* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
* Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* PartialNucleiChargeFitter.cpp
* Created on: 12.05.2013
* Author: heber
// include config.h
//#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "PartialNucleiChargeFitter.hpp"
#include "LinearAlgebra/MatrixContent.hpp"
#include "LinearAlgebra/VectorContent.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/Summation/SetValues/SamplingGrid.hpp"
PartialNucleiChargeFitter::getGridDimensions(const SamplingGrid &grid) const
// convert sampled potential into a vector
const double round_offset =
(std::numeric_limits::round_style == std::round_toward_zero) ?
0.5 : 0.; // need offset to get to round_toward_nearest behavior
dimensions_t total(3,0);
for(size_t index=0;index<3;++index) {
const double delta = grid.getDeltaPerAxis(index);
// delta is conversion factor from box length to discrete length, i.e. number of points
total[index] = (grid.end[index] - grid.begin[index])/delta+round_offset;
return total;
const SamplingGrid &grid,
const positions_t &_positions,
const double _threshold) :
SampledPotential(std::accumulate(total.begin(), total.end(), 1, std::multiplies())),
// we must take care of the "window", i.e. there may be less entries in sampled_grid
// vector as we would expect from size of grid ((2^level)^3) as 0-entries have been
// omitted.
size_t pre_offset[3];
size_t post_offset[3];
size_t length[3];
size_t total[3];
grid.begin, grid.end,
grid.begin_window, grid.end_window,
const size_t calculated_size = length[0]*length[1]*length[2];
ASSERT( calculated_size == grid.sampled_grid.size(),
"PartialNucleiChargeFitter::PartialNucleiChargeFitter() - grid does not match size indicated by its window.");
const double potential_sum = std::accumulate(grid.sampled_grid.begin(), grid.sampled_grid.end(), 0.);
if ( fabs(potential_sum) > std::numeric_limits::epsilon()*1e4 ) {
ELOG(2, "Potential sum is not less than "
<< std::numeric_limits::epsilon()*1e4 << " but "
<< potential_sum << ".");
SamplingGrid::sampledvalues_t::const_iterator griditer = grid.sampled_grid.begin();
size_t index=0;
size_t N[3];
Vector grid_position; // position of grid point in real domain
size_t masked_points = 0;
// store step length per axis
double delta[3];
for (size_t i=0;i<3;++i)
delta[i] = grid_properties.getDeltaPerAxis(i);
/// convert sampled potential into a vector
grid_position[0] = grid_properties.begin[0];
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < pre_offset[0]; ++N[0]) {
grid_position[1] = grid_properties.begin[1];
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < total[1]; ++N[1]) {
grid_position[2] = grid_properties.begin[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
grid_position[1] += delta[1];
grid_position[0] += delta[0];
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < length[0]; ++N[0]) {
grid_position[1] = grid_properties.begin[1];
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < pre_offset[1]; ++N[1]) {
grid_position[2] = grid_properties.begin[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
grid_position[1] += delta[1];
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < length[1]; ++N[1]) {
grid_position[2] = grid_properties.begin[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < pre_offset[2]; ++N[2]) {
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < length[2]; ++N[2]) {
if (isGridPointSettable(positions, grid_position))
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = *griditer++;
else {
// skip point
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < post_offset[2]; ++N[2]) {
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
grid_position[1] += delta[1];
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < post_offset[1]; ++N[1]) {
grid_position[2] = grid_properties.begin[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
grid_position[1] += delta[1];
grid_position[0] += delta[0];
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < post_offset[0]; ++N[0]) {
grid_position[1] = grid_properties.begin[1];
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < total[1]; ++N[1]) {
grid_position[2] = grid_properties.begin[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
const_cast(SampledPotential)[index++] = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
grid_position[1] += delta[1];
grid_position[0] += delta[0];
// set remainder of points to zero
ASSERT( index == SampledPotential.getDimension(),
"PartialNucleiChargeFitter::PartialNucleiChargeFitter() - not enough or more than calculated sample points.");
#ifndef NDEBUG
// write vector as paraview csv file file
size_t N[3];
size_t index = 0;
std::ofstream paraview_output("solution.csv");
paraview_output << "x coord,y coord,z coord,scalar" << std::endl;
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < total[0]; ++N[0]) {
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < total[1]; ++N[1]) {
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
<< (double)N[0]/(double)total[0] << ","
<< (double)N[1]/(double)total[1] << ","
<< (double)N[2]/(double)total[2] << ","
<< SampledPotential.at(index++) << std::endl;
LOG(1, "INFO: I masked " << masked_points << " points in right-hand-side.");
// LOG(4, "DEBUG: Right-hand side vector is " << SampledPotential << ".");
bool PartialNucleiChargeFitter::isGridPointSettable(
const positions_t &_positions,
const Vector &grid_position) const
bool status = true;
for (positions_t::const_iterator iter = _positions.begin();
iter != _positions.end(); ++iter) {
status &= grid_position.DistanceSquared(*iter) > threshold*threshold;
return status;
if (PartialCharges != NULL)
delete PartialCharges;
if (PotentialFromCharges != NULL)
delete PotentialFromCharges;
void PartialNucleiChargeFitter::constructMatrix()
const size_t rows = SampledPotential.getDimension();
const size_t cols = positions.size();
// allocate memory for PotentialFromCharges
if (PotentialFromCharges != NULL) {
delete PotentialFromCharges;
PotentialFromCharges = NULL;
PotentialFromCharges = new MatrixContent( rows, cols );
// store step length per axis
double delta[3];
for (size_t i=0;i<3;++i)
delta[i] = grid_properties.getDeltaPerAxis(i);
// then for each charge ...
