1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * TremoloParser.cpp
10 | *
11 | * Created on: Mar 2, 2010
12 | * Author: metzler
13 | */
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
23 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
24 | #include "CodePatterns/toString.hpp"
25 | #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
26 | #include "TremoloParser.hpp"
27 | #include "World.hpp"
28 | #include "WorldTime.hpp"
29 | #include "atom.hpp"
30 | #include "Bond/bond.hpp"
31 | #include "element.hpp"
32 | #include "molecule.hpp"
33 | #include "periodentafel.hpp"
34 | #include "Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp"
35 | #include <map>
36 | #include <vector>
37 |
38 | #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
39 | #include <iostream>
40 | #include <iomanip>
41 |
42 | using namespace std;
43 |
44 | /**
45 | * Constructor.
46 | */
47 | TremoloParser::TremoloParser() {
48 | knownKeys["x"] = TremoloKey::x;
49 | knownKeys["u"] = TremoloKey::u;
50 | knownKeys["F"] = TremoloKey::F;
51 | knownKeys["stress"] = TremoloKey::stress;
52 | knownKeys["Id"] = TremoloKey::Id;
53 | knownKeys["neighbors"] = TremoloKey::neighbors;
54 | knownKeys["imprData"] = TremoloKey::imprData;
55 | knownKeys["GroupMeasureTypeNo"] = TremoloKey::GroupMeasureTypeNo;
56 | knownKeys["type"] = TremoloKey::type;
57 | knownKeys["extType"] = TremoloKey::extType;
58 | knownKeys["name"] = TremoloKey::name;
59 | knownKeys["resName"] = TremoloKey::resName;
60 | knownKeys["chainID"] = TremoloKey::chainID;
61 | knownKeys["resSeq"] = TremoloKey::resSeq;
62 | knownKeys["occupancy"] = TremoloKey::occupancy;
63 | knownKeys["tempFactor"] = TremoloKey::tempFactor;
64 | knownKeys["segID"] = TremoloKey::segID;
65 | knownKeys["Charge"] = TremoloKey::Charge;
66 | knownKeys["charge"] = TremoloKey::charge;
67 | knownKeys["GrpTypeNo"] = TremoloKey::GrpTypeNo;
68 | knownKeys["torsion"] = TremoloKey::torsion;
69 |
70 | createKnownTypesByIdentity();
71 |
72 | // default behavior: use all possible keys on output
73 | for (std::map<std::string, TremoloKey::atomDataKey>::iterator iter = knownKeys.begin(); iter != knownKeys.end(); ++iter)
74 | usedFields.push_back(iter->first);
75 |
76 | // and noKey afterwards(!) such that it is not used in usedFields
77 | knownKeys[" "] = TremoloKey::noKey; // with this we can detect invalid keys
78 |
79 | // invert knownKeys for debug output
80 | for (std::map<std::string, TremoloKey::atomDataKey>::iterator iter = knownKeys.begin(); iter != knownKeys.end(); ++iter)
81 | knownKeyNames.insert( make_pair( iter->second, iter->first) );
82 |
83 | additionalAtomData.clear();
84 | }
85 |
86 | /**
87 | * Destructor.
88 | */
89 | TremoloParser::~TremoloParser() {
90 | std::cerr << "Clearing usedFields." << std::endl;
91 | usedFields.clear();
92 | additionalAtomData.clear();
93 | atomIdMap.clear();
94 | knownKeys.clear();
95 | }
96 |
97 | /**
98 | * Loads atoms from a tremolo-formatted file.
99 | *
100 | * \param tremolo file
101 | */
102 | void TremoloParser::load(istream* file) {
103 | string line;
104 | string::size_type location;
105 |
106 | // reset atomIdMap, for we now get new serials
107 | atomIdMap.clear();
108 | std::cerr << "Clearing usedFields." << std::endl;
109 | usedFields.clear();
110 |
111 | molecule *newmol = World::getInstance().createMolecule();
112 | newmol->ActiveFlag = true;
113 | // TODO: Remove the insertion into molecule when saving does not depend on them anymore. Also, remove molecule.hpp include
114 | World::getInstance().getMolecules()->insert(newmol);
115 | while (file->good()) {
116 | std::getline(*file, line, '\n');
117 | if (usedFields.empty()) {
118 | location = line.find("ATOMDATA", 0);
119 | if (location != string::npos) {
120 | parseAtomDataKeysLine(line, location + 8);
121 | }
122 | }
123 | if (line.length() > 0 && line.at(0) != '#') {
124 | readAtomDataLine(line, newmol);
125 | }
126 | }
127 | // refresh atom::nr and atom::name
128 | newmol->getAtomCount();
129 |
130 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "usedFields after load contains: " << usedFields << std::endl);
131 |
132 | processNeighborInformation();
133 | adaptImprData();
134 | adaptTorsion();
135 | }
136 |
137 | /**
138 | * Saves the \a atoms into as a tremolo file.
