* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* controller_MPQCCommandJob.cpp
* Created on: 01.06.2012
* Author: heber
// include config.h
// boost asio needs specific operator new
#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "controller_MPQCCommandJob.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "JobMarket/Controller/ControllerCommand.hpp"
#include "JobMarket/Controller/ControllerCommandRegistry.hpp"
#include "JobMarket/Controller/FragmentController.hpp"
#include "JobMarket/JobId.hpp"
#include "JobMarket/Jobs/FragmentJob.hpp"
#include "JobMarket/Results/FragmentResult.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/EnergyMatrix.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/ForceMatrix.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/KeySetsContainer.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/defs.hpp"
#include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
#include "Jobs/MPQCCommandJob.hpp"
#include "Jobs/MPQCData.hpp"
#include "LinearAlgebra/defs.hpp"
#include "ControllerOptions_MPQCCommandJob.hpp"
/** Creates a MPQCCommandJob with argument \a filename.
* @param jobs created job is added to this vector
* @param command mpqc command to execute
* @param filename filename being argument to job
* @param nextid id for this job
void parsejob(
std::vector &jobs,
const std::string &command,
const std::string &filename,
const JobId_t nextid)
std::ifstream file;
ASSERT( file.good(), "parsejob() - file "+filename+" does not exist.");
std::string output((std::istreambuf_iterator(file)),
FragmentJob::ptr testJob( new MPQCCommandJob(output, nextid, command) );
LOG(1, "INFO: Added MPQCCommandJob from file "+filename+".");
/** Print received results.
* @param results received results to print
void printReceivedResults(const std::vector &results)
for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = results.begin();
iter != results.end(); ++iter)
LOG(1, "RESULT: job #"+toString((*iter)->getId())+": "+toString((*iter)->result));
/** Print MPQCData from received results.
* @param results received results to extract MPQCData from
* @param KeySetFilename filename with keysets to associate forces correctly
* @param NoAtoms total number of atoms
bool printReceivedMPQCResults(
const std::vector &results,
const std::string &KeySetFilename,
size_t NoAtoms)
EnergyMatrix Energy;
EnergyMatrix EnergyFragments;
ForceMatrix Force;
ForceMatrix ForceFragments;
KeySetsContainer KeySet;
// align fragments
std::map< JobId_t, size_t > MatrixNrLookup;
size_t FragmentCounter = 0;
// bring ids in order ...
typedef std::map< JobId_t, FragmentResult::ptr> IdResultMap_t;
IdResultMap_t IdResultMap;
for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = results.begin();
iter != results.end(); ++iter) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::pair< IdResultMap_t::iterator, bool> inserter =
IdResultMap.insert( make_pair((*iter)->getId(), *iter) );
ASSERT( inserter.second,
"printReceivedMPQCResults() - two results have same id "
// ... and fill lookup
for(IdResultMap_t::const_iterator iter = IdResultMap.begin();
iter != IdResultMap.end(); ++iter)
MatrixNrLookup.insert( make_pair(iter->first, FragmentCounter++) );
LOG(1, "INFO: There are " << FragmentCounter << " fragments.");
// extract results
std::vector fragmentData(results.size());
MPQCData combinedData;
LOG(2, "DEBUG: Parsing now through " << results.size() << " results.");
for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = results.begin();
iter != results.end(); ++iter) {
LOG(1, "RESULT: job #"+toString((*iter)->getId())+": "+toString((*iter)->result));
MPQCData extractedData;
std::stringstream inputstream((*iter)->result);
LOG(2, "DEBUG: First 50 characters FragmentResult's string: "+(*iter)->result.substr(0, 50));
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(inputstream);
ia >> extractedData;
LOG(1, "INFO: extracted data is " << extractedData << ".");
// place results into EnergyMatrix ...