size_t masked_points = 0;
for (size_t nuclei_index = 0; nuclei_index < cols; ++nuclei_index) {
// ... calculate potential at each grid position,
// i.e. step through grid and calculate distance to charge position
Vector grid_position; // position of grid point in real domain
grid_position[0] = grid_properties.begin[0];
size_t N[3]; // discrete grid position
size_t index = 0; // component of column vector
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < total[0]; ++N[0]) {
grid_position[1] = grid_properties.begin[1];
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < total[1]; ++N[1]) {
grid_position[2] = grid_properties.begin[2];
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
if (isGridPointSettable(positions, grid_position)) {
const double distance = positions[nuclei_index].distance(grid_position);
ASSERT( distance >= 0,
"PartialNucleiChargeFitter::constructMatrix() - distance is negative?");
// Coulomb's constant is 1 in atomic units, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_units
const double epsilon0_au = 1.; //4.*M_PI*0.007957747154594767;
// ... with epsilon_0 in atom units from http://folk.uio.no/michalj/node72.html
const double value = 1./(epsilon0_au*distance);
PotentialFromCharges->at(index++, nuclei_index) = value;
} else {
PotentialFromCharges->at(index++, nuclei_index) = 0.;
grid_position[2] += delta[2];
grid_position[1] += delta[1];
grid_position[0] += delta[0];
ASSERT( index == PotentialFromCharges->getRows(),
"PartialNucleiChargeFitter::operator() - number of sampled positions "
+toString(index)+" unequal to set rows "
LOG(1, "INFO: I masked " << masked_points/cols << " points in matrix.");
double PartialNucleiChargeFitter::operator()()
// prepare PartialCharges
if (PartialCharges != NULL) {
delete PartialCharges;
PartialCharges = NULL;
PartialCharges = new VectorContent(positions.size());
// set up over-determined system's problem matrix A for Ax=b
// i.e. columns represent potential of a single charge at grid positions
// solve for x
*PartialCharges =
// LOG(4, "DEBUG: Solution vector is " << (*PotentialFromCharges) * (*PartialCharges) << ".");
// calculate residual vector
VectorContent residuum = (*PotentialFromCharges) * (*PartialCharges) - SampledPotential;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// write solution to file
// write vector as paraview csv file file
size_t N[3];
size_t index = 0;
std::ofstream paraview_output("residuum.csv");
paraview_output << "x coord,y coord,z coord,scalar" << std::endl;
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < total[0]; ++N[0]) {
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < total[1]; ++N[1]) {
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
<< (double)N[0]/(double)total[0] << ","
<< (double)N[1]/(double)total[1] << ","
<< (double)N[2]/(double)total[2] << ","
<< residuum.at(index++) << std::endl;
// calculate L1 and L2 errors
double residuum_l1 = 0.;
for (size_t i=0; i< residuum.getDimension(); ++i)
if (residuum_l1 < residuum[i])
residuum_l1 = residuum[i];
LOG(1, "INFO: L2-Norm of residuum is " << residuum.Norm() << ".");
LOG(1, "INFO: L1-Norm of residuum is " << residuum_l1 << ".");
return residuum.Norm();
void PartialNucleiChargeFitter::writeMatrix()
// write matrix as paraview csv file file
size_t N[3];
size_t index=0;
std::string filename = std::string("potential.csv");
std::ofstream paraview_output(filename.c_str());
paraview_output << "x coord,y coord,z coord,scalar" << std::endl;
for(N[0]=0; N[0] < total[0]; ++N[0]) {
for(N[1]=0; N[1] < total[1]; ++N[1]) {
for(N[2]=0; N[2] < total[2]; ++N[2]) {
double sum = 0.;
for (size_t nuclei_index = 0; nuclei_index < positions.size(); ++nuclei_index) {
sum+= PotentialFromCharges->at(index, nuclei_index)*PartialCharges->at(nuclei_index);
<< (double)N[0]/(double)total[0] << ","
<< (double)N[1]/(double)total[1] << ","
<< (double)N[2]/(double)total[2] << ","
<< sum << std::endl;
PartialNucleiChargeFitter::getSolutionAsCharges_t() const
ASSERT( PartialCharges != NULL,
"PartialNucleiChargeFitter::getSolutionAsCharges_t() - PartialCharges requested prior to calculation.");
charges_t return_charges(positions.size(), 0.);
for (size_t i = 0; i < return_charges.size(); ++i)
return_charges[i] = PartialCharges->at(i);
return return_charges;