1 | /** \file molecule.hpp
2 | *
3 | * Class definitions of atom and molecule, element and periodentafel
4 | */
5 |
6 | #ifndef MOLECULES_HPP_
7 | #define MOLECULES_HPP_
8 |
9 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
10 |
11 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
12 | #include <config.h>
13 | #endif
14 |
15 | //// STL headers
16 | #include <map>
17 | #include <set>
18 | #include <stack>
19 | #include <deque>
20 | #include <list>
21 | #include <vector>
22 |
23 | #include <string>
24 |
25 | #include "AtomIdSet.hpp"
26 | #include "Atom/AtomSet.hpp"
27 | #include "CodePatterns/Cacheable.hpp"
28 | #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observable.hpp"
29 | #include "Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp"
30 | #include "Fragmentation/HydrogenSaturation_enum.hpp"
31 | #include "Formula.hpp"
32 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
33 | #include "IdPool_policy.hpp"
34 | #include "IdPool.hpp"
35 | #include "Shapes/Shape.hpp"
36 | #include "types.hpp"
37 |
38 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
39 |
40 | class atom;
41 | class bond;
42 | class BondedParticle;
43 | class BondGraph;
44 | class DepthFirstSearchAnalysis;
45 | class element;
46 | class ForceMatrix;
47 | class Graph;
48 | class LinkedCell_deprecated;
49 | class ListOfLocalAtoms_t;
50 | class molecule;
51 | class MoleculeLeafClass;
52 | class MoleculeListClass;
53 | class MoleculeUnittest;
54 | class RealSpaceMatrix;
55 | class Vector;
56 |
57 | /************************************* Class definitions ****************************************/
58 |
59 | /** The complete molecule.
60 | * Class incorporates number of types
61 | */
62 | class molecule : public Observable
63 | {
64 | //!> grant unit test access
65 | friend class MoleculeUnittest;
66 | //!> function may access cstor
67 | friend molecule *NewMolecule();
68 | //!> function may access dstor
69 | friend void DeleteMolecule(molecule *);
70 |
71 | public:
72 | typedef AtomIdSet::atomIdSet atomIdSet;
73 | typedef AtomIdSet::iterator iterator;
74 | typedef AtomIdSet::const_iterator const_iterator;
75 |
76 | int MDSteps; //!< The number of MD steps in Trajectories
77 | mutable int NoNonBonds; //!< number of non-hydrogen bonds in molecule
78 | mutable int NoCyclicBonds; //!< number of cyclic bonds in molecule, by DepthFirstSearchAnalysis()
79 | bool ActiveFlag; //!< in a MoleculeListClass used to discern active from inactive molecules
80 | int IndexNr; //!< index of molecule in a MoleculeListClass
81 | char name[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; //!< arbitrary name
82 |
83 | private:
84 | Formula formula;
85 | Cacheable<size_t> NoNonHydrogen; //!< number of non-hydrogen atoms in molecule
86 | Cacheable<int> BondCount; //!< number of atoms, brought up-to-date by doCountBonds()
87 | moleculeId_t id;
88 | AtomIdSet atomIds; //<!set of atomic ids to check uniqueness of atoms
89 | IdPool<atomId_t, uniqueId> atomIdPool; //!< pool of internal ids such that way may guarantee uniqueness
90 |
91 | protected:
92 |
93 | molecule();
94 | virtual ~molecule();
95 |
96 | public:
97 |
98 | /******* Notifications *******/
99 |
100 | //!> enumeration of present notification types: only insertion/removal of atoms or molecules
101 | enum NotificationType {
102 | AtomInserted,
103 | AtomRemoved,
104 | AtomNrChanged,
105 | MoleculeNameChanged,
106 | NotificationType_MAX
107 | };
108 |
109 | public:
110 | //getter and setter
111 | const std::string getName() const;
112 | int getAtomCount() const;
113 | size_t doCountNoNonHydrogen() const;
114 | size_t getNoNonHydrogen() const;
115 | int getBondCount() const;
116 | int doCountBonds() const;
117 | moleculeId_t getId() const;
118 | void setId(moleculeId_t);
119 | void setName(const std::string);
120 | const Formula &getFormula() const;
121 | unsigned int getElementCount() const;
122 | bool hasElement(const element*) const;
123 | bool hasElement(atomicNumber_t) const;
124 | bool hasElement(const std::string&) const;
125 |
126 | virtual bool changeId(atomId_t newId);
127 |
128 | World::AtomComposite getAtomSet() const;
129 |
130 | // simply pass on all functions to AtomIdSet
131 | iterator begin() {
132 | return atomIds.begin();
133 | }
134 | const_iterator begin() const
135 | {
136 | return atomIds.begin();
137 | }
138 | iterator end()
139 | {
140 | return atomIds.end();
141 | }
142 | const_iterator end() const
143 | {
144 | return atomIds.end();
145 | }
146 | bool empty() const
147 | {
148 | return atomIds.empty();
149 | }
150 | size_t size() const
151 | {
152 | return atomIds.size();
153 | }
154 | const_iterator find(atom * key) const
155 | {
156 | return atomIds.find(key);
157 | }
158 |
159 | /** Returns the set of atomic ids contained in this molecule.
160 | *
161 | * @return set of atomic ids
162 | */
163 | const atomIdSet & getAtomIds() const {
164 | return atomIds.getAtomIds();
165 | }
166 |
167 | std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(atom * const key);
168 |
169 | /** Predicate whether given \a key is contained in this molecule.
170 | *
171 | * @param key atom to check
172 | * @return true - is contained, false - else
173 | */
174 | bool containsAtom(const atom* key) const
175 | {
176 | return atomIds.contains(key);
177 | }
178 |
179 | /** Predicate whether given \a id is contained in this molecule.
