[48d20d] | 1 | #
| 2 | # MoleCuilder - creates and alters molecular systems
| 3 | # Copyright (C) 2013 University of Bonn
[5aaa43] | 4 | # Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber
[48d20d] | 5 | #
| 6 | # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 7 | # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 8 | # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
| 9 | # (at your option) any later version.
| 10 | #
| 11 | # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 12 | # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 14 | # GNU General Public License for more details.
| 15 | #
| 16 | # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
| 17 | # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
| 18 | #
| 19 | ### fit some potentials
| 20 |
[f5724f] | 21 | AT_SETUP([Potential - Fit morse potential to water])
| 22 | AT_KEYWORDS([potential parse-homologies fit-potential morse])
[55feff5] | 23 | AT_SKIP_IF([../../molecuilder --help fit-potential; if test $? -eq 5; then /bin/true; else /bin/false; fi])
[2124aa] | 24 | AT_XFAIL_IF([/bin/true])
[16c6f7] | 25 | # homology files probably originate from Labspace/PotentialFitting/WaterAngle
| 26 | # recreate homology file: PYTHONPATH=... /usr/bin/python .../tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/measurement_function.py length_common.pdb 2 0 0 5 4 2050 6-311G* 1 2. 10 .../share/molecuilder/data/bondtables/bondtable.dat
[48d20d] | 27 |
| 28 | file=length_homology.dat
[f5724f] | 29 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/$file $file], 0)
[48d20d] | 30 | AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 31 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder \
| 32 | --parse-homologies $file \
| 33 | --set-random-number-engine "lagged_fibonacci607" \
| 34 | --random-number-engine-parameters "seed=1;" \
| 35 | --set-random-number-distribution "uniform_real" \
| 36 | --random-number-distribution-parameters "min=0;max=1;" \
| 37 | --fit-potential \
| 38 | --potential-type "morse" \
| 39 | --potential-charges 8 1 \
| 40 | --fragment-charges 1 8 1 \
[b8f2ea] | 41 | --set-threshold 5e-6 \
[0ea063] | 42 | --save-potentials length.potentials], 0, [stdout], [ignore])
[48d20d] | 43 | # check that L_2 error is below 1e-6
[b8f2ea] | 44 | AT_CHECK([grep "Best parameters with L2 error" stdout | awk '{if ($8 > 5e-6) exit 1}'], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[48d20d] | 45 | # check parameters to printed precision
[16c6f7] | 46 | AT_CHECK([grep "morse:.*particle_type1=8,.*particle_type2=1,.*spring_constant=1.3.*,.*equilibrium_distance=1.7.*,.*dissociation_energy=0.19.*;" length.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[48d20d] | 47 |
| 49 |
[f5724f] | 50 | AT_SETUP([Potential - Fit harmonic potential to water])
| 51 | AT_KEYWORDS([potential parse-homologies fit-potential harmonic])
[55feff5] | 52 | AT_SKIP_IF([../../molecuilder --help fit-potential; if test $? -eq 5; then /bin/true; else /bin/false; fi])
[2124aa] | 53 | AT_XFAIL_IF([/bin/true])
[16c6f7] | 54 | # homology files probably originate from Labspace/PotentialFitting/Water
| 55 | # see morse fitting
[6550cf] | 56 |
[16c6f7] | 57 | file=length_homology.dat
[f5724f] | 58 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/$file $file], 0)
[6550cf] | 59 | AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 60 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder \
| 61 | --parse-homologies $file \
| 62 | --set-random-number-engine "lagged_fibonacci607" \
| 63 | --random-number-engine-parameters "seed=1;" \
| 64 | --set-random-number-distribution "uniform_real" \
| 65 | --random-number-distribution-parameters "min=0;max=1;" \
| 66 | --fit-potential \
| 67 | --potential-type "harmonic_bond" \
| 68 | --potential-charges 8 1 \
| 69 | --fragment-charges 1 8 1 \
[16c6f7] | 70 | --set-threshold 6e-4 \
[0ea063] | 71 | --save-potentials harmonic.potentials], 0, [stdout], [ignore])
[16c6f7] | 72 | # check that L_2 error is below 6e-4
| 73 | AT_CHECK([grep "Best parameters with L2 error" stdout | awk '{if ($8 > 6e-4) exit 1}'], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[6550cf] | 74 | # check parameters to printed precision
[16c6f7] | 75 | AT_CHECK([grep "harmonic_bond:.*particle_type1=8,.*particle_type2=1,.*spring_constant=0.4.*,.*equilibrium_distance=1.8.*;" harmonic.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[6550cf] | 76 |
