1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * fragmentation_helpers.cpp
10 | *
11 | * Created on: Oct 18, 2011
12 | * Author: heber
13 | */
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include "fragmentation_helpers.hpp"
23 |
24 | #include <sstream>
25 |
26 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
27 |
28 | #include "atom.hpp"
29 | #include "Bond/bond.hpp"
30 | #include "Element/element.hpp"
31 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
32 | #include "Helpers/helpers.hpp"
33 | #include "molecule.hpp"
34 |
35 | using namespace std;
36 |
37 | /** Scans a single line for number and puts them into \a KeySet.
38 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
39 | * \param *buffer buffer to scan
40 | * \param &CurrentSet filled KeySet on return
41 | * \return true - at least one valid atom id parsed, false - CurrentSet is empty
42 | */
43 | bool ScanBufferIntoKeySet(char *buffer, KeySet &CurrentSet)
44 | {
45 | stringstream line;
46 | int AtomNr;
47 | int status = 0;
48 |
49 | line.str(buffer);
50 | while (!line.eof()) {
51 | line >> AtomNr;
52 | if (AtomNr >= 0) {
53 | CurrentSet.insert(AtomNr); // insert at end, hence in same order as in file!
54 | status++;
55 | } // else it's "-1" or else and thus must not be added
56 | }
57 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "The scanned KeySet is ");
58 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = CurrentSet.begin(); runner != CurrentSet.end(); runner++) {
59 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (*runner) << "\t");
60 | }
61 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl);
62 | return (status != 0);
63 | };
64 |
65 | /** Parses the KeySet file and fills \a *FragmentList from the known molecule structure.
66 | * Does two-pass scanning:
67 | * -# Scans the keyset file and initialises a temporary graph
68 | * -# Scans TEFactors file and sets the TEFactor of each key set in the temporary graph accordingly
69 | * Finally, the temporary graph is inserted into the given \a FragmentList for return.
70 | * \param &path path to file
71 | * \param *FragmentList empty, filled on return
72 | * \return true - parsing successfully, false - failure on parsing (FragmentList will be NULL)
73 | */
74 | bool ParseKeySetFile(std::string &path, Graph *&FragmentList)
75 | {
76 | bool status = true;
77 | ifstream InputFile;
78 | stringstream line;
79 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
80 | int NumberOfFragments = 0;
81 | string filename;
82 |
83 | if (FragmentList == NULL) { // check list pointer
84 | FragmentList = new Graph;
85 | }
86 |
87 | // 1st pass: open file and read
88 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Parsing the KeySet file ... " << endl);
89 | filename = path + KEYSETFILE;
90 | InputFile.open(filename.c_str());
91 | if (InputFile.good()) {
92 | // each line represents a new fragment
93 | char buffer[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
94 | // 1. parse keysets and insert into temp. graph
95 | while (!InputFile.eof()) {
96 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
97 | KeySet CurrentSet;
98 | if ((strlen(buffer) > 0) && (ScanBufferIntoKeySet(buffer, CurrentSet))) { // if at least one valid atom was added, write config
99 | testGraphInsert = FragmentList->insert(GraphPair (CurrentSet,pair<int,double>(NumberOfFragments++,1))); // store fragment number and current factor
100 | if (!testGraphInsert.second) {
101 | DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "KeySet file must be corrupt as there are two equal key sets therein!" << endl);
102 | performCriticalExit();
103 | }
104 | }
105 | }
106 | // 2. Free and done
107 | InputFile.close();
108 | InputFile.clear();
109 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "\t ... done." << endl);
110 | } else {
111 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "\t ... File " << filename << " not found." << endl);
112 | status = false;
113 | }
114 |
115 | return status;
116 | };
117 |
118 | /** Parses the TE factors file and fills \a *FragmentList from the known molecule structure.
