/* * TremoloParser.cpp * * Created on: Mar 2, 2010 * Author: metzler */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp" #include "Helpers/Assert.hpp" #include "Helpers/Log.hpp" #include "Helpers/Verbose.hpp" #include "TremoloParser.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #include "atom.hpp" #include "element.hpp" #include "bond.hpp" #include "periodentafel.hpp" #include "Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp" #include #include using namespace std; /** * Constructor. */ TremoloParser::TremoloParser() { knownKeys[" "] = TremoloKey::noKey; // with this we can detect invalid keys knownKeys["x"] = TremoloKey::x; knownKeys["u"] = TremoloKey::u; knownKeys["F"] = TremoloKey::F; knownKeys["stress"] = TremoloKey::stress; knownKeys["Id"] = TremoloKey::Id; knownKeys["neighbors"] = TremoloKey::neighbors; knownKeys["imprData"] = TremoloKey::imprData; knownKeys["GroupMeasureTypeNo"] = TremoloKey::GroupMeasureTypeNo; knownKeys["Type"] = TremoloKey::Type; knownKeys["extType"] = TremoloKey::extType; knownKeys["name"] = TremoloKey::name; knownKeys["resName"] = TremoloKey::resName; knownKeys["chainID"] = TremoloKey::chainID; knownKeys["resSeq"] = TremoloKey::resSeq; knownKeys["occupancy"] = TremoloKey::occupancy; knownKeys["tempFactor"] = TremoloKey::tempFactor; knownKeys["segID"] = TremoloKey::segID; knownKeys["Charge"] = TremoloKey::Charge; knownKeys["charge"] = TremoloKey::charge; knownKeys["GrpTypeNo"] = TremoloKey::GrpTypeNo; knownKeys["torsion"] = TremoloKey::torsion; // default behavior: use all possible keys on output for (std::map::iterator iter = knownKeys.begin(); iter != knownKeys.end(); ++iter) usedFields.push_back(iter->first); } /** * Destructor. */ TremoloParser::~TremoloParser() { usedFields.clear(); additionalAtomData.clear(); atomIdMap.clear(); knownKeys.clear(); } /** * Loads atoms from a tremolo-formatted file. * * \param tremolo file */ void TremoloParser::load(istream* file) { string line; string::size_type location; usedFields.clear(); while (file->good()) { std::getline(*file, line, '\n'); if (usedFields.empty()) { location = line.find("ATOMDATA", 0); if (location != string::npos) { parseAtomDataKeysLine(line, location + 8); } } if (line.length() > 0 && line.at(0) != '#') { readAtomDataLine(line); } } processNeighborInformation(); adaptImprData(); adaptTorsion(); } /** * Saves the World's current state into as a tremolo file. * * \param file where to save the state */ void TremoloParser::save(ostream* file) { DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Saving changes to tremolo." << std::endl); vector::iterator atomIt; vector::iterator it; *file << "# ATOMDATA"; for (it=usedFields.begin(); it < usedFields.end(); it++) { *file << "\t" << *it; } *file << endl; vector AtomList = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms(); for (atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); atomIt++) { saveLine(file, *atomIt); } } /** * Sets the keys for which data should be written to the stream when save is * called. * * \param string of field names with the same syntax as for an ATOMDATA line * but without the prexix "ATOMDATA" */ void TremoloParser::setFieldsForSave(std::string atomDataLine) { parseAtomDataKeysLine(atomDataLine, 0); } /** * Writes one line of tremolo-formatted data to the provided stream. * * \param stream where to write the line to * \param reference to the atom of which information should be written */ void TremoloParser::saveLine(ostream* file, atom* currentAtom) { vector::iterator it; TremoloKey::atomDataKey currentField; for (it = usedFields.begin(); it != usedFields.end(); it++) { currentField = knownKeys[it->substr(0, it->find("="))]; switch (currentField) { case TremoloKey::x : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions *file << currentAtom->at(0) << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->at(1) << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->at(2) << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::u : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions *file << currentAtom->AtomicVelocity[0] << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->AtomicVelocity[1] << "\t"; *file << currentAtom->AtomicVelocity[2] << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::Type : *file << currentAtom->getType()->getSymbol() << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::Id : *file << currentAtom->getId() << "\t"; break; case TremoloKey::neighbors : writeNeighbors(file, atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str()), currentAtom); break; default : *file << (additionalAtomData.find(currentAtom->getId()) != additionalAtomData.end() ? additionalAtomData[currentAtom->getId()].get(currentField) : defaultAdditionalData.get(currentField)); *file << "\t"; break; } } *file << endl; } /** * Writes the neighbor information of one atom to the provided stream. * * \param stream where to write neighbor information to * \param number of neighbors * \param reference to the atom of which to take the neighbor information */ void TremoloParser::writeNeighbors(ostream* file, int numberOfNeighbors, atom* currentAtom) { BondList::iterator currentBond = currentAtom->ListOfBonds.