139 | *
140 | * \param file where to save the state
141 | * \param atoms atoms to store
142 | */
143 | void TremoloParser::save(ostream* file, const std::vector<atom *> &AtomList) {
144 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving changes to tremolo." << std::endl);
145 |
146 | vector<atom*>::const_iterator atomIt;
147 | /*vector<string>::iterator it;*/
148 | vector<string>::iterator it = unique(usedFields.begin(), usedFields.end()); // skips all duplicates in the vector
149 |
150 |
151 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "usedFields before save contains: " << usedFields << std::endl);
152 |
153 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "additionalAtomData contains: " << additionalAtomData << std::endl);
154 |
155 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "additionalAtomData contains: " << additionalAtomData << std::endl);
156 |
157 | *file << "# ATOMDATA";
158 | for (it=usedFields.begin(); it < usedFields.end(); it++) {
159 | *file << "\t" << *it;
160 | }
161 | *file << endl;
162 | for (atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); atomIt++) {
163 | saveLine(file, *atomIt);
164 | }
165 | }
166 |
167 | /**
168 | * Sets the keys for which data should be written to the stream when save is
169 | * called.
170 | *
171 | * \param string of field names with the same syntax as for an ATOMDATA line
172 | * but without the prexix "ATOMDATA"
173 | */
174 | void TremoloParser::setFieldsForSave(std::string atomDataLine) {
175 | parseAtomDataKeysLine(atomDataLine, 0);
176 | }
177 |
178 |
179 | /**
180 | * Writes one line of tremolo-formatted data to the provided stream.
181 | *
182 | * \param stream where to write the line to
183 | * \param reference to the atom of which information should be written
184 | */
185 | void TremoloParser::saveLine(ostream* file, atom* currentAtom) {
186 | /* vector<string>::iterator it;*/
187 | vector<string>::iterator it = unique(usedFields.begin(), usedFields.end()); // skips all duplicates in the vector
188 |
189 | TremoloKey::atomDataKey currentField;
190 |
191 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Saving atom " << *currentAtom << ", its father id is " << currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId() << std::endl);
192 |
193 | for (it = usedFields.begin(); it != usedFields.end(); it++) {
194 | currentField = knownKeys[it->substr(0, it->find("="))];
195 | switch (currentField) {
196 | case TremoloKey::x :
197 | // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions
198 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getPosition() << std::endl);
199 | *file << currentAtom->at(0) << "\t";
200 | *file << currentAtom->at(1) << "\t";
201 | *file << currentAtom->at(2) << "\t";
202 | break;
203 | case TremoloKey::u :
204 | // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions
205 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity() << std::endl);
206 | *file << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()[0] << "\t";
207 | *file << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()[1] << "\t";
208 | *file << currentAtom->getAtomicVelocity()[2] << "\t";
209 | break;
210 | case TremoloKey::type :
211 | if (additionalAtomData.count(currentAtom->getId())) {
212 | if (additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField) != "-") {
213 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField) << std::endl);
214 | *file << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField) << "\t";
215 | } else {
216 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " default value: " << currentAtom->getType()->getSymbol() << std::endl);
217 | *file << currentAtom->getType()->getSymbol() << "\t";
218 | }
219 | } else if (additionalAtomData.count(currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId())) {
220 | if (additionalAtomData[currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(currentField) != "-") {
221 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " stuff from father: " << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(currentField) << std::endl);
222 | *file << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(currentField) << "\t";
223 | } else {
224 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " default value from father: " << currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getType()->getSymbol() << std::endl);
225 | *file << currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getType()->getSymbol() << "\t";
226 | }
227 | } else {
228 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " its default value: " << currentAtom->getType()->getSymbol() << std::endl);
