1 | /** \file molecules.hpp
2 | *
3 | * Class definitions of atom and molecule, element and periodentafel
4 | */
5 |
6 | #ifndef MOLECULES_HPP_
7 | #define MOLECULES_HPP_
8 |
9 | using namespace std;
10 |
11 | // GSL headers
12 | #include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h>
13 | #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
14 | #include <gsl/gsl_matrix.h>
15 | #include <gsl/gsl_heapsort.h>
16 |
17 | // STL headers
18 | #include <map>
19 | #include <set>
20 | #include <deque>
21 |
22 | #include "helpers.hpp"
23 | #include "stackclass.hpp"
24 |
25 | class atom;
26 | class bond;
27 | class config;
28 | class element;
29 | class molecule;
30 | class MoleculeListClass;
31 | class periodentafel;
32 | class vector;
33 | class Verbose;
34 |
35 | /******************************** Some definitions for easier reading **********************************/
36 |
37 | #define KeyStack deque<int>
38 | #define KeySet set<int>
39 | #define Graph map<KeySet, pair<int, double>, KeyCompare >
40 | #define GraphPair pair<KeySet, pair<int, double> >
41 | #define KeySetTestPair pair<KeySet::iterator, bool>
42 | #define GraphTestPair pair<Graph::iterator, bool>
43 |
44 | struct KeyCompare
45 | {
46 | bool operator() (const KeySet SubgraphA, const KeySet SubgraphB) const;
47 | };
48 |
49 | //bool operator < (KeySet SubgraphA, KeySet SubgraphB); //note: this declaration is important, otherwise normal < is used (producing wrong order)
50 | inline void InsertFragmentIntoGraph(ofstream *out, struct UniqueFragments *Fragment); // Insert a KeySet into a Graph
51 | inline void InsertGraphIntoGraph(ofstream *out, Graph &graph1, Graph &graph2, int *counter); // Insert all KeySet's in a Graph into another Graph
52 | int CompareDoubles (const void * a, const void * b);
53 |
54 |
55 | /************************************* Class definitions ****************************************/
56 |
57 | /** Chemical element.
58 | * Class incorporates data for a certain chemical element to be referenced from atom class.
59 | */
60 | class element {
61 | public:
62 | double mass; //!< mass in g/mol
63 | double CovalentRadius; //!< covalent radius
64 | double VanDerWaalsRadius; //!< can-der-Waals radius
65 | int Z; //!< atomic number
66 | char name[64]; //!< atom name, i.e. "Hydrogren"
67 | char symbol[3]; //!< short form of the atom, i.e. "H"
68 | char period[8]; //!< period: n quantum number
69 | char group[8]; //!< group: l quantum number
70 | char block[8]; //!< block: l quantum number
71 | element *previous; //!< previous item in list
72 | element *next; //!< next element in list
73 | int *sort; //!< sorc criteria
74 | int No; //!< number of element set on periodentafel::Output()
75 | double Valence; //!< number of valence electrons for this element
76 | int NoValenceOrbitals; //!< number of valence orbitals, used for determining bond degree in molecule::CreateConnectmatrix()
77 | double HBondDistance[NDIM]; //!< distance in Angstrom of this element to hydrogen (for single, double and triple bonds)
78 | double HBondAngle[NDIM]; //!< typical angle for one, two, three bonded hydrogen (in degrees)
79 |
80 | element();
81 | ~element();
82 |
83 | //> print element entries to screen
84 | bool Output(ofstream *out) const;
85 | bool Checkout(ofstream *out, const int No, const int NoOfAtoms) const;
86 |
87 | private:
88 | };
89 |
90 | /** Periodentafel is a list of all elements sorted by their atomic number.
91 | */
92 | class periodentafel {
93 | public:
94 | element *start; //!< start of element list
95 | element *end; //!< end of element list
96 | char header1[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; //!< store first header line
97 | char header2[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; //!< store second header line
98 |
99 | periodentafel();
100 | ~periodentafel();
101 |
102 | bool AddElement(element *pointer);
103 | bool RemoveElement(element *pointer);
104 | bool CleanupPeriodtable();
105 | element * FindElement(int Z);
106 | element * FindElement(char *shorthand) const;
107 | element * AskElement();
108 | bool Output(ofstream *output) const;
109 | bool Checkout(ofstream *output, const int *checkliste) const;
110 | bool LoadPeriodentafel(char *filename = NULL);
111 | bool StorePeriodentafel(char *filename = NULL) const;
112 |
113 | private:
114 | };
115 |
116 | // some algebraic matrix stuff
117 | #define RDET3(a) ((a)[0]*(a)[4]*(a)[8] + (a)[3]*(a)[7]*(a)[2] + (a)[6]*(a)[1]*(a)[5] - (a)[2]*(a)[4]*(a)[6] - (a)[5]*(a)[7]*(a)[0] - (a)[8]*(a)[1]*(a)[3]) //!< hard-coded determinant of a 3x3 matrix
118 | #define RDET2(a0,a1,a2,a3) ((a0)*(a3)-(a1)*(a2)) //!< hard-coded determinant of a 2x2 matrix
119 |
120 | /** Single vector.
