* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
/** \file MoleculeListClass.cpp
* Function implementations for the class MoleculeListClass.
// include config.h
#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "MoleculeListClass.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "Atom/atom.hpp"
#include "Bond/bond.hpp"
#include "Box.hpp"
#include "config.hpp"
#include "Element/element.hpp"
#include "Element/periodentafel.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/Graph.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/KeySet.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/SortIndex.hpp"
#include "Graph/BondGraph.hpp"
#include "Helpers/helpers.hpp"
#include "molecule.hpp"
#include "LinearAlgebra/RealSpaceMatrix.hpp"
#include "Parser/FormatParserStorage.hpp"
#include "World.hpp"
/** Constructor for MoleculeListClass.
MoleculeListClass::MoleculeListClass(World *_world) :
/** Destructor for MoleculeListClass.
LOG(4, "Clearing ListOfMolecules.");
for(MoleculeList::iterator MolRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); MolRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ++MolRunner)
ListOfMolecules.clear(); // empty list
/** Insert a new molecule into the list and set its number.
* \param *mol molecule to add to list.
void MoleculeListClass::insert(molecule *mol)
mol->IndexNr = MaxIndex++;
/** Erases a molecule from the list.
* \param *mol molecule to add to list.
void MoleculeListClass::erase(molecule *mol)
/** Comparison function for two values.
* \param *a
* \param *b
* \return <0, \a *a less than \a *b, ==0 if equal, >0 \a *a greater than \a *b
int CompareDoubles (const void * a, const void * b)
if (*(double *)a > *(double *)b)
return -1;
else if (*(double *)a < *(double *)b)
return 1;
return 0;
/** Compare whether two molecules are equal.
* \param *a molecule one
* \param *n molecule two
* \return lexical value (-1, 0, +1)
int MolCompare(const void *a, const void *b)
int *aList = NULL, *bList = NULL;
int Count, Counter, aCounter, bCounter;
int flag;
// sort each atom list and put the numbers into a list, then go through
//LOG(0, "Comparing fragment no. " << *(molecule **)a << " to " << *(molecule **)b << ".");
// Yes those types are awkward... but check it for yourself it checks out this way
const molecule *const *mol1_ptr= static_cast(a);
const molecule *mol1 = *mol1_ptr;
const molecule *const *mol2_ptr= static_cast(b);
const molecule *mol2 = *mol2_ptr;
if (mol1->getAtomCount() < mol2->getAtomCount()) {
return -1;
} else {
if (mol1->getAtomCount() > mol2->getAtomCount())
return +1;
else {
Count = mol1->getAtomCount();
aList = new int[Count];
bList = new int[Count];
// fill the lists
Counter = 0;
aCounter = 0;
bCounter = 0;
molecule::const_iterator aiter = mol1->begin();
molecule::const_iterator biter = mol2->begin();
for (;(aiter != mol1->end()) && (biter != mol2->end());
++aiter, ++biter) {
if ((*aiter)->GetTrueFather() == NULL)
aList[Counter] = Count + (aCounter++);
aList[Counter] = (*aiter)->GetTrueFather()->getNr();
if ((*biter)->GetTrueFather() == NULL)
bList[Counter] = Count + (bCounter++);
bList[Counter] = (*biter)->GetTrueFather()->getNr();
// check if AtomCount was for real
flag = 0;
if ((aiter == mol1->end()) && (biter != mol2->end())) {
flag = -1;
} else {
if ((aiter != mol1->end()) && (biter == mol2->end()))
flag = 1;
if (flag == 0) {
// sort the lists
gsl_heapsort(aList, Count, sizeof(int), CompareDoubles);
gsl_heapsort(bList, Count, sizeof(int), CompareDoubles);
// compare the lists
flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
if (aList[i] < bList[i]) {
flag = -1;
} else {
if (aList[i] > bList[i])
flag = 1;
if (flag != 0)
delete[] (aList);
delete[] (bList);
return flag;
return -1;
/** Output of a list of all molecules.