229 | *file << currentAtom->getType()->getSymbol() << "\t";
230 | }
231 | break;
232 | case TremoloKey::Id :
233 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << currentAtom->getId()+1 << std::endl);
234 | *file << currentAtom->getId()+1 << "\t";
235 | break;
236 | case TremoloKey::neighbors :
237 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << std::endl);
238 | writeNeighbors(file, atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str()), currentAtom);
239 | break;
240 | case TremoloKey::resSeq :
241 | if (additionalAtomData.count(currentAtom->getId())) {
242 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField) << std::endl);
243 | *file << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField);
244 | } else if (currentAtom->getMolecule() != NULL) {
245 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " its own id: " << currentAtom->getMolecule()->getId()+1 << std::endl);
246 | *file << setw(4) << currentAtom->getMolecule()->getId()+1;
247 | } else {
248 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " default value: " << defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField) << std::endl);
249 | *file << defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField);
250 | }
251 | *file << "\t";
252 | break;
253 | default :
254 | if (additionalAtomData.count(currentAtom->getId())) {
255 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << ": " << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField) << std::endl);
256 | *file << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField);
257 | } else if (additionalAtomData.count(currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId())) {
258 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " stuff from father: " << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(currentField) << std::endl);
259 | *file << additionalAtomData[currentAtom->GetTrueFather()->getId()].get(currentField);
260 | } else {
261 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "Writing for type " << knownKeyNames[currentField] << " the default: " << defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField) << std::endl);
262 | *file << defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField);
263 | }
264 | *file << "\t";
265 | break;
266 | }
267 | }
268 |
269 | *file << endl;
270 | }
271 |
272 | /**
273 | * Writes the neighbor information of one atom to the provided stream.
274 | *
275 | * Note that ListOfBonds of WorldTime::CurrentTime is used.
276 | *
277 | * \param stream where to write neighbor information to
278 | * \param number of neighbors
279 | * \param reference to the atom of which to take the neighbor information
280 | */
281 | void TremoloParser::writeNeighbors(ostream* file, int numberOfNeighbors, atom* currentAtom) {
282 | const BondList& ListOfBonds = currentAtom->getListOfBonds();
283 | // sort bonded indices
284 | typedef std::set<atomId_t> sortedIndices;
285 | sortedIndices sortedBonds;
286 | for (BondList::const_iterator iter = ListOfBonds.begin();
287 | iter != ListOfBonds.end(); ++iter)
288 | sortedBonds.insert((*iter)->GetOtherAtom(currentAtom)->getId());
289 | // print indices
290 | sortedIndices::const_iterator currentBond = sortedBonds.begin();
291 | for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbors; i++) {
292 | *file << (currentBond != sortedBonds.end() ? (*currentBond)+1 : 0) << "\t";
293 | if (currentBond != sortedBonds.end())
294 | ++currentBond;
295 | }
296 | }
297 |
298 | /**
299 | * Stores keys from the ATOMDATA line.
300 | *
301 | * \param line to parse the keys from
302 | * \param with which offset the keys begin within the line
303 | */
304 | void TremoloParser::parseAtomDataKeysLine(string line, int offset) {
305 | string keyword;
306 | stringstream lineStream;
307 |
308 | lineStream << line.substr(offset);
309 | std::cerr << "Clearing usedFields in parseAtomDataKeysLine." << std::endl;
310 | usedFields.clear();
311 | while (lineStream.good()) {
312 | lineStream >> keyword;
313 | if (knownKeys[keyword.substr(0, keyword.find("="))] == TremoloKey::noKey) {
314 | // TODO: throw exception about unknown key
315 | cout << "Unknown key: " << keyword << " is not part of the tremolo format specification." << endl;
316 | break;
317 | }
318 | usedFields.push_back(keyword);
319 | }
320 | //DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "INFO: " << usedFields << std::endl);
321 | }
322 |
323 | /** Sets the properties per atom to print to .data file by parsing line from
324 | * \a atomdata_string.