121 | * basically, just a x[3] but with helpful functions
122 | */
123 | class vector {
124 | public:
125 | double x[NDIM];
126 |
127 | vector();
128 | ~vector();
129 |
130 | double Distance(const vector *y) const;
131 | double PeriodicDistance(const vector *y, const double *cell_size) const;
132 | double ScalarProduct(const vector *y) const;
133 | double Projection(const vector *y) const;
134 | double Norm() const ;
135 | double Angle(vector *y) const;
136 |
137 | void AddVector(const vector *y);
138 | void SubtractVector(const vector *y);
139 | void CopyVector(const vector *y);
140 | void RotateVector(const vector *y, const double alpha);
141 | void Zero();
142 | void Normalize();
143 | void Translate(const vector *x);
144 | void Mirror(const vector *x);
145 | void Scale(double **factor);
146 | void Scale(double *factor);
147 | void Scale(double factor);
148 | void MatrixMultiplication(double *M);
149 | void InverseMatrixMultiplication(double *M);
150 | void KeepPeriodic(ofstream *out, double *matrix);
151 | void LinearCombinationOfVectors(const vector *x1, const vector *x2, const vector *x3, double *factors);
152 |
153 | bool GetOneNormalVector(const vector *x1);
154 | bool MakeNormalVector(const vector *y1);
155 | bool MakeNormalVector(const vector *y1, const vector *y2);
156 | bool MakeNormalVector(const vector *x1, const vector *x2, const vector *x3);
157 | bool SolveSystem(vector *x1, vector *x2, vector *y, double alpha, double beta, double c);
158 | bool LSQdistance(vector **vectors, int dim);
159 |
160 | void AskPosition(double *cell_size, bool check);
161 | bool Output(ofstream *out) const;
162 | };
163 |
164 | ofstream& operator<<(ofstream& ost, vector& m);
165 |
166 | /** Parameter structure for least square minimsation.
167 | */
168 | struct LSQ_params {
169 | vector **vectors;
170 | int num;
171 | };
172 |
173 | double LSQ(const gsl_vector * x, void * params);
174 |
175 | /** Parameter structure for least square minimsation.
176 | */
177 | struct lsq_params {
178 | gsl_vector *x;
179 | const molecule *mol;
180 | element *type;
181 | };
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 | /** Single atom.
186 | * Class incoporates position, type
187 | */
188 | class atom {
189 | public:
190 | vector x; //!< coordinate array of atom, giving position within cell
191 | vector v; //!< velocity array of atom
192 | element *type; //!< pointing to element
193 | atom *previous; //!< previous atom in molecule list
194 | atom *next; //!< next atom in molecule list
195 | atom *father; //!< In many-body bond order fragmentations points to originating atom
196 | atom *Ancestor; //!< "Father" in Depth-First-Search
197 | char *Name; //!< unique name used during many-body bond-order fragmentation
198 | int FixedIon; //!< config variable that states whether forces act on the ion or not
199 | int *sort; //!< sort criteria
200 | int nr; //!< continuous, unique number
201 | int GraphNr; //!< unique number, given in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
202 | int *ComponentNr;//!< belongs to this nonseparable components, given in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis() (if more than one, then is SeparationVertex)
203 | int LowpointNr; //!< needed in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis() to detect nonseparable components, is the lowest possible number of an atom to reach via tree edges only followed by at most one back edge.
204 | bool SeparationVertex; //!< whether this atom separates off subsets of atoms or not, given in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
205 | unsigned char AdaptiveOrder; //!< current present bond order at site (0 means "not set")
206 |
207 | atom();
208 | ~atom();
209 |
210 | bool Output(int ElementNo, int AtomNo, ofstream *out) const;
211 | bool OutputXYZLine(ofstream *out) const;
212 | atom *GetTrueFather();
213 | bool Compare(atom &ptr);
214 |
215 | private:
216 | };
217 |
218 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, atom &a);
219 |
220 | /** Bonds between atoms.