MatrixContainer::MatrixArray matrix;
matrix[0].resize(1, extractedData.energies.total);
if (!Energy.AddMatrix(
std::string("MPQCJob ")+toString((*iter)->getId()),
MatrixNrLookup[(*iter)->getId()])) {
ELOG(1, "Adding energy matrix failed.");
return false;
// ... and ForceMatrix (with two empty columns in front)
MatrixContainer::MatrixArray matrix;
const size_t rows = extractedData.forces.size();
for (size_t i=0;igetId()),
MatrixNrLookup[(*iter)->getId()])) {
ELOG(1, "Adding force matrix failed.");
return false;
// add one more matrix (not required for energy)
MatrixContainer::MatrixArray matrix;
matrix[0].resize(1, 0.);
if (!Energy.AddMatrix(std::string("MPQCJob total"), matrix, FragmentCounter))
return false;
// but for energy because we need to know total number of atoms
for (size_t i = 0; i< NoAtoms; ++i)
matrix[i].resize(2+NDIM, 0.);
if (!Force.AddMatrix(std::string("MPQCJob total"), matrix, FragmentCounter))
return false;
// combine all found data
if (!Energy.InitialiseIndices()) return false;
if (!Force.ParseIndices(KeySetFilename.c_str())) return false;
if (!KeySet.ParseKeySets(KeySetFilename.c_str(), Force.RowCounter, Force.MatrixCounter)) return false;
if (!KeySet.ParseManyBodyTerms()) return false;
if (!EnergyFragments.AllocateMatrix(Energy.Header, Energy.MatrixCounter, Energy.RowCounter, Energy.ColumnCounter)) return false;
if (!ForceFragments.AllocateMatrix(Force.Header, Force.MatrixCounter, Force.RowCounter, Force.ColumnCounter)) return false;
if(!Energy.SetLastMatrix(0., 0)) return false;
if(!Force.SetLastMatrix(0., 2)) return false;
for (int BondOrder=0;BondOrder jobs;
for (std::vector< std::string >::const_iterator iter = ControllerInfo.jobfiles.begin();
iter != ControllerInfo.jobfiles.end(); ++iter) {
const JobId_t next_id = controller.getAvailableId();
const std::string &filename = *iter;
LOG(1, "INFO: Creating MPQCCommandJob with filename '"
+filename+"', and id "+toString(next_id)+".");
parsejob(jobs, ControllerInfo.executable, filename, next_id);
controller.sendJobs(ControllerInfo.server, ControllerInfo.serverport);
inline std::vector getListOfCommands(const ControllerCommandRegistry &ControllerCommands)
std::vector Commands;
for (ControllerCommandRegistry::const_iterator iter = ControllerCommands.getBeginIter();
iter != ControllerCommands.getEndIter(); ++iter)
return Commands;
ControllerOptions *controller_MPQCCommandJob::allocateControllerInfo()
return new ControllerOptions_MPQCCommandJob();
void controller_MPQCCommandJob::addSpecificCommands(
boost::function ®istrator,
FragmentController &controller,
ControllerOptions &ControllerInfo)
ControllerOptions_MPQCCommandJob &CI =
registrator(new ControllerCommand("addjobs",
boost::assign::list_of< ControllerCommand::commands_t >
boost::ref(controller), boost::cref(ControllerInfo.server), boost::cref(ControllerInfo.serverport),
boost::bind(&std::vector::size, boost::cref(CI.jobfiles))))
(boost::bind(&AddJobs, boost::ref(controller), boost::cref(CI)))
registrator(new ControllerCommand("receiveresults",
boost::assign::list_of< ControllerCommand::commands_t >
boost::ref(controller), boost::cref(ControllerInfo.server), boost::cref(ControllerInfo.serverport)))
boost::bind(&FragmentController::getReceivedResults, boost::ref(controller))))
registrator(new ControllerCommand("receivempqc",
boost::assign::list_of< ControllerCommand::commands_t >
boost::ref(controller), boost::cref(CI.ids)))
boost::ref(controller), boost::cref(ControllerInfo.server), boost::cref(ControllerInfo.serverport)))
boost::bind(&FragmentController::getReceivedResults, boost::ref(controller)),
boost::bind(&getNoAtomsFromAdjacencyFile, boost::cref(CI.fragmentpath))))
void controller_MPQCCommandJob::addSpecificOptions(
boost::program_options::options_description_easy_init option)
("executable", boost::program_options::value< std::string >(), "executable for commands 'createjobs'")
("fragment-path", boost::program_options::value< std::string >(), "path to fragment files for 'receivempqc'")
("jobfiles", boost::program_options::value< std::vector< std::string > >()->multitoken(), "list of files as single argument toexecutable for 'addjobs'")
("ids", boost::program_options::value< std::vector< JobId_t > >()->multitoken(), "list of jobids to request from server for 'receivempqc'")
int controller_MPQCCommandJob::addOtherParsings(
ControllerOptions &ControllerInfo,
boost::program_options::variables_map &vm)
ControllerOptions_MPQCCommandJob &CI =
int status = 0;
status = CI.parseExecutable(vm);
if (status) return status;
status = CI.parseFragmentpath(vm);
if (status) return status;
status = CI.parseJobfiles(vm);
if (status) return status;
status = CI.parseIds(vm);
return status;