325 | *
326 | * We just call \sa TremoloParser::parseAtomDataKeysLine() which is left
327 | * private.,
328 | *
329 | * @param atomdata_string line to parse with space-separated values
330 | */
331 | void TremoloParser::setAtomData(const std::string &atomdata_string)
332 | {
333 | parseAtomDataKeysLine(atomdata_string, 0);
334 | }
335 |
336 |
337 | /**
338 | * Reads one data line of a tremolo file and interprets it according to the keys
339 | * obtained from the ATOMDATA line.
340 | *
341 | * \param line to parse as an atom
342 | * \param *newmol molecule to add atom to
343 | */
344 | void TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine(string line, molecule *newmol = NULL) {
345 | vector<string>::iterator it;
346 | stringstream lineStream;
347 | atom* newAtom = World::getInstance().createAtom();
348 | TremoloAtomInfoContainer *atomInfo = NULL;
349 | additionalAtomData[newAtom->getId()] = TremoloAtomInfoContainer(); // fill with default values
350 | atomInfo = &additionalAtomData[newAtom->getId()];
351 | TremoloKey::atomDataKey currentField;
352 | ConvertTo<double> toDouble;
353 | ConvertTo<int> toInt;
354 | Vector tempVector;
355 |
356 | // setup tokenizer, splitting up white-spaced entries
357 | typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >
358 | tokenizer;
359 | boost::char_separator<char> whitespacesep(" \t");
360 | tokenizer tokens(line, whitespacesep);
361 | ASSERT(tokens.begin() != tokens.end(),
362 | "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine - empty string, need at least ' '!");
363 | tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
364 | // then associate each token to each file
365 | for (it = usedFields.begin(); it < usedFields.end(); it++) {
366 | const std::string keyName = it->substr(0, it->find("="));
367 | currentField = knownKeys[keyName];
368 | const string word = *tok_iter;
369 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with remaining data " << word << std::endl);
370 | switch (currentField) {
371 | case TremoloKey::x :
372 | // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions
373 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
374 | ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine() - no value for x["+toString(i)+"]!");
375 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << *tok_iter << std::endl);
376 | newAtom->set(i, toDouble(*tok_iter));
377 | tok_iter++;
378 | }
379 | break;
380 | case TremoloKey::u :
381 | // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions
382 | for (int i=0;i<NDIM;i++) {
383 | ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine() - no value for u["+toString(i)+"]!");
384 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << *tok_iter << std::endl);
385 | tempVector[i] = toDouble(*tok_iter);
386 | tok_iter++;
387 | }
388 | newAtom->setAtomicVelocity(tempVector);
389 | break;
390 | case TremoloKey::type :
391 | {
392 | ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!");
393 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << *tok_iter << std::endl);
394 | std::string element(knownTypes[(*tok_iter)]);
395 | // put type name into container for later use
396 | atomInfo->set(currentField, *tok_iter);
397 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing element " << (*tok_iter) << " as " << element << " according to KnownTypes." << std::endl);
398 | tok_iter++;
399 | newAtom->setType(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(element));
400 | ASSERT(newAtom->getType(), "Type was not set for this atom");
401 | break;
402 | }
403 | case TremoloKey::Id :
404 | ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!");
405 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << *tok_iter << std::endl);
406 | atomIdMap[toInt(*tok_iter)] = newAtom->getId();
407 | tok_iter++;
408 | break;
409 | case TremoloKey::neighbors :
410 | for (int i=0;i<atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str());i++) {
411 | ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!");
412 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << *tok_iter << std::endl);
413 | lineStream << *tok_iter << "\t";
414 | tok_iter++;
415 | }
416 | readNeighbors(&lineStream,
417 | atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str()), newAtom->getId());
418 | break;
419 | default :
420 | ASSERT(tok_iter != tokens.end(), "TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine() - no value for "+keyName+"!");
421 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: Parsing key " << keyName << " with next token " << *tok_iter << std::endl);
422 | atomInfo->set(currentField, *tok_iter);
423 | tok_iter++;
424 | break;
425 | }
426 | }
427 | if (newmol != NULL) {
428 | //DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "New Atom: " << *newAtom << " with type " << newAtom->getType()->getName() << std::endl);
429 | newmol->AddAtom(newAtom);
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
433 | /**
434 | * Reads neighbor information for one atom from the input.
