/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details. */ /* * TextMenu.cpp * * Created on: Dec 10, 2009 * Author: crueger */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp" #include #include #include #include "Menu/TextMenu.hpp" #include "Menu/MenuItem.hpp" #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp" /** * produce a text menu with a given title. * The text will later be displayed using the stream passed to the constructor. */ TextMenu::TextMenu(ostream& _outputter, string _title, char _spacer,int _length) : defaultItem(0), outputter(_outputter), title(_title), spacer(_spacer), length(_length), quit(false) { } TextMenu::~TextMenu() { for(list::iterator it=items.begin(); it != items.end(); it++) delete (*it); } void TextMenu::addItem(MenuItem* item) { items.push_back(item); } void TextMenu::removeItem(MenuItem* item) { items.remove(item); } void TextMenu::doQuit(){ quit = true; } bool TextMenu::hasQuit(){ return quit; } void TextMenu::showEntry(MenuItem* entry){ if(entry->isActive()==false){ outputter << "("; } outputter << entry->formatEntry(); if(entry->isActive()==false){ outputter << ")"; } outputter << "\n"; } void TextMenu::display() { char choice; bool somethingChosen = false; quit = false; do { int pre = floor((length - title.length()) /2.0); int post = ceil((length - title.length()) /2.0); for(int i=0;i> choice; list::iterator iter; for(iter = items.begin(); iter!=items.end();iter++){ if((*iter)->isActive()){ somethingChosen |= (*iter)->checkTrigger(choice); } } // see if something was chosen and call default Item if not if(!somethingChosen) { if(defaultItem){ defaultItem->doTrigger(); } else{ outputter << "Invalid Choice!" << endl; } } }while (!hasQuit()); } string TextMenu::getTitle(){ return title; } void TextMenu::addDefault(MenuItem* _defaultItem) { defaultItem = _defaultItem; } /****************************** Contained Actions ****************/ const string TextMenu::LeaveAction::nameBase = "Leave menu: "; TextMenu::LeaveAction::LeaveAction(TextMenu* _menu) : Action(nameBase+_menu->getTitle()), menu(_menu) {} TextMenu::LeaveAction::~LeaveAction(){} bool TextMenu::LeaveAction::canUndo(){ return false; } bool TextMenu::LeaveAction::shouldUndo(){ return false; } void TextMenu::LeaveAction::getParametersfromValueStorage() {} Dialog* TextMenu::LeaveAction::fillDialog(Dialog *dialog){ ASSERT(dialog,"No Dialog given when filling action dialog"); return dialog; } Action::state_ptr TextMenu::LeaveAction::performCall(){ menu->doQuit(); return Action::success; } Action::state_ptr TextMenu::LeaveAction::performUndo(Action::state_ptr){ ASSERT(0,"Cannot undo leaving a menu"); return Action::success; } Action::state_ptr TextMenu::LeaveAction::performRedo(Action::state_ptr){ ASSERT(0,"Cannot redo leaving a menu"); return Action::success; }