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbors; i++) { *file << (currentBond != currentAtom->ListOfBonds.end() ? (*currentBond)->GetOtherAtom(currentAtom)->getId() : 0) << "\t"; } } /** * Stores keys from the ATOMDATA line. * * \param line to parse the keys from * \param with which offset the keys begin within the line */ void TremoloParser::parseAtomDataKeysLine(string line, int offset) { string keyword; stringstream lineStream; lineStream << line.substr(offset); usedFields.clear(); while (lineStream.good()) { lineStream >> keyword; if (knownKeys[keyword.substr(0, keyword.find("="))] == TremoloKey::noKey) { // TODO: throw exception about unknown key cout << "Unknown key: " << keyword << " is not part of the tremolo format specification." << endl; break; } usedFields.push_back(keyword); } } /** * Reads one data line of a tremolo file and interprets it according to the keys * obtained from the ATOMDATA line. * * \param line to parse as an atom */ void TremoloParser::readAtomDataLine(string line) { vector::iterator it; stringstream lineStream; atom* newAtom = World::getInstance().createAtom(); TremoloAtomInfoContainer *atomInfo = NULL; additionalAtomData[newAtom->getId()] = *(new TremoloAtomInfoContainer); atomInfo = &additionalAtomData[newAtom->getId()]; TremoloKey::atomDataKey currentField; string word; int oldId; double tmp; lineStream << line; for (it = usedFields.begin(); it < usedFields.end(); it++) { currentField = knownKeys[it->substr(0, it->find("="))]; switch (currentField) { case TremoloKey::x : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions for (int i=0;i> tmp; newAtom->set(i, tmp); } break; case TremoloKey::u : // for the moment, assume there are always three dimensions lineStream >> newAtom->AtomicVelocity[0]; lineStream >> newAtom->AtomicVelocity[1]; lineStream >> newAtom->AtomicVelocity[2]; break; case TremoloKey::Type : char type[3]; lineStream >> type; newAtom->setType(World::getInstance().getPeriode()->FindElement(type)); ASSERT(newAtom->getType(), "Type was not set for this atom"); break; case TremoloKey::Id : lineStream >> oldId; atomIdMap[oldId] = newAtom->getId(); break; case TremoloKey::neighbors : readNeighbors(&lineStream, atoi(it->substr(it->find("=") + 1, 1).c_str()), newAtom->getId()); break; default : lineStream >> word; atomInfo->set(currentField, word); break; } } } /** * Reads neighbor information for one atom from the input. * * \param stream where to read the information from * \param number of neighbors to read * \param world id of the atom the information belongs to */ void TremoloParser::readNeighbors(stringstream* line, int numberOfNeighbors, int atomId) { int neighborId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfNeighbors; i++) { *line >> neighborId; // 0 is used to fill empty neighbor positions in the tremolo file. if (neighborId > 0) { additionalAtomData[atomId].neighbors.push_back(neighborId); } } } /** * Checks whether the provided name is within the list of used fields. * * \param field name to check * * \return true if the field name is used */ bool TremoloParser::isUsedField(string fieldName) { bool fieldNameExists = false; for (vector::iterator usedField = usedFields.begin(); usedField != usedFields.end(); usedField++) { if (usedField->substr(0, usedField->find("=")) == fieldName) fieldNameExists = true; } return fieldNameExists; } /** * Adds the collected neighbor information to the atoms in the world. The atoms * are found by their current ID and mapped to the corresponding atoms with the * Id found in the parsed file. */ void TremoloParser::processNeighborInformation() { if (!isUsedField("neighbors")) { return; } for(map::iterator currentInfo = additionalAtomData.begin(); currentInfo != additionalAtomData.end(); currentInfo++ ) { for(vector::iterator neighbor = currentInfo->second.neighbors.begin(); neighbor != currentInfo->second.neighbors.end(); neighbor++ ) { World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(currentInfo->first)) ->addBond(World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(atomIdMap[*neighbor]))); } } } /** * Replaces atom IDs read from the file by the corresponding world IDs. All IDs * IDs of the input string will be replaced; expected separating characters are * "-" and ",". * * \param string in which atom IDs should be adapted * * \return input string with modified atom IDs */ string TremoloParser::adaptIdDