << "Begin of GetFatherAtomicMap." << endl;
4260 | int *AtomicMap = (int *) Malloc(sizeof(int)*AtomCount, "molecule::GetAtomicMap: *AtomicMap"); //Calloc
4261 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;)
4262 | AtomicMap[i] = -1;
4263 | if (OtherMolecule == this) { // same molecule
4264 | for (int i=AtomCount;i--;) // no need as -1 means already that there is trivial correspondence
4265 | AtomicMap[i] = i;
4266 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Map is trivial." << endl;
4267 | } else {
4268 | *out << Verbose(4) << "Map is ";
4269 | Walker = start;
4270 | while (Walker->next != end) {
4271 | Walker = Walker->next;
4272 | if (Walker->father == NULL) {
4273 | AtomicMap[Walker->nr] = -2;
4274 | } else {
4275 | OtherWalker = OtherMolecule->start;
4276 | while (OtherWalker->next != OtherMolecule->end) {
4277 | OtherWalker = OtherWalker->next;
4278 | //for (int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++) { // search atom
4279 | //for (int j=0;j<OtherMolecule->AtomCount;j++) {
4280 | //*out << Verbose(4) << "Comparing father " << Walker->father << " with the other one " << OtherWalker->father << "." << endl;
4281 | if (Walker->father == OtherWalker)
4282 | AtomicMap[Walker->nr] = OtherWalker->nr;
4283 | }
4284 | }
4285 | *out << AtomicMap[Walker->nr] << "\t";
4286 | }
4287 | *out << endl;
4288 | }
4289 | *out << Verbose(3) << "End of GetFatherAtomicMap." << endl;
4290 | return AtomicMap;
4291 | };
4292 |