1 | /*
2 | * Dialog.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jan 5, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef DIALOG_HPP_
9 | #define DIALOG_HPP_
10 |
11 | // include config.h
12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 | #include <config.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 |
17 | #include<string>
18 | #include<list>
19 | #include<vector>
20 |
21 | #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
22 | #include "LinearAlgebra/RealSpaceMatrix.hpp"
23 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
24 | #include "RandomNumbers/RandomNumberDistribution_Parameters.hpp"
25 | #include "Parameters/Parameter.hpp"
26 |
27 | class atom;
28 | class RealSpaceMatrix;
29 | class element;
30 | class molecule;
31 |
32 |
33 | /** Dialog is one of the two main classes of the UIFactory base class.
34 | *
35 | * The Dialog is meant for asking the user for information needed to perform
36 | * actions he desires, such as asking for a position in space or a length.
37 | *
38 | * For this purpose there is the base class Query and numerous specializations
39 | * for each of the types to be asked. There are primitives integer, doubles and
40 | * string, but also advanced types such as element, molecule or Vector. There
41 | * is also an empty query for displaying text.
42 | *
43 | * Note that the templatization of Dialog::query() allows for easy implementation
44 | * of new types that correspond to/are derived from old ones.
45 | *
46 | * <H3>How do Dialogs operate?</H3>
47 | *
48 | * Dialogs are initiated by Action::FillDialog() function calls. Within Action::Call()
49 | * a dialog is created and passed on to FillDialog(), which is specialized in each
50 | * specific Action to ask for the specific parameter it needs.
51 | *
52 | * Dialogs are derived for each of the UI types
53 | * -# CommandLineDialog
54 | * -# QtDialog
55 | * -# TextDialog
56 | *
57 | * This "asking" for parameters is done via the Query class. There are four types
58 | * of Query types:
59 | * -# Query, members in class Dialog
60 | * -# CommandLineQuery, members in class CommandLineDialog
61 | * -# QtQuery, members in class QtDialog
62 | * -# TextQuery, members in class TextDialog
63 | * Each embodies a certain way of asking the user for the specific type of parameter
64 | * needed, e.g. a file via the TextMenu interface would be done in member functions of
65 | * TextDialog::FileTextQuery.
66 | *
67 | *
68 | * Generally, the sequence of events is as follows:
69 | * -# Action::fillDialog() calls upon Dialog::query<T> for some type T, let's say T
70 | * stands for double
71 | * -# Dialog::query<double> call a function queryDouble()
72 | * -# depending on the currently used UIFactory, the Dialog above is actually either
73 | * of the three specialized types, let's say CommandLine. And we see that within
74 | * CommandLineDialog we have the respective method ueryDouble() that registers
75 | * a new instance of the class CommandLineDialog::DoubleCommandLineQuery.
76 | * -# The Query's are first registered, as multiple parameters may be needed for
77 | * a single Action and we don't want the popping up of a dialog window for each
78 | * alone. Rather, we want to merge the Query's into a single Dialog. Therefore,
79 | * they are first registered and then executed in sequence. This is done in
80 | * Dialog::display(), i.e. when the dialog is finally shown to the user.
81 | * -# Then each of the registered Query's, here our CommandLineDialog::
82 | * DoubleCommandLineQuery, constructor is called.
83 | * -# This will call the constructor of its base class, where the actual value
84 | * is stored and later stored into the ValueStorage class by
85 | * Dialog::Query::setResult().
86 | * -# Also, e.g. for the Qt interface, the buttons, labels and so forth are
87 | * created and added to the dialog.
88 | * -# Now the users enters information for each UI something different happens:
89 | * -# CommandLine: The actual value retrieval is done by the CommandLineParser and
90 | * the boost::program_options library, the value is stored therein for the moment.
91 | * (see here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/program_options/)
92 | * -# TextMenu: The value is requested via std::cin from the user.
93 | * -# QtMenu: The users enters the value in a Dialog. Due to Qt necessities a
94 | * Pipe class obtains the value from the Dialog with Qt's signal/slot mechanism
95 | * and put it into Dialog::...Query value.
96 | * -# in our case DoubleCommandLineQuery::handle() will be called. The value is
97 | * retrieved and put into Dialog::DoubleQuery::tmp
98 | * -# Finally, for each Query, also Dialog::DoubleQuery, setResult() is called which
99 | * puts the value as a string into the ValueStorage under a given token that is
100 | * associated with a type (and thereby we assure type-safety).
