1 | #!/usr/bin/tclsh
2 | #
3 | # This scripts parsed a tecplot style file of triangles and produces one
4 | # frame for each found triangle to be used in animation of the tesselation
5 | # including the rolling sphere via VMD's graphics interface.
6 | #
7 | # Use as follows:
8 | # surfacing <filename> # to start
9 | # surfacing_off # to end
10 |
11 | # fname is the filename of the tecplot .dat file
12 | proc surfacing { fname } {
13 | global nodes
14 | global Triangles
15 | global tcount
16 | # open file
17 | set file [open $fname r]
18 | gets $file title
19 | gets $file variables
20 | gets $file zone
21 | # parse nodes
22 | set ncount 1
23 | gets $file line
24 | while { $line != {} } {
25 | set nodes($ncount) $line
26 | incr ncount
27 | gets $file line
28 | }
29 | set ncount [ expr $ncount -1 ]
30 | puts "There are $ncount nodes."
31 | # there's a blank line in between
32 | # parse triangles
33 | set tcount 0
34 | gets $file line
35 | while { $line != {} } {
36 | set Triangles($tcount) [ split $line " "]
37 | incr tcount
38 | gets $file line
39 | }
40 | puts "There are $tcount triangles."
41 |
42 |
43 | # avoid some 'animate dup' bug
44 | set molid [molinfo top]
45 | if {$tcount < 2} {
46 | error "tcount should be greater than 2."
47 | }
48 | # make tcount-1 copies of current frame
49 | for {set i 0} {$i <$tcount} {incr i} {
50 | animate dup frame 0 $molid
51 | }
52 | animate goto 0
53 |
54 | global vmd_frame
55 | trace variable vmd_frame([molinfo top]) w update_current_surface
56 | display update
57 | return
58 | }
59 |
60 | proc update_current_surface {name index op} {
61 | draw delete all
62 | global nodes
63 | global Triangles
64 | set count 0
65 | set frame [molinfo $index get frame]
66 | while { [expr $count+1] < $frame } {
67 | draw color red
68 | draw material Transparent
69 | set first [ lrange $nodes([ lindex $Triangles($count) 0 ]) 0 2 ]
70 | set second [ lrange $nodes([ lindex $Triangles($count) 1 ]) 0 2 ]
71 | set third [ lrange $nodes([ lindex $Triangles($count) 2 ]) 0 2 ]
72 | draw triangle $first $second $third
73 | incr count
74 | }
75 | if { [expr $count+1] <= $frame } {
76 | draw color green
77 | draw material Opaque
78 | puts "Last triangle is [lindex $Triangles($count) 0] [lindex $Triangles($count) 1] [lindex $Triangles($count) 2]"
79 | set first [ lrange $nodes([ lindex $Triangles($count) 0 ]) 0 2 ]
80 | set second [ lrange $nodes([ lindex $Triangles($count) 1 ]) 0 2 ]
81 | set third [ lrange $nodes([ lindex $Triangles($count) 2 ]) 0 2 ]
82 | draw triangle $first $second $third
83 | }
84 | #enumerate_atoms 0
85 |
86 | return
87 | }
88 |
89 | proc surfacing_off {} {
90 | global vmd_frame
91 | global tcount
92 | trace vdelete vmd_frame([molinfo top]) w update_current_surface
93 | draw delete all
94 | animate delete beg 1 end $tcount skip 0 [molinfo top]
95 | return
96 | }
97 |