119 | * -# Scans TEFactors file and sets the TEFactor of each key set in the temporary graph accordingly
120 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
121 | * \param *path path to file
122 | * \param *FragmentList graph whose nodes's TE factors are set on return
123 | * \return true - parsing successfully, false - failure on parsing
124 | */
125 | bool ParseTEFactorsFile(char *path, Graph *FragmentList)
126 | {
127 | bool status = true;
128 | ifstream InputFile;
129 | stringstream line;
130 | GraphTestPair testGraphInsert;
131 | int NumberOfFragments = 0;
132 | double TEFactor;
133 | char filename[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
134 |
135 | if (FragmentList == NULL) { // check list pointer
136 | FragmentList = new Graph;
137 | }
138 |
139 | // 2nd pass: open TEFactors file and read
140 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Parsing the TEFactors file ... " << endl);
141 | sprintf(filename, "%s/%s%s", path, FRAGMENTPREFIX, TEFACTORSFILE);
142 | InputFile.open(filename);
143 | if (InputFile != NULL) {
144 | // 3. add found TEFactors to each keyset
145 | NumberOfFragments = 0;
146 | for(Graph::iterator runner = FragmentList->begin();runner != FragmentList->end(); runner++) {
147 | if (!InputFile.eof()) {
148 | InputFile >> TEFactor;
149 | (*runner).second.second = TEFactor;
150 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Setting " << ++NumberOfFragments << " fragment's TEFactor to " << (*runner).second.second << "." << endl);
151 | } else {
152 | status = false;
153 | break;
154 | }
155 | }
156 | // 4. Free and done
157 | InputFile.close();
158 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl);
159 | } else {
160 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "File " << filename << " not found." << endl);
161 | status = false;
162 | }
163 |
164 | return status;
165 | };
166 |
167 | /** Stores key sets to file.
168 | * \param KeySetList Graph with Keysets
169 | * \param &path path to file
170 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
171 | */
172 | bool StoreKeySetFile(Graph &KeySetList, std::string &path)
173 | {
174 | bool status = true;
175 | string line = path + KEYSETFILE;
176 | ofstream output(line.c_str());
177 |
178 | // open KeySet file
179 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Saving key sets of the total graph ... ");
180 | if(output.good()) {
181 | for(Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList.begin(); runner != KeySetList.end(); runner++) {
182 | for (KeySet::iterator sprinter = (*runner).first.begin();sprinter != (*runner).first.end(); sprinter++) {
183 | if (sprinter != (*runner).first.begin())
184 | output << "\t";
185 | output << *sprinter;
186 | }
187 | output << endl;
188 | }
189 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "done." << endl);
190 | } else {
191 | DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Unable to open " << line << " for writing keysets!" << endl);
192 | performCriticalExit();
193 | status = false;
194 | }
195 | output.close();
196 | output.clear();
197 |
198 | return status;
199 | };
200 |
201 |
202 | /** Stores TEFactors to file.
203 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
204 | * \param KeySetList Graph with factors
205 | * \param *path path to file
206 | * \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
207 | */
208 | bool StoreTEFactorsFile(Graph &KeySetList, char *path)
209 | {
210 | ofstream output;
211 | bool status = true;
212 | string line;
213 |
214 | // open TEFactors file
215 | line = path;
216 | line.append("/");
217 | line += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
218 | line += TEFACTORSFILE;
219 | output.open(line.c_str(), ios::out);
220 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Saving TEFactors of the total graph ... ");
221 | if(output != NULL) {
222 | for(Graph::iterator runner = KeySetList.begin(); runner != KeySetList.end(); runner++)
223 | output << (*runner).second.second << endl;
224 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "done." << endl);
225 | } else {
226 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "failed to open " << line << "." << endl);
227 | status = false;
228 | }
229 | output.close();
230 |
231 | return status;
232 | };
233 |
234 | /** For a given graph, sorts KeySets into a (index, keyset) map.
235 | * \param *GlobalKeySetList list of keysets with global ids (valid in "this" molecule) needed for adaptive increase
236 | * \return map from index to keyset
237 | */
238 | std::map<int,KeySet> * GraphToIndexedKeySet(Graph *GlobalKeySetList)
239 | {
240 | map<int,KeySet> *IndexKeySetList = new map<int,KeySet>;
241 | for(Graph::iterator runner = GlobalKeySetList->begin(); runner != GlobalKeySetList->end(); runner++) {
242 | IndexKeySetList->insert( pair<int,KeySet>(runner->second.first,runner->first) );
243 | }
244 | return IndexKeySetList;
245 | };
246 |
247 | /** Inserts a (\a No, \a value) pair into the list, overwriting present one.
