1 | /*
2 | * QtObservedMolecule.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Oct 28, 2015
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 |
11 |
12 | // include config.h
13 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 | #include <config.h>
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include <QtGui/QWidget>
18 |
19 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
20 | #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
21 |
22 | #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observable.hpp"
23 | #include "CodePatterns/Observer/Observer.hpp"
24 |
25 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
26 |
27 | #include "molecule.hpp"
28 | #include "UIElements/Qt4/InstanceBoard/ObservedValue_types.hpp"
29 | #include "UIElements/Qt4/InstanceBoard/ObservedValuesContainer.hpp"
30 | #include "types.hpp"
31 |
32 | class QtObservedInstanceBoard;
33 |
34 | /** This instance is the ObservedValue representation of a World's molecule.
35 | *
36 | * Due to the signal/slot mechanism and its delays, lifetime of objects in the
37 | * World and their QtGui representation cannot directly be related (without
38 | * slowing down Actions just for having the representation up to speed).
39 | * Hence, the required information for displaying and representing these
40 | * objects must be contained in an extra instance.
41 | *
42 | * This is the instance for information about a particular molecule.
43 | */
44 | class QtObservedMolecule : public QWidget, public Observer
45 | {
47 |
48 | public:
49 |
50 | //!> typedef for instance wrapped in shared ptr
51 | typedef boost::shared_ptr<QtObservedMolecule> ptr;
52 |
53 | private:
54 | //!> ObservedValuesContainer needs to access private cstor and dstor
55 | friend class ObservedValuesContainer<QtObservedMolecule, moleculeId_t>;
56 | //!> QtObservedInstanceBoard needs to access private cstor and dstor
57 | friend class QtObservedInstanceBoard;
58 |
59 | /** Cstor of QtObservedMolecule.
60 | *
61 | * \param _ObservedValues ref to set of observed values for this instance
62 | * \param _board ref to InstanceBoard for callbacks on occasion of subjectKilled()
63 | * \param _parent Qt parent to automatically destroy when parent is destroyed
64 | */
65 | QtObservedMolecule(
66 | const ObservedValues_t &_ObservedValues,
67 | QtObservedInstanceBoard &_board,
68 | QWidget * _parent=0);
69 |
70 | public:
71 |
72 | /** Dstor of QtObservedMolecule.
73 | *
74 | */
75 | ~QtObservedMolecule();
76 |
77 | // Observer functions
78 | void update(Observable *publisher);
79 | void subjectKilled(Observable *publisher);
80 | void recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification);
81 |
82 | /** Getter to molecule atom count contained in \a ObservedValues.
83 | *
84 | * \return molecule's atom count
85 | */
86 | const int& getAtomCount() const;
87 |
88 | /** Getter to molecule bond count contained in \a ObservedValues.
89 | *
90 | * \return molecule's bond count
91 | */
92 | const int& getBondCount() const;
93 |
94 | /** Getter to molecule center contained in \a ObservedValues.
95 | *
96 | * \return molecule's center
97 | */
98 | const Vector& getMolCenter() const;
99 |
100 | /** Getter to molecule index contained in \a ObservedValues.
101 | *
102 | * \return molecule's index
103 | */
104 | const moleculeId_t& getMolIndex() const;
105 |
106 | /** Getter to molecule name contained in \a ObservedValues.
107 | *
108 | * \return molecule's name
109 | */
110 | const std::string& getMolName() const;
111 |
112 | /** Getter to molecule formula contained in \a ObservedValues.
113 | *
114 | * \return molecule's formula
115 | */
116 | const std::string& getMolFormula() const;
117 |
118 | /** Getter to molecule non-hydrogen atom count contained in \a ObservedValues.
119 | *
120 | * \return molecule's non-hydrogen atom count
121 | */
122 | const int& getNonHydrogenCount() const;
123 |
124 | /** Getter to molecule's bounding box contained in \a ObservedValues.
