1 | /** \file molecule.hpp
2 | *
3 | * Class definitions of atom and molecule, element and periodentafel
4 | */
5 |
6 | #ifndef MOLECULES_HPP_
7 | #define MOLECULES_HPP_
8 |
9 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
10 |
11 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
12 | #include <config.h>
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | //// STL headers
16 | #include <map>
17 | #include <set>
18 | #include <deque>
19 | #include <list>
20 | #include <vector>
21 |
22 | #include <string>
23 |
24 | #include "types.hpp"
25 | #include "graph.hpp"
26 | #include "PointCloud.hpp"
27 | #include "Patterns/Observer.hpp"
28 | #include "Patterns/ObservedIterator.hpp"
29 | #include "Patterns/Cacheable.hpp"
30 | #include "Formula.hpp"
31 | #include "AtomSet.hpp"
32 |
33 | #include "Descriptors/MoleculeDescriptor_impl.hpp"
34 |
35 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
36 |
37 | class atom;
38 | class bond;
39 | class BondedParticle;
40 | class BondGraph;
41 | class element;
42 | class ForceMatrix;
43 | class LinkedCell;
44 | class molecule;
45 | class MoleculeLeafClass;
46 | class MoleculeListClass;
47 | class periodentafel;
48 | class Vector;
49 | class Shape;
50 | template <class> class StackClass;
51 |
52 | /******************************** Some definitions for easier reading **********************************/
53 |
54 | #define MoleculeList list <molecule *>
55 | #define MoleculeListTest pair <MoleculeList::iterator, bool>
56 |
57 | #define DistancePair pair < double, atom* >
58 | #define DistanceMap multimap < double, atom* >
59 | #define DistanceTestPair pair < DistanceMap::iterator, bool>
60 |
61 |
62 | /************************************* Class definitions ****************************************/
63 |
64 | /** Structure to contain parameters needed for evaluation of constraint potential.
65 | */
66 | struct EvaluatePotential
67 | {
68 | int startstep; //!< start configuration (MDStep in atom::trajectory)
69 | int endstep; //!< end configuration (MDStep in atom::trajectory)
70 | atom **PermutationMap; //!< gives target ptr for each atom, array of size molecule::AtomCount (this is "x" in \f$ V^{con}(x) \f$ )
71 | DistanceMap **DistanceList; //!< distance list of each atom to each atom
72 | DistanceMap::iterator *StepList; //!< iterator to ascend through NearestNeighbours \a **DistanceList
73 | int *DoubleList; //!< count of which sources want to move to this target, basically the injective measure (>1 -> not injective)
74 | DistanceMap::iterator *DistanceIterators; //!< marks which was the last picked target as injective candidate with smallest distance
75 | bool IsAngstroem; //!< whether coordinates are in angstroem (true) or bohrradius (false)
76 | double *PenaltyConstants; //!< penalty constant in front of each term
77 | };
78 |
79 | /** The complete molecule.
80 | * Class incorporates number of types
81 | */
82 | class molecule : public PointCloud , public Observable {
83 | friend molecule *NewMolecule();
84 | friend void DeleteMolecule(molecule *);
85 |
86 | public:
87 | typedef ATOMSET(std::list) atomSet;
88 | typedef std::set<atomId_t> atomIdSet;
89 | typedef ObservedIterator<atomSet> iterator;
90 | typedef atomSet::const_iterator const_iterator;
91 |
92 | const periodentafel * const elemente; //!< periodic table with each element
93 | // old deprecated atom handling
94 | //atom *start; //!< start of atom list
95 | //atom *end; //!< end of atom list
96 | //bond *first; //!< start of bond list
97 | //bond *last; //!< end of bond list
98 | int MDSteps; //!< The number of MD steps in Trajectories
