1 | /*
2 | * MapOfActions.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: 10.05.2010
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 | #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
12 | #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
13 | #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
14 |
15 | #include <map>
16 | #include <set>
17 | #include <vector>
18 | #include <typeinfo>
19 |
20 | #include "Exceptions/IllegalTypeException.hpp"
21 | #include "Exceptions/MissingValueException.hpp"
22 | #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp"
23 | #include "Patterns/Singleton.hpp"
24 |
25 | class MapOfActionsTest;
26 |
27 | class Box;
28 | class atom;
29 | class element;
30 | class molecule;
31 | class Vector;
32 |
33 | namespace po = boost::program_options;
34 | namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
35 |
36 | using boost::lexical_cast;
37 |
38 | /** Central class for adding functionality to the code.
39 | *
40 | * In Molecuilder everything that can be done - such as adding atoms,
41 | * translating molecules, saving bind information - is an Action.
42 | *
43 | * In order to reference Action's with what the user sees, this class is the
44 | * mediator.
45 | *
46 | * An Action is described to the user by:
47 | * -# a name (this is the most important information)
48 | * -# a description
49 | * -# a shortform (single letter for use on the command line)
50 | * -# a text menu it resides in
51 | * -# the type of its argument
52 | * -# the command line category
53 | *
54 | * The Action::NAME is the most important information because every Action
55 | * registers itself automatically with the ActionRegistry and can be retrieved
56 | * therefrom and from this MapOfActions simply by knowing its name alone.
57 | *
58 | * In the constructor of MapOfActions all this is set.
59 | *
60 | * Note that Action will require input from the user. This is done via class
61 | * Query.
62 | *
63 | * And note also that MapOfActions actually contains more than just all
64 | * Actions: There are a number of names that actually are just arguments to
65 | * actions (e.g. "output-file").
66 | *
67 | * <h1> Howto add an Action</h1>
68 | *
69 | * Let us assume your new action (class) is called SuperDuperAction, consisting
70 | * of two files SuperDuperAction.cpp and SuperDuperAction.hpp.
71 | *
72 | * Furthermore, let's say you Action needs two values: a double value as a
73 | * upper threshold and a string which is the name of the output file.
74 | *
75 | * <h2> Command Line preliminaries </h2>
76 | *
77 | * You have to decide whether (for the command line) it makes sense to have an
78 | * extra argument requesting the arguments, or one should be the argument of
79 | * your action. I.e. your action name is "super-duper", then the use may
80 | * call your action like this:
81 | *
82 | * ./molecuilder --super-duper 4 --output-file test.dat
83 | *
84 | * Here, we have picked the threshold as the value for your action and the
85 | * name of the output file is given by an additional argument. Of course,
86 | * it can be the other way round or by two arguments such as here:
87 | *
88 | * ./molecuilder --super-duper --threshold 4 --output-file test.dat
89 | *
90 | * It depends on what possible arguments are already there (don't make up
91 | * new ones if present ones actually make sense for your action) and which
92 | * argument is more natural or closer to what your action does.
93 | *
94 | * <h2> Menu preliminaries </h2>
95 | *
96 | * Whatever you decide, your action will need some Query dialogs to request
97 | * the necessary information from the user, either via a command line
98 | * argument (--output-file) via a text dialog (referenced by "output-file")
99 | * or via a graphical dialog (same reference). And therein, the names
100 | * of the arguments have to re-appear.
101 | *
102 | * Then, the following steps have to be done to incorporate your Action:
103 | * -# create a unique name for your action (no capital letters) to reference
104 | * it, this name has to appear in the file SuperDuperAction.cpp, e.g.
105 | * "super-duper"
106 | * -# pick names the other required arguments, best if they are already
107 | * present in the MapOfActions. They have to appear in Query's in the
108 | * code of your Action.
109 | * -# With this name create entries in the following maps for the action
110 | * name and for each names of a desired addtional argument if not present:
111 | * -# DescriptionMap, a catchy description of what your action does
112 | * -# TypeMap, see MapOfActions::OptionTypes for possible types of the single
113 | * argument it takes.
114 | * -# MenuContainsActionMap, in which menu should your action appear
115 | * -# ShortFormMap (optional), single letter for command line call
116 | * -# DefaultValueMap (optional), the default value (always a string)
117 | * -# add to one of the command line sets by the following categories
118 | * -# generic - generic options (i.e. not one of the others)
119 | * -# config - action/argument only considers internal bevahior, user
120 | * does not have to see it while still having full functionality
121 | * -# hidden - this should be hidden from the user
122 | * -# visible - this should be visible to the user
123 | * -# inputfile - this should only be parsed from an input file, not
124 | * from command line
125 | * -# add to a menu, i.e. make an entry in MenuContainsActionMap.
126 | * -# add header file SuperDuperAction.hpp to MapOfActions.cpp and instantiate
127 | * your action in populateMenu() (mind the sorting: 1. menu,
128 | * 2. alphabetical)
129 | *
130 | * And that's.
131 | *
132 | * Now, your action can be called from the command line, within the text
133 | * menu and the graphical user interface.
