1 | #ifndef BOUNDARY_HPP_
2 | #define BOUNDARY_HPP_
3 |
4 | class BoundaryPointSet;
5 | class BoundaryLineSet;
6 | class BoundaryTriangleSet;
7 | class CandidateForTesselation;
8 |
9 | // include config.h
10 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
11 | #include <config.h>
12 | #endif
13 |
14 | // STL headers
15 | #include <map>
16 | #include <set>
17 | #include <deque>
18 |
19 | #include <gsl/gsl_poly.h>
20 |
21 | #include "linkedcell.hpp"
22 | #include "molecules.hpp"
23 |
24 | template <typename T> void SetEndpointsOrdered(T endpoints[2], T endpoint1, T endpoint2)
25 | {
26 | if (endpoint1->Nr < endpoint2->Nr) {
27 | endpoints[0] = endpoint1;
28 | endpoints[1] = endpoint2;
29 | } else {
30 | endpoints[0] = endpoint2;
31 | endpoints[1] = endpoint1;
32 | }
33 | };
34 |
35 | class BoundaryPointSet {
36 | public:
37 | BoundaryPointSet();
38 | BoundaryPointSet(atom *Walker);
39 | ~BoundaryPointSet();
40 |
41 | void AddLine(class BoundaryLineSet *line);
42 |
43 | LineMap lines;
44 | int LinesCount;
45 | atom *node;
46 | int Nr;
47 | };
48 |
49 | class BoundaryLineSet {
50 | public:
51 | BoundaryLineSet();
52 | BoundaryLineSet(class BoundaryPointSet *Point[2], int number);
53 | ~BoundaryLineSet();
54 |
55 | void AddTriangle(class BoundaryTriangleSet *triangle);
56 |
57 | class BoundaryPointSet *endpoints[2];
58 | TriangleMap triangles;
59 | int TrianglesCount;
60 | int Nr;
61 | };
62 |
63 | class BoundaryTriangleSet {
64 | public:
65 | BoundaryTriangleSet();
66 | BoundaryTriangleSet(class BoundaryLineSet *line[3], int number);
67 | ~BoundaryTriangleSet();
68 |
69 | void GetNormalVector(Vector &NormalVector);
70 |
71 | class BoundaryPointSet *endpoints[3];
72 | class BoundaryLineSet *lines[3];
73 | Vector NormalVector;
74 | int Nr;
75 | };
76 |
77 |
78 | class CandidateForTesselation {
79 | public :
80 | CandidateForTesselation(atom* candidate, BoundaryLineSet* currentBaseLine, Vector OptCandidateCenter, Vector OtherOptCandidateCenter);
81 | ~CandidateForTesselation();
82 | atom *point;
83 | BoundaryLineSet *BaseLine;
84 | Vector OptCenter;
85 | Vector OtherOptCenter;
86 | };
87 |
88 |
89 | class Tesselation {
90 | public:
91 |
92 | Tesselation();
93 | ~Tesselation();
94 |
95 | void TesselateOnBoundary(ofstream *out, config *configuration, molecule *mol);
96 | void GuessStartingTriangle(ofstream *out);
97 | void AddPoint(atom * Walker);
98 | void AddTrianglePoint(atom* Candidate, int n);
99 | void AddTriangleLine(class BoundaryPointSet *a, class BoundaryPointSet *b, int n);
100 | void AlwaysAddTriangleLine(class BoundaryPointSet *a, class BoundaryPointSet *b, int n);
101 | void AddTriangleToLines();
102 | void Find_starting_triangle(ofstream *out, molecule* mol, const double RADIUS, LinkedCell *LC);
103 | bool Find_next_suitable_triangle(ofstream *out, molecule* mol, BoundaryLineSet &Line, BoundaryTriangleSet &T, const double& RADIUS, int N, const char *filename, LinkedCell *LC);
104 | int CheckPresenceOfTriangle(ofstream *out, atom *Candidates[3]);
105 | void Find_next_suitable_point_via_Angle_of_Sphere(atom* a, atom* b, atom* c, atom* Candidate, atom* Parent, int RecursionLevel, Vector *Chord, Vector *direction1, Vector *OldNormal, Vector ReferencePoint, atom*& Opt_Candidate, double *Storage, const double RADIUS, molecule* mol);
106 |
107 | PointMap PointsOnBoundary;
108 | LineMap LinesOnBoundary;
109 | TriangleMap TrianglesOnBoundary;
110 | class BoundaryPointSet *TPS[3]; //this is a Storage for pointers to triangle points, this and BPS[2] needed due to AddLine restrictions
111 | class BoundaryPointSet *BPS[2];
112 | class BoundaryLineSet *BLS[3];
113 | class BoundaryTriangleSet *BTS;
114 | int PointsOnBoundaryCount;
115 | int LinesOnBoundaryCount;
116 | int TrianglesOnBoundaryCount;
117 | int TriangleFilesWritten;
118 | };
119 |
120 |
121 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, BoundaryPointSet &a);
122 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, BoundaryLineSet &a);
123 | ostream & operator << (ostream &ost, BoundaryTriangleSet &a);
124 |
125 |
126 | double VolumeOfConvexEnvelope(ofstream *out, const char *filename, config *configuration, Boundaries *BoundaryPoints, molecule *mol);
127 | double * GetDiametersOfCluster(ofstream *out, Boundaries *BoundaryPtr, molecule *mol, bool IsAngstroem);
128 | void PrepareClustersinWater(ofstream *out, config *configuration, molecule *mol, double ClusterVolume, double celldensity);
129 | void Find_non_convex_border(ofstream *out, molecule* mol, class Tesselation *T, class LinkedCell *LC, const char *tempbasename, const double RADIUS);
130 | void Find_next_suitable_point(class BoundaryTriangleSet *BaseTriangle, class BoundaryLineSet *BaseLine, atom*& OptCandidate, Vector *OptCandidateCenter, double *ShortestAngle, const double RADIUS, LinkedCell *LC);
131 | bool Choose_preferable_third_point(atom *Candidate, atom *OptCandidate, class BoundaryLineSet *BaseLine, atom *ThirdNode, Tesselation *Tess);
132 | bool existsIntersection(Vector point1, Vector point2, Vector point3, Vector point4);
133 | bool sortCandidates(CandidateForTesselation* candidate1, CandidateForTesselation* candidate2);
134 |
135 | #endif /*BOUNDARY_HPP_*/