435 | *
436 | * \param line stream where to read the information from
437 | * \param numberOfNeighbors number of neighbors to read
438 | * \param atomid world id of the atom the information belongs to
439 | */
440 | void TremoloParser::readNeighbors(stringstream* line, int numberOfNeighbors, int atomId) {
441 | int neighborId = 0;
442 | for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbors; i++) {
443 | *line >> neighborId;
444 | // 0 is used to fill empty neighbor positions in the tremolo file.
445 | if (neighborId > 0) {
446 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4)
447 | << "Atom with global id " << atomId
448 | << " has neighbour with serial " << neighborId
449 | << std::endl);
450 | additionalAtomData[atomId].neighbors.push_back(neighborId);
451 | }
452 | }
453 | }
454 |
455 | /**
456 | * Checks whether the provided name is within the list of used fields.
457 | *
458 | * \param field name to check
459 | *
460 | * \return true if the field name is used
461 | */
462 | bool TremoloParser::isUsedField(string fieldName) {
463 | bool fieldNameExists = false;
464 | for (vector<string>::iterator usedField = usedFields.begin(); usedField != usedFields.end(); usedField++) {
465 | if (usedField->substr(0, usedField->find("=")) == fieldName)
466 | fieldNameExists = true;
467 | }
468 |
469 | return fieldNameExists;
470 | }
471 |
472 |
473 | /**
474 | * Adds the collected neighbor information to the atoms in the world. The atoms
475 | * are found by their current ID and mapped to the corresponding atoms with the
476 | * Id found in the parsed file.
477 | */
478 | void TremoloParser::processNeighborInformation() {
479 | if (!isUsedField("neighbors")) {
480 | return;
481 | }
482 |
483 | for(map<int, TremoloAtomInfoContainer>::iterator currentInfo = additionalAtomData.begin();
484 | currentInfo != additionalAtomData.end(); currentInfo++
485 | ) {
486 | if (!currentInfo->second.neighbors_processed) {
487 | for(vector<int>::iterator neighbor = currentInfo->second.neighbors.begin();
488 | neighbor != currentInfo->second.neighbors.end(); neighbor++
489 | ) {
490 | // DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Creating bond between ("
491 | // << currentInfo->first
492 | // << ") and ("
493 | // << atomIdMap[*neighbor] << "|" << *neighbor << ")" << std::endl);
494 | World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(currentInfo->first))
495 | ->addBond(WorldTime::getTime(), World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(atomIdMap[*neighbor])));
496 | }
497 | currentInfo->second.neighbors_processed = true;
498 | }
499 | }
500 | }
501 |
502 | /**
503 | * Replaces atom IDs read from the file by the corresponding world IDs. All IDs
504 | * IDs of the input string will be replaced; expected separating characters are
505 | * "-" and ",".
506 | *
507 | * \param string in which atom IDs should be adapted
508 | *
509 | * \return input string with modified atom IDs
510 | */
511 | string TremoloParser::adaptIdDependentDataString(string data) {
512 | // there might be no IDs
513 | if (data == "-") {
514 | return "-";
515 | }
516 |
517 | char separator;
518 | int id;
519 | stringstream line, result;
520 | line << data;
521 |
522 | line >> id;
523 | result << atomIdMap[id];
524 | while (line.good()) {
525 | line >> separator >> id;
526 | result << separator << atomIdMap[id];
527 | }
528 |
529 | return result.str();
530 | }
531 |
532 | /**
533 | * Corrects the atom IDs in each imprData entry to the corresponding world IDs
534 | * as they might differ from the originally read IDs.
535 | */
536 | void TremoloParser::adaptImprData() {
537 | if (!isUsedField("imprData")) {
538 | return;
539 | }
540 |
541 | for(map<int, TremoloAtomInfoContainer>::iterator currentInfo = additionalAtomData.begin();
542 | currentInfo != additionalAtomData.end(); currentInfo++
543 | ) {
544 | currentInfo->second.imprData = adaptIdDependentDataString(currentInfo->second.imprData);
545 | }
546 | }
547 |
548 | /**
549 | * Corrects the atom IDs in each torsion entry to the corresponding world IDs
550 | * as they might differ from the originally read IDs.