* \param *out output stream
void MoleculeListClass::Enumerate(std::ostream *out)
periodentafel *periode = World::getInstance().getPeriode();
std::map counts;
double size=0;
Vector Origin;
// header
(*out) << "Index\tName\t\tAtoms\tFormula\tCenter\tSize" << endl;
(*out) << "-----------------------------------------------" << endl;
if (ListOfMolecules.size() == 0)
(*out) << "\tNone" << endl;
else {
for (MoleculeList::const_iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
// count atoms per element and determine size of bounding sphere
const molecule *MolRunner = *ListRunner;
for (molecule::const_iterator iter = MolRunner->begin(); iter != MolRunner->end(); ++iter) {
if ((*iter)->DistanceSquared(Origin) > size)
size = (*iter)->DistanceSquared(Origin);
// output Index, Name, number of atoms, chemical formula
(*out) << (MolRunner->ActiveFlag ? "*" : " ") << MolRunner->IndexNr << "\t" << MolRunner->name << "\t\t" << MolRunner->getAtomCount() << "\t";
std::map::reverse_iterator iter;
for(iter=counts.rbegin(); iter!=counts.rend();++iter){
atomicNumber_t Z =(*iter).first;
(*out) << periode->FindElement(Z)->getSymbol() << (*iter).second;
// Center and size
Vector Center = MolRunner->DetermineCenterOfAll();
(*out) << "\t" << Center << "\t" << sqrt(size) << endl;
/** Returns the molecule with the given index \a index.
* \param index index of the desired molecule
* \return pointer to molecule structure, NULL if not found
molecule * MoleculeListClass::ReturnIndex(int index)
for(MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++)
if ((*ListRunner)->IndexNr == index)
return (*ListRunner);
return NULL;
/** Simple output of the pointers in ListOfMolecules.
* \param *out output stream
void MoleculeListClass::Output(std::ostream *out)
if (DoLog(1)) {
std::stringstream output;
output << "MoleculeList: ";
for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++)
output << *ListRunner << "\t";
LOG(1, output.str());
/** Returns a string with \a i prefixed with 0s to match order of total number of molecules in digits.
* \param FragmentNumber total number of fragments to determine necessary number of digits
* \param digits number to create with 0 prefixed
* \return allocated(!) char array with number in digits, ten base.
inline char *FixedDigitNumber(const int FragmentNumber, const int digits)
char *returnstring;
int number = FragmentNumber;
int order = 0;
while (number != 0) { // determine number of digits needed
number = (int)floor(((double)number / 10.));
//LOG(0, "Number is " << number << ", order is " << order << ".");
// allocate string
returnstring = new char[order + 2];
// terminate and fill string array from end backward
returnstring[order] = '\0';
number = digits;
for (int i=order;i--;) {
returnstring[i] = '0' + (char)(number % 10);
number = (int)floor(((double)number / 10.));
//LOG(0, returnstring);
return returnstring;
/** Calculates necessary hydrogen correction due to unwanted interaction between saturated ones.
* If for a pair of two hydrogen atoms a and b, at least is a saturated one, and a and b are not
* bonded to the same atom, then we add for this pair a correction term constructed from a Morse
* potential function fit to QM calculations with respecting to the interatomic hydrogen distance.
* \param &path path to file
bool MoleculeListClass::AddHydrogenCorrection(std::string &path)
bond::ptr Binder;
double ***FitConstant = NULL, **correction = NULL;
int a, b;
ofstream output;
ifstream input;
string line;
stringstream zeile;
double distance;
char ParsedLine[1023];
double tmp;
char *FragmentNumber = NULL;
LOG(1, "Saving hydrogen saturation correction ... ");
// 0. parse in fit constant files that should have the same dimension as the final energy files
// 0a. find dimension of matrices with constants
line = path;
line += "1";
if (input.fail()) {
LOG(1, endl << "Unable to open " << line << ", is the directory correct?");
return false;
a = 0;
b = -1; // we overcount by one
while (!input.eof()) {
input.getline(ParsedLine, 1023);
int i = 0;
while (!zeile.eof()) {
zeile >> distance;
if (i > a)
a = i;
LOG(0, "I recognized " << a << " columns and " << b << " rows, ");
// 0b. allocate memory for constants
FitConstant = new double**[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
FitConstant[k] = new double*[a];
for (int i = a; i--;) {
FitConstant[k][i] = new double[b];
for (int j = b; j--;) {
FitConstant[k][i][j] = 0.;
// 0c. parse in constants
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
line = path;
sprintf(ParsedLine, "%d", i + 1);
line += ParsedLine;
if (input.fail()) {
ELOG(0, endl << "Unable to open " << line << ", is the directory correct?");
return false;
int k = 0, l;
while ((!input.eof()) && (k < b)) {
input.getline(ParsedLine, 1023);
//LOG(1, "INFO: Current Line: " << ParsedLine);
l = 0;
//std::stringstream output;
while ((!zeile.eof()) && (l < a)) {
zeile >> FitConstant[i][l][k];
//output << FitConstant[i][l][k] << "\t";
//LOG(1, "INFO: fit constant are " << output.str());
