1 | /*
2 | * FragmentationResultContainer.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Mar 8, 2013
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 | // include config.h
12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 | #include <config.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
17 | #include <boost/serialization/map.hpp>
18 | #include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
19 | #include <boost/serialization/version.hpp>
20 | #include "CodePatterns/Singleton.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
23 | #include <map>
24 |
25 | #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observable.hpp"
26 |
27 | #ifdef HAVE_JOBMARKET
28 | #include "JobMarket/types.hpp"
29 | #else
30 | typedef size_t JobId_t;
31 | #endif
32 |
33 | #include "Fragmentation/KeySetsContainer.hpp"
34 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/IndexSet.hpp"
35 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/FragmentationShortRangeResults.hpp"
36 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/MPQCData.hpp"
37 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/MPQCDataMap.hpp"
38 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
39 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/VMGData.hpp"
40 | #endif
41 |
42 | /** This class stores results from lengthy fragmentation calculations, e.g.
43 | * coming out of FragmentationAutomationAction.
44 | *
45 | * The idea is that we can play around with results without having to recalculate
46 | * results in between. Hence, we place results into this container which we may
47 | * full serialize.
48 | */
49 | class FragmentationResultContainer :
50 | public Singleton<FragmentationResultContainer>,
51 | public Observable
52 | {
53 | //!> Singleton patterns needs access to private cstor/dtor.
54 | friend class Singleton<FragmentationResultContainer>;
55 | private:
56 | FragmentationResultContainer() :
57 | Observable("FragmentationResultContainer"),
58 | ResultsType(BothRanges)
59 | {}
60 | ~FragmentationResultContainer() {}
61 |
62 | public:
63 | //!> typedef for short range data container
64 | typedef std::map<JobId_t, MPQCData> shortrangedata_t;
65 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
66 | //!> typedef for long range data container
67 | typedef std::map<JobId_t, VMGData> longrangedata_t;
68 | #endif
69 |
70 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
71 | /** Adds a a set of both short and long range results.
72 | *
73 | * Adds all the containers to the ones present in this instance.
74 | *
75 | * \param _keysets
76 | * \param _forcekeysetskeysets
77 | * \param _shortrangedata
78 | * \param _longrangedata
79 | */
80 | void addFullResults(
81 | const KeySetsContainer &_keysets,
82 | const KeySetsContainer &_forcekeysets,
83 | const shortrangedata_t &_shortrangedata,
84 | const longrangedata_t &_longrangedata
85 | );
86 | #endif
87 |
88 | /** Adds a a set of short range results only.
89 | *
90 | * Adds all the containers to the ones present in this instance.
91 | *
92 | * \param _keysets
93 | * \param _forcekeysets
94 | * \param _shortrangedata
95 | */
96 | void addShortRangeResults(
97 | const KeySetsContainer &_keysets,
98 | const KeySetsContainer &_forcekeysets,
99 | const shortrangedata_t &_shortrangedata
100 | );
101 |
102 | /** Adds a a set of summed short range results.
103 | *
104 | * Adds all the containers to the ones present in this instance.
105 | *
106 | * \param _summedshortrange energy results per index set
107 | */
108 | void addShortRangeSummedResults(
109 | const FragmentationShortRangeResults::summedshortrange_t &_summedshortrange
110 | );
111 |
112 | /** Adds given cycles to internal keyset list.
113 | *
114 | * \param _cycles keysets of cycles to add
115 | */
116 | void addCycles(const KeySetsContainer &_cycles)
117 | { cycles.insert(_cycles); }
118 |
119 | /** Clears all internal containers.
120 | *
121 | * \note Also resets ResultsType.
122 | */
123 | void clear()
124 | {
125 | OBSERVE;
126 | keysets.clear();
127 | forcekeysets.clear();
128 | cycles.clear();
129 | shortrangedata.clear();
130 | summedshortrange.clear();
131 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
132 | longrangedata.clear();
133 | #endif
134 | ResultsType = BothRanges;
135 | }
136 |
137 | const KeySetsContainer &getKeySets() const { return keysets; }
138 | const KeySetsContainer &getCycles() const { return cycles; }
139 | const KeySetsContainer &getForceKeySets() const { return forcekeysets; }
140 | const shortrangedata_t& getShortRangeResults() const { return shortrangedata; }
141 | const FragmentationShortRangeResults::summedshortrange_t& getShortRangeSummedResults() const { return summedshortrange; }
142 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
143 | const longrangedata_t& getLongRangeResults() const;
144 | #endif
145 | bool areFullRangeResultsPresent() const { return (ResultsType == BothRanges); }
146 |
147 | private:
148 | //!> indicates whether we contain short range only or both results
149 | enum ResultsType_t {
150 | ShortRangeOnly,
151 | BothRanges,
152 | } ResultsType;
153 |
154 | //!> container for all KeySet's without hydrogens to the jobs
155 | KeySetsContainer keysets;
156 | //!> container for all KeySet's with all except saturation hydrogen to the jobs
157 | KeySetsContainer forcekeysets;
158 | //!> container for all short-range results
159 | std::map<JobId_t, MPQCData> shortrangedata;
160 | //! container of all cycle keysets
161 | KeySetsContainer cycles;
162 | //!> container for summed up results per index set
163 | FragmentationShortRangeResults::summedshortrange_t summedshortrange;
164 |
165 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
166 | //!> container for all long-range results
167 | std::map<JobId_t, VMGData> longrangedata;
168 | #endif
169 |
170 | friend class boost::serialization::access;
171 | // serialization
172 | template <typename Archive>
173 | void load(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
174 | {
175 | OBSERVE;
176 | ar & ResultsType;
177 | ar & keysets;
178 | ar & forcekeysets;
179 | ar & shortrangedata;
180 | if (version > 0)
181 | ar & cycles;
182 | if (version > 1)
183 | ar & summedshortrange;
184 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
185 | ar & longrangedata;
186 | #endif
187 | }
188 | template <typename Archive>
189 | void save(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) const
190 | {
191 | ar & ResultsType;
192 | ar & keysets;
193 | ar & forcekeysets;
194 | ar & shortrangedata;
195 | if (version > 0)
196 | ar & cycles;
197 | if (version > 1)
198 | ar & summedshortrange;
199 | #if defined(HAVE_JOBMARKET) && defined(HAVE_VMG)
200 | ar & longrangedata;
201 | #endif
202 | }
204 | };
205 |
206 | // version for serialized information associated to FragmentationResultContainer
207 | BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(FragmentationResultContainer, 2)
208 |