551 | */
552 | void TremoloParser::adaptTorsion() {
553 | if (!isUsedField("torsion")) {
554 | return;
555 | }
556 |
557 | for(map<int, TremoloAtomInfoContainer>::iterator currentInfo = additionalAtomData.begin();
558 | currentInfo != additionalAtomData.end(); currentInfo++
559 | ) {
560 | currentInfo->second.torsion = adaptIdDependentDataString(currentInfo->second.torsion);
561 | }
562 | }
563 |
564 | /** Creates knownTypes as the identity, e.g. H -> H, He -> He, ... .
565 | *
566 | */
567 | void TremoloParser::createKnownTypesByIdentity()
568 | {
569 | // remove old mapping
570 | knownTypes.clear();
571 | // make knownTypes the identity mapping
572 | const periodentafel *periode = World::getInstance().getPeriode();
573 | for (periodentafel::const_iterator iter = periode->begin();
574 | iter != periode->end();
575 | ++iter) {
576 | knownTypes.insert( make_pair(iter->second->getSymbol(), iter->second->getSymbol()) );
577 | }
578 | }
579 |
580 | /** Parses a .potentials file and creates from it the knownTypes file.
581 | *
582 | * @param file input stream of .potentials file
583 | */
584 | void TremoloParser::parseKnownTypes(std::istream &file)
585 | {
586 | const periodentafel *periode = World::getInstance().getPeriode();
587 | // remove old mapping
588 | knownTypes.clear();
589 |
590 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "additionalAtomData contains: " << additionalAtomData << std::endl);
591 |
592 | // parse in file
593 | typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> >
594 | tokenizer;
595 | boost::char_separator<char> tokensep(":\t ,;");
596 | boost::char_separator<char> equalitysep("\t =");
597 | std::string line;
598 | while (file.good()) {
599 | std::getline( file, line );
600 | DoLog(4) && (Log() << Verbose(4) << "INFO: full line of parameters is '" << line << "'" << std::endl);
601 | if (line.find("particle:") != string::npos) {
602 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "INFO: found line '" << line << "' containing keyword 'particle:'." << std::endl);
603 | tokenizer tokens(line, tokensep);
604 | ASSERT(tokens.begin() != tokens.end(),
605 | "TremoloParser::parseKnownTypes() - line with 'particle:' but no particles separated by comma.");
606 | // look for particle_type
607 | std::string particle_type("NULL");
608 | std::string element_type("NULL");
609 | for (tokenizer::iterator tok_iter = tokens.begin();
610 | tok_iter != tokens.end();
611 | ++tok_iter) {
612 | if ((*tok_iter).find("particle_type") != string::npos) {
613 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "INFO: found line '" << line << "' containing keyword 'particle_type'." << std::endl);
614 | tokenizer token((*tok_iter), equalitysep);
615 | ASSERT(token.begin() != token.end(),
616 | "TremoloParser::parseKnownTypes() - could not split particle_type by equality sign");
617 | tokenizer::iterator particle_iter = token.begin();
618 | particle_iter++;
619 | particle_type = *particle_iter;
620 | }
621 | if ((*tok_iter).find("element_name") != string::npos) {
622 | DoLog(3) && (Log() << Verbose(3) << "INFO: found line '" << line << "' containing keyword 'element_name'." << std::endl);
623 | tokenizer token((*tok_iter), equalitysep);
624 | ASSERT(token.begin() != token.end(),
625 | "TremoloParser::parseKnownTypes() - could not split particle_type by equality sign");
626 | tokenizer::iterator element_iter = token.begin();
627 | element_iter++;
628 | element_type = *element_iter;
629 | }
630 | }
631 | if ((particle_type != "NULL") && (element_type != "NULL")) {
632 | if (periode->FindElement(element_type) != NULL) {
633 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Added Type " << particle_type << " as reference to element " << element_type << "." << std::endl);
634 | knownTypes.insert( make_pair (particle_type, element_type) );
635 | } else {
636 | DoeLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Either Type " << particle_type << " or " << element_type << " could not be recognized." << std::endl);
637 | }
638 | } else {
639 | DoeLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "INFO: Desired element " << element_type << " is not known." << std::endl);
640 | }
641 | }
642 | }
643 |
644 | }