/* * QTUIFactory.cpp * * Created on: Jan 14, 2010 * Author: crueger */ #include #include using namespace std; #include #include "UIElements/QT4/QTUIFactory.hpp" #include "UIElements/QT4/QTMainWindow.hpp" #include "defs.hpp" QTUIFactory::QTUIFactory() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } QTUIFactory::~QTUIFactory() { // TODO Auto-generated destructor stub } Dialog* QTUIFactory::makeDialog() { assert(0 && "Not implemented yet"); return 0; } MainWindow* QTUIFactory::makeMainWindow(menuPopulaters populaters,MoleculeListClass *molecules, config *configuration, periodentafel *periode, char *ConfigFileName) { // For now we just fake the command line parameters to make QT happy int argc=1; char **argv; argv = new char*[1]; argv[0] = new char[64]; strcpy(argv[0],MOLECUILDER_NAME); app = new QApplication(argc,argv); return new QTMainWindow(populaters,molecules,configuration,periode,ConfigFileName,app); }