99 | //int AtomCount; //!< number of atoms, brought up-to-date by CountAtoms()
100 | int BondCount; //!< number of atoms, brought up-to-date by CountBonds()
101 | mutable int NoNonHydrogen; //!< number of non-hydrogen atoms in molecule
102 | mutable int NoNonBonds; //!< number of non-hydrogen bonds in molecule
103 | mutable int NoCyclicBonds; //!< number of cyclic bonds in molecule, by DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
104 | double BondDistance; //!< typical bond distance used in CreateAdjacencyList() and furtheron
105 | bool ActiveFlag; //!< in a MoleculeListClass used to discern active from inactive molecules
106 | //Vector Center; //!< Center of molecule in a global box
107 | int IndexNr; //!< index of molecule in a MoleculeListClass
108 | char name[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; //!< arbitrary name
109 |
110 | private:
111 | Formula formula;
112 | Cacheable<int> AtomCount;
113 | moleculeId_t id;
114 | atomSet atoms; //<!list of atoms
115 | atomIdSet atomIds; //<!set of atomic ids to check uniqueness of atoms
116 | protected:
117 | //void CountAtoms();
118 | /**
119 | * this iterator type should be used for internal variables, \
120 | * since it will not lock
121 | */
122 | typedef atomSet::iterator internal_iterator;
123 |
124 |
125 | molecule(const periodentafel * const teil);
126 | virtual ~molecule();
127 |
128 |
129 | public:
130 | //getter and setter
131 | const std::string getName() const;
132 | int getAtomCount() const;
133 | int doCountAtoms();
134 | moleculeId_t getId() const;
135 | void setId(moleculeId_t);
136 | void setName(const std::string);
137 | const Formula &getFormula() const;
138 | unsigned int getElementCount() const;
139 | bool hasElement(const element*) const;
140 | bool hasElement(atomicNumber_t) const;
141 | bool hasElement(const std::string&) const;
142 |
143 | virtual bool changeId(atomId_t newId);
144 |
145 | TesselPoint * getValue(const_iterator &rhs) const;
146 | TesselPoint * getValue(iterator &rhs) const;
147 | iterator begin();
148 | const_iterator begin() const;
149 | iterator end();
150 | const_iterator end() const;
151 | bool empty() const;
152 | size_t size() const;
153 | const_iterator erase( const_iterator loc );
154 | const_iterator erase( atom * key );
155 | const_iterator find ( atom * key ) const;
156 | pair<iterator,bool> insert ( atom * const key );
157 | bool containsAtom(atom* key);
158 |
159 |
160 | // re-definition of virtual functions from PointCloud
161 | const char * const GetName() const;
162 | Vector *GetCenter() const ;
163 | TesselPoint *GetPoint() const ;
164 | int GetMaxId() const;
165 | void GoToNext() const ;
166 | void GoToFirst() const ;
167 | bool IsEmpty() const ;
168 | bool IsEnd() const ;
169 |
170 | /// remove atoms from molecule.
171 | bool AddAtom(atom *pointer);
172 | bool RemoveAtom(atom *pointer);
173 | bool UnlinkAtom(atom *pointer);
174 | bool CleanupMolecule();
175 |
176 | /// Add/remove atoms to/from molecule.
177 | atom * AddCopyAtom(atom *pointer);
178 | bool AddXYZFile(string filename);
179 | bool AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(bond *Bond, atom *BottomOrigin, atom *TopOrigin, atom *TopReplacement, bool IsAngstroem);
180 | bond * AddBond(atom *first, atom *second, int degree = 1);
181 | bool RemoveBond(bond *pointer);
182 | bool RemoveBonds(atom *BondPartner);
183 | bool hasBondStructure();
184 | unsigned int CountBonds() const;
185 |
186 | /// Find atoms.
187 | atom * FindAtom(int Nr) const;
188 | atom * AskAtom(string text);
189 |
190 | /// Count and change present atoms' coordination.
