1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #
3 | # This script checks each commit in a given interval by:
4 | # - checking out the commit in a clean manner
5 | # - compiling completely (with debug)
6 | # - running the testsuite
7 | # and rounding all up in a suitable log to tell what if went wrong.
8 |
9 | # check sufficiently given arguments
10 | if [ -z $4 ]; then
11 | echo "Usage: $0 <source repo> <Path where to check> <first commit> <second commit> [...parameters for configure...]"
12 | echo "This will check each of the commits in the inclusive interval [first, second]."
13 | exit 255
14 | fi
15 | # check source
16 | SOURCEDIR=`realpath $1`
17 | shift
18 | if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
19 | echo "Please install realpath package!"
20 | exit 128
21 | fi
22 | DIR=$1
23 | shift
24 | base=$1
25 | shift
26 | limit=$1
27 | shift
28 |
29 | # some variables
30 | LOG="`pwd`/commitcheck-${base}-${limit}"
31 | checkdir="commitchecking"
32 | cores=12
33 |
34 | # check whether base dir contains valid repo
35 | if [ ! -e $SOURCEDIR ]; then
36 | echo "$SOURCEDIR does not exist!"
37 | exit 255
38 | fi
39 | if [ ! -e $SOURCEDIR/HEAD ]; then
40 | if [ ! -e $SOURCEDIR/.git ]; then
41 | echo "$SOURCEDIR does not contain a git repository!" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
42 | exit 255
43 | else
45 | fi
46 | fi
47 |
48 | # check whether target is empty and create clone of git repo
49 | if [ -e $DIR ]; then
50 | echo "Target directory $DIR must not be present!"
51 | exit 255
52 | fi
53 | echo -e "#Begin of Logfile" >${LOG}.log
54 | git clone $SOURCEDIR $DIR | tee -a ${LOG}.log
55 | DIR=`realpath $DIR`
56 |
57 | # we are set go to target dir
58 | OLDDIR=`pwd`
59 | cd $DIR
60 |
61 | # check whether both given commit names are valid
62 | test=`git rev-list ${base}..${limit} &>/dev/null`
63 | if [ $? -eq 128 ]; then
64 | # try with remote on either side
65 | test=`git rev-list remotes/origin/${base}..${limit} &>/dev/null`
66 | if [ $? -eq 128 ]; then
67 | test=`git rev-list ${base}..remotes/origin/${limit} &>/dev/null`
68 | if [ $? -eq 128 ]; then
69 | test=`git rev-list remotes/origin/${base}..remotes/origin/${limit} &>/dev/null`
70 | if [ $? -eq 128 ]; then
71 | echo "At least one of the given commits ${base} or ${limit} does not exist!" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
72 | exit 255
73 | else
74 | echo "Using remotes/origin/${base} instead of ${base} and remotes/origin/${limit} instead of ${limit}"
75 | base="remotes/origin/${base}"
76 | limit="remotes/origin/${limit}"
77 | fi
78 | else
79 | echo "Using remotes/origin/${limit} instead of ${limit}."
80 | limit="remotes/origin/${limit}"
81 | fi
82 | else
83 | echo "Using remotes/origin/${base} instead of ${base}."
84 | base="remotes/origin/${base}"
85 | fi
86 | fi
87 |
88 | # calculate the number of commits
89 | commitscount=`git rev-list --first-parent ${base}..${limit} | wc -l`
90 | if [ $commitscount -eq 0 ]; then
91 | echo "There are no commits to check!" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
92 | echo "Maybe you have given first and second wrong way round?" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
93 | echo "Remember: First has to be older than second." | tee -a ${LOG}.log
94 | exit 1
95 | fi
96 | # DON't set limit for HEAD~: git starts counting at 0, wc however at 1, but git does not include last commit ${base} in the list!
97 | let commitlimit=$commitscount
98 | # and check whether it conincides with ${base}
99 | basecommitdescribe=`git describe ${base}`
100 | topcommitdescribe=`git describe ${limit}`
101 | basecommitdescribefromtop=`git describe ${limit}~${commitlimit}`
102 | if [ "$basecommitdescribe" != "$basecommitdescribefromtop" ]; then
103 | echo "Something went wrong internally!" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
104 | echo "Compared $basecommitdescribe with $basecommitdescribefromtop ..."
105 | echo "The number of commits calculated in between does not lead to the base commit." | tee -a ${LOG}.log
106 | exit 128
107 | fi
108 |
109 | # ============== PERFORMING CHECKS ==========================
110 | echo "We are checking all commits from ${base} to ${limit}." | tee -a ${LOG}.log
111 | echo "Base: ${basecommitdescribe}" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
112 | echo -e "Top: ${topcommitdescribe}\n" | tee -a ${LOG}.log
113 | # first fast overview without debug, then thorough with debug
114 | #for debug_option in "--disable-debug"; do
115 | #for debug_option in "--enable-debug"; do
116 | for debug_option in "--disable-debug" "--enable-debug"; do
117 | i=${commitlimit}
118 | while [ $i -ge 0 ]; do
119 | let nr=${commitlimit}-$i
120 | git checkout -f ${limit}~${i}
121 | # more jobs on tests
122 | for testfile in `find tests -name 'Makefile.am'`; do
123 | sed -i -e "s#max_jobs = 4#max_jobs = $cores#" $testfile
124 | done
125 | ./bootstrap
126 | rm -rf $checkdir
127 | mkdir -p $checkdir
128 | cd $checkdir
129 | echo "Now testing version `git describe --dirty --always` with $debug_option" &>${LOG}-${nr}.log
130 | ../configure --prefix=${DIR}/$checkdir ${debug_option} "$@" &>>${LOG}-${nr}.log
131 | make -k -j${cores} check &>>${LOG}-${nr}.log
132 | resultcode=$?
133 | # add failed testsuite.logs
134 | echo "#################################################################################" >>${LOG}-${nr}.log
135 | for failedlog in `find tests/ -regex '.*/[0-9]*/.*' -name 'testsuite.log' -exec grep -l "FAILED" {} \;`; do
136 | echo -e "\t$failedlog" >>${LOG}-${nr}.log
137 | echo "#################################################################################" >>${LOG}-${nr}.log
138 | cat <$failedlog >>${LOG}-${nr}.log
139 | echo "#################################################################################" >>${LOG}-${nr}.log
140 | done
141 | if [ $resultcode -gt 0 ]; then
142 | echo -e "${nr}: `git describe --dirty --always`, ${debug_option}: FAILED." >>${LOG}.log
143 | else
144 | echo -e "${nr}: `git describe --dirty --always`, ${debug_option}: ok." >>${LOG}.log
145 | fi
146 | # if [ x${debug_option} = x"--enable-debug" ]; then
147 | # make -k -j${cores} distcheck &>>${LOG}-${nr}.log
148 | # if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
149 | # echo -e "${nr}: `git describe --dirty --always`, ${debug_option}, distcheck: FAILED." >>${LOG}.log
150 | # else
151 | # echo -e "${nr}: `git describe --dirty --always`, ${debug_option}, distcheck: ok." >>${LOG}.log
152 | # fi
153 | # fi
154 | cd ..
155 | ((i-=1));
156 | done
157 | done
158 | # =================== DONE =================================
159 |
160 | echo -e "#End of Logfile" >>${LOG}.log
161 | cd $OLDDIR
162 | exit 0