1 | /*
2 | * Observer.cpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jan 19, 2010
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
9 |
10 | #include "Observer.hpp"
11 |
12 |
13 | #include <iostream>
14 |
15 | #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp"
16 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
17 |
18 | using namespace std;
19 |
20 | /****************** Static stuff for the observer mechanism ************/
21 |
22 | // All infrastructure for the observer-pattern is bundled at a central place
23 | // this is more efficient if many objects can be observed (inherit from observable)
24 | // but only few are actually coupled with observers. E.g. TMV has over 500.000 Atoms,
25 | // which might become observable. Handling Observerable infrastructure in each of
26 | // these would use memory for each atom. By handling Observer-infrastructure
27 | // here we only need memory for objects that actually are observed.
28 | // See [Gamma et al, 1995] p. 297
29 |
30 | map<Observable*, int> Observable::depth; //!< Map of Observables to the depth of the DAG of Observers
31 | map<Observable*,multimap<int,Observer*> > Observable::callTable; //!< Table for each Observable of all its Observers
32 | std::map<Observable*,std::set<Notification*> > Observable::notifications;
33 | set<Observable*> Observable::busyObservables; //!< Set of Observables that are currently busy notifying their sign-on'ed Observers
34 |
35 | /** Attaching Sub-observables to Observables.
36 | * Increases entry in Observable::depth for this \a *publisher by one.
37 | *
38 | * The two functions \sa start_observer_internal() and \sa finish_observer_internal()
39 | * have to be used together at all time. Never use these functions directly
40 | * START_OBSERVER and FINISH_OBSERVER also construct a bogus while(0) loop
41 | * thus producing compiler-errors whenever only one is used.
42 | * \param *publisher reference of sub-observable
43 | */
44 | void Observable::start_observer_internal(Observable *publisher){
45 | // increase the count for this observable by one
46 | // if no entry for this observable is found, an new one is created
47 | // by the STL and initialized to 0 (see STL documentation)
48 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
49 | observerLog().addMessage(depth[publisher]) << ">> Locking " << observerLog().getName(publisher) << endl;
50 | #endif
51 | depth[publisher]++;
52 | }
53 |
54 | /** Detaching Sub-observables from Observables.
55 | * Decreases entry in Observable::depth for this \a *publisher by one. If zero, we
56 | * start notifying all our Observers.
57 | *
58 | * The two functions start_observer_internal() and finish_observer_internal()
59 | * have to be used together at all time. Never use these functions directly
60 | * START_OBSERVER and FINISH_OBSERVER also construct a bogus while(0) loop
61 | * thus producing compiler-errors whenever only one is used.
62 | * \param *publisher reference of sub-observable
63 | */
64 | void Observable::finish_observer_internal(Observable *publisher){
65 | // decrease the count for this observable
66 | // if zero is reached all observed blocks are done and we can
67 | // start to notify our observers
68 | --depth[publisher];
69 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
70 | observerLog().addMessage(depth[publisher]) << "<< Unlocking " << observerLog().getName(publisher) << endl;
71 | #endif
72 | if(depth[publisher]){}
73 | else{
74 | publisher->notifyAll();
75 | // this item is done, so we don't have to keep the count with us
76 | // save some memory by erasing it
77 | depth.erase(publisher);
78 | }
79 | }
80 |
81 | void Observable::enque_notification_internal(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification){
82 | ASSERT(notification->owner==publisher,"Some object tried to send a notification it does not own");
83 | notifications[publisher].insert(notification);
84 | }
85 |
86 | /** Constructor for Observable Protector.
87 | * Basically, calls start_observer_internal(). Hence use this class instead of
88 | * calling the function directly.
89 | *
90 | * \param *protege Observable to be protected.
91 | */
92 | Observable::_Observable_protector::_Observable_protector(Observable *_protege) :
93 | protege(_protege)
94 | {
95 | start_observer_internal(protege);
96 | }
97 |
98 | Observable::_Observable_protector::_Observable_protector(const _Observable_protector &dest) :
99 | protege(dest.protege)
100 | {
101 | start_observer_internal(protege);
102 | }
103 |
104 | /** Destructor for Observable Protector.
105 | * Basically, calls finish_observer_internal(). Hence use this class instead of
106 | * calling the function directly.
107 | *
108 | * \param *protege Observable to be protected.
109 | */
110 | Observable::_Observable_protector::~_Observable_protector()
111 | {
112 | finish_observer_internal(protege);
113 | }
114 |
115 | /************* Notification mechanism for observables **************/
116 |
117 | /** Notify all Observers of changes.
118 | * Puts \a *this into Observable::busyObservables, calls Observer::update() for all in callee_t
119 | * and removes from busy list.
