Boxmaker creates boxes of specific density filled with molecules ========================================================== Usage: [option1 value1...] [+boolean_option -other_boolean_option] same as [boolean_option on other_boolean_option off] ========================================================== If existing boxmaker reads boxmaker. as configuration file. The syntax used is: # comment line option1 = value1 option2 = value2 ... Note that shortcuts rather than actual option names can be used at all times, however this is not recommended in the configuration file for clarities sake. Options with units will be converted to the system specified by the .tremolo file if autodim=on. If the value is preceeded by ! the unit convertion can be switched off for this specific value. o List of name-value options: tremofiledir (Optional if autodim=off) Shortcut: tf Default: ./ .tremolo is needed to dertermine the targed system of units. tf specifies where to find the file. potentialsfiledir Shortcut: pf Default: ./ .potentials is needed internally for MoleCuilders element mapping. Also, if automass=on, it's needed to automatically determine the input molecules molar mass. pf specifies where to find the file. outfilename Shortcut: o Default: out The name stem of the output files. By default its and source Shortcut: i Default: None The full path to the molecule file used to fill the box. Supports any format MoleCuilder does. molarmass (Optional if automass=on) Shortcut: m Default: None Specify the molar mass of the input molecule. Value with unit. E.g.: molarmass = 23.45e-3 kg/mol E.g.: molarmass = !66.3333 density Shortcut: rho Default: None Specify the desired density of the box. Value with unit. temp (Optional) Shortcut: t Default: None If specified and postprocessing is on, the resulting data-file is given an additional # INPUTCONV temp header-line. Value with unit. number Shortcut: n Default: 1000 How many molecules is the box supposed to contain? Might be internally changed if cubicdomain=on. If number is a vector the box is filled by x*y*z molecules, ignoring the option cubicdomain. E.g.: number = 4 3 9 o List of boolean options: cubicdomain Shortcut: cd Default: on If on the box is filled with n*n*n molecules where n is the nearest power of 3 to fit number. Ignored if number is a vector. cubiccell Shortcut: cc Default: off Normally the cuboid of an elementary cell is the input molecules bounding box, scaled to fit the desired molecular volume. If on the elementary cells strictly cubic. Its the only way to archive a cubic simulation area (given cubicdomain is on), but its very likely that molecules will overlap unless its near cubic. autorotate Shortcut: ar Default: off Uses MoleCuilder to rotate the input molecule in a way such that the bouding box' volume is minimized, leading to a higher possible density without overlap. autodim Shortcut: ad Default: on If on units will be converted to the system specified in the tremolo-file. postprocess Shortcut: pp Default: on Adds "# INPUTCONV shift center" to the resulting data file. If a temperature is given its added as well. automass Shortcut: am Default: on If specified boxmaker tries to determine the molar mass using the .potentials file.