221 | * Class incorporates bonds between atoms in a molecule,
222 | * used to derive tge fragments in many-body bond order
223 | * calculations.
224 | */
225 | class bond {
226 | public:
227 | atom *leftatom; //!< first bond partner
228 | atom *rightatom; //!< second bond partner
229 | bond *previous; //!< previous atom in molecule list
230 | bond *next; //!< next atom in molecule list
231 | int HydrogenBond; //!< Number of hydrogen atoms in the bond
232 | int BondDegree; //!< single, double, triple, ... bond
233 | int nr; //!< unique number in a molecule, updated by molecule::CreateAdjacencyList()
234 | bool Cyclic; //!< flag whether bond is part of a cycle or not, given in DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
235 | enum EdgeType Type;//!< whether this is a tree or back edge
236 |
237 | atom * GetOtherAtom(atom *Atom) const;
238 | bond * GetFirstBond();
239 | bond * GetLastBond();
240 |
241 | bool MarkUsed(enum Shading color);
242 | enum Shading IsUsed();
243 | void ResetUsed();
244 | bool Contains(const atom *ptr);
245 | bool Contains(const int nr);
246 |
247 | bond();
248 | bond(atom *left, atom *right);
249 | bond(atom *left, atom *right, int degree);
250 | bond(atom *left, atom *right, int degree, int number);
251 | ~bond();
252 |
253 | private:
254 | enum Shading Used; //!< marker in depth-first search, DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
255 | };
256 |
257 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, bond &b);
258 |
259 | class MoleculeLeafClass;
260 |
261 | /** The complete molecule.
262 | * Class incorporates number of types
263 | */
264 | class molecule {
265 | public:
266 | double cell_size[6];//!< cell size
267 | periodentafel *elemente; //!< periodic table with each element
268 | atom *start; //!< start of atom list
269 | atom *end; //!< end of atom list
270 | bond *first; //!< start of bond list
271 | bond *last; //!< end of bond list
272 | bond ***ListOfBondsPerAtom; //!< pointer list for each atom and each bond it has
273 | int *NumberOfBondsPerAtom; //!< Number of Bonds each atom has
274 | int AtomCount; //!< number of atoms, brought up-to-date by CountAtoms()
275 | int BondCount; //!< number of atoms, brought up-to-date by CountBonds()
276 | int ElementCount; //!< how many unique elements are therein
277 | int ElementsInMolecule[MAX_ELEMENTS]; //!< list whether element (sorted by atomic number) is alread present or not
278 | int NoNonHydrogen; //!< number of non-hydrogen atoms in molecule
279 | int NoNonBonds; //!< number of non-hydrogen bonds in molecule
280 | int NoCyclicBonds; //!< number of cyclic bonds in molecule, by DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
281 | double BondDistance; //!< typical bond distance used in CreateAdjacencyList() and furtheron
282 |
283 | molecule(periodentafel *teil);
284 | ~molecule();
285 |
286 | /// remove atoms from molecule.
287 | bool AddAtom(atom *pointer);
288 | bool RemoveAtom(atom *pointer);
289 | bool CleanupMolecule();
290 |
291 | /// Add/remove atoms to/from molecule.
292 | atom * AddCopyAtom(atom *pointer);
293 | bool AddXYZFile(string filename);
294 | bool AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(ofstream *out, bond *Bond, atom *BottomOrigin, atom *TopOrigin, atom *TopReplacement, bond **BondList, int NumBond, bool IsAngstroem);
295 | bond * AddBond(atom *first, atom *second, int degree);
296 | bool RemoveBond(bond *pointer);
297 | bool RemoveBonds(atom *BondPartner);
298 |
299 | /// Find atoms.
300 | atom * FindAtom(int Nr) const;
301 | atom * AskAtom(char *text);
302 |
303 | /// Count and change present atoms' coordination.