120 | */
121 | void Observable::notifyAll() {
122 | // we are busy notifying others right now
123 | // add ourselves to the list of busy subjects to enable circle detection
124 | busyObservables.insert(this);
125 | // see if anyone has signed up for observation
126 | // and call all observers
127 | try {
128 | if(callTable.count(this)) {
129 | // elements are stored sorted by keys in the multimap
130 | // so iterating over it gives us a the callees sorted by
131 | // the priorities
132 | callees_t callees = callTable[this];
133 | callees_t::iterator iter;
134 | for(iter=callees.begin();iter!=callees.end();++iter){
135 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
136 | observerLog().addMessage() << "-> Sending update from " << observerLog().getName(this)
137 | << " to " << observerLog().getName((*iter).second)
138 | << " (priority=" << (*iter).first << ")"<< endl;
139 | #endif
140 | (*iter).second->update(this);
141 | }
142 | }
143 | }
144 | ASSERT_NOCATCH("Exception thrown from Observer Update");
145 |
146 | // send out all notifications that need to be done
147 |
148 | notificationSet currentNotifications = notifications[this];
149 | for(notificationSet::iterator it = currentNotifications.begin();
150 | it != currentNotifications.end();++it){
151 | (*it)->notifyAll();
152 | }
153 |
154 | notifications.erase(this);
155 |
156 | // done with notification, we can leave the set of busy subjects
157 | busyObservables.erase(this);
158 | }
159 |
160 |
161 | /** Handles passing on updates from sub-Observables.
162 | * Mimicks basically the Observer::update() function.
163 | *
164 | * \param *publisher The \a *this we observe.
165 | */
166 | void Observable::update(Observable *publisher) {
167 | // circle detection
168 | if(busyObservables.find(this)!=busyObservables.end()) {
169 | // somehow a circle was introduced... we were busy notifying our
170 | // observers, but still we are called by one of our sub-Observables
171 | // we cannot be sure observation will still work at this point
172 | ASSERT(0,"Circle detected in observation-graph.\n"
173 | "Observation-graph always needs to be a DAG to work correctly!\n"
174 | "Please check your observation code and fix this!\n");
175 | return;
176 | }
177 | else {
178 | // see if we are in the process of changing ourselves
179 | // if we are changing ourselves at the same time our sub-observables change
180 | // we do not need to publish all the changes at each time we are called
181 | if(depth.find(this)==depth.end()) {
182 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
183 | observerLog().addMessage() << "-* Update from " << observerLog().getName(publisher)
184 | << " propagated by " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
185 | #endif
186 | notifyAll();
187 | }
188 | else{
189 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
190 | observerLog().addMessage() << "-| Update from " << observerLog().getName(publisher)
191 | << " not propagated by " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
192 | #endif
193 | }
194 | }
195 | }
196 |
197 | /** Sign on an Observer to this Observable.
198 | * Puts \a *target into Observable::callTable list.
199 | * \param *target Observer
200 | * \param priority number in [-20,20]
201 | */
202 | void Observable::signOn(Observer *target,int priority) {
203 | ASSERT(priority>=-20 && priority<=+20, "Priority out of range [-20:+20] when signing on Observer");
204 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
205 | observerLog().addMessage() << "@@ Signing on " << observerLog().getName(target) << " to " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
206 | #endif
207 | bool res = false;
208 | callees_t &callees = callTable[this];
209 |
210 | callees_t::iterator iter;
211 | for(iter=callees.begin();iter!=callees.end();++iter){
212 | res |= ((*iter).second == target);
213 | }
214 | if(!res)
215 | callees.insert(pair<int,Observer*>(priority,target));
216 | }
217 |
218 | /** Sign off an Observer from this Observable.
219 | * Removes \a *target from Observable::callTable list.
220 | * \param *target Observer
221 | */
222 | void Observable::signOff(Observer *target) {
223 | ASSERT(callTable.count(this),"SignOff called for an Observable without Observers.");
224 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
225 | observerLog().addMessage() << "** Signing off " << observerLog().getName(target) << " from " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
226 | #endif
227 | callees_t &callees = callTable[this];
228 |
229 | callees_t::iterator iter;
230 | callees_t::iterator deliter;
231 | for(iter=callees.begin();iter!=callees.end();) {
232 | if((*iter).second == target) {
233 | callees.erase(iter++);
234 | }
235 | else {
236 | ++iter;
237 | }
238 | }
239 | if(callees.empty()){
240 | callTable.erase(this);
241 | }
242 | }
243 |
244 | void Observable::signOn(Observer *target, Notification_ptr notification){
245 | ASSERT(notification->owner==this,
246 | "Trying to sign on for a notification that is not provided by this object");
247 |
248 | notification->addObserver(target);
249 | }
250 |
251 | void Observable::signOff(Observer *target, Notification_ptr notification){
252 | ASSERT(notification->owner==this,
253 | "Trying to sign off from a notification that is not provided by this object");
254 |
255 | notification->removeObserver(target);
256 | }
257 |
258 | bool Observable::isBlocked(){
259 | return depth.count(this) > 0;
260 | }
261 |
262 | /** Handles sub-observables that just got killed
263 | * when an sub-observerable dies we usually don't need to do anything
264 | * \param *publisher Sub-Observable.
