1 |
2 | MPQC: Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry
3 | Version 2.3.1
4 |
5 | Machine: i686-pc-linux-gnu
6 | User: heber@Atlas
7 | Start Time: Sat Apr 21 15:46:29 2012
8 |
9 | Using ProcMessageGrp for message passing (number of nodes = 1).
10 | Using PthreadThreadGrp for threading (number of threads = 1).
11 | Using ProcMemoryGrp for distributed shared memory.
12 | Total number of processors = 1
13 |
14 | Using IntegralV3 by default for molecular integrals evaluation
15 |
16 | Reading file /home/heber/install/share/mpqc/2.3.1/atominfo.kv.
17 | Reading file /home/heber/install/share/mpqc/2.3.1/basis/3-21g.kv.
18 |
19 | CLSCF::init: total charge = 0
20 |
21 | docc = [ 5 ]
22 | nbasis = 17
23 |
24 | Molecular formula CH4
25 |
26 | MPQC options:
27 | matrixkit = <ReplSCMatrixKit>
28 | filename = BondFragment00
29 | restart_file = BondFragment00.ckpt
30 | restart = yes
31 | checkpoint = yes
32 | savestate = no
33 | do_energy = yes
34 | do_gradient = yes
35 | optimize = no
36 | write_pdb = no
37 | print_mole = yes
38 | print_timings = yes
39 |
40 | SCF::compute: energy accuracy = 1.0000000e-08
41 |
42 | nuclear repulsion energy = 13.4353379528
43 |
44 | integral intermediate storage = 25746 bytes
45 | integral cache = 31971806 bytes
46 | Starting from core Hamiltonian guess
47 |
48 | Using symmetric orthogonalization.
49 | n(basis): 17
50 | Maximum orthogonalization residual = 4.01935
51 | Minimum orthogonalization residual = 0.0337148
52 | Beginning iterations. Basis is 3-21G.
53 | 14142 integrals
54 | iter 1 energy = -39.7763906363 delta = 1.97161e-01
55 | 14163 integrals
56 | iter 2 energy = -39.9543190650 delta = 6.50954e-02
57 | 14118 integrals
58 | iter 3 energy = -39.9740428221 delta = 2.35287e-02
59 | 14163 integrals
60 | iter 4 energy = -39.9766949970 delta = 4.61447e-03
61 | 14142 integrals
62 | iter 5 energy = -39.9767385598 delta = 1.46117e-03
63 | 14163 integrals
64 | iter 6 energy = -39.9767398283 delta = 2.30994e-04
65 | 14163 integrals
66 | iter 7 energy = -39.9767398336 delta = 1.67153e-05
67 | 14112 integrals
68 | iter 8 energy = -39.9767398343 delta = 1.76494e-06
69 | 14163 integrals
70 | iter 9 energy = -39.9767398336 delta = 9.76572e-08
71 |
72 | HOMO is 5 A = -0.542939
73 | LUMO is 6 A = 0.294773
74 |
75 | total scf energy = -39.9767398336
76 |
77 | SCF::compute: gradient accuracy = 1.0000000e-06
78 |
79 | Total Gradient:
80 | 1 H 0.0000000000 -0.0029432715 0.0041658943
81 | 2 H 0.0000000000 -0.0029432715 -0.0041658943
82 | 3 H -0.0041531263 0.0029465021 -0.0000000000
83 | 4 H 0.0041531267 0.0029465024 -0.0000000000
84 | 5 C -0.0000000004 -0.0000064615 0.0000000000
85 |
86 | Value of the MolecularEnergy: -39.9767398336
87 |
88 |
89 | Gradient of the MolecularEnergy:
90 | 1 0.0000000000
91 | 2 -0.0029432715
92 | 3 0.0041658943
93 | 4 0.0000000000
94 | 5 -0.0029432715
95 | 6 -0.0041658943
96 | 7 -0.0041531263
97 | 8 0.0029465021
98 | 9 -0.0000000000
99 | 10 0.0041531267
100 | 11 0.0029465024
101 | 12 -0.0000000000
102 | 13 -0.0000000004
103 | 14 -0.0000064615
104 | 15 0.0000000000
105 |
106 | Computing molecular hessian from 19 displacements:
107 | Starting at displacement: 19