304 | void CountAtoms(ofstream *out);
305 | void CountElements();
306 | void CalculateOrbitals(class config &configuration);
307 | void CenterEdge(ofstream *out, vector *max);
308 | void CenterOrigin(ofstream *out, vector *max);
309 | void CenterGravity(ofstream *out, vector *max);
310 | void Translate(const vector *x);
311 | void Mirror(const vector *x);
312 | void Align(vector *n);
313 | void Scale(double **factor);
314 | void DetermineCenterOfGravity(vector &CenterOfGravity);
315 | void SetBoxDimension(vector *dim);
316 | double * ReturnFullMatrixforSymmetric(double *cell_size);
317 | void ScanForPeriodicCorrection(ofstream *out);
318 |
319 | bool CheckBounds(const vector *x) const;
320 | void GetAlignVector(struct lsq_params * par) const;
321 |
322 | /// Initialising routines in fragmentation
323 | void CreateAdjacencyList(ofstream *out, double bonddistance);
324 | void CreateListOfBondsPerAtom(ofstream *out);
325 |
326 | // Graph analysis
327 | MoleculeLeafClass * DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(ofstream *out, bool ReturnStack, int &MinimumRingSize);
328 | void CyclicStructureAnalysis(ofstream *out, class StackClass<bond *> *BackEdgeStack, int &MinimumRingSize);
329 | bond * FindNextUnused(atom *vertex);
330 | void SetNextComponentNumber(atom *vertex, int nr);
331 | void InitComponentNumbers();
332 | void OutputComponentNumber(ofstream *out, atom *vertex);
333 | void ResetAllBondsToUnused();
334 | void ResetAllAtomNumbers();
335 | int CountCyclicBonds(ofstream *out);
336 | char * GetColor(enum Shading color);
337 |
338 | molecule *CopyMolecule();
339 |
340 | /// Fragment molecule by two different approaches:
341 | void FragmentMolecule(ofstream *out, int Order, config *configuration);
342 | void CheckOrderAtSite(ofstream *out, bool &FragmentationToDo, int Order);
343 | bool StoreAdjacencyToFile(ofstream *out, char *path);
344 | bool CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule(ofstream *out, char *path, atom **ListOfAtoms);
345 | bool ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(ofstream *out, char *path);
346 | bool StoreOrderAtSiteFile(ofstream *out, char *path);
347 | bool ParseKeySetFile(ofstream *out, char *filename, Graph *&FragmentList, bool IsAngstroem);
348 | bool StoreKeySetFile(ofstream *out, Graph &KeySetList, char *path);
349 | bool StoreForcesFile(ofstream *out, MoleculeListClass *BondFragments, char *path, int *SortIndex);
350 | bool ScanBufferIntoKeySet(ofstream *out, char *buffer, KeySet &CurrentSet);
351 | void BreadthFirstSearchAdd(ofstream *out, molecule *Mol, atom **&AddedAtomList, bond **&AddedBondList, atom *Root, bond *Bond, int BondOrder, bool IsAngstroem);
352 | /// -# BOSSANOVA
353 | void FragmentBOSSANOVA(ofstream *out, Graph *&FragmentList, KeyStack &RootStack);
354 | int PowerSetGenerator(ofstream *out, int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch, KeySet RestrictedKeySet);
355 | bool BuildInducedSubgraph(ofstream *out, const molecule *Father);
356 | molecule * StoreFragmentFromKeySet(ofstream *out, KeySet &Leaflet, bool IsAngstroem);
357 | void SPFragmentGenerator(ofstream *out, struct UniqueFragments *FragmentSearch, int RootDistance, bond **BondsSet, int SetDimension, int SubOrder);
358 | int LookForRemovalCandidate(ofstream *&out, KeySet *&Leaf, int *&ShortestPathList);
359 | int GuesstimateFragmentCount(ofstream *out, int order);
360 |
361 | // Recognize doubly appearing molecules in a list of them
362 | int * IsEqualToWithinThreshold(ofstream *out, molecule *OtherMolecule, double threshold);
363 | int * GetFatherSonAtomicMap(ofstream *out, molecule *OtherMolecule);
364 |
365 | // Output routines.
366 | bool Output(ofstream *out);
367 | bool OutputXYZ(ofstream *out) const;
368 | bool Checkout(ofstream *out) const;
369 |
370 | private:
371 | int last_atom; //!< number given to last atom
372 | };
373 |
374 | /** A list of \a molecule classes.
375 | */
376 | class MoleculeListClass {
377 | public:
378 | molecule **ListOfMolecules; //!< pointer list of fragment molecules to check for equality
379 | int NumberOfMolecules; //!< Number of entries in \a **FragmentList and of to be returned one.
380 | int NumberOfTopAtoms; //!< Number of atoms in the molecule from which all fragments originate
381 |
382 | MoleculeListClass();
383 | MoleculeListClass(int Num, int NumAtoms);
384 | ~MoleculeListClass();
385 |
386 | /// Output configs.