265 | */
266 | void Observable::subjectKilled(Observable *publisher){
267 | }
268 |
269 | /** Constructor for class Observable.
270 | */
271 | Observable::Observable(string name) :
272 | Observer(Observer::BaseConstructor())
273 | {
274 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
275 | observerLog().addName(this,name);
276 | observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Creating Observable " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
277 | #endif
278 | }
279 |
280 | /** Destructor for class Observable.
281 | * When an observable is deleted, we let all our observers know. \sa Observable::subjectKilled().
282 | */
283 | Observable::~Observable()
284 | {
285 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
286 | observerLog().addMessage() << "-- Destroying Observable " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
287 | #endif
288 | if(callTable.count(this)) {
289 | // delete all entries for this observable
290 | callees_t callees = callTable[this];
291 | callees_t::iterator iter;
292 | for(iter=callees.begin();iter!=callees.end();++iter){
293 | (*iter).second->subjectKilled(this);
294 | }
295 | callTable.erase(this);
296 | }
297 | }
298 |
299 | /** Constructor for class Observer.
300 | */
301 | Observer::Observer(string name)
302 | {
303 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
304 | observerLog().addName(this,name);
305 | observerLog().addMessage() << "++ Creating Observer " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
306 | #endif
307 | }
308 |
309 | /**
310 | * Base Constructor for class Observer
311 | *
312 | * only called from Observable Constructor
313 | */
314 | Observer::Observer(Observer::BaseConstructor){
315 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
316 | observerLog().addObservable(this);
317 | #endif
318 | }
319 |
320 | /** Destructor for class Observer.
321 | */
322 | Observer::~Observer()
323 | {
324 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
325 | if(!observerLog().isObservable(this)){
326 | observerLog().addMessage() << "-- Destroying Observer " << observerLog().getName(this) << endl;
327 | }
328 | #endif
329 | }
330 |
331 | /**
332 | * Method for specialized notifications.
333 | * Most Observers wont need or use this, so it is implemented
334 | * empty in the base case;
335 | */
336 | void Observer::recieveNotification(Observable *publisher, Notification_ptr notification){
337 | ASSERT(0,"Notification received by object that did not sign on for it.");
338 | }
339 |
340 | Notification::Notification(Observable *_owner) :
341 | owner(_owner)
342 | {}
343 |
344 | Notification::~Notification(){}
345 |
346 | void Notification::addObserver(Observer *target){
347 | targets.insert(target);
348 | }
349 |
350 | void Notification::removeObserver(Observer *target){
351 | targets.erase(target);
352 | }
353 |
354 | void Notification::notifyAll(){
355 | for(std::set<Observer*>::iterator it=targets.begin();
356 | it!=targets.end();++it){
357 | (*it)->recieveNotification(owner,this);
358 | }
359 | }
360 |
361 | #ifdef LOG_OBSERVER
362 |
363 | /************************* Methods to do logging of the Observer Mechanism *********/
364 |
365 | // The log needs to exist fairly early, so we make it construct on first use,
366 | // and never destroy it
367 | ObserverLog &observerLog(){
368 | // yes, this memory is never freed... we need it around for the whole programm,
369 | // so no freeing is possible
370 | static ObserverLog *theLog = Memory::ignore(new ObserverLog());
371 | return *theLog;
372 | }
373 |
374 |
375 | ObserverLog::ObserverLog() :
376 | count (0)
377 | {}
378 |
379 | ObserverLog::~ObserverLog(){}
380 |
381 | string ObserverLog::getLog(){return log.str();}
382 |
383 | std::string ObserverLog::getName(void* obj){
384 | return names[obj];
385 | }
386 |
387 | bool ObserverLog::isObservable(void* obj){
388 | return observables.count(obj);
389 | }
390 |
391 | void ObserverLog::addName(void* obj , string name){
392 | stringstream sstr;
393 | sstr << name << "_" << count++;
394 | names[obj] = sstr.str();
395 | }
396 |
397 | void ObserverLog::addObservable(void* obj){
398 | observables.insert(obj);
399 | }
400 |
401 | void ObserverLog::deleteName(void* obj){
402 | names.erase(obj);
403 | }
404 |
405 | void ObserverLog::deleteObservable(void* obj){
406 | observables.erase(obj);
407 | }
408 |
409 | stringstream &ObserverLog::addMessage(int depth){
410 | for(int i=depth;i--;)
411 | log << " ";
412 | return log;
413 | }
414 |
415 | #endif