248 | * Note if values are equal, No will decided on which is first
249 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
250 | * \param &AdaptiveCriteriaList list to insert into
251 | * \param &IndexedKeySetList list to find key set for a given index \a No
252 | * \param FragOrder current bond order of fragment
253 | * \param No index of keyset
254 | * \param value energy value
255 | */
256 | void InsertIntoAdaptiveCriteriaList(std::map<int, pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList, std::map<int,KeySet> &IndexKeySetList, int FragOrder, int No, double Value)
257 | {
258 | map<int,KeySet>::iterator marker = IndexKeySetList.find(No); // find keyset to Frag No.
259 | if (marker != IndexKeySetList.end()) { // if found
260 | Value *= 1 + MYEPSILON*(*((*marker).second.begin())); // in case of equal energies this makes them not equal without changing anything actually
261 | // as the smallest number in each set has always been the root (we use global id to keep the doubles away), seek smallest and insert into AtomMask
262 | pair <map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator, bool> InsertedElement = AdaptiveCriteriaList->insert( make_pair(*((*marker).second.begin()), pair<double,int>( fabs(Value), FragOrder) ));
263 | map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator PresentItem = InsertedElement.first;
264 | if (!InsertedElement.second) { // this root is already present
265 | if ((*PresentItem).second.second < FragOrder) // if order there is lower, update entry with higher-order term
266 | //if ((*PresentItem).second.first < (*runner).first) // as higher-order terms are not always better, we skip this part (which would always include this site into adaptive increase)
267 | { // if value is smaller, update value and order
268 | (*PresentItem).second.first = fabs(Value);
269 | (*PresentItem).second.second = FragOrder;
270 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Updated element (" << (*PresentItem).first << ",[" << (*PresentItem).second.first << "," << (*PresentItem).second.second << "])." << endl);
271 | } else {
272 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Did not update element " << (*PresentItem).first << " as " << FragOrder << " is less than or equal to " << (*PresentItem).second.second << "." << endl);
273 | }
274 | } else {
275 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Inserted element (" << (*PresentItem).first << ",[" << (*PresentItem).second.first << "," << (*PresentItem).second.second << "])." << endl);
276 | }
277 | } else {
278 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "No Fragment under No. " << No << "found." << endl);
279 | }
280 | };
281 |
282 | /** Counts lines in file.
283 | * Note we are scanning lines from current position, not from beginning.
284 | * \param InputFile file to be scanned.
285 | */
286 | int CountLinesinFile(std::ifstream &InputFile)
287 | {
288 | char *buffer = new char[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
289 | int lines=0;
290 |
291 | int PositionMarker = InputFile.tellg(); // not needed as Inputfile is copied, given by value, not by ref
292 | // count the number of lines, i.e. the number of fragments
293 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); // skip comment lines
294 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
295 | while(!InputFile.eof()) {
296 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
297 | lines++;
298 | }
299 | InputFile.seekg(PositionMarker, ios::beg);
300 | delete[](buffer);
301 | return lines;
302 | };
303 |
304 |
305 | /** Scans the adaptive order file and insert (index, value) into map.
306 | * \param &path path to ENERGYPERFRAGMENT file (may be NULL if Order is non-negative)
307 | * \param &IndexedKeySetList list to find key set for a given index \a No
308 | * \return adaptive criteria list from file
309 | */
310 | std::map<int, std::pair<double,int> > * ScanAdaptiveFileIntoMap(std::string &path, std::map<int,KeySet> &IndexKeySetList)
311 | {
312 | map<int, pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList = new map<int, pair<double,int> >;
313 | int No = 0, FragOrder = 0;
314 | double Value = 0.;
315 | char buffer[MAXSTRINGSIZE];
316 | string filename = path + ENERGYPERFRAGMENT;
317 | ifstream InputFile(filename.c_str());
318 |
319 | if (InputFile.fail()) {
320 | DoeLog(1) && (eLog() << Verbose(1) << "Cannot find file " << filename << "." << endl);
321 | return AdaptiveCriteriaList;
322 | }
323 |
324 | if (CountLinesinFile(InputFile) > 0) {
325 | // each line represents a fragment root (Atom::Nr) id and its energy contribution