101 | *
102 | * <H3>Regarding derived types of types with already present queries</H3>
103 | *
104 | * Example: We have got a derived Vector class, called BoxVector, that is by any means
105 | * a Vector but with one difference: it is always bound to lie within the current domain.
106 | * With regards to type-casting it to and from a string however, nothing is different
107 | * between Vector and BoxVector.
108 | *
109 | * So, do we need a new Query for this?
110 | * No.
111 | *
112 | * We just have to do this:
113 | * -# add a specialization of Dialog::query<BoxVector> where queryVector()is used.
114 | * @code
115 | * template <> void Dialog::query<BoxVector>(const char *token, std::string description) {
116 | * queryVector(token, false, description);
117 | * }
118 | * @endcode
119 | * -# make sure that
120 | * -# ValueStorage::setCurrentValue() the specialization for class Vector has an
121 | * if case also for BoxVector and does something appropriate.
122 | * -# ValueStorage::queryCurrentValue() has another specialization doing the same
123 | * as for Vector but for BoxVector in its signature.
124 | *
125 | * And that's all.
126 | *
127 | *
128 | * <H3>Adding new queries</H3>
129 | *
130 | * Check first whether you really need a new query or whether we can derive it and re-use
131 | * one of the present ones.
132 | *
133 | * Due to the three present UI interfaces we have to add a specific Query for each, here
134 | * is a list:
135 | * -# add ValueStorage::setCurrentValue() and ValueStorage::queryCurrentValue() for
136 | * both types
137 | * -# add Dialog::query...()
138 | * -# add Dialog::query<>() specialization calling the above function
139 | * -# add CommandLineDialog::query...(), TextDialog::query...(), and QtDialog::query...(),
140 | * i.e. for each of the three interface
141 | * -# add empty definition DummyDialog::query...() to the stub for Action unittests in DummUI.hpp.
142 | * -# add Dialog::...Query class with tmp value of desired type
143 | * -# add CommandLineDialog::...Query, TextDialog::...Query, QtDialog::...Query
144 | * -# you probably also need a QtDialog::...QueryPipe() to handle the signal/slot stuff,
145 | * Qt's moc does not like nested classes. Hence, this has to go extra.
146 | * -# TypeEnumContainer add new type to query
147 | * -# CommandLineParser::AddOptionToParser() add new type to query
148 | * -# CommandLineParser_valdiates.[ch]pp: If given above as a new type
149 | * program_options::value, define and implement a validate() function here.
150 | *
151 | */
152 | class Dialog
153 | {
154 | public:
155 | Dialog();
156 | virtual ~Dialog();
157 |
158 | template <class T> void query(Parameter<T> &, const char *, std::string = "");
159 |
160 | virtual void queryEmpty(const char *, std::string = "")=0;
161 | virtual void queryBoolean(Parameter<bool> &, const char *, std::string = "")=0;
162 | virtual void queryInt(Parameter<int> &, const char *, std::string = "")=0;
163 | virtual void queryInts(Parameter<std::vector<int> > &, const char *, std::string = "")=0;
164 | virtual void queryUnsignedInt(Parameter<unsigned int> &, const char *, std::string = "")=0;
165 | virtual void queryUnsignedInts(Parameter<std::vector<unsigned int> > &, const char *, std::string = "")=0;
166 | virtual void queryDouble(Parameter<double> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
167 | virtual void queryDoubles(Parameter<std::vector<double> > &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
168 | virtual void queryString(Parameter<std::string> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
169 | virtual void queryStrings(Parameter<std::vector<std::string> > &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
170 | virtual void queryAtom(Parameter<const atom *> &, const char*,std::string = "")=0;
171 | virtual void queryAtoms(Parameter<std::vector<const atom *> > &, const char*,std::string = "")=0;
172 | virtual void queryMolecule(Parameter<const molecule *> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
173 | virtual void queryMolecules(Parameter<std::vector<const molecule *> > &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
174 | virtual void queryVector(Parameter<Vector> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
175 | virtual void queryVectors(Parameter<std::vector<Vector> > &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
176 | virtual void queryRealSpaceMatrix(Parameter<RealSpaceMatrix> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
177 | virtual void queryElement(Parameter<const element *> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
178 | virtual void queryElements(Parameter<std::vector<const element *> > &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
179 | virtual void queryFile(Parameter<boost::filesystem::path> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
180 | virtual void queryFiles(Parameter< std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> > &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
181 | virtual void queryRandomNumberDistribution_Parameters(Parameter<RandomNumberDistribution_Parameters> &, const char*, std::string = "")=0;
182 |
183 | virtual bool display();
184 |
185 | virtual void handleAll();
186 | virtual bool checkAll();
187 | virtual void setAll();
188 |
189 | virtual bool hasQueries();
190 |
191 | virtual void update(){}
192 |
193 | protected:
194 | // methodology for handling queries
195 | // all queries are stored and then performed at appropriate times
196 |
197 | //these queries can be handled by this dialog
198 |
199 | /** Base class for all queries.