180 | *
181 | * @param id atomic id to check
182 | * @return true - is contained, false - else
183 | */
184 | bool containsAtom(const atomId_t id) const
185 | {
186 | return atomIds.contains(id);
187 | }
188 |
189 | private:
190 | friend void atom::removeFromMolecule();
191 | /** Erase an atom from the list.
192 | * \note This should only be called by atom::removeFromMolecule(),
193 | * otherwise it is not assured that the atom knows about it.
194 | *
195 | * @param loc locator to atom in list
196 | * @return iterator to just after removed item (compliant with standard)
197 | */
198 | const_iterator erase(const_iterator loc);
199 |
200 | /** Erase an atom from the list.
201 | * \note This should only be called by atom::removeFromMolecule(),
202 | * otherwise it is not assured that the atom knows about it.
203 | *
204 | * @param *key key to atom in list
205 | * @return iterator to just after removed item (compliant with standard)
206 | */
207 | const_iterator erase(atom * key);
208 |
209 | private:
210 | friend bool atom::changeNr(int newId);
211 | /**
212 | * used when changing an ParticleInfo::Nr.
213 | * Note that this number is local with this molecule.
214 | * Unless you are calling this method from inside an atom don't fiddle with the third parameter.
215 | *
216 | * @param oldNr old Nr
217 | * @param newNr new Nr to set
218 | * @param *target ref to atom
219 | * @return indicates wether the change could be done or not.
220 | */
221 | bool changeAtomNr(int oldNr, int newNr, atom* target=0);
222 |
223 | /** Sets the name of the atom.
224 | *
225 | * The name is set via its element symbol and its internal ParticleInfo::Nr.
226 | *
227 | * @param _atom atom whose name to set
228 | */
229 | void setAtomName(atom *_atom) const;
230 |
231 | public:
232 |
233 | /** Function to create a bounding spherical shape for the currently associated atoms.
234 | *
235 | */
236 | Shape getBoundingShape() const;
237 |
238 | /// remove atoms from molecule.
239 | bool AddAtom(atom *pointer);
240 | bool RemoveAtom(atom *pointer);
241 | bool UnlinkAtom(atom *pointer);
242 | bool CleanupMolecule();
243 | void removeAtomsinMolecule();
244 |
245 | /// Add/remove atoms to/from molecule.
246 | atom * AddCopyAtom(atom *pointer);
247 | bool AddHydrogenReplacementAtom(bond *Bond, atom *BottomOrigin, atom *TopOrigin, atom *TopReplacement, bool IsAngstroem);
248 | bond * AddBond(atom *first, atom *second, int degree = 1);
249 | bool RemoveBond(bond *pointer);
250 | bool RemoveBonds(atom *BondPartner);
251 | bool hasBondStructure() const;
252 |
253 | /// Find atoms.
254 | atom * FindAtom(int Nr) const;
255 | atom * AskAtom(std::string text);
256 | bool isInMolecule(const atom * const _atom);
257 |
258 | /// Count and change present atoms' coordination.
259 | bool CenterInBox();
260 | bool BoundInBox();
261 | void CenterEdge(Vector *max);
262 | void CenterOrigin();
263 | void CenterPeriodic();
264 | void CenterAtVector(Vector *newcenter);
265 | void Translate(const Vector *x);
266 | void TranslatePeriodically(const Vector *trans);
267 | void Mirror(const Vector *x);
268 | void Align(Vector *n);
269 | void Scale(const double ** const factor);
270 | void DeterminePeriodicCenter(Vector ¢er, const enum HydrogenSaturation _saturation = DoSaturate);
271 | Vector * DetermineCenterOfGravity() const;
272 | Vector * DetermineCenterOfAll() const;
273 | Vector * DetermineCenterOfBox() const;
274 | void SetNameFromFilename(const char *filename);
275 | void SetBoxDimension(Vector *dim);
276 | bool ScanForPeriodicCorrection();
277 | double VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(bool IsAngstroem);
278 | RealSpaceMatrix getInertiaTensor() const;
279 | void RotateToPrincipalAxisSystem(const Vector &Axis);
280 |
281 | bool CheckBounds(const Vector *x) const;
282 | void GetAlignvector(struct lsq_params * par) const;
283 |
284 | /// Initialising routines in fragmentation
285 | void OutputBondsList() const;
286 |
287 | bond * CopyBond(atom *left, atom *right, bond *CopyBond);
288 |
289 | molecule *CopyMolecule(const Vector &offset = zeroVec) const;
290 | molecule* CopyMoleculeFromSubRegion(const Shape&) const;
291 |
292 | /// Fragment molecule by two different approaches:
293 | bool StoreBondsToFile(std::string filename, std::string path = "");
294 | bool CreateFatherLookupTable(ListOfLocalAtoms_t &LookupTable, int count = 0);
295 |
296 | // Recognize doubly appearing molecules in a list of them
297 | int * GetFatherSonAtomicMap(molecule *OtherMolecule);
298 | bool FillBondStructureFromReference(const molecule * const reference, ListOfLocalAtoms_t &ListOfLocalAtoms, bool FreeList = false);
299 | bool FillListOfLocalAtoms(ListOfLocalAtoms_t &ListOfLocalAtoms, const int GlobalAtomCount);
300 |
301 | // Output routines.
302 | bool Output(std::ostream * const output) const;
303 | void OutputListOfBonds() const;
304 |
305 | // Manipulation routines
306 | void flipActiveFlag();
307 |
308 | private:
309 | int last_atom; //!< number given to last atom
310 | };
311 |
312 | molecule *NewMolecule();
313 | void DeleteMolecule(molecule* mol);
314 |
315 |
316 |
317 | #endif /*MOLECULES_HPP_*/
318 |