| 78 |
[f5724f] | 79 | AT_SETUP([Potential - Fit harmonic_angle potential to water])
| 80 | AT_KEYWORDS([potential parse-homologies fit-potential harmonic_angle])
[55feff5] | 81 | AT_SKIP_IF([../../molecuilder --help fit-potential; if test $? -eq 5; then /bin/true; else /bin/false; fi])
[2124aa] | 82 | AT_XFAIL_IF([/bin/true])
[16c6f7] | 83 | # homology files probably originate from Labspace/PotentialFitting/WaterAngle
| 84 | # recreate homology file: PYTHONPATH=... /usr/bin/python .../tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/measurement_function.py angle_common.pdb 2 0 0 5 4 2050 6-311G* 1 2. 10 .../share/molecuilder/data/bondtables/bondtable.dat
[48d20d] | 85 |
| 86 | file=angle_homology.dat
[f5724f] | 87 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/$file $file], 0)
[48d20d] | 88 | AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 89 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder \
| 90 | --parse-homologies $file \
| 91 | --set-random-number-engine "lagged_fibonacci607" \
| 92 | --random-number-engine-parameters "seed=1;" \
| 93 | --set-random-number-distribution "uniform_real" \
| 94 | --random-number-distribution-parameters "min=0;max=1;" \
| 95 | --fit-potential \
| 96 | --potential-type "harmonic_angle" \
| 97 | --potential-charges 1 8 1 \
| 98 | --fragment-charges 1 8 1 \
| 99 | --set-threshold 1e-6 \
| 100 | --save-potentials angle.potentials], 0, [stdout], [ignore])
[48d20d] | 101 | # check that L_2 error is below 1e-6
| 102 | AT_CHECK([grep "||e||_2:" stdout | awk '{if ($7 > 1e-6) exit 1}'], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
| 103 | # check parameters to printed precision
[16c6f7] | 104 | AT_CHECK([grep "harmonic_angle:.*particle_type1=1,.*particle_type2=8,.*particle_type3=1,.*spring_constant=0.10.*,.*equilibrium_distance=-0.29.*;" angle.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[48d20d] | 105 |
| 106 | AT_CLEANUP
[1413f4] | 107 |
[f5724f] | 108 | AT_SETUP([Potential - Fit torsion potential to butane])
| 109 | AT_KEYWORDS([potential parse-homologies fit-potential torsion])
[55feff5] | 110 | AT_SKIP_IF([../../molecuilder --help fit-potential; if test $? -eq 5; then /bin/true; else /bin/false; fi])
[2124aa] | 111 | AT_XFAIL_IF([/bin/true])
[16c6f7] | 112 | # homology files probably originate from Labspace/PotentialFitting/Butane
| 113 | # recreate homology file: PYTHONPATH=... /usr/bin/python .../tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/measurement_function.py torsion_common.pdb 4 0 0 5 4 2050 6-311G* 1 2. 10 .../share/molecuilder/data/bondtables/bondtable.dat
[e2037e] | 114 |
| 115 | file=torsion_homology.dat
[f5724f] | 116 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/$file $file], 0)
[e2037e] | 117 | AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 118 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder \
| 119 | --parse-homologies $file \
| 120 | --set-random-number-engine "lagged_fibonacci607" \
| 121 | --random-number-engine-parameters "seed=1;" \
| 122 | --set-random-number-distribution "uniform_real" \
| 123 | --random-number-distribution-parameters "min=0;max=1;" \
| 124 | --fit-potential \
| 125 | --potential-type "torsion" \
| 126 | --potential-charges 6 6 6 6 \
| 127 | --fragment-charges 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \
[b8f2ea] | 128 | --set-threshold 1e-9 \
[0ea063] | 129 | --save-potentials torsion.potentials], 0, [stdout], [ignore])
[1dbbeb] | 130 | # check that L_2 error is below 9e-12 ... just 2e-10 otherwise test takes tooo long
[b8f2ea] | 131 | AT_CHECK([grep "Best parameters with L2 error" stdout | awk '{if ($8 > 1e-9) exit 1}'], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 132 | AT_CHECK([grep "torsion:.*particle_type1=6,.*particle_type2=6,.*particle_type3=6,.*particle_type4=6,.*spring_constant=.*,.*equilibrium_distance=.*;" torsion.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
| 133 | #AT_CHECK([grep "torsion:.*particle_type1=6,.*particle_type2=6,.*particle_type3=6,.*particle_type4=6,.*spring_constant=0.001.*,.*equilibrium_distance=0.99.*;" torsion.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[e2037e] | 134 |
| 135 | AT_CLEANUP
| 136 |
