1 | /** \file MoleculeListClass.cpp
2 | *
3 | * Function implementations for the class MoleculeListClass.
4 | *
5 | */
6 |
7 | #include "molecules.hpp"
8 |
9 | /*********************************** Functions for class MoleculeListClass *************************/
10 |
11 | /** Constructor for MoleculeListClass.
12 | */
13 | MoleculeListClass::MoleculeListClass()
14 | {
15 | // empty lists
16 | ListOfMolecules.clear();
17 | MaxIndex = 1;
18 | };
19 |
20 | /** Destructor for MoleculeListClass.
21 | */
22 | MoleculeListClass::~MoleculeListClass()
23 | {
24 | cout << Verbose(3) << this << ": Freeing ListOfMolcules." << endl;
25 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
26 | cout << Verbose(4) << "ListOfMolecules: Freeing " << *ListRunner << "." << endl;
27 | delete (*ListRunner);
28 | }
29 | cout << Verbose(4) << "Freeing ListOfMolecules." << endl;
30 | ListOfMolecules.clear(); // empty list
31 | };
32 |
33 | /** Insert a new molecule into the list and set its number.
34 | * \param *mol molecule to add to list.
35 | * \return true - add successful
36 | */
37 | bool MoleculeListClass::insert(molecule *mol)
38 | {
39 | mol->IndexNr = MaxIndex++;
40 | ListOfMolecules.push_back(mol);
41 | return true;
42 | };
43 |
44 | /** Compare whether two molecules are equal.
45 | * \param *a molecule one
46 | * \param *n molecule two
47 | * \return lexical value (-1, 0, +1)
48 | */
49 | int MolCompare(const void *a, const void *b)
50 | {
51 | int *aList = NULL, *bList = NULL;
52 | int Count, Counter, aCounter, bCounter;
53 | int flag;
54 | atom *aWalker = NULL;
55 | atom *bWalker = NULL;
56 |
57 | // sort each atom list and put the numbers into a list, then go through
58 | //cout << "Comparing fragment no. " << *(molecule **)a << " to " << *(molecule **)b << "." << endl;
59 | if ((**(molecule **) a).AtomCount < (**(molecule **) b).AtomCount) {
60 | return -1;
61 | } else {
62 | if ((**(molecule **) a).AtomCount > (**(molecule **) b).AtomCount)
63 | return +1;
64 | else {
65 | Count = (**(molecule **) a).AtomCount;
66 | aList = new int[Count];
67 | bList = new int[Count];
68 |
69 | // fill the lists
70 | aWalker = (**(molecule **) a).start;
71 | bWalker = (**(molecule **) b).start;
72 | Counter = 0;
73 | aCounter = 0;
74 | bCounter = 0;
75 | while ((aWalker->next != (**(molecule **) a).end) && (bWalker->next != (**(molecule **) b).end)) {
76 | aWalker = aWalker->next;
77 | bWalker = bWalker->next;
78 | if (aWalker->GetTrueFather() == NULL)
79 | aList[Counter] = Count + (aCounter++);
80 | else
81 | aList[Counter] = aWalker->GetTrueFather()->nr;
82 | if (bWalker->GetTrueFather() == NULL)
83 | bList[Counter] = Count + (bCounter++);
84 | else
85 | bList[Counter] = bWalker->GetTrueFather()->nr;
86 | Counter++;
87 | }
88 | // check if AtomCount was for real
89 | flag = 0;
90 | if ((aWalker->next == (**(molecule **) a).end) && (bWalker->next != (**(molecule **) b).end)) {
91 | flag = -1;
92 | } else {
93 | if ((aWalker->next != (**(molecule **) a).end) && (bWalker->next == (**(molecule **) b).end))
94 | flag = 1;
95 | }
96 | if (flag == 0) {
97 | // sort the lists
98 | gsl_heapsort(aList, Count, sizeof(int), CompareDoubles);
99 | gsl_heapsort(bList, Count, sizeof(int), CompareDoubles);
100 | // compare the lists
101 |
102 | flag = 0;
103 | for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
104 | if (aList[i] < bList[i]) {
105 | flag = -1;
106 | } else {
107 | if (aList[i] > bList[i])
108 | flag = 1;
109 | }
110 | if (flag != 0)
111 | break;
112 | }
113 | }
114 | delete[] (aList);
115 | delete[] (bList);
116 | return flag;
117 | }
118 | }
119 | return -1;
120 | };
121 |
122 | /** Output of a list of all molecules.
123 | * \param *out output stream
124 | */
125 | void MoleculeListClass::Enumerate(ofstream *out)
126 | {
127 | element* Elemental = NULL;
128 | atom *Walker = NULL;
129 | int Counts[MAX_ELEMENTS];
130 |
131 | // header
132 | *out << "Index\tName\tNo.Atoms\tformula" << endl;
133 | cout << Verbose(0) << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
134 | if (ListOfMolecules.size() == 0)
135 | *out << "\tNone" << endl;
136 | else {
137 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
138 | // reset element counts
139 | for (int j = 0; j<MAX_ELEMENTS;j++)
140 | Counts[j] = 0;
141 | // count atoms per element
142 | Walker = (*ListRunner)->start;
143 | while (Walker->next != (*ListRunner)->end) {
144 | Walker = Walker->next;
145 | Counts[Walker->type->Z]++;
146 | }
147 | // output Index, Name, number of atoms, chemical formula
148 | *out << ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag ? "*" : " ") << (*ListRunner)->IndexNr << "\t" << (*ListRunner)->name << "\t\t" << (*ListRunner)->AtomCount << "\t";
149 | Elemental = (*ListRunner)->elemente->end;
150 | while(Elemental != (*ListRunner)->elemente->start) {
151 | Elemental = Elemental->previous;
152 | if (Counts[Elemental->Z] != 0)
153 | *out << Elemental->symbol << Counts[Elemental->Z];
154 | }
155 | *out << endl;
156 | }
157 | }
158 | };
159 |
160 | /** Returns the molecule with the given index \a index.
