### element database AT_SETUP([Standard Options - element database]) AT_KEYWORDS([options element-db]) file=test.conf AT_DATA([elements.db], [[# Covalent radius of each element in Angstroem from CSD (binding is: [Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)-t,Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)+t] with t = 0.4A #Element Name Symbol Period Group Block Atomic Number AtomicWeight Covalent Radius vdW Radius Hydrogen H 1 1 s 1 1. 0.23 1.09 Helium He 1 18 p 2 4. 1.5 1.4 ]]) AT_CHECK([cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Options/ElementsDb/pre/test.conf $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i test.conf -e ./], 0, [stdout], [stderr]) AT_CHECK([grep -E "Using.*as elements database." stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Element list loaded successfully." stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Something went wrong while parsing the other databases!" stderr], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([grep "Ion_Type1.*1.000" test.conf], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([grep "Ion_Type1.*1.008" test.conf], 1, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([Standard Options - element database with Undo]) AT_KEYWORDS([options element-db undo]) file=test.conf AT_DATA([elements.db], [[# Covalent radius of each element in Angstroem from CSD (binding is: [Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)-t,Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)+t] with t = 0.4A #Element Name Symbol Period Group Block Atomic Number AtomicWeight Covalent Radius vdW Radius Hydrogen H 1 1 s 1 1.008 0.23 1.09 Helium He 1 18 p 2 4.003 1.5 1.4 ]]) AT_CHECK([cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Options/ElementsDb/pre/test.conf $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i test.conf -e ./ --undo], 0, [stdout], [stderr]) AT_CHECK([grep -E "Using.*as elements database." stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Element list loaded successfully." stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Something went wrong while parsing the other databases!" stderr], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([grep "Ion_Type1.*1.000" test.conf], 1, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([grep "Ion_Type1.*1.008" test.conf], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP AT_SETUP([Standard Options - element database with Redo]) AT_KEYWORDS([options element-db redo]) file=test.conf AT_DATA([elements.db], [[# Covalent radius of each element in Angstroem from CSD (binding is: [Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)-t,Rcov(A)+Rcov(B)+t] with t = 0.4A #Element Name Symbol Period Group Block Atomic Number AtomicWeight Covalent Radius vdW Radius Hydrogen H 1 1 s 1 1.000 0.23 1.09 Helium He 1 18 p 2 4.003 1.5 1.4 ]]) AT_CHECK([cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Options/ElementsDb/pre/test.conf $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder -i test.conf -e ./ --undo --redo], 0, [stdout], [stderr]) AT_CHECK([grep -E "Using.*as elements database." stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Element list loaded successfully." stdout], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([fgrep "Something went wrong while parsing the other databases!" stderr], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([grep "Ion_Type1.*1.000" test.conf], 0, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CHECK([grep "Ion_Type1.*1.008" test.conf], 1, [ignore], [ignore]) AT_CLEANUP