1 | /*
2 | * analysis.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 13, 2009
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef ANALYSIS_HPP_
9 | #define ANALYSIS_HPP_
10 |
11 | using namespace std;
12 |
13 | /*********************************************** includes ***********************************/
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include <cmath>
21 | #include <fstream>
22 |
23 | // STL headers
24 | #include <map>
25 | #include <vector>
26 |
27 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
28 |
29 | #include "atom.hpp"
30 | #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
31 |
32 | /****************************************** forward declarations *****************************/
33 |
34 | class BoundaryTriangleSet;
35 | class element;
36 | class LinkedCell;
37 | class Tesselation;
38 | class Vector;
39 |
40 | /********************************************** definitions *********************************/
41 |
42 | typedef multimap<double, pair<atom *, atom *> > PairCorrelationMap;
43 | typedef multimap<double, pair<atom *, const Vector *> > CorrelationToPointMap;
44 | typedef multimap<double, pair<atom *, BoundaryTriangleSet *> > CorrelationToSurfaceMap;
45 | typedef map<double, int> BinPairMap;
46 |
47 | /********************************************** declarations *******************************/
48 |
49 | PairCorrelationMap *PairCorrelation(std::vector<molecule *> &molecules, const std::vector<const element *> &elements);
50 | CorrelationToPointMap *CorrelationToPoint(std::vector<molecule *> &molecules, const std::vector<const element *> &elements, const Vector *point );
51 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *CorrelationToSurface(std::vector<molecule *> &molecules, const std::vector<const element *> &elements, const Tesselation * const Surface, const LinkedCell *LC );
52 | PairCorrelationMap *PeriodicPairCorrelation(std::vector<molecule *> &molecules, const std::vector<const element *> &elements, const int ranges[NDIM] );
53 | CorrelationToPointMap *PeriodicCorrelationToPoint(std::vector<molecule *> &molecules, const std::vector<const element *> &elements, const Vector *point, const int ranges[NDIM] );
54 | CorrelationToSurfaceMap *PeriodicCorrelationToSurface(std::vector<molecule *> &molecules, const std::vector<const element *> &elements, const Tesselation * const Surface, const LinkedCell *LC, const int ranges[NDIM] );
55 | int GetBin ( const double value, const double BinWidth, const double BinStart );
56 | void OutputCorrelation( ofstream * const file, const BinPairMap * const map );
57 | void OutputPairCorrelation( ofstream * const file, const PairCorrelationMap * const map );
58 | void OutputCorrelationToPoint( ofstream * const file, const CorrelationToPointMap * const map );
59 | void OutputCorrelationToSurface( ofstream * const file, const CorrelationToSurfaceMap * const map );
60 |
61 |
62 | /** Searches for lowest and highest value in a given map of doubles.
63 | * \param *map map of doubles to scan
64 | * \param &min minimum on return
65 | * \param &max maximum on return
66 | */
67 | template <typename T> void GetMinMax ( T *map, double &min, double &max)
68 | {
69 | min = 0.;
70 | max = 0.;
71 | bool FirstMinFound = false;
72 | bool FirstMaxFound = false;
73 |
74 | if (map == NULL) {
75 | DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Nothing to min/max, map is NULL!" << endl);
76 | performCriticalExit();
77 | return;
78 | }
79 |
80 | for (typename T::iterator runner = map->begin(); runner != map->end(); ++runner) {
81 | if ((min > runner->first) || (!FirstMinFound)) {
82 | min = runner->first;
83 | FirstMinFound = true;
84 | }
85 | if ((max < runner->first) || (!FirstMaxFound)) {
86 | max = runner->first;
87 | FirstMaxFound = true;
88 | }
89 | }
90 | };
91 |
92 | /** Puts given correlation data into bins of given size (histogramming).
93 | * Note that BinStart and BinEnd are desired to fill the complete range, even where Bins are zero. If this is
94 | * not desired, give equal BinStart and BinEnd and the map will contain only Bins where the count is one or greater. If a
95 | * certain start value is desired, give BinStart and a BinEnd that is smaller than BinStart, then only BinEnd will be
96 | * calculated automatically, i.e. BinStart = 0. and BinEnd = -1. .
97 | * Also note that the range is given inclusive, i.e. [ BinStart, BinEnd ].
98 | * \param *map map of doubles to count
99 | * \param BinWidth desired width of the binds
100 | * \param BinStart first bin
101 | * \param BinEnd last bin
102 | * \return Map of doubles (the bins) with counts as values
103 | */
104 | template <typename T> BinPairMap *BinData ( T *map, const double BinWidth, const double BinStart, const double BinEnd )
105 | {
106 | BinPairMap *outmap = new BinPairMap;
107 | int bin = 0;
108 | double start = 0.;
109 | double end = 0.;
110 | pair <BinPairMap::iterator, bool > BinPairMapInserter;
111 |
112 | if (map == NULL) {
113 | DoeLog(0) && (eLog()<< Verbose(0) << "Nothing to bin, is NULL!" << endl);
114 | performCriticalExit();
115 | return outmap;
116 | }
117 |
118 | if (BinStart == BinEnd) { // if same, find range ourselves
119 | GetMinMax( map, start, end);
120 | } else if (BinEnd < BinStart) { // if BinEnd smaller, just look for new max
121 | GetMinMax( map, start, end);
122 | start = BinStart;
123 | } else { // else take both values
124 | start = BinStart;
125 | end = BinEnd;
126 | }
127 | for (int runner = 0; runner <= ceil((end-start)/BinWidth); runner++)
128 | outmap->insert( pair<double, int> ((double)runner*BinWidth+start, 0) );
129 |
130 | for (typename T::iterator runner = map->begin(); runner != map->end(); ++runner) {
131 | bin = GetBin (runner->first, BinWidth, start);
132 | BinPairMapInserter = outmap->insert ( pair<double, int> ((double)bin*BinWidth+start, 1) );
133 | if (!BinPairMapInserter.second) { // bin already present, increase
134 | BinPairMapInserter.first->second += 1;
135 | }
136 | }
137 |
138 | return outmap;
139 | };
140 |
141 | #endif /* ANALYSIS_HPP_ */