326 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE); // skip comment lines
327 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
328 | while(!InputFile.eof()) {
329 | InputFile.getline(buffer, MAXSTRINGSIZE);
330 | if (strlen(buffer) > 2) {
331 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Scanning: " << buffer << endl;
332 | stringstream line(buffer);
333 | line >> FragOrder;
334 | line >> ws >> No;
335 | line >> ws >> Value; // skip time entry
336 | line >> ws >> Value;
337 | No -= 1; // indices start at 1 in file, not 0
338 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << " - yields (" << No << "," << Value << ", " << FragOrder << ")" << endl;
339 |
340 | // clean the list of those entries that have been superceded by higher order terms already
341 | InsertIntoAdaptiveCriteriaList(AdaptiveCriteriaList, IndexKeySetList, FragOrder, No, Value);
342 | }
343 | }
344 | // close and done
345 | InputFile.close();
346 | InputFile.clear();
347 | }
348 |
349 | return AdaptiveCriteriaList;
350 | };
351 |
352 | /** Maps adaptive criteria list back onto (Value, (Root Nr., Order))
353 | * (i.e. sorted by value to pick the highest ones)
354 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
355 | * \param &AdaptiveCriteriaList list to insert into
356 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
357 | * \return remapped list
358 | */
359 | std::map<double, std::pair<int,int> > * ReMapAdaptiveCriteriaListToValue(std::map<int, std::pair<double,int> > *AdaptiveCriteriaList, molecule *mol)
360 | {
361 | atom *Walker = NULL;
362 | map<double, pair<int,int> > *FinalRootCandidates = new map<double, pair<int,int> > ;
363 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Root candidate list is: " << endl);
364 | for(map<int, pair<double,int> >::iterator runner = AdaptiveCriteriaList->begin(); runner != AdaptiveCriteriaList->end(); runner++) {
365 | Walker = mol->FindAtom((*runner).first);
366 | if (Walker != NULL) {
367 | //if ((*runner).second.second >= Walker->AdaptiveOrder) { // only insert if this is an "active" root site for the current order
368 | if (!Walker->MaxOrder) {
369 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "(" << (*runner).first << ",[" << (*runner).second.first << "," << (*runner).second.second << "])" << endl);
370 | FinalRootCandidates->insert( make_pair( (*runner).second.first, pair<int,int>((*runner).first, (*runner).second.second) ) );
371 | } else {
372 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Excluding (" << *Walker << ", " << (*runner).first << ",[" << (*runner).second.first << "," << (*runner).second.second << "]), as it has reached its maximum order." << endl);
373 | }
374 | } else {
375 | DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Atom No. " << (*runner).second.first << " was not found in this molecule." << endl);
376 | performCriticalExit();
377 | }
378 | }
379 | return FinalRootCandidates;
380 | };
381 |
382 | /** Marks all candidate sites for update if below adaptive threshold.
383 | * Picks a given number of highest values and set *AtomMask to true.
384 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
385 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::Nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
386 | * \param FinalRootCandidates list candidates to check
387 | * \param Order desired order
388 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms
389 | * \return true - if update is necessary, false - not
390 | */
391 | bool MarkUpdateCandidates(bool *AtomMask, std::map<double, std::pair<int,int> > &FinalRootCandidates, int Order, molecule *mol)
392 | {
393 | atom *Walker = NULL;
394 | int No = -1;
395 | bool status = false;
396 | for(map<double, pair<int,int> >::iterator runner = FinalRootCandidates.upper_bound(pow(10.,Order)); runner != FinalRootCandidates.end(); runner++) {
397 | No = (*runner).second.first;
398 | Walker = mol->FindAtom(No);
399 | //if (Walker->AdaptiveOrder < MinimumRingSize[Walker->getNr()]) {
400 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Root " << No << " is still above threshold (10^{" << Order <<"}: " << runner->first << ", setting entry " << No << " of Atom mask to true." << endl);
401 | AtomMask[No] = true;
402 | status = true;
403 | //} else
404 | //Log() << Verbose(2) << "Root " << No << " is still above threshold (10^{" << Order <<"}: " << runner->first << ", however MinimumRingSize of " << MinimumRingSize[Walker->getNr()] << " does not allow further adaptive increase." << endl;
405 | }
406 | return status;
407 | };
408 |
409 | /** print atom mask for debugging.