191 | bool CenterInBox();
192 | bool BoundInBox();
193 | void CenterEdge(Vector *max);
194 | void CenterOrigin();
195 | void CenterPeriodic();
196 | void CenterAtVector(Vector *newcenter);
197 | void Translate(const Vector *x);
198 | void TranslatePeriodically(const Vector *trans);
199 | void Mirror(const Vector *x);
200 | void Align(Vector *n);
201 | void Scale(const double ** const factor);
202 | void DeterminePeriodicCenter(Vector ¢er);
203 | Vector * DetermineCenterOfGravity() const;
204 | Vector * DetermineCenterOfAll() const;
205 | Vector * DetermineCenterOfBox() const;
206 | void SetNameFromFilename(const char *filename);
207 | void SetBoxDimension(Vector *dim);
208 | void ScanForPeriodicCorrection();
209 | bool VerletForceIntegration(char *file, config &configuration, const size_t offset);
210 | double VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(bool IsAngstroem);
211 |
212 | double ConstrainedPotential(struct EvaluatePotential &Params);
213 | double MinimiseConstrainedPotential(atom **&permutation, int startstep, int endstep, bool IsAngstroem);
214 | void EvaluateConstrainedForces(int startstep, int endstep, atom **PermutationMap, ForceMatrix *Force);
215 | bool LinearInterpolationBetweenConfiguration(int startstep, int endstep, std::string &prefix, config &configuration, bool MapByIdentity);
216 |
217 | bool CheckBounds(const Vector *x) const;
218 | void GetAlignvector(struct lsq_params * par) const;
219 |
220 | /// Initialising routines in fragmentation
221 | void CreateAdjacencyListFromDbondFile(ifstream *output);
222 | void CreateAdjacencyList(double bonddistance, bool IsAngstroem, void (BondGraph::*f)(BondedParticle * const , BondedParticle * const , double &, double &, bool), BondGraph *BG = NULL);
223 | int CorrectBondDegree() const;
224 | void OutputBondsList() const;
225 | void CyclicBondAnalysis() const;
226 | void OutputGraphInfoPerAtom() const;
227 | void OutputGraphInfoPerBond() const;
228 |
229 |
230 | // Graph analysis
231 | MoleculeLeafClass * DepthFirstSearchAnalysis(class StackClass<bond *> *&BackEdgeStack) const;
232 | void CyclicStructureAnalysis(class StackClass<bond *> *BackEdgeStack, int *&MinimumRingSize) const;
233 | bool PickLocalBackEdges(atom **ListOfLocalAtoms, class StackClass<bond *> *&ReferenceStack, class StackClass<bond *> *&LocalStack) const;
234 | bond * FindNextUnused(atom *vertex) const;
235 | void SetNextComponentNumber(atom *vertex, int nr) const;
236 | void ResetAllBondsToUnused() const;
237 | int CountCyclicBonds();
238 | bool CheckForConnectedSubgraph(KeySet *Fragment);
239 | string GetColor(enum Shading color) const;
240 | bond * CopyBond(atom *left, atom *right, bond *CopyBond);
241 |
242 |
243 | molecule *CopyMolecule();
244 | molecule* CopyMoleculeFromSubRegion(const Shape&) const;
245 |
246 | /// Fragment molecule by two different approaches:
247 | int FragmentMolecule(int Order, std::string &prefix);
248 | bool CheckOrderAtSite(bool *AtomMask, Graph *GlobalKeySetList, int Order, int *MinimumRingSize, std::string path = "");
249 | bool StoreBondsToFile(std::string &filename, std::string path = "");
250 | bool StoreAdjacencyToFile(std::string &filename, std::string path = "");
251 | bool CheckAdjacencyFileAgainstMolecule(std::string &path, atom **ListOfAtoms);
252 | bool ParseOrderAtSiteFromFile(std::string &path);
253 | bool StoreOrderAtSiteFile(std::string &path);
254 | bool StoreForcesFile(MoleculeListClass *BondFragments, std::string &path, int *SortIndex);
255 | bool CreateMappingLabelsToConfigSequence(int *&SortIndex);
256 | bool CreateFatherLookupTable(atom **&LookupTable, int count = 0);
257 | void BreadthFirstSearchAdd(molecule *Mol, atom **&AddedAtomList, bond **&AddedBondList, atom *Root, bond *Bond, int BondOrder, bool IsAngstroem);
258 | /// -# BOSSANOVA
259 | void FragmentBOSSANOVA(Graph *&FragmentList, KeyStack &RootStack, int *MinimumRingSize);
260 | int PowerSetGenerator(int Order, struct UniqueFragments &FragmentSearch, KeySet RestrictedKeySet);
261 | bool BuildInducedSubgraph(const molecule *Father);
262 | molecule * StoreFragmentFromKeySet(KeySet &Leaflet, bool IsAngstroem);
263 | void SPFragmentGenerator(struct UniqueFragments *FragmentSearch, int RootDistance, bond **BondsSet, int SetDimension, int SubOrder);
264 | int LookForRemovalCandidate(KeySet *&Leaf, int *&ShortestPathList);
265 | int GuesstimateFragmentCount(int order);
266 |
267 | // Recognize doubly appearing molecules in a list of them
268 | int * GetFatherSonAtomicMap(molecule *OtherMolecule);
269 |
270 | // Output routines.
