1 | /*
2 | * DescriptorUnittest.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Feb 9, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "DescriptorUnittest.hpp"
9 |
10 | #include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
11 | #include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
12 | #include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
13 | #include <iostream>
14 |
15 | #include <Descriptors/AtomDescriptor.hpp>
16 | #include <Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp>
17 |
18 | #include "World.hpp"
19 | #include "atom.hpp"
20 |
22 | #include "UnitTestMain.hpp"
23 | #endif /*HAVE_TESTRUNNER*/
24 |
25 | /********************************************** Test classes **************************************/
26 | // Registers the fixture into the 'registry'
28 |
29 | // set up and tear down
30 | void DescriptorUnittest::setUp(){
31 | World::get();
32 | for(int i=0;i<ATOM_COUNT;++i){
33 | atoms[i]= World::get()->createAtom();
34 | atomIds[i] = atoms[i]->getId();
35 | }
36 | }
37 | void DescriptorUnittest::tearDown(){
38 | World::destroy();
39 | }
40 |
41 | // some helper functions
42 | bool hasAll(std::vector<atom*> atoms,int ids[ATOM_COUNT], std::set<int> excluded = std::set<int>()){
43 | for(int i=0;i<ATOM_COUNT;++i){
44 | int id = ids[i];
45 | if(!excluded.count(id)){
46 | std::vector<atom*>::iterator iter;
47 | bool res=false;
48 | for(iter=atoms.begin();iter!=atoms.end();++iter){
49 | res |= (*iter)->getId() == id;
50 | }
51 | if(!res) {
52 | cout << "Atom " << id << " missing in returned list" << endl;
53 | return false;
54 | }
55 | }
56 | }
57 | return true;
58 | }
59 |
60 | bool hasNoDuplicates(std::vector<atom*> atoms){
61 | std::set<int> found;
62 | std::vector<atom*>::iterator iter;
63 | for(iter=atoms.begin();iter!=atoms.end();++iter){
64 | int id = (*iter)->getId();
65 | if(found.count(id))
66 | return false;
67 | found.insert(id);
68 | }
69 | return true;
70 | }
71 |
72 |
73 | void DescriptorUnittest::AtomBaseSetsTest(){
74 | std::vector<atom*> allAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(AllAtoms());
75 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasAll(allAtoms,atomIds));
76 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasNoDuplicates(allAtoms));
77 |
78 | std::vector<atom*> noAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(NoAtoms());
79 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , noAtoms.empty());
80 | }
81 | void DescriptorUnittest::AtomIdTest(){
82 | // test Atoms from boundaries and middle of the set
83 | atom* testAtom;
84 | testAtom = World::get()->getAtom(AtomById(atomIds[0]));
85 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testAtom);
86 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( atomIds[0], testAtom->getId());
87 | testAtom = World::get()->getAtom(AtomById(atomIds[ATOM_COUNT/2]));
88 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testAtom);
89 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( atomIds[ATOM_COUNT/2], testAtom->getId());
90 | testAtom = World::get()->getAtom(AtomById(atomIds[ATOM_COUNT-1]));
91 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testAtom);
92 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( atomIds[ATOM_COUNT-1], testAtom->getId());
93 |
94 | // find some ID that has not been created
95 | int outsideId =-1;
96 | bool res = false;
97 | while(!res) {
98 | ++outsideId;
99 | res = true;
100 | for(int i = 0; i < ATOM_COUNT; ++i){
101 | res &= atomIds[i]!=outsideId;
102 | }
103 | }
104 | // test from outside of set
105 | testAtom = World::get()->getAtom(AtomById(outsideId));
106 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!testAtom);
107 | }
108 | void DescriptorUnittest::AtomCalcTest(){
109 | // test some elementary set operations
110 | {
111 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(AllAtoms()||NoAtoms());
112 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasAll(testAtoms,atomIds));
113 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasNoDuplicates(testAtoms));
114 | }
115 |
116 | {
117 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(NoAtoms()||AllAtoms());
118 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasAll(testAtoms,atomIds));
119 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasNoDuplicates(testAtoms));
120 | }
121 |
122 | {
123 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(NoAtoms()&&AllAtoms());
124 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , testAtoms.empty());
125 | }
126 |
127 | {
128 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(AllAtoms()&&NoAtoms());
129 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , testAtoms.empty());
130 | }
131 |
132 | {
133 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(!AllAtoms());
134 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , testAtoms.empty());
135 | }
136 |
137 | {
138 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(!NoAtoms());
139 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasAll(testAtoms,atomIds));
140 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasNoDuplicates(testAtoms));
141 | }
142 |
143 | // exclude and include some atoms
144 | {
145 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(AllAtoms()&&(!AtomById(atomIds[ATOM_COUNT/2])));
146 | std::set<int> excluded;
147 | excluded.insert(atomIds[ATOM_COUNT/2]);
148 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasAll(testAtoms,atomIds,excluded));
149 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( true , hasNoDuplicates(testAtoms));
150 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t)(ATOM_COUNT-1), testAtoms.size());
151 | }
152 |
153 | {
154 | std::vector<atom*> testAtoms = World::get()->getAllAtoms(NoAtoms()||(AtomById(atomIds[ATOM_COUNT/2])));
155 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( (size_t)1, testAtoms.size());
156 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( atomIds[ATOM_COUNT/2], testAtoms[0]->getId());
157 | }
158 | }