410 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
411 | * \param *AtomMask defines true/false per global Atom::Nr to mask in/out each nuclear site, used to activate given number of site to increment order adaptively
412 | * \param AtomCount number of entries in \a *AtomMask
413 | */
414 | void PrintAtomMask(bool *AtomMask, int AtomCount)
415 | {
416 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << " ");
417 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
418 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (i % 10));
419 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl);
420 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Atom mask is: ");
421 | for(int i=0;i<AtomCount;i++)
422 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (AtomMask[i] ? "t" : "f"));
423 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl);
424 | };
425 |
426 |
427 |
428 | /** Clears the touched list
429 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
430 | * \param verbosity verbosity level
431 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
432 | * \param SubOrder current suborder
433 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
434 | */
435 | void SPFragmentGenerator_ClearingTouched(int verbosity, int *&TouchedList, int SubOrder, int &TouchedIndex)
436 | {
437 | Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Clearing touched list." << endl;
438 | for (TouchedIndex=SubOrder+1;TouchedIndex--;) // empty touched list
439 | TouchedList[TouchedIndex] = -1;
440 | TouchedIndex = 0;
441 |
442 | }
443 |
444 | /** Adds the current combination of the power set to the snake stack.
445 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
446 | * \param verbosity verbosity level
447 | * \param CurrentCombination
448 | * \param SetDimension maximum number of bits in power set
449 | * \param *FragmentSet snake stack to remove from
450 | * \param &BondsSet set of bonds
451 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
452 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
453 | * \return number of set bits
454 | */
455 | int AddPowersetToSnakeStack(int verbosity, int CurrentCombination, int SetDimension, KeySet *FragmentSet, std::vector<bond *> &BondsSet, int *&TouchedList, int &TouchedIndex)
456 | {
457 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
458 | bool bit = false;
459 | KeySetTestPair TestKeySetInsert;
460 |
461 | int Added = 0;
462 | for (int j=0;j<SetDimension;j++) { // pull out every bit by shifting
463 | bit = ((CurrentCombination & (1 << j)) != 0); // mask the bit for the j-th bond
464 | if (bit) { // if bit is set, we add this bond partner
465 | OtherWalker = BondsSet[j]->rightatom; // rightatom is always the one more distant, i.e. the one to add
466 | //Log() << Verbose(1+verbosity) << "Current Bond is " << BondsSet[j] << ", checking on " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
467 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Adding " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->getNr() << "." << endl;
468 | TestKeySetInsert = FragmentSet->insert(OtherWalker->getNr());
469 | if (TestKeySetInsert.second) {
470 | TouchedList[TouchedIndex++] = OtherWalker->getNr(); // note as added
471 | Added++;
472 | } else {
473 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "This was item was already present in the keyset." << endl;
474 | }
475 | } else {
476 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Not adding." << endl;
477 | }
478 | }
479 | return Added;
480 | };
481 |
482 | /** Counts the number of elements in a power set.
483 | * \param SetFirst begin iterator first bond
484 | * \param SetLast end iterator
485 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
486 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
487 | * \return number of elements
488 | */
489 | int CountSetMembers(std::list<bond *>::const_iterator SetFirst, std::list<bond *>::const_iterator SetLast, int *&TouchedList, int TouchedIndex)
490 | {
491 | int SetDimension = 0;
492 | for( std::list<bond *>::const_iterator Binder = SetFirst;
493 | Binder != SetLast;
494 | ++Binder) {
495 | for (int k=TouchedIndex;k--;) {
496 | if ((*Binder)->Contains(TouchedList[k])) // if we added this very endpiece
497 | SetDimension++;
498 | }
499 | }
500 | return SetDimension;
501 | };
502 |
503 | /** Fills a list of bonds from another
504 | * \param *BondsList bonds array/vector to fill
505 | * \param SetFirst begin iterator first bond
506 | * \param SetLast end iterator
507 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
508 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
509 | * \return number of elements
510 | */
511 | int FillBondsList(std::vector<bond *> &BondsList, std::list<bond *>::const_iterator SetFirst, std::list<bond *>::const_iterator SetLast, int *&TouchedList, int TouchedIndex)
512 | {
513 | int SetDimension = 0;
514 | for( std::list<bond *>::const_iterator Binder = SetFirst;
515 | Binder != SetLast;
516 | ++Binder) {
517 | for (int k=0;k<TouchedIndex;k++) {
518 | if ((*Binder)->leftatom->getNr() == TouchedList[k]) // leftatom is always the closer one
519 | BondsList[SetDimension++] = (*Binder);
520 | }
521 | }
522 | return SetDimension;
523 | };
524 |
525 | /** Remove all items that were added on this SP level.