[f5724f] | 137 | AT_SETUP([Potential - Fit improper potential to ammonia])
| 138 | AT_KEYWORDS([potential parse-homologies fit-potential improper])
[55feff5] | 139 | AT_SKIP_IF([../../molecuilder --help fit-potential; if test $? -eq 5; then /bin/true; else /bin/false; fi])
[2124aa] | 140 | AT_XFAIL_IF([/bin/true])
[16c6f7] | 141 | # homology files probably originate from Labspace/PotentialFitting/Ammonia
| 142 | # recreate homology file: PYTHONPATH=... /usr/bin/python .../tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/measurement_function.py improper_common.pdb 2 0 0 5 4 2050 6-311G* 1 2. 10 .../share/molecuilder/data/bondtables/bondtable.dat
[791a12] | 143 |
| 144 | file=improper_homology.dat
[f5724f] | 145 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/$file $file], 0)
[791a12] | 146 | AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 147 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder \
| 148 | --parse-homologies $file \
| 149 | --set-random-number-engine "lagged_fibonacci607" \
| 150 | --random-number-engine-parameters "seed=1;" \
| 151 | --set-random-number-distribution "uniform_real" \
| 152 | --random-number-distribution-parameters "min=0;max=1;" \
| 153 | --fit-potential \
| 154 | --potential-type "improper" \
| 155 | --potential-charges 1 7 1 1 \
| 156 | --fragment-charges 7 1 1 1 \
| 157 | --set-threshold 3e-4 \
| 158 | --save-potentials improper.potentials], 0, [stdout], [ignore])
[791a12] | 159 | # check that L_2 error is below 3e-4
| 160 | AT_CHECK([grep "Best parameters with L2 error" stdout | awk '{if ($8 > 3e-4) exit 1}'], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
| 161 | # check parameters to printed precision
[0ea063] | 162 | AT_CHECK([grep "improper:.*particle_type1=1,.*particle_type2=7,.*particle_type3=1,.*particle_type4=1,.*spring_constant=.*,.*equilibrium_distance=.*;" improper.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
| 163 | #AT_CHECK([grep "improper:.*particle_type1=1,.*particle_type2=7,.*particle_type3=1,.*particle_type4=1,.*spring_constant=1.02.*,.*equilibrium_distance=0.85.*;" improper.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[791a12] | 164 |
| 165 | AT_CLEANUP
| 166 |
[f5724f] | 167 | AT_SETUP([Potential - Fit LJ potential to argon])
| 168 | AT_KEYWORDS([potential parse-homologies fit-potential lennardjones])
[55feff5] | 169 | AT_SKIP_IF([../../molecuilder --help fit-potential; if test $? -eq 5; then /bin/true; else /bin/false; fi])
[2124aa] | 170 | AT_XFAIL_IF([/bin/true])
[16c6f7] | 171 | # homology files probably originate from Labspace/PotentialFitting/Argon
| 172 | # recreate homology file: PYTHONPATH=... /usr/bin/python .../tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/measurement_function.py lj_common.pdb 2 0 0 5 4 2050 6-311G* 2 11. 10 .../share/molecuilder/data/bondtables/bondtable.dat
[1413f4] | 173 |
| 174 | file=lj_homology.dat
[f5724f] | 175 | AT_CHECK([/bin/cp -f ${abs_top_srcdir}/tests/regression/Potential/FitPotential/pre/$file $file], 0)
[1413f4] | 176 | AT_CHECK([chmod u+w $file], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[0ea063] | 177 | AT_CHECK([../../molecuilder \
| 178 | --parse-homologies $file \
| 179 | --set-random-number-engine "lagged_fibonacci607" \
| 180 | --random-number-engine-parameters "seed=5;" \
| 181 | --set-random-number-distribution "uniform_real" \
| 182 | --random-number-distribution-parameters "min=0;max=1;" \
| 183 | --fit-potential \
| 184 | --potential-type "lennardjones" \
| 185 | --potential-charges 18 18 \
| 186 | --fragment-charges 18 18 \
[b8f2ea] | 187 | --set-threshold 7e-8 \
[0ea063] | 188 | --save-potentials lj.potentials], 0, [stdout], [ignore])
[b8f2ea] | 189 | # check that L_2 error is below 7e-11 ... just 7e-8 otherwise test takes too long
| 190 | AT_CHECK([grep "Best parameters with L2 error" stdout | awk '{if ($8 > 7e-8) exit 1}'], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[1413f4] | 191 | # check parameters to printed precision
[0ea063] | 192 | AT_CHECK([grep "lennardjones:.*particle_type1=18,.*particle_type2=18,.*epsilon=.*,.*sigma=.*;" lj.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
| 193 | #AT_CHECK([grep "lennardjones:.*particle_type1=18,.*particle_type2=18,.*epsilon=1.*e-05,.*sigma=8.2.*;" lj.potentials], 0, [ignore], [ignore])
[1413f4] | 194 |
| 195 | AT_CLEANUP