if (DoLog(1)) {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
std::stringstream output;
output << "Constants " << k << ": ";
for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) {
output << FitConstant[k][i][j] << "\t";
output << std::endl;
LOG(0, output.str());
// 0d. allocate final correction matrix
correction = new double*[a];
for (int i = a; i--;)
correction[i] = new double[b];
// 1a. go through every molecule in the list
for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
// 1b. zero final correction matrix
for (int k = a; k--;)
for (int j = b; j--;)
correction[k][j] = 0.;
// 2. take every hydrogen that is a saturated one
const molecule *MolRunner = *ListRunner;
for (molecule::const_iterator iter = MolRunner->begin(); iter != MolRunner->end(); ++iter) {
//LOG(1, "(*iter): " << *(*iter) << " with first bond " << *((*iter)->getListOfBonds().begin()) << ".");
if (((*iter)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 1) && (((*iter)->getFather() == NULL)
|| ((*iter)->getFather()->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1))) { // if it's a hydrogen
for (molecule::const_iterator runner = MolRunner->begin(); runner != MolRunner->end(); ++runner) {
//LOG(2, "Runner: " << *(*runner) << " with first bond " << *((*iter)->getListOfBonds().begin()) << ".");
// 3. take every other hydrogen that is the not the first and not bound to same bonding partner
const BondList &bondlist = (*runner)->getListOfBonds();
Binder = *(bondlist.begin());
if (((*runner)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == 1) && ((*runner)->getNr() > (*iter)->getNr()) && (Binder->GetOtherAtom((*runner)) != Binder->GetOtherAtom((*iter)))) { // (hydrogens have only one bonding partner!)
// 4. evaluate the morse potential for each matrix component and add up
distance = (*runner)->distance(*(*iter));
//std::stringstream output;
//output << "Fragment " << MolRunner->name << ": " << *(*runner) << "<= " << distance << "=>" << *(*iter) << ":";
for (int k = 0; k < a; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
switch (k) {
case 1:
case 7:
case 11:
tmp = pow(FitConstant[0][k][j] * (1. - exp(-FitConstant[1][k][j] * (distance - FitConstant[2][k][j]))), 2);
tmp = FitConstant[0][k][j] * pow(distance, FitConstant[1][k][j]) + FitConstant[2][k][j];
correction[k][j] -= tmp; // ground state is actually lower (disturbed by additional interaction)
//output << tmp << "\t";
//output << endl;
//LOG(0, output.str());
// 5. write final matrix to file
line = path;
FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(ListOfMolecules.size(), MolRunner->IndexNr);
line += FragmentNumber;
delete[] (FragmentNumber);
output << "Time\t\tTotal\t\tKinetic\t\tNonLocal\tCorrelation\tExchange\tPseudo\t\tHartree\t\t-Gauss\t\tEwald\t\tIonKin\t\tETotal" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
output << correction[i][j] << "\t";
output << endl;
for (int i = a; i--;)
line = path;
output << "Time\t\tTotal\t\tKinetic\t\tNonLocal\tCorrelation\tExchange\tPseudo\t\tHartree\t\t-Gauss\t\tEwald\t\tIonKin\t\tETotal" << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < b; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < a; i++)
output << 0 << "\t";
output << endl;
// 6. free memory of parsed matrices
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
for (int i = a; i--;) {
LOG(0, "done.");
return true;
/** Store force indices, i.e. the connection between the nuclear index in the total molecule config and the respective atom in fragment config.
* \param &path path to file
* \param SortIndex Index to map from the BFS labeling to the sequence how of Ion_Type in the config
* \return true - file written successfully, false - writing failed
bool MoleculeListClass::StoreForcesFile(std::string &path, const SortIndex_t &SortIndex)
bool status = true;
string filename(path);
filename += FORCESFILE;
ofstream ForcesFile(filename.c_str());
periodentafel *periode=World::getInstance().getPeriode();
// open file for the force factors
LOG(1, "Saving force factors ... ");
if (!ForcesFile.fail()) {
//output << prefix << "Forces" << endl;
for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
periodentafel::const_iterator elemIter;
const molecule *MolRunner = *ListRunner;
if (MolRunner->hasElement((*elemIter).first)) { // if this element got atoms
for(molecule::const_iterator atomIter = MolRunner->begin(); atomIter !=MolRunner->end();++atomIter){
if ((*atomIter)->getType()->getAtomicNumber() == (*elemIter).first) {
if (((*atomIter)->GetTrueFather() != NULL) && ((*atomIter)->GetTrueFather() != (*atomIter))) {// if there is a rea
const atomId_t fatherid = (*atomIter)->GetTrueFather()->getId();
ForcesFile << SortIndex.find(fatherid) << "\t";
} else
// otherwise a -1 to indicate an added saturation hydrogen
ForcesFile << "-1\t";
ForcesFile << endl;
LOG(1, "done.");
} else {
status = false;
LOG(1, "failed to open file " << filename << ".");
return status;
/** Writes a config file for each molecule in the given \a **FragmentList.