161 | * \param index index of the desired molecule
162 | * \return pointer to molecule structure, NULL if not found
163 | */
164 | molecule * MoleculeListClass::ReturnIndex(int index)
165 | {
166 | int count = 1;
167 | MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin();
168 | for(; ((ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end()) && (count < index)); ListRunner++);
169 | if (count == index)
170 | return (*ListRunner);
171 | else
172 | return NULL;
173 | };
174 |
175 | /** Simple merge of two molecules into one.
176 | * \param *mol destination molecule
177 | * \param *srcmol source molecule
178 | * \return true - merge successful, false - merge failed (probably due to non-existant indices
179 | */
180 | bool MoleculeListClass::SimpleMerge(molecule *mol, molecule *srcmol)
181 | {
182 | if (srcmol == NULL)
183 | return false;
184 |
185 | // put all molecules of src into mol
186 | atom *Walker = srcmol->start;
187 | atom *NextAtom = Walker->next;
188 | while (NextAtom != srcmol->end) {
189 | Walker = NextAtom;
190 | NextAtom = Walker->next;
191 | srcmol->UnlinkAtom(Walker);
192 | mol->AddAtom(Walker);
193 | }
194 |
195 | // remove src
196 | ListOfMolecules.remove(srcmol);
197 | delete(srcmol);
198 | return true;
199 | };
200 |
201 | /** Simple add of one molecules into another.
202 | * \param *mol destination molecule
203 | * \param *srcmol source molecule
204 | * \return true - merge successful, false - merge failed (probably due to non-existant indices
205 | */
206 | bool MoleculeListClass::SimpleAdd(molecule *mol, molecule *srcmol)
207 | {
208 | if (srcmol == NULL)
209 | return false;
210 |
211 | // put all molecules of src into mol
212 | atom *Walker = srcmol->start;
213 | atom *NextAtom = Walker->next;
214 | while (NextAtom != srcmol->end) {
215 | Walker = NextAtom;
216 | NextAtom = Walker->next;
217 | Walker = mol->AddCopyAtom(Walker);
218 | Walker->father = Walker;
219 | }
220 |
221 | return true;
222 | };
223 |
224 | /** Simple merge of a given set of molecules into one.
225 | * \param *mol destination molecule
226 | * \param *src index of set of source molecule
227 | * \param N number of source molecules
228 | * \return true - merge successful, false - some merges failed (probably due to non-existant indices)
229 | */
230 | bool MoleculeListClass::SimpleMultiMerge(molecule *mol, int *src, int N)
231 | {
232 | bool status = true;
233 | // check presence of all source molecules
234 | for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
235 | molecule *srcmol = ReturnIndex(src[i]);
236 | status = status && SimpleMerge(mol, srcmol);
237 | }
238 | return status;
239 | };
240 |
241 | /** Simple add of a given set of molecules into one.
242 | * \param *mol destination molecule
243 | * \param *src index of set of source molecule
244 | * \param N number of source molecules
245 | * \return true - merge successful, false - some merges failed (probably due to non-existant indices)
246 | */
247 | bool MoleculeListClass::SimpleMultiAdd(molecule *mol, int *src, int N)
248 | {
249 | bool status = true;
250 | // check presence of all source molecules
251 | for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
252 | molecule *srcmol = ReturnIndex(src[i]);
253 | status = status && SimpleAdd(mol, srcmol);
254 | }
255 | return status;
256 | };
257 |
258 | /** Scatter merge of a given set of molecules into one.
259 | * Scatter merge distributes the molecules in such a manner that they don't overlap.
260 | * \param *mol destination molecule
261 | * \param *src index of set of source molecule
262 | * \param N number of source molecules
263 | * \return true - merge successful, false - merge failed (probably due to non-existant indices
264 | * \TODO find scatter center for each src molecule
265 | */
266 | bool MoleculeListClass::ScatterMerge(molecule *mol, int *src, int N)
267 | {
268 | // check presence of all source molecules
269 | for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
270 | // get pointer to src molecule
271 | molecule *srcmol = ReturnIndex(src[i]);
272 | if (srcmol == NULL)
273 | return false;
274 | }
275 | // adapt each Center
276 | for (int i=0;i<N;i++) {
277 | // get pointer to src molecule
278 | molecule *srcmol = ReturnIndex(src[i]);
279 | //srcmol->Center.Zero();
280 | srcmol->Translate(&srcmol->Center);
281 | }
282 | // perform a simple multi merge
283 | SimpleMultiMerge(mol, src, N);
284 | return true;
285 | };
286 |
287 | /** Embedding merge of a given set of molecules into one.
288 | * Embedding merge inserts one molecule into the other.
289 | * \param *mol destination molecule
290 | * \param *srcmol source molecule
291 | * \return true - merge successful, false - merge failed (probably due to non-existant indices
292 | * \TODO find embedding center
293 | */
294 | bool MoleculeListClass::EmbedMerge(molecule *mol, molecule *srcmol)
295 | {
296 | if (srcmol == NULL)
297 | return false;
298 |
299 | // calculate center for merge
300 | srcmol->Center.CopyVector(mol->FindEmbeddingHole((ofstream *)&cout, srcmol));
301 | srcmol->Center.Zero();
302 |
303 | // perform simple merge
304 | SimpleMerge(mol, srcmol);
305 | return true;
306 | };
307 |
308 | /** Simple output of the pointers in ListOfMolecules.
309 | * \param *out output stream
310 | */
311 | void MoleculeListClass::Output(ofstream *out)
312 | {
313 | *out << Verbose(1) << "MoleculeList: ";
314 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++)
315 | *out << *ListRunner << "\t";
316 | *out << endl;
317 | };
318 |
319 | /** Calculates necessary hydrogen correction due to unwanted interaction between saturated ones.
320 | * If for a pair of two hydrogen atoms a and b, at least is a saturated one, and a and b are not
321 | * bonded to the same atom, then we add for this pair a correction term constructed from a Morse
322 | * potential function fit to QM calculations with respecting to the interatomic hydrogen distance.
323 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
324 | * \param *path path to file
325 | */
326 | bool MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection(ofstream *out, char *path)
327 | {
328 | atom *Walker = NULL;
329 | atom *Runner = NULL;
330 | double ***FitConstant = NULL, **correction = NULL;
331 | int a, b;
332 | ofstream output;
333 | ifstream input;
334 | string line;
335 | stringstream zeile;
336 | double distance;
337 | char ParsedLine[1023];
338 | double tmp;
339 | char *FragmentNumber = NULL;
340 |
341 | cout << Verbose(1) << "Saving hydrogen saturation correction ... ";
342 | // 0. parse in fit constant files that should have the same dimension as the final energy files
343 | // 0a. find dimension of matrices with constants
344 | line = path;
345 | line.append("/");
346 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
347 | line += "1";
349 | input.open(line.c_str());
350 | if (input == NULL) {
351 | cerr << endl << "Unable to open " << line << ", is the directory correct?"
352 | << endl;
353 | return false;
354 | }
355 | a = 0;
356 | b = -1; // we overcount by one
357 | while (!input.eof()) {
358 | input.getline(ParsedLine, 1023);
359 | zeile.str(ParsedLine);
360 | int i = 0;
361 | while (!zeile.eof()) {
362 | zeile >> distance;
363 | i++;
364 | }
365 | if (i > a)
366 | a = i;
367 | b++;
368 | }
369 | cout << "I recognized " << a << " columns and " << b << " rows, ";
370 | input.close();
371 |
372 | // 0b. allocate memory for constants
373 | FitConstant = (double ***) Malloc(sizeof(double **) * 3, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: ***FitConstant");
374 | for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
375 | FitConstant[k] = (double **) Malloc(sizeof(double *) * a, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: **FitConstant[]");
376 | for (int i = a; i--;) {
377 | FitConstant[k][i] = (double *) Malloc(sizeof(double) * b, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: *FitConstant[][]");
378 | }
379 | }
380 | // 0c. parse in constants
381 | for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
382 | line = path;
383 | line.append("/");
384 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
385 | sprintf(ParsedLine, "%d", i + 1);
386 | line += ParsedLine;
388 | input.open(line.c_str());
389 | if (input == NULL) {
390 | cerr << endl << "Unable to open " << line << ", is the directory correct?" << endl;
391 | return false;
392 | }
393 | int k = 0, l;
394 | while ((!input.eof()) && (k < b)) {
395 | input.getline(ParsedLine, 1023);
396 | //cout << "Current Line: " << ParsedLine << endl;
397 | zeile.str(ParsedLine);
398 | zeile.clear();
399 | l = 0;
400 | while ((!zeile.eof()) && (l < a)) {
401 | zeile >> FitConstant[i][l][k];
402 | //cout << FitConstant[i][l][k] << "\t";
403 | l++;
404 | }
405 | //cout << endl;
406 | k++;
407 | }
408 | input.close();
409 | }
410 | for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
411 | cout << "Constants " << k << ":" << endl;
412 | for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
413 | for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
414 | cout << FitConstant[k][i][j] << "\t";
415 | }
416 | cout << endl;
417 | }
418 | cout << endl;
419 | }
420 |
421 | // 0d. allocate final correction matrix
422 | correction = (double **) Malloc(sizeof(double *) * a, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: **correction");
423 | for (int i = a; i--;)
424 | correction[i] = (double *) Malloc(sizeof(double) * b, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: *correction[]");
425 |
426 | // 1a. go through every molecule in the list
427 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
428 | // 1b. zero final correction matrix
429 | for (int k = a; k--;)
430 | for (int j = b; j--;)
431 | correction[k][j] = 0.;
432 | // 2. take every hydrogen that is a saturated one
433 | Walker = (*ListRunner)->start;
434 | while (Walker->next != (*ListRunner)->end) {
435 | Walker = Walker->next;
436 | //cout << Verbose(1) << "Walker: " << *Walker << " with first bond " << *(*Runner)->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][0] << "." << endl;
437 | if ((Walker->type->Z == 1) && ((Walker->father == NULL)
438 | || (Walker->father->type->Z != 1))) { // if it's a hydrogen
439 | Runner = (*ListRunner)->start;
440 | while (Runner->next != (*ListRunner)->end) {
441 | Runner = Runner->next;
442 | //cout << Verbose(2) << "Runner: " << *Runner << " with first bond " << *(*Runner)->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Runner->nr][0] << "." << endl;
443 | // 3. take every other hydrogen that is the not the first and not bound to same bonding partner
444 | if ((Runner->type->Z == 1) && (Runner->nr > Walker->nr) && ((*ListRunner)->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Runner->nr][0]->GetOtherAtom(Runner) != (*ListRunner)->ListOfBondsPerAtom[Walker->nr][0]->GetOtherAtom(Walker))) { // (hydrogens have only one bonding partner!)
445 | // 4. evaluate the morse potential for each matrix component and add up
446 | distance = Runner->x.Distance(&Walker->x);
447 | //cout << "Fragment " << (*ListRunner)->name << ": " << *Runner << "<= " << distance << "=>" << *Walker << ":" << endl;
448 | for (int k = 0; k < a; k++) {
449 | for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
450 | switch (k) {
451 | case 1:
452 | case 7:
453 | case 11:
454 | tmp = pow(FitConstant[0][k][j] * (1. - exp(-FitConstant[1][k][j] * (distance - FitConstant[2][k][j]))), 2);
455 | break;
456 | default:
457 | tmp = FitConstant[0][k][j] * pow(distance, FitConstant[1][k][j]) + FitConstant[2][k][j];
458 | };
459 | correction[k][j] -= tmp; // ground state is actually lower (disturbed by additional interaction)
460 | //cout << tmp << "\t";
461 | }
462 | //cout << endl;
463 | }
464 | //cout << endl;
465 | }
466 | }
467 | }
468 | }
469 | // 5. write final matrix to file
470 | line = path;
471 | line.append("/");
472 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
473 | FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(ListOfMolecules.size(), (*ListRunner)->IndexNr);
474 | line += FragmentNumber;
475 | delete (FragmentNumber);
477 | output.open(line.c_str());
478 | output << "Time\t\tTotal\t\tKinetic\t\tNonLocal\tCorrelation\tExchange\tPseudo\t\tHartree\t\t-Gauss\t\tEwald\t\tIonKin\t\tETotal" << endl;
479 | for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
480 | for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
481 | output << correction[i][j] << "\t";
482 | output << endl;
483 | }
484 | output.close();
485 | }
486 | line = path;
487 | line.append("/");
489 | output.open(line.c_str());
490 | output << "Time\t\tTotal\t\tKinetic\t\tNonLocal\tCorrelation\tExchange\tPseudo\t\tHartree\t\t-Gauss\t\tEwald\t\tIonKin\t\tETotal" << endl;
491 | for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
492 | for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
493 | output << 0 << "\t";
494 | output << endl;
495 | }
496 | output.close();
497 | // 6. free memory of parsed matrices
498 | FitConstant = (double ***) Malloc(sizeof(double **) * a, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: ***FitConstant");
499 | for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
500 | FitConstant[k] = (double **) Malloc(sizeof(double *) * a, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: **FitConstant[]");
501 | for (int i = a; i--;) {
502 | FitConstant[k][i] = (double *) Malloc(sizeof(double) * b, "MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection: *FitConstant[][]");
503 | }
504 | }
505 | cout << "done." << endl;
506 | return true;
507 | };
508 |
509 | /** Store force indices, i.e. the connection between the nuclear index in the total molecule config and the respective atom in fragment config.
510 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
511 | * \param *path path to file
512 | * \param *SortIndex Index to map from the BFS labeling to the sequence how of Ion_Type in the config
513 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
514 | */
515 | bool MoleculeListClass::StoreForcesFile(ofstream *out, char *path,
516 | int *SortIndex)
517 | {
518 | bool status = true;
519 | ofstream ForcesFile;
520 | stringstream line;
521 | atom *Walker = NULL;
522 | element *runner = NULL;
523 |
524 | // open file for the force factors
525 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Saving force factors ... ";
526 | line << path << "/" << FRAGMENTPREFIX << FORCESFILE;
527 | ForcesFile.open(line.str().c_str(), ios::out);
528 | if (ForcesFile != NULL) {
529 | //cout << Verbose(1) << "Final AtomicForcesList: ";
530 | //output << prefix << "Forces" << endl;
531 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
532 | runner = (*ListRunner)->elemente->start;
533 | while (runner->next != (*ListRunner)->elemente->end) { // go through every element
534 | runner = runner->next;
535 | if ((*ListRunner)->ElementsInMolecule[runner->Z]) { // if this element got atoms
536 | Walker = (*ListRunner)->start;
537 | while (Walker->next != (*ListRunner)->end) { // go through every atom of this element
538 | Walker = Walker->next;
539 | if (Walker->type->Z == runner->Z) {
540 | if ((Walker->GetTrueFather() != NULL) && (Walker->GetTrueFather() != Walker)) {// if there is a rea
541 | //cout << "Walker is " << *Walker << " with true father " << *( Walker->GetTrueFather()) << ", it
542 | ForcesFile << SortIndex[Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr] << "\t";
543 | } else
544 | // otherwise a -1 to indicate an added saturation hydrogen
545 | ForcesFile << "-1\t";
546 | }
547 | }
548 | }
549 | }
550 | ForcesFile << endl;
551 | }
552 | ForcesFile.close();
553 | *out << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl;
554 | } else {
555 | status = false;
556 | *out << Verbose(1) << "failed to open file " << line.str() << "." << endl;
557 | }
558 | ForcesFile.close();
559 |
560 | return status;
561 | };
562 |
563 | /** Writes a config file for each molecule in the given \a **FragmentList.
564 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
565 | * \param *configuration standard configuration to attach atoms in fragment molecule to.
566 | * \param *SortIndex Index to map from the BFS labeling to the sequence how of Ion_Type in the config
567 | * \return true - success (each file was written), false - something went wrong.
568 | */
569 | bool MoleculeListClass::OutputConfigForListOfFragments(ofstream *out,
570 | config *configuration, int *SortIndex)
571 | {
572 | ofstream outputFragment;
573 | char FragmentName[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
574 | char PathBackup[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
575 | bool result = true;
576 | bool intermediateResult = true;
577 | atom *Walker = NULL;
578 | Vector BoxDimension;
579 | char *FragmentNumber = NULL;
580 | char *path = NULL;
581 | int FragmentCounter = 0;
582 | ofstream output;
583 |
584 | // store the fragments as config and as xyz
585 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
586 | // save default path as it is changed for each fragment
587 | path = configuration->GetDefaultPath();
588 | if (path != NULL)
589 | strcpy(PathBackup, path);
590 | else
591 | cerr << "OutputConfigForListOfFragments: NULL default path obtained from config!" << endl;
592 |
593 | // correct periodic
594 | (*ListRunner)->ScanForPeriodicCorrection(out);
595 |
596 | // output xyz file
597 | FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(ListOfMolecules.size(), FragmentCounter++);
598 | sprintf(FragmentName, "%s/%s%s.conf.xyz", configuration->configpath, FRAGMENTPREFIX, FragmentNumber);
599 | outputFragment.open(FragmentName, ios::out);
600 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Saving bond fragment No. " << FragmentNumber << "/" << FragmentCounter - 1 << " as XYZ ...";
601 | if ((intermediateResult = (*ListRunner)->OutputXYZ(&outputFragment)))
602 | *out << " done." << endl;
603 | else
604 | *out << " failed." << endl;
605 | result = result && intermediateResult;
606 | outputFragment.close();
607 | outputFragment.clear();
608 |
609 | // list atoms in fragment for debugging
610 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Contained atoms: ";
611 | Walker = (*ListRunner)->start;
612 | while (Walker->next != (*ListRunner)->end) {
613 | Walker = Walker->next;
614 | *out << Walker->Name << " ";
615 | }
616 | *out << endl;
617 |
618 | // center on edge
619 | (*ListRunner)->CenterEdge(out, &BoxDimension);
620 | (*ListRunner)->SetBoxDimension(&BoxDimension); // update Box of atoms by boundary
621 | int j = -1;
622 | for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++) {
623 | j += k + 1;
624 | BoxDimension.x[k] = 2.5 * (configuration->GetIsAngstroem() ? 1. : 1. / AtomicLengthToAngstroem);
625 | (*ListRunner)->cell_size[j] += BoxDimension.x[k] * 2.;
626 | }
627 | (*ListRunner)->Translate(&BoxDimension);
628 |
629 | // also calculate necessary orbitals
630 | (*ListRunner)->CountElements(); // this is a bugfix, atoms should shoulds actually be added correctly to this fragment
631 | (*ListRunner)->CalculateOrbitals(*configuration);
632 |
633 | // change path in config
634 | //strcpy(PathBackup, configuration->configpath);
635 | sprintf(FragmentName, "%s/%s%s/", PathBackup, FRAGMENTPREFIX, FragmentNumber);
636 | configuration->SetDefaultPath(FragmentName);
637 |
638 | // and save as config
639 | sprintf(FragmentName, "%s/%s%s.conf", configuration->configpath, FRAGMENTPREFIX, FragmentNumber);
640 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Saving bond fragment No. " << FragmentNumber << "/" << FragmentCounter - 1 << " as config ...";
641 | if ((intermediateResult = configuration->Save(FragmentName, (*ListRunner)->elemente, (*ListRunner))))
642 | *out << " done." << endl;
643 | else
644 | *out << " failed." << endl;
645 | result = result && intermediateResult;
646 |
647 | // restore old config
648 | configuration->SetDefaultPath(PathBackup);
649 |
650 | // and save as mpqc input file
651 | sprintf(FragmentName, "%s/%s%s.conf", configuration->configpath, FRAGMENTPREFIX, FragmentNumber);
652 | *out << Verbose(2) << "Saving bond fragment No. " << FragmentNumber << "/" << FragmentCounter - 1 << " as mpqc input ...";
653 | if ((intermediateResult = configuration->SaveMPQC(FragmentName, (*ListRunner))))
654 | *out << " done." << endl;
655 | else
656 | *out << " failed." << endl;
657 |
658 | result = result && intermediateResult;
659 | //outputFragment.close();
660 | //outputFragment.clear();
661 | delete (FragmentNumber);
662 | //Free((void **)&FragmentNumber, "MoleculeListClass::OutputConfigForListOfFragments: *FragmentNumber");
663 | }
664 | cout << " done." << endl;
665 |
666 | // printing final number
667 | *out << "Final number of fragments: " << FragmentCounter << "." << endl;
668 |
669 | return result;
670 | };
671 |
672 | /** Counts the number of molecules with the molecule::ActiveFlag set.
673 | * \return number of molecules with ActiveFlag set to true.
674 | */
675 | int MoleculeListClass::NumberOfActiveMolecules()
676 | {
677 | int count = 0;
678 | for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++)
679 | count += ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag ? 1 : 0);
680 | return count;
681 | };
682 |
683 |
684 | /******************************************* Class MoleculeLeafClass ************************************************/
685 |
686 | /** Constructor for MoleculeLeafClass root leaf.
687 | * \param *Up Leaf on upper level
688 | * \param *PreviousLeaf NULL - We are the first leaf on this level, otherwise points to previous in list
689 | */
690 | //MoleculeLeafClass::MoleculeLeafClass(MoleculeLeafClass *Up = NULL, MoleculeLeafClass *Previous = NULL)
691 | MoleculeLeafClass::MoleculeLeafClass(MoleculeLeafClass *PreviousLeaf = NULL)
692 | {
693 | // if (Up != NULL)
694 | // if (Up->DownLeaf == NULL) // are we the first down leaf for the upper leaf?
695 | // Up->DownLeaf = this;
696 | // UpLeaf = Up;
697 | // DownLeaf = NULL;
698 | Leaf = NULL;
699 | previous = PreviousLeaf;
700 | if (previous != NULL) {
701 | MoleculeLeafClass *Walker = previous->next;
702 | previous->next = this;
703 | next = Walker;
704 | } else {
705 | next = NULL;
706 | }
707 | };
708 |
709 | /** Destructor for MoleculeLeafClass.
710 | */
711 | MoleculeLeafClass::~MoleculeLeafClass()
712 | {
713 | // if (DownLeaf != NULL) {// drop leaves further down
714 | // MoleculeLeafClass *Walker = DownLeaf;
715 | // MoleculeLeafClass *Next;
716 | // do {
717 | // Next = Walker->NextLeaf;
718 | // delete(Walker);
719 | // Walker = Next;
720 | // } while (Walker != NULL);
721 | // // Last Walker sets DownLeaf automatically to NULL
722 | // }
723 | // remove the leaf itself
724 | if (Leaf != NULL) {
725 | delete (Leaf);
726 | Leaf = NULL;
727 | }
728 | // remove this Leaf from level list
729 | if (previous != NULL)
730 | previous->next = next;
731 | // } else { // we are first in list (connects to UpLeaf->DownLeaf)
732 | // if ((NextLeaf != NULL) && (NextLeaf->UpLeaf == NULL))
733 | // NextLeaf->UpLeaf = UpLeaf; // either null as we are top level or the upleaf of the first node
734 | // if (UpLeaf != NULL)
735 | // UpLeaf->DownLeaf = NextLeaf; // either null as we are only leaf or NextLeaf if we are just the first
736 | // }
737 | // UpLeaf = NULL;
738 | if (next != NULL) // are we last in list
739 | next->previous = previous;
740 | next = NULL;
741 | previous = NULL;
742 | };
743 |
744 | /** Adds \a molecule leaf to the tree.
745 | * \param *ptr ptr to molecule to be added
746 | * \param *Previous previous MoleculeLeafClass referencing level and which on the level
747 | * \return true - success, false - something went wrong
748 | */
749 | bool MoleculeLeafClass::AddLeaf(molecule *ptr, MoleculeLeafClass *Previous)
750 | {
751 | return false;
752 | };
753 |
754 | /** Fills the bond structure of this chain list subgraphs that are derived from a complete \a *reference molecule.
755 | * Calls this routine in each MoleculeLeafClass::next subgraph if it's not NULL.
756 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
757 | * \param *reference reference molecule with the bond structure to be copied
758 | * \param &FragmentCounter Counter needed to address \a **ListOfLocalAtoms
759 | * \param ***ListOfLocalAtoms Lookup table for each subgraph and index of each atom in \a *reference, may be NULL on start, then it is filled
760 | * \param FreeList true - ***ListOfLocalAtoms is free'd before return, false - it is not
761 | * \return true - success, false - faoilure
762 | */
763 | bool MoleculeLeafClass::FillBondStructureFromReference(ofstream *out, molecule *reference, int &FragmentCounter, atom ***&ListOfLocalAtoms, bool FreeList)
764 | {
765 | atom *Walker = NULL, *OtherWalker = NULL;
766 | bond *Binder = NULL;
767 | bool status = true;
768 | int AtomNo;
769 |
770 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of FillBondStructureFromReference." << endl;
771 | // fill ListOfLocalAtoms if NULL was given
772 | if (!FillListOfLocalAtoms(out, ListOfLocalAtoms, FragmentCounter, reference->AtomCount, FreeList)) {
773 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Filling of ListOfLocalAtoms failed." << endl;
774 | return false;
775 | }
776 |
777 | if (status) {
778 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Creating adjacency list for subgraph " << this
779 | << "." << endl;
780 | Walker = Leaf->start;
781 | while (Walker->next != Leaf->end) {
782 | Walker = Walker->next;
783 | AtomNo = Walker->GetTrueFather()->nr; // global id of the current walker
784 | for (int i = 0; i < reference->NumberOfBondsPerAtom[AtomNo]; i++) { // go through father's bonds and copy them all
785 | Binder = reference->ListOfBondsPerAtom[AtomNo][i];
786 | OtherWalker = ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter][Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker->GetTrueFather())->nr]; // local copy of current bond partner of walker
787 | if (OtherWalker != NULL) {
788 | if (OtherWalker->nr > Walker->nr)
789 | Leaf->AddBond(Walker, OtherWalker, Binder->BondDegree);
790 | } else {
791 | *out << Verbose(1) << "OtherWalker = ListOfLocalAtoms[" << FragmentCounter << "][" << Binder->GetOtherAtom(Walker->GetTrueFather())->nr << "] is NULL!" << endl;
792 | status = false;
793 | }
794 | }
795 | }
796 | Leaf->CreateListOfBondsPerAtom(out);
797 | FragmentCounter++;
798 | if (next != NULL)
799 | status = next->FillBondStructureFromReference(out, reference, FragmentCounter, ListOfLocalAtoms);
800 | FragmentCounter--;
801 | }
802 |
803 | if ((FreeList) && (ListOfLocalAtoms != NULL)) {
804 | // free the index lookup list
805 | Free((void **) &ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter], "MoleculeLeafClass::FillBondStructureFromReference - **ListOfLocalAtoms[]");
806 | if (FragmentCounter == 0) // first fragments frees the initial pointer to list
807 | Free((void **) &ListOfLocalAtoms, "MoleculeLeafClass::FillBondStructureFromReference - ***ListOfLocalAtoms");
808 | }
809 | FragmentCounter--;
810 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of FillBondStructureFromReference." << endl;
811 | return status;
812 | };
813 |
814 | /** Fills the root stack for sites to be used as root in fragmentation depending on order or adaptivity criteria
815 | * Again, as in \sa FillBondStructureFromReference steps recursively through each Leaf in this chain list of molecule's.
816 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
817 | * \param *&RootStack stack to be filled
818 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::nr to mask in/out each nuclear site
819 | * \param &FragmentCounter counts through the fragments in this MoleculeLeafClass
820 | * \return true - stack is non-empty, fragmentation necessary, false - stack is empty, no more sites to update
821 | */
822 | bool MoleculeLeafClass::FillRootStackForSubgraphs(ofstream *out,
823 | KeyStack *&RootStack, bool *AtomMask, int &FragmentCounter)
824 | {
825 | atom *Walker = NULL, *Father = NULL;
826 |
827 | if (RootStack != NULL) {
828 | // find first root candidates
829 | if (&(RootStack[FragmentCounter]) != NULL) {
830 | RootStack[FragmentCounter].clear();
831 | Walker = Leaf->start;
832 | while (Walker->next != Leaf->end) { // go through all (non-hydrogen) atoms
833 | Walker = Walker->next;
834 | Father = Walker->GetTrueFather();
835 | if (AtomMask[Father->nr]) // apply mask
836 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
837 | if (Walker->type->Z != 1) // skip hydrogen
838 | #endif
839 | RootStack[FragmentCounter].push_front(Walker->nr);
840 | }
841 | if (next != NULL)
842 | next->FillRootStackForSubgraphs(out, RootStack, AtomMask, ++FragmentCounter);
843 | } else {
844 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Rootstack[" << FragmentCounter << "] is NULL." << endl;
845 | return false;
846 | }
847 | FragmentCounter--;
848 | return true;
849 | } else {
850 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Rootstack is NULL." << endl;
851 | return false;
852 | }
853 | };
854 |
855 | /** Fills a lookup list of father's Atom::nr -> atom for each subgraph.
856 | * \param *out output stream fro debugging
857 | * \param ***ListOfLocalAtoms Lookup table for each subgraph and index of each atom in global molecule, may be NULL on start, then it is filled
858 | * \param FragmentCounter counts the fragments as we move along the list
859 | * \param GlobalAtomCount number of atoms in the complete molecule
860 | * \param &FreeList true - ***ListOfLocalAtoms is free'd before return, false - it is not
861 | * \return true - succes, false - failure
862 | */
863 | bool MoleculeLeafClass::FillListOfLocalAtoms(ofstream *out, atom ***&ListOfLocalAtoms, const int FragmentCounter, const int GlobalAtomCount, bool &FreeList)
864 | {
865 | bool status = true;
866 |
867 | int Counter = Count();
868 | if (ListOfLocalAtoms == NULL) { // allocated initial pointer
869 | // allocate and set each field to NULL
870 | ListOfLocalAtoms = (atom ***) Malloc(sizeof(atom **) * Counter, "MoleculeLeafClass::FillBondStructureFromReference - ***ListOfLocalAtoms");
871 | if (ListOfLocalAtoms != NULL) {
872 | for (int i = Counter; i--;)
873 | ListOfLocalAtoms[i] = NULL;
874 | FreeList = FreeList && true;
875 | } else
876 | status = false;
877 | }
878 |
879 | if ((ListOfLocalAtoms != NULL) && (ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter] == NULL)) { // allocate and fill list of this fragment/subgraph
880 | status = status && CreateFatherLookupTable(out, Leaf->start, Leaf->end, ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter], GlobalAtomCount);
881 | FreeList = FreeList && true;
882 | }
883 |
884 | return status;
885 | };
886 |
887 | /** The indices per keyset are compared to the respective father's Atom::nr in each subgraph and thus put into \a **&FragmentList.