526 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
527 | * \param verbosity verbosity level
528 | * \param *FragmentSet snake stack to remove from
529 | * \param *&TouchedList touched list
530 | * \param TouchedIndex currently touched
531 | */
532 | void RemoveAllTouchedFromSnakeStack(int verbosity, KeySet *FragmentSet, int *&TouchedList, int &TouchedIndex)
533 | {
534 | int Removal = 0;
535 | for(int j=0;j<TouchedIndex;j++) {
536 | Removal = TouchedList[j];
537 | Log() << Verbose(2+verbosity) << "Removing item nr. " << Removal << " from snake stack." << endl;
538 | FragmentSet->erase(Removal);
539 | TouchedList[j] = -1;
540 | }
541 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Remaining local nr.s on snake stack are: ");
542 | for(KeySet::iterator runner = FragmentSet->begin(); runner != FragmentSet->end(); runner++)
543 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << (*runner) << " ");
544 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << endl);
545 | TouchedIndex = 0; // set Index to 0 for list of atoms added on this level
546 | };
547 |
548 | /** Allocates memory for UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList.
549 | * \param *out output stream
550 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
551 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
552 | * \sa FreeSPList()
553 | */
554 | void InitialiseSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
555 | {
556 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList.resize(Order);
557 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount = new int[Order];
558 | for (int i=Order;i--;) {
559 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[i] = 0;
560 | }
561 | };
562 |
563 | /** Free's memory for for UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList.
564 | * \param *out output stream
565 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
566 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments\
567 | * \sa InitialiseSPList()
568 | */
569 | void FreeSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
570 | {
571 | delete[](FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount);
572 | };
573 |
574 | /** Sets FragmenSearch to initial value.
575 | * Sets UniqueFragments::ShortestPathList entries to zero, UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPCount to zero (except zero level to 1) and
576 | * adds initial bond UniqueFragments::Root to UniqueFragments::Root to UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList
577 | * \param *out output stream
578 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
579 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
580 | * \sa FreeSPList()
581 | */
582 | void SetSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
583 | {
584 | // prepare Label and SP arrays of the BFS search
585 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[FragmentSearch.Root->getNr()] = 0;
586 |
587 | // prepare root level (SP = 0) and a loop bond denoting Root
588 | for (int i=Order;i--;)
589 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[i] = 0;
590 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[0] = 1;
591 | bond *Binder = new bond(FragmentSearch.Root, FragmentSearch.Root);
592 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[0].push_back(Binder);
593 | };
594 |
595 | /** Resets UniqueFragments::ShortestPathList and cleans bonds from UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList.
596 | * \param *out output stream
597 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
598 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
599 | * \sa InitialiseSPList()
600 | */
601 | void ResetSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
602 | {
603 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Free'ing all found lists. and resetting index lists" << endl);
604 | for(int i=Order;i--;) {
605 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << ": ");
606 | for (UniqueFragments::BondsPerSP::const_iterator iter = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].begin();
607 | iter != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].end();
608 | ++iter) {
609 | // Log() << Verbose(0) << "Removing atom " << Binder->leftatom->getNr() << " and " << Binder->rightatom->getNr() << "." << endl; // make sure numbers are local
610 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[(*iter)->leftatom->getNr()] = -1;
611 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[(*iter)->rightatom->getNr()] = -1;
612 | }
613 | // delete added bonds
614 | for (UniqueFragments::BondsPerSP::iterator iter = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].begin();
615 | iter != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].end();
616 | ++iter) {
617 | delete(*iter);
618 | }
619 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].clear();
620 | // also start and end node
621 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "cleaned." << endl);
622 | }
623 | };
624 |
625 |
626 | /** Fills the Bonds per Shortest Path List and set the vertex labels.
627 | * \param *out output stream
628 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
629 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
630 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
631 | * \param RestrictedKeySet Restricted vertex set to use in context of molecule
632 | */
633 | void FillSPListandLabelVertices(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch, molecule *mol, KeySet RestrictedKeySet)
634 | {
635 | // Actually, we should construct a spanning tree vom the root atom and select all edges therefrom and put them into
636 | // according shortest path lists. However, we don't. Rather we fill these lists right away, as they do form a spanning
637 | // tree already sorted into various SP levels. That's why we just do loops over the depth (CurrentSP) and breadth
638 | // (EdgeinSPLevel) of this tree ...
639 | // In another picture, the bonds always contain a direction by rightatom being the one more distant from root and hence
640 | // naturally leftatom forming its predecessor, preventing the BFS"seeker" from continuing in the wrong direction.
641 | int AtomKeyNr = -1;
642 | atom *Walker = NULL;
643 | atom *OtherWalker = NULL;
644 | atom *Predecessor = NULL;
645 | bond *Binder = NULL;
646 | int RootKeyNr = FragmentSearch.Root->GetTrueFather()->getNr();
647 | int RemainingWalkers = -1;
648 | int SP = -1;
649 |
650 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Starting BFS analysis ..." << endl);
651 | for (SP = 0; SP < (Order-1); SP++) {
652 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "New SP level reached: " << SP << ", creating new SP list with " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] << " item(s)");
653 | if (SP > 0) {
654 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << ", old level closed with " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP-1] << " item(s)." << endl);
655 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP] = 0;
656 | } else
657 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "." << endl);
658 |
659 | RemainingWalkers = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP];
660 | for (UniqueFragments::BondsPerSP::const_iterator CurrentEdge = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[SP].begin();
661 | CurrentEdge != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[SP].end();
662 | ++CurrentEdge) { /// start till end of this SP level's list
663 | RemainingWalkers--;
664 | Walker = (*CurrentEdge)->rightatom; // rightatom is always the one more distant
665 | Predecessor = (*CurrentEdge)->leftatom; // ... and leftatom is predecessor
666 | AtomKeyNr = Walker->getNr();
667 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Current Walker is: " << *Walker << " with nr " << Walker->getNr() << " and SP of " << SP << ", with " << RemainingWalkers << " remaining walkers on this level." << endl);
668 | // check for new sp level
669 | // go through all its bonds
670 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Going through all bonds of Walker." << endl);
671 | const BondList& ListOfBonds = Walker->getListOfBonds();
672 | for (BondList::const_iterator Runner = ListOfBonds.begin();
673 | Runner != ListOfBonds.end();
674 | ++Runner) {
675 | OtherWalker = (*Runner)->GetOtherAtom(Walker);
676 | if ((RestrictedKeySet.find(OtherWalker->getNr()) != RestrictedKeySet.end())
677 | #ifdef ADDHYDROGEN
678 | && (OtherWalker->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1)
679 | #endif
680 | ) { // skip hydrogens and restrict to fragment
681 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << "Current partner is " << *OtherWalker << " with nr " << OtherWalker->getNr() << " in bond " << *(*Runner) << "." << endl);
682 | // set the label if not set (and push on root stack as well)
683 | if ((OtherWalker != Predecessor) && (OtherWalker->GetTrueFather()->getNr() > RootKeyNr)) { // only pass through those with label bigger than Root's
684 | FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->getNr()] = SP+1;
685 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Set Shortest Path to " << FragmentSearch.ShortestPathList[OtherWalker->getNr()] << "." << endl);
686 | // add the bond in between to the SP list
687 | Binder = new bond(Walker, OtherWalker); // create a new bond in such a manner, that bond::rightatom is always the one more distant
688 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[SP+1].push_back(Binder);
689 | FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP+1]++;
690 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Added its bond to SP list, having now " << FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPCount[SP+1] << " item(s)." << endl);
691 | } else {
692 | if (OtherWalker != Predecessor)
693 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Not passing on, as index of " << *OtherWalker << " " << OtherWalker->GetTrueFather()->getNr() << " is smaller than that of Root " << RootKeyNr << "." << endl);
694 | else
695 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "This is my predecessor " << *Predecessor << "." << endl);
696 | }
697 | } else Log() << Verbose(2) << "Is not in the restricted keyset or skipping hydrogen " << *OtherWalker << "." << endl;
698 | }
699 | }
700 | }
701 | };
702 |
703 | /** prints the Bonds per Shortest Path list in UniqueFragments.
704 | * \param *out output stream
705 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
706 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
707 | */
708 | void OutputSPList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
709 | {
710 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Printing all found lists." << endl);
711 | for(int i=1;i<Order;i++) { // skip the root edge in the printing
712 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Current SP level is " << i << "." << endl);
713 | for (UniqueFragments::BondsPerSP::const_iterator Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].begin();
714 | Binder != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].end();
715 | ++Binder) {
716 | DoLog(2) && (Log() << Verbose(2) << *Binder << endl);
717 | }
718 | }
719 | };
720 |
721 | /** Simply counts all bonds in all UniqueFragments::BondsPerSPList lists.
722 | * \param *out output stream
723 | * \param Order bond order (limits BFS exploration and "number of digits" in power set generation
724 | * \param FragmentSearch UniqueFragments
725 | */
726 | int CountNumbersInBondsList(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch)
727 | {
728 | int SP = -1; // the Root <-> Root edge must be subtracted!
729 | for(int i=Order;i--;) { // sum up all found edges
730 | for (UniqueFragments::BondsPerSP::const_iterator Binder = FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].begin();
731 | Binder != FragmentSearch.BondsPerSPList[i].end();
732 | ++Binder) {
733 | SP++;
734 | }
735 | }
736 | return SP;
737 | };
738 |
739 | bool KeyCompare::operator() (const KeySet SubgraphA, const KeySet SubgraphB) const
740 | {
741 | //Log() << Verbose(0) << "my check is used." << endl;
742 | if (SubgraphA.size() < SubgraphB.size()) {
743 | return true;
744 | } else {
745 | if (SubgraphA.size() > SubgraphB.size()) {
746 | return false;
747 | } else {
748 | KeySet::iterator IteratorA = SubgraphA.begin();
749 | KeySet::iterator IteratorB = SubgraphB.begin();
750 | while ((IteratorA != SubgraphA.end()) && (IteratorB != SubgraphB.end())) {
751 | if ((*IteratorA) < (*IteratorB))
752 | return true;
753 | else if ((*IteratorA) > (*IteratorB)) {
754 | return false;
755 | } // else, go on to next index
756 | IteratorA++;
757 | IteratorB++;
758 | } // end of while loop
759 | }// end of check in case of equal sizes
760 | }
761 | return false; // if we reach this point, they are equal
762 | };
763 |
764 | /** Combines all KeySets from all orders into single ones (with just unique entries).
765 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
766 | * \param *&FragmentList list to fill
767 | * \param ***FragmentLowerOrdersList
768 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
769 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
770 | */
771 | int CombineAllOrderListIntoOne(Graph *&FragmentList, Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList, KeyStack &RootStack, molecule *mol)
772 | {
773 | int RootNr = 0;
774 | int RootKeyNr = 0;
775 | int StartNr = 0;
776 | int counter = 0;
777 | int NumLevels = 0;
778 | atom *Walker = NULL;
779 |
780 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Combining the lists of all orders per order and finally into a single one." << endl);
781 | if (FragmentList == NULL) {
782 | FragmentList = new Graph;
783 | counter = 0;
784 | } else {
785 | counter = FragmentList->size();
786 | }
787 |
788 | StartNr = RootStack.back();
789 | do {
790 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
791 | RootStack.pop_front();
792 | Walker = mol->FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
793 | NumLevels = 1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder - 1);
794 | for(int i=0;i<NumLevels;i++) {
795 | if (FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i] != NULL) {
796 | InsertGraphIntoGraph(*FragmentList, (*FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i]), &counter);
797 | }
798 | }
799 | RootStack.push_back(Walker->getNr());
800 | RootNr++;
801 | } while (RootKeyNr != StartNr);
802 | return counter;
803 | };
804 |
805 | /** Free's memory allocated for all KeySets from all orders.
806 | * \param *out output stream for debugging
807 | * \param ***FragmentLowerOrdersList
808 | * \param &RootStack stack with all root candidates (unequal to each atom in complete molecule if adaptive scheme is applied)
809 | * \param *mol molecule with atoms and bonds
810 | */
811 | void FreeAllOrdersList(Graph ***FragmentLowerOrdersList, KeyStack &RootStack, molecule *mol)
812 | {
813 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Free'ing the lists of all orders per order." << endl);
814 | int RootNr = 0;
815 | int RootKeyNr = 0;
816 | int NumLevels = 0;
817 | atom *Walker = NULL;
818 | while (!RootStack.empty()) {
819 | RootKeyNr = RootStack.front();
820 | RootStack.pop_front();
821 | Walker = mol->FindAtom(RootKeyNr);
822 | NumLevels = 1 << (Walker->AdaptiveOrder - 1);
823 | for(int i=0;i<NumLevels;i++) {
824 | if (FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i] != NULL) {
825 | delete(FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr][i]);
826 | }
827 | }
828 | delete[](FragmentLowerOrdersList[RootNr]);
829 | RootNr++;
830 | }
831 | delete[](FragmentLowerOrdersList);
832 | };
833 |