* \param *out output stream for debugging
* \param &prefix path and prefix to the fragment config files
* \param SortIndex Index to map from the BFS labeling to the sequence how of Ion_Type in the config
* \param type desired type to store
* \return true - success (each file was written), false - something went wrong.
bool MoleculeListClass::OutputConfigForListOfFragments(std::string &prefix, ParserTypes type)
ofstream outputFragment;
std::string FragmentName;
bool result = true;
bool intermediateResult = true;
Vector BoxDimension;
char *FragmentNumber = NULL;
int FragmentCounter = 0;
ofstream output;
RealSpaceMatrix cell_size = World::getInstance().getDomain().getM();
RealSpaceMatrix cell_size_backup = cell_size;
int count=0;
// store the fragments as config and as xyz
for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++) {
// correct periodic
const molecule *MolRunner = *ListRunner;
if ((*ListRunner)->ScanForPeriodicCorrection()) {
// list atoms in fragment for debugging
std::stringstream output;
output << "Contained atoms: ";
for (molecule::const_iterator iter = MolRunner->begin(); iter != MolRunner->end(); ++iter) {
output << (*iter)->getName() << " ";
LOG(2, output.str());
// // center on edge
// MolRunner->CenterEdge(&BoxDimension);
// for (int k = 0; k < NDIM; k++) // if one edge is to small, set at least to 1 angstroem
// if (BoxDimension[k] < 1.)
// BoxDimension[k] += 1.;
// {
// RealSpaceMatrix domain;
// for(int i =0; iGetIsAngstroem() ? 1. : 1. / AtomicLengthToAngstroem);
// cell_size.at(k,k) = BoxDimension[k] * 2.;
// }
// World::getInstance().setDomain(cell_size);
// MolRunner->Translate(&BoxDimension);
// output file
std::vector atoms;
for (molecule::const_iterator iter = const_cast(*ListRunner)->begin();
iter != const_cast(*ListRunner)->end();
++iter) {
FragmentNumber = FixedDigitNumber(ListOfMolecules.size(), FragmentCounter++);
FragmentName = prefix + FragmentNumber + "." + FormatParserStorage::getInstance().getSuffixFromType(type);
outputFragment.open(FragmentName.c_str(), ios::out);
std::stringstream output;
output << "Saving bond fragment No. " << FragmentNumber << "/" << FragmentCounter - 1 << " as XYZ ... ";
if ((intermediateResult = FormatParserStorage::getInstance().save(
output << " done.";
output << " failed.";
LOG(3, output.str());
result = result && intermediateResult;
LOG(0, "STATUS: done.");
// printing final number
LOG(2, "INFO: Final number of fragments: " << FragmentCounter << ".");
// printing final number
LOG(2, "INFO: For " << count << " fragments periodic correction would have been necessary.");
// restore cell_size
return result;
/** Counts the number of molecules with the molecule::ActiveFlag set.
* \return number of molecules with ActiveFlag set to true.
int MoleculeListClass::NumberOfActiveMolecules()
int count = 0;
for (MoleculeList::iterator ListRunner = ListOfMolecules.begin(); ListRunner != ListOfMolecules.end(); ListRunner++)
count += ((*ListRunner)->ActiveFlag ? 1 : 0);
return count;
/** Count all atoms in each molecule.
* \return number of atoms in the MoleculeListClass.
* TODO: the inner loop should be done by some (double molecule::CountAtom()) function
int MoleculeListClass::CountAllAtoms() const
int AtomNo = 0;
for (MoleculeList::const_iterator MolWalker = ListOfMolecules.begin(); MolWalker != ListOfMolecules.end(); MolWalker++) {
AtomNo += (*MolWalker)->size();
return AtomNo;