125 | *
126 | * \return molecule's bounding box
127 | */
128 | const molecule::BoundingBoxInfo& getBoundingBox() const;
129 |
130 | static const molecule * const getMolecule(const moleculeId_t _id);
131 |
132 | signals:
133 | void atomcountChanged();
134 | void bondcountChanged();
135 | void formulaChanged();
136 | void indexChanged();
137 | void nameChanged();
138 | void nononhydrogenChanged();
139 | void centerChanged();
140 | void tesselationhullChanged();
141 | void boundingboxChanged();
142 | void atomInserted(const atomId_t);
143 | void atomRemoved(const atomId_t);
144 | void moleculeRemoved();
145 |
146 | private:
147 |
148 | void activateObserver();
149 | void deactivateObserver();
150 |
151 | private:
152 | static int updateAtomCount(
153 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
154 | static int updateBondCount(
155 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
156 | static molecule::BoundingBoxInfo updateBoundingBox(
157 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
158 | static std::string updateFormulaString(
159 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
160 | static Vector updateCenter(
161 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
162 | static moleculeId_t updateIndex();
163 | static std::string updateName(
164 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
165 | static int updateNonHydrogenCount(
166 | const boost::function<const moleculeId_t ()> &_getMolIndex);
167 |
168 | //!> list of channels when atom count needs to update
169 | static const Observable::channels_t AtomCountChannels;
170 | //!> list of channels when bond count needs to update
171 | static const Observable::channels_t BondCountChannels;
172 | //!> list of channels when bounding box needs to update
173 | static const Observable::channels_t BoundingBoxChannels;
174 | //!> list of channels when formula needs to update
175 | static const Observable::channels_t FormulaStringChannels;
176 | //!> list of channels when the center needs to update
177 | static const Observable::channels_t CenterChannels;
178 | //!> list of channels when the index needs to update
179 | static const Observable::channels_t IndexChannels;
180 | //!> list of channels when the name needs to update
181 | static const Observable::channels_t NameChannels;
182 | //!> list of channels when the name needs to update
183 | static const Observable::channels_t NonHydrogenCountChannels;
184 |
185 | private:
186 | /** Observed Values **/
187 |
188 | //!> enumeration of observed values to match with entries in ObservedValues
189 | enum ObservedTypes {
190 | //!> contains the current molecule's atom count
191 | AtomCount,
192 | //!> contains the current molecule's number of bonds
193 | BondCount,
194 | //!> contains newest version of the bounding box on request
195 | BoundingBox,
196 | //!> contains the current molecule's formula
197 | FormulaString,
198 | //!> contains the current molecule's center
199 | MolCenter,
200 | //!> contains the current molecule index
201 | MolIndex,
202 | //!> contains the current molecule name
203 | MolName,
204 | //!> contains the current molecule's non-hydrogen atom count
205 | NonHydrogenCount,
206 | //!> gives the size of the enumeration
207 | MAX_ObservedTypes
208 | };
209 |
210 | /** Initializes all \a _ObservedValues entries.
211 | *
212 | * \param _ObservedValues vector of ObservedValue to be filled
213 | * \param _moid molecule id
214 | * \param _molref reference to molecule
215 | * \param _subjectKilled ref to function to call on subjectKilled()
216 | */
217 | static void initObservedValues(
218 | ObservedValues_t &_ObservedValues,
219 | const moleculeId_t _molid,
220 | const molecule * const _molref,
221 | const boost::function<void(const moleculeId_t)> &_subjectKilled);
222 |
223 | /** Destroys all \a ObservedValues entries.
224 | *
225 | * \param _ObservedValues vector of ObservedValue to be destroyed
226 | */
227 | static void destroyObservedValues(
228 | std::vector<boost::any> &_ObservedValues);
229 |
230 | //!> counts how many ObservedValues have already been subjectKilled()
231 | mutable size_t subjectKilledCount;
232 |
233 | private:
234 |
235 | //!> we get multiple subjectKilled(), count and call callback() only on last
236 | const unsigned int AllsignedOnChannels;
237 | unsigned int signedOffChannels;
238 |
239 | //!> the Observable we are signed on, also indicates whether we are sign on (not NULL)
240 | const Observable *owner;
241 |
242 | private:
243 |
244 | //!> reference to InstanceBoard for callbacks on subjectKilled()
245 | QtObservedInstanceBoard & board;
246 |
247 | //!> internal reference to ObservedValues held by QtObservedInstanceBoard
248 | ObservedValues_t ObservedValues;
249 | };
250 |
251 |
252 | #endif /* QTOBSERVEDMOLECULE_HPP_ */