# # ChangeLog for Makefile.am # # Generated by Trac 1.4.4 # Mar 22, 2025, 12:21:23 AM Sun, 30 May 2010 09:46:13 GMT Frederik Heber [8df4e3] * Makefile.am (modified) Removed src/Actions from subdirs as this is handled in ... Tue, 18 May 2010 15:18:24 GMT Frederik Heber [5079a0] * Makefile.am (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * src/Actions/Makefile.am (added) * src/Makefile.am (modified) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineDialog.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineDialog.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineStatusIndicator.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineStatusIndicator.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineUIFactory.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineUIFactory.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineWindow.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineWindow.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Dialog.cpp (modified) * src/UIElements/MainWindow.cpp (modified) * src/UIElements/Makefile.am (added) * src/UIElements/Menu/ActionMenuItem.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/ActionMenuItem.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/DisplayMenuItem.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/DisplayMenuItem.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/Menu.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/Menu.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/MenuItem.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/MenuItem.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/SeperatorItem.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/SeperatorItem.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/SubMenuItem.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/SubMenuItem.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/TextMenu.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Menu/TextMenu.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextDialog.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextDialog.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextStatusIndicator.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextStatusIndicator.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextUIFactory.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextUIFactory.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextWindow.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/TextUI/TextWindow.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/UIFactory.cpp (modified) * src/UIElements/Views/MethodStringView.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/MethodStringView.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/StreamStringView.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/StreamStringView.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/StringView.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/StringView.hpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/View.cpp (moved) * src/UIElements/Views/View.hpp (moved) Actions put into libMolecuilderActions, UIElements into ... Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:30:16 GMT Frederik Heber [4aa424] * Makefile.am (modified) Added capability to build doc from anywhere in the tree. Signed-off- ... Wed, 07 Oct 2009 15:35:17 GMT metzler [b9907c] * Makefile.am (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * src/Makefile.am (modified) * src/unittests/Makefile.am (modified) Ticket 30: Put molecuilder unit tests in their own subfolder in src Mon, 09 Feb 2009 17:24:10 GMT Frederik Heber [6ac7ee] * ChangeLog (modified) * Makefile.am (modified) * configure.ac (modified) * doc/Doxyfile (modified) * doc/Makefile.am (modified) * m4/ac_doxygen.m4 (modified) * m4/acx_compilerflags.m4 (modified) * src/.#border.cpp (deleted) * src/.#molecules.hpp (deleted) * src/Hbondangle.db (modified) * src/Hbonddistance.db (modified) * src/Makefile.am (modified) * src/analyzer.cpp (modified) * src/atom.cpp (modified) * src/bond.cpp (modified) * src/boundary.cpp (modified) * src/boundary.hpp (modified) * src/builder.cpp (modified) * src/config.cpp (modified) * src/datacreator.cpp (modified) * src/datacreator.hpp (modified) * src/defs.hpp (modified) * src/element.cpp (modified) * src/elements.db (modified) * src/ellipsoid.cpp (added) * src/ellipsoid.hpp (added) * src/graph.cpp (modified) * src/helpers.cpp (modified) * src/helpers.hpp (modified) * src/joiner.cpp (modified) * src/linkedcell.cpp (modified) * src/linkedcell.hpp (modified) * src/moleculelist.cpp (modified) * src/molecules.cpp (modified) * src/molecules.hpp (modified) * src/orbitals.db (modified) * src/parser.cpp (modified) * src/parser.hpp (modified) * src/periodentafel.cpp (modified) * src/periodentafel.hpp (modified) * src/stackclass.hpp (modified) * src/valence.db (modified) * src/vector.cpp (modified) * src/vector.hpp (modified) * src/verbose.cpp (modified) * tests/Makefile.am (modified) * tests/atlocal.in (modified) * tests/molecuilder.in (modified) * tests/testsuite.at (modified) Merge branch 'ConcaveHull' of ../espack2 into ConcaveHull ... Sun, 27 Apr 2008 13:04:01 GMT Frederik Heber [0ca39c] * Makefile.am (modified) * configure.ac (modified) Complete test kit (make check) for the three parts: pcp, molecuilder, ... Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:26:42 GMT Frederik Heber [14de469] * AUTHORS (added) * ChangeLog (added) * Makefile.am (added) * NEWS (added) * README (added) * autogen.sh (added) * configure.ac (added) * doc/Doxyfile (added) * doc/Makefile.am (added) * m4/ac_doxygen.m4 (added) * src/Hbondangle.db (added) * src/Hbonddistance.db (added) * src/Makefile.am (added) * src/analyzer.cpp (added) * src/atom.cpp (added) * src/bond.cpp (added) * src/builder.cpp (added) * src/config.cpp (added) * src/datacreator.cpp (added) * src/datacreator.hpp (added) * src/defs.hpp (added) * src/element.cpp (added) * src/elements.db (added) * src/graph.cpp (added) * src/helpers.cpp (added) * src/helpers.hpp (added) * src/joiner.cpp (added) * src/moleculelist.cpp (added) * src/molecules.cpp (added) * src/molecules.hpp (added) * src/orbitals.db (added) * src/parser.cpp (added) * src/parser.hpp (added) * src/periodentafel.cpp (added) * src/valence.db (added) * src/vector.cpp (added) * src/verbose.cpp (added) -initial commit -Minimum set of files needed from ESPACK SVN ...