387 | bool StoreForcesFile(ofstream *out, char *path, int *SortIndex);
388 | bool OutputConfigForListOfFragments(ofstream *out, config *configuration, int *SortIndex);
389 | void Output(ofstream *out);
390 |
391 | private:
392 | };
393 |
394 |
395 | /** A leaf for a tree of \a molecule class
396 | * Wraps molecules in a tree structure
397 | */
398 | class MoleculeLeafClass {
399 | public:
400 | molecule *Leaf; //!< molecule of this leaf
401 | //MoleculeLeafClass *UpLeaf; //!< Leaf one level up
402 | //MoleculeLeafClass *DownLeaf; //!< First leaf one level down
403 | MoleculeLeafClass *previous; //!< Previous leaf on this level
404 | MoleculeLeafClass *next; //!< Next leaf on this level
405 |
406 | //MoleculeLeafClass(MoleculeLeafClass *Up, MoleculeLeafClass *Previous);
407 | MoleculeLeafClass(MoleculeLeafClass *PreviousLeaf);
408 | ~MoleculeLeafClass();
409 |
410 | bool AddLeaf(molecule *ptr, MoleculeLeafClass *Previous);
411 | bool FillBondStructureFromReference(ofstream *out, molecule *reference, int &FragmentCounter, atom ***&ListOfLocalAtoms, bool FreeList = false);
412 | bool FillRootStackForSubgraphs(ofstream *out, KeyStack *&RootStack, int Order, int &FragmentCounter);
413 | int Count();
414 | };
415 |
416 | /** The config file.
417 | * The class contains all parameters that control a dft run also functions to load and save.
418 | */
419 | class config {
420 | public:
421 | int PsiType;
422 | int MaxPsiDouble;
423 | int PsiMaxNoUp;
424 | int PsiMaxNoDown;
425 | int MaxMinStopStep;
426 | int InitMaxMinStopStep;
427 | int ProcPEGamma;
428 | int ProcPEPsi;
429 | char *configpath;
430 | char *configname;
431 |
432 | private:
433 | char *mainname;
434 | char *defaultpath;
435 | char *pseudopotpath;
436 |
437 | int DoOutVis;
438 | int DoOutMes;
439 | int DoOutNICS;
440 | int DoOutOrbitals;
441 | int DoOutCurrent;
442 | int DoFullCurrent;
443 | int DoPerturbation;
444 | int CommonWannier;
445 | double SawtoothStart;
446 | int VectorPlane;
447 | double VectorCut;
448 | int UseAddGramSch;
449 | int Seed;
450 |
451 | int MaxOuterStep;
452 | double Deltat;
453 | int OutVisStep;
454 | int OutSrcStep;
455 | double TargetTemp;
456 | int ScaleTempStep;
457 | int MaxPsiStep;
458 | double EpsWannier;
459 |
460 | int MaxMinStep;
461 | double RelEpsTotalEnergy;
462 | double RelEpsKineticEnergy;
463 | int MaxMinGapStopStep;
464 | int MaxInitMinStep;
465 | double InitRelEpsTotalEnergy;
466 | double InitRelEpsKineticEnergy;
467 | int InitMaxMinGapStopStep;
468 |
469 | //double BoxLength[NDIM*NDIM];
470 |
471 | double ECut;
472 | int MaxLevel;
473 | int RiemannTensor;
474 | int LevRFactor;
475 | int RiemannLevel;
476 | int Lev0Factor;
477 | int RTActualUse;
478 | int AddPsis;
479 |
480 | double RCut;
481 | int StructOpt;
482 | int IsAngstroem;
483 | int RelativeCoord;
484 | int MaxTypes;
485 |
486 |
487 | int ParseForParameter(int verbose, ifstream *file, const char *name, int sequential, int const xth, int const yth, int type, void *value, int repetition, int critical);
488 |
489 | public:
490 | config();
491 | ~config();
492 |
493 | int TestSyntax(char *filename, periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol);
494 | void Load(char *filename, periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol);
495 | void LoadOld(char *filename, periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol);
496 | void RetrieveConfigPathAndName(char *filename);
497 | bool Save(ofstream *file, periodentafel *periode, molecule *mol) const;
498 | void Edit(molecule *mol);
499 | bool GetIsAngstroem() const;
500 | char *GetDefaultPath() const;
501 | void config::SetDefaultPath(const char *path);
502 | };
503 |
504 | #endif /*MOLECULES_HPP_*/
505 |