108 | Hessian options:
109 | displacement: 0.0100000000 bohr
110 | gradient_accuracy: 0.0000100000 au
111 | eliminate_cubic_terms: yes
112 | only_totally_symmetric: no
113 | The external rank is 6
114 |
115 | Frequencies (cm-1; negative is imaginary):
116 | A
117 | 1 3211.43
118 | 2 3211.34
119 | 3 3211.30
120 | 4 3123.86
121 | 5 1742.45
122 | 6 1742.41
123 | 7 1531.01
124 | 8 1530.99
125 | 9 1530.98
126 |
128 |
129 | Contributions to the nonelectronic enthalpy at 298.15 K:
130 | kJ/mol kcal/mol
131 | E0vib = 124.6256 29.7862
132 | Evib(T) = 0.0433 0.0104
133 | Erot(T) = 3.7185 0.8887
134 | Etrans(T) = 3.7185 0.8887
135 | PV(T) = 2.4790 0.5925
136 | Total nonelectronic enthalpy:
137 | H_nonel(T) = 134.5848 32.1665
138 |
139 | Contributions to the entropy at 298.15 K and 1.0 atm:
140 | J/(mol*K) cal/(mol*K)
141 | S_trans(T,P) = 143.3501 34.2615
142 | S_rot(T) = 63.0020 15.0578
143 | S_vib(T) = 0.1645 0.0393
144 | S_el = 0.0000 0.0000
145 | Total entropy:
146 | S_total(T,P) = 206.5166 49.3586
147 |
148 | Various data used for thermodynamic analysis:
149 |
150 | Nonlinear molecule
151 | Principal moments of inertia (amu*angstrom^2): 3.19303, 3.19303, 3.19319
152 | Point group: c1
153 | Order of point group: 1
154 | Rotational symmetry number: 1
155 | Rotational temperatures (K): 7.5960, 7.5960, 7.5956
156 | Electronic degeneracy: 1
157 |
158 | Function Parameters:
159 | value_accuracy = 3.716324e-09 (1.000000e-08)
160 | gradient_accuracy = 3.716324e-07 (1.000000e-06)
161 | hessian_accuracy = 0.000000e+00 (1.000000e-04)
162 |
163 | Molecule:
164 | Molecular formula: CH4
165 | molecule<Molecule>: (
166 | symmetry = c1
167 | unit = "angstrom"
168 | { n atoms geometry }={
169 | 1 H [ 6.7799073270 5.6293254190 7.6700000000]
170 | 2 H [ 6.7799073270 5.6293254190 5.8900000000]
171 | 3 H [ 5.8899536640 6.8879762560 6.7800000000]
172 | 4 H [ 7.6698609910 6.8879762560 6.7800000000]
173 | 5 C [ 6.7799073270 6.2586254190 6.7800000000]
174 | }
175 | )
176 | Atomic Masses:
177 | 1.00783 1.00783 1.00783 1.00783 12.00000
178 |
179 | Electronic basis:
180 | GaussianBasisSet:
181 | nbasis = 17
182 | nshell = 11
183 | nprim = 18
184 | name = "3-21G"
185 | SCF Parameters:
186 | maxiter = 200
187 | density_reset_frequency = 10
188 | level_shift = 0.000000
189 |
190 | CLSCF Parameters:
191 | charge = 0.0000000000
192 | ndocc = 5
193 | docc = [ 5 ]
194 |
195 | CPU Wall
196 | mpqc: 0.48 0.49
197 | calc: 0.38 0.38
198 | compute gradient: 0.14 0.14
199 | nuc rep: 0.00 0.00
200 | one electron gradient: 0.02 0.02
201 | overlap gradient: 0.00 0.00
202 | two electron gradient: 0.12 0.12
203 | contribution: 0.10 0.10
204 | start thread: 0.10 0.10
205 | stop thread: -0.00 0.00
206 | setup: 0.01 0.01
207 | vector: 0.24 0.24
208 | density: 0.00 0.00
209 | evals: 0.00 0.01
210 | extrap: 0.02 0.01
211 | fock: 0.17 0.17
212 | accum: 0.00 0.00
213 | ao_gmat: 0.16 0.16
214 | start thread: 0.16 0.16
215 | stop thread: 0.00 0.00
216 | init pmax: -0.00 0.00
217 | local data: 0.00 0.00
218 | setup: -0.00 0.00
219 | sum: 0.00 0.00
220 | symm: 0.01 0.00
221 | hessian: 0.00 0.00
222 | input: 0.09 0.10
223 |
224 | End Time: Sat Apr 21 15:46:30 2012
225 |