Changes in / [9784cf:bd2390]

18 added
18 deleted
3 edited


  • TabularUnified src/

    r9784cf rbd2390  
    120120  Thermostats/Woodcock.hpp
    122 QTUIMOC_HEADER = UIElements/Qt4/QtDialog.hpp \
    123         UIElements/Qt4/QtMainWindow.hpp \
    124         UIElements/Menu/Qt4/QtMenu.hpp \
    125         UIElements/Views/Qt4/QtWorldView.hpp \
    126         UIElements/Views/Qt4/GLMoleculeView.hpp \
    127         UIElements/Views/Qt4/QtMoleculeView.hpp \
    128         UIElements/Views/Qt4/QtStatusBar.hpp
     122QTUIMOC_HEADER = UIElements/QT4/QTDialog.hpp \
     123        UIElements/QT4/QTMainWindow.hpp \
     124        UIElements/Menu/QT4/QTMenu.hpp \
     125        UIElements/Views/QT4/QTWorldView.hpp \
     126        UIElements/Views/QT4/GLMoleculeView.hpp \
     127        UIElements/Views/QT4/QTMoleculeView.hpp \
     128        UIElements/Views/QT4/QTStatusBar.hpp
    130130QTUISOURCE = allmocs.moc.cpp \
    131         UIElements/Qt4/QtMainWindow.cpp \
    132         UIElements/Qt4/QtDialog.cpp \
    133         UIElements/Qt4/QtUIFactory.cpp \
    134         UIElements/Menu/Qt4/QtMenu.cpp \
    135         UIElements/Views/Qt4/QtWorldView.cpp \
    136         UIElements/Views/Qt4/GLMoleculeView.cpp \
    137         UIElements/Views/Qt4/QtMoleculeView.cpp \
    138         UIElements/Views/Qt4/QtStatusBar.cpp
     131        UIElements/QT4/QTMainWindow.cpp \
     132        UIElements/QT4/QTDialog.cpp \
     133        UIElements/QT4/QTUIFactory.cpp \
     134        UIElements/Menu/QT4/QTMenu.cpp \
     135        UIElements/Views/QT4/QTWorldView.cpp \
     136        UIElements/Views/QT4/GLMoleculeView.cpp \
     137        UIElements/Views/QT4/QTMoleculeView.cpp \
     138        UIElements/Views/QT4/QTStatusBar.cpp
    140 QTUIHEADER = ${QTUIMOC_HEADER} UIElements/Qt4/QtUIFactory.hpp
     140QTUIHEADER = ${QTUIMOC_HEADER} UIElements/QT4/QTUIFactory.hpp
    142142QTUI_DEFS =
    317317        $(BOOST_LIB)
    319 #Stuff for building the GUI using Qt
     319#Stuff for building the GUI using QT
    320320molecuildergui_SOURCES = ${QTUISOURCE} builder.cpp
    321 molecuildergui_CXXFLAGS = ${QT_CXXFLAGS} ${GLU_CXXFLAGS} -DUSE_GUI_Qt
     321molecuildergui_CXXFLAGS = ${QT_CXXFLAGS} ${GLU_CXXFLAGS} -DUSE_GUI_QT
    322322molecuildergui_LDFLAGS = $(BOOST_LIB) ${QT_LDFLAGS} ${GLU_LDFLAGS}
    358358        $(BOOST_LIB)
    360 #Rules needed for Qt4
     360#Rules needed for QT4
    361361# UI-Files are scattered throughout several subdirectories
    362362# Therfore `%'-rules do not seem to work
  • TabularUnified src/UIElements/Dialog.hpp

    r9784cf rbd2390  
    2626/** Dialog is one of the two main classes of the UIFactory base class.
    2727 *
    28  * The Dialog is meant for asking the user for information needed to perform
    29  * actions he desires, such as asking for a position in space or a length.
     28 * The Dialog is meant for asking the user for information needed to perform actions he
     29 * desires, such as asking for a position in space or a length.
    3030 *
    31  * For this purpose there is the base class Query and numerous specializations
    32  * for each of the types to be asked. There are primitives integer, doubles and
    33  * string, but also advanced types such as element, molecule or Vector. There
    34  * is also an empty query for displaying text.
     31 * For this purpose there is the base class Query and numerous specializations for each
     32 * of the types to be asked. There are primitives integer, doubles and string, but also
     33 * advanced types such as element, molecule or Vector. There is also an empty query for
     34 * displaying text.
    3535 */
    3636class Dialog
    7979  //due to lack of common code for query types as well as GUI-Types (all subtypes differ a lot)
    81   /** Base class for all queries.
    82    *
    83    *
    84    * <h1>How to add another query?</h1>
    85    *
    86    * Let's say  we want to query for a type called \a Value.
    87    *
    88    * Then, we do the following:
    89    *  -# Add a class ValueQuery inside class Dialog, the class contains
    90    *    -# constructor/destructor (latter virtual! because of derived class)
    91    *    -# virtual bool handle() and virtual void setResult()
    92    *    -# a protected member tmp of type Value (NOTE: herein the result is stored)
    93    *    -# if temporaries for conversion are needed put them in here
    94    *  -# add a function queryValue
    95    *  -# now, for each of the GUIs we basically have to repeat the above, i.e.
    96    *     add the class and the function that implement the virtual ones above.
    97    *    -# QT: an extra class called ValueQtQueryPipe that actually handles
    98    *       showing dialogs to obtain the value and placing it into the \a tmp
    99    *       variable (via a given pointer to it as reference). handle() will
    100    *       simply return true. This is needed because of a restriction of Qt4:
    101    *       its meta-object-compiler does not like nested classes.
    102    *    -# CommandLine: nothing special, handle() imports value from \a
    103    *       CommandLineParser and sets the tmp variable.
    104    *    -# Text: nothing special, handle() queries the user and sets the tmp
    105    *       variable
    106    */
     81  //base class for all queries
    10782  class Query {
    10883    friend class Dialog;
  • TabularUnified src/builder.cpp

    r9784cf rbd2390  
    8686#include "UIElements/CommandLineUI/CommandLineUIFactory.hpp"
    8787#ifdef USE_GUI_QT
    88 #include "UIElements/Qt4/QtUIFactory.hpp"
     88#include "UIElements/QT4/QTUIFactory.hpp"
    9090#include "UIElements/MainWindow.hpp"
    184184      ASSERT_DO(Assert::Ask);
    185185      #ifdef USE_GUI_QT
    186         DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Setting UI to Qt4." << endl);
    187         UIFactory::registerFactory(new QtUIFactory::description());
    188         UIFactory::makeUserInterface("Qt4");
     186        DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Setting UI to QT4." << endl);
     187        UIFactory::registerFactory(new QTUIFactory::description());
     188        UIFactory::makeUserInterface("QT4");
    189189      #else
    190190        DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Setting UI to Text." << endl);
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