134 | *
135 | */
136 | class MapOfActions : public Singleton<MapOfActions> {
137 | friend class Singleton<MapOfActions>;
138 | friend class MapOfActionsTest;
139 | public:
140 | enum OptionTypes { None, Boolean, Integer, ListOfIntegers, Double, ListOfDoubles, String, ListOfStrings, Vector, ListOfVectors, Box, Molecule, ListOfMolecules, Atom, ListOfAtoms, Element, ListOfElements };
141 |
142 | // getter for the action descriptions and short forms
143 | std::string getDescription(std::string actionname);
144 | std::string getKeyAndShortForm(std::string actionname);
145 | std::string getShortForm(std::string actionname);
146 | std::map <std::string, std::string> getShortFormToActionMap();
147 |
148 | void AddOptionsToParser();
149 |
150 | // check presence and getter for action type
151 | bool hasValue(std::string actionname);
152 | bool isShortFormPresent(std::string shortform);
153 | std::string getValueType(std::string actionname);
154 |
155 | std::set<std::string> generic;
156 | std::set<std::string> config;
157 | std::set<std::string> hidden;
158 | std::set<std::string> visible;
159 | std::set<std::string> inputfile;
160 |
161 | std::multimap <std::string, std::string> MenuContainsActionMap;
162 | std::map <std::string, std::pair<std::string,std::string> > MenuDescription;
163 |
164 | // instantiates and puts all known actions into the ActionRegistry
165 | void populateActions();
166 |
167 | bool isCurrentValuePresent(const char *name) const;
168 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, class atom * &_T);
169 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, const element * &_T);
170 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, class molecule * &_T);
171 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, class Box &_T);
172 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, class Vector &_T);
173 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, class BoxVector &_T);
174 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<atom *>&_T);
175 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<const element *>&_T);
176 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<molecule *>&_T);
177 | void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, fs::path&_T);
178 | template<typename T> void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, T &_T)
179 | {
180 | if (typeid( T ) == *TypeMap[name]) { // constructor of type_info is private, hence can only store by ref or ptr
181 | if (CurrentValue.find(name) == CurrentValue.end())
182 | throw MissingValueException(__FILE__, __LINE__);
183 | _T = lexical_cast<T>(CurrentValue[name].c_str());
184 | CurrentValue.erase(name);
185 | } else
186 | throw IllegalTypeException(__FILE__,__LINE__);
187 | }
188 | template<typename T> void queryCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<T> &_T)
189 | {
190 | T temp;
191 | if (typeid( std::vector<T> ) == *TypeMap[name]) { // constructor of type_info is private, hence can only store by ref or ptr
192 | if (CurrentValue.find(name) == CurrentValue.end())
193 | throw MissingValueException(__FILE__, __LINE__);
194 | std::istringstream stream(CurrentValue[name]);
195 | CurrentValue.erase(name);
196 | while (!stream.fail()) {
197 | stream >> temp >> std::ws;
198 | _T.push_back(temp);
199 | }
200 | } else
201 | throw IllegalTypeException(__FILE__,__LINE__);
202 | }
203 |
204 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, class atom * &_T);
205 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, const element * &_T);
206 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, class molecule * &_T);
207 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, class Box &_T);
208 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, class Vector &_T);
209 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, class BoxVector &_T);
210 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<atom *>&_T);
211 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<const element *>&_T);
212 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<molecule *>&_T);
213 | void setCurrentValue(const char * name, fs::path&_T);
214 | template<class T> void setCurrentValue(const char * name, T &_T)
215 | {
216 | std::ostringstream stream;
217 | if (typeid( T ) == *TypeMap[name]) { // constructor of type_info is private, hence can only store by ref or ptr
218 | stream << _T;
219 | CurrentValue[name] = stream.str();
220 | } else
221 | throw IllegalTypeException(__FILE__,__LINE__);
222 | }
223 | template<class T> void setCurrentValue(const char * name, std::vector<T> &_T)
224 | {
225 | std::ostringstream stream;
226 | if (typeid( std::vector<T> ) == *TypeMap[name]) { // constructor of type_info is private, hence can only store by ref or ptr
227 | std::ostringstream stream;
228 | for (typename std::vector<T>::iterator iter = _T.begin(); iter != _T.end(); ++iter) {
229 | stream << (*iter) << " ";
230 | }
231 | CurrentValue[name] = stream.str();
232 | } else
233 | throw IllegalTypeException(__FILE__,__LINE__);
234 | }
235 |
236 |
237 | private:
238 | // private constructor and destructor
239 | MapOfActions();
240 | virtual ~MapOfActions();
241 |
242 | // lookup list from our configs to the ones of CommandLineParser
243 | std::map< std::set<std::string> *, po::options_description *> CmdParserLookup;
244 |
245 | // map of the action names and their description
246 | std::map<std::string, std::string> CurrentValue;
247 | std::map<std::string, std::string> DescriptionMap;
248 | std::map<std::string, std::string> ShortFormMap;
249 | std::map<std::string, const std::type_info * > TypeMap;
250 | std::map<const std::type_info *, enum OptionTypes > TypeEnumMap;
251 | };
252 |
253 |
254 | #endif /* MAPOFACTIONS_HPP_ */