271 | bool Output(std::ostream * const output);
272 | bool OutputTrajectories(ofstream * const output);
273 | void OutputListOfBonds() const;
274 | bool OutputXYZ(ofstream * const output) const;
275 | bool OutputTrajectoriesXYZ(ofstream * const output);
276 | bool Checkout(ofstream * const output) const;
277 | bool OutputTemperatureFromTrajectories(ofstream * const output, int startstep, int endstep);
278 |
279 | // Manipulation routines
280 | void flipActiveFlag();
281 |
282 | private:
283 | void init_DFS(struct DFSAccounting&) const;
284 | int last_atom; //!< number given to last atom
285 | mutable internal_iterator InternalPointer; //!< internal pointer for PointCloud
286 | };
287 |
288 | molecule *NewMolecule();
289 | void DeleteMolecule(molecule* mol);
290 |
291 | /** A list of \a molecule classes.
292 | */
293 | class MoleculeListClass : public Observable {
294 | public:
295 | MoleculeList ListOfMolecules; //!< List of the contained molecules
296 | int MaxIndex;
297 |
298 | MoleculeListClass(World *world);
299 | ~MoleculeListClass();
300 |
301 | bool AddHydrogenCorrection(std::string &path);
302 | bool StoreForcesFile(std::string &path, int *SortIndex);
303 | void insert(molecule *mol);
304 | void erase(molecule *mol);
305 | molecule * ReturnIndex(int index);
306 | bool OutputConfigForListOfFragments(std::string &prefix, int *SortIndex);
307 | int NumberOfActiveMolecules();
308 | void Enumerate(ostream *out);
309 | void Output(ofstream *out);
310 | int CountAllAtoms() const;
311 |
312 | // Methods moved here from the menus
313 | // TODO: more refactoring needed on these methods
314 | void createNewMolecule(periodentafel *periode);
315 | void loadFromXYZ(periodentafel *periode);
316 | void setMoleculeFilename();
317 | void parseXYZIntoMolecule();
318 | void eraseMolecule();
319 |
320 | private:
321 | World *world; //!< The world this List belongs to. Needed to avoid deadlocks in the destructor
322 | };
323 |
324 |
325 | /** A leaf for a tree of \a molecule class
326 | * Wraps molecules in a tree structure
327 | */
328 | class MoleculeLeafClass {
329 | public:
330 | molecule *Leaf; //!< molecule of this leaf
331 | //MoleculeLeafClass *UpLeaf; //!< Leaf one level up
332 | //MoleculeLeafClass *DownLeaf; //!< First leaf one level down
333 | MoleculeLeafClass *previous; //!< Previous leaf on this level
334 | MoleculeLeafClass *next; //!< Next leaf on this level
335 |
336 | //MoleculeLeafClass(MoleculeLeafClass *Up, MoleculeLeafClass *Previous);
337 | MoleculeLeafClass(MoleculeLeafClass *PreviousLeaf);
338 | ~MoleculeLeafClass();
339 |
340 | bool AddLeaf(molecule *ptr, MoleculeLeafClass *Previous);
341 | bool FillBondStructureFromReference(const molecule * const reference, atom **&ListOfLocalAtoms, bool FreeList = false);
342 | bool FillRootStackForSubgraphs(KeyStack *&RootStack, bool *AtomMask, int &FragmentCounter);
343 | bool AssignKeySetsToFragment(molecule *reference, Graph *KeySetList, atom ***&ListOfLocalAtoms, Graph **&FragmentList, int &FragmentCounter, bool FreeList = false);
344 | bool FillListOfLocalAtoms(atom **&ListOfLocalAtoms, const int GlobalAtomCount, bool &FreeList);
345 | void TranslateIndicesToGlobalIDs(Graph **FragmentList, int &FragmentCounter, int &TotalNumberOfKeySets, Graph &TotalGraph);
346 | int Count() const;
347 | };
348 |
349 |
350 | #endif /*MOLECULES_HPP_*/
351 |