888 | * \param *out output stream fro debugging
889 | * \param *reference reference molecule with the bond structure to be copied
890 | * \param *KeySetList list with all keysets
891 | * \param ***ListOfLocalAtoms Lookup table for each subgraph and index of each atom in global molecule, may be NULL on start, then it is filled
892 | * \param **&FragmentList list to be allocated and returned
893 | * \param &FragmentCounter counts the fragments as we move along the list
894 | * \param FreeList true - ***ListOfLocalAtoms is free'd before return, false - it is not
895 | * \retuen true - success, false - failure
896 | */
897 | bool MoleculeLeafClass::AssignKeySetsToFragment(ofstream *out,
898 | molecule *reference, Graph *KeySetList, atom ***&ListOfLocalAtoms,
899 | Graph **&FragmentList, int &FragmentCounter, bool FreeList)
900 | {
901 | bool status = true;
902 | int KeySetCounter = 0;
903 |
904 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of AssignKeySetsToFragment." << endl;
905 | // fill ListOfLocalAtoms if NULL was given
906 | if (!FillListOfLocalAtoms(out, ListOfLocalAtoms, FragmentCounter, reference->AtomCount, FreeList)) {
907 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Filling of ListOfLocalAtoms failed." << endl;
908 | return false;
909 | }
910 |
911 | // allocate fragment list
912 | if (FragmentList == NULL) {
913 | KeySetCounter = Count();
914 | FragmentList = (Graph **) Malloc(sizeof(Graph *) * KeySetCounter, "MoleculeLeafClass::AssignKeySetsToFragment - **FragmentList");
915 | for (int i = KeySetCounter; i--;)
916 | FragmentList[i] = NULL;
917 | KeySetCounter = 0;
918 | }
919 |
920 | if ((KeySetList != NULL) && (KeySetList->size() != 0)) { // if there are some scanned keysets at all
921 | // assign scanned keysets
922 | if (FragmentList[FragmentCounter] == NULL)
923 | FragmentList[FragmentCounter] = new Graph;
924 | KeySet *TempSet = new KeySet;
925 | for (Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList->begin(); runner != KeySetList->end(); runner++) { // key sets contain global numbers!
926 | if (ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter][reference->FindAtom(*((*runner).first.begin()))->nr] != NULL) {// as we may assume that that bond structure is unchanged, we only test the first key in each set
927 | // translate keyset to local numbers
928 | for (KeySet::iterator sprinter = (*runner).first.begin(); sprinter != (*runner).first.end(); sprinter++)
929 | TempSet->insert(ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter][reference->FindAtom(*sprinter)->nr]->nr);
930 | // insert into FragmentList
931 | FragmentList[FragmentCounter]->insert(GraphPair(*TempSet, pair<int, double> (KeySetCounter++, (*runner).second.second)));
932 | }
933 | TempSet->clear();
934 | }
935 | delete (TempSet);
936 | if (KeySetCounter == 0) {// if there are no keysets, delete the list
937 | *out << Verbose(1) << "KeySetCounter is zero, deleting FragmentList." << endl;
938 | delete (FragmentList[FragmentCounter]);
939 | } else
940 | *out << Verbose(1) << KeySetCounter << " keysets were assigned to subgraph " << FragmentCounter << "." << endl;
941 | FragmentCounter++;
942 | if (next != NULL)
943 | next->AssignKeySetsToFragment(out, reference, KeySetList, ListOfLocalAtoms, FragmentList, FragmentCounter, FreeList);
944 | FragmentCounter--;
945 | } else
946 | *out << Verbose(1) << "KeySetList is NULL or empty." << endl;
947 |
948 | if ((FreeList) && (ListOfLocalAtoms != NULL)) {
949 | // free the index lookup list
950 | Free((void **) &ListOfLocalAtoms[FragmentCounter], "MoleculeLeafClass::AssignKeySetsToFragment - **ListOfLocalAtoms[]");
951 | if (FragmentCounter == 0) // first fragments frees the initial pointer to list
952 | Free((void **) &ListOfLocalAtoms, "MoleculeLeafClass::AssignKeySetsToFragment - ***ListOfLocalAtoms");
953 | }
954 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of AssignKeySetsToFragment." << endl;
955 | return status;
956 | };
957 |
958 | /** Translate list into global numbers (i.e. ones that are valid in "this" molecule, not in MolecularWalker->Leaf)
959 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
960 | * \param **FragmentList Graph with local numbers per fragment
961 | * \param &FragmentCounter counts the fragments as we move along the list
962 | * \param &TotalNumberOfKeySets global key set counter
963 | * \param &TotalGraph Graph to be filled with global numbers
964 | */
965 | void MoleculeLeafClass::TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs(ofstream *out,
966 | Graph **FragmentList, int &FragmentCounter, int &TotalNumberOfKeySets,
967 | Graph &TotalGraph)
968 | {
969 | *out << Verbose(1) << "Begin of TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs." << endl;
970 | KeySet *TempSet = new KeySet;
971 | if (FragmentList[FragmentCounter] != NULL) {
972 | for (Graph::iterator runner = FragmentList[FragmentCounter]->begin(); runner != FragmentList[FragmentCounter]->end(); runner++) {
973 | for (KeySet::iterator sprinter = (*runner).first.begin(); sprinter != (*runner).first.end(); sprinter++)
974 | TempSet->insert((Leaf->FindAtom(*sprinter))->GetTrueFather()->nr);
975 | TotalGraph.insert(GraphPair(*TempSet, pair<int, double> (TotalNumberOfKeySets++, (*runner).second.second)));
976 | TempSet->clear();
977 | }
978 | delete (TempSet);
979 | } else {
980 | *out << Verbose(1) << "FragmentList is NULL." << endl;
981 | }
982 | if (next != NULL)
983 | next->TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs(out, FragmentList, ++FragmentCounter, TotalNumberOfKeySets, TotalGraph);
984 | FragmentCounter--;
985 | *out << Verbose(1) << "End of TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs." << endl;
986 | };
987 |
988 | /** Simply counts the number of items in the list, from given MoleculeLeafClass.
989 | * \return number of items
990 | */
991 | int MoleculeLeafClass::Count() const
992 | {
993 | if (next != NULL)
994 | return next->Count() + 1;
995 | else
996 | return 1;
997 | };
998 |