200 | *
201 | * A query is request to the user for a value of a specific type.
202 | * E.g. All \ref Action's need parameters to perform a specific function.
203 | * These are obtained from the user at run-time via a Query regardless
204 | * of the interface that the user is using.
205 | *
206 | * A Query just has title and description and serves as the general interface
207 | * to queries. TQuery is a templatization of the Query containing a protected
208 | * member variable of the specific type and also a Parameter<> reference of
209 | * the type that actually belongs to the Action that triggered/created the
210 | * Query. handle() is UI-specific and sets the (temporary) member variable.
211 | * However, isValid() in TQuery checks via the Parameter<> reference whether
212 | * the variable is valid with the given Validators and setResult() finally
213 | * set the Parameter with the temporary variable.
214 | *
215 | * For each type there is a derived class per \b UI, e.g. for the
216 | * \link userinterfaces-textmenu textmenu \endlink we have
217 | * \ref BooleanTextQuery that derives from \ref TQuery<bool>. This derived
218 | * class has to implement the Query::handle() function that actually sets
219 | * the protected member variable to something the user has entered.
220 | *
221 | * Thanks to the templated TQuery this is a as simple as it can get. The
222 | * handle() has to be UI-specific, hence has to be implemented once for
223 | * every present UI. But all other code can be used for either of them.
224 | *
225 | * \section query-howto How to add another query?
226 | *
227 | * Let's say we want to query for a type called \a Value.
228 | *
229 | * Then, we do the following:
230 | * -# add a virtual function queryValue inside class Dialog.
231 | * -# now, for each of the GUIs we basically have to add a sub-class for the
232 | * respective Query inside the derived Dialog that implements handle().
233 | * -# QT: typically we use a onUpdate() function here attached the Qt
234 | * signals and handle then just does nothing.
235 | * -# CommandLine: nothing special, handle() imports value from \a
236 | * CommandLineParser and sets the tmp variable.
237 | * -# Text: nothing special, handle() queries the user and sets the tmp
238 | * variable
239 | */
240 | class Query {
241 | friend class Dialog;
242 | public:
243 | Query(std::string _title, std::string _description = "");
244 | virtual ~Query();
245 | virtual bool handle()=0;
246 | virtual bool isValid()=0;
247 | virtual void setResult()=0;
248 | protected:
249 | const std::string getTitle() const;
250 | const std::string getDescription() const;
251 | private:
252 | std::string title; //!< short title of the query
253 | std::string description; //!< longer description for tooltips or for help
254 | };
255 |
256 |
257 | template<class T>
258 | class TQuery : public Query {
259 | public:
260 | TQuery(Parameter<T> &_param, std::string title, std::string _description = "") :
261 | Query(title, _description), param(_param) {}
262 | virtual ~TQuery(){}
263 | virtual bool handle()=0;
264 | virtual bool isValid(){ return param.isValid(temp); }
265 | virtual void setResult(){ param.set(temp); }
266 | protected:
267 | T temp;
268 | Parameter<T> ¶m;
269 | };
270 |
271 | // Empty Query is just meant for showing text, such as version, help, initial message or alike
272 | class EmptyQuery : public Query {
273 | public:
274 | EmptyQuery(std::string title, std::string _description = "");
275 | virtual ~EmptyQuery();
276 | virtual bool handle()=0;
277 | virtual bool isValid(){ return true; }
278 | virtual void setResult();
279 | };
280 |
281 | void registerQuery(Query* query);
282 |
283 | private:
284 | std::list<Query*> queries;
285 |
286 | };
287 |
288 |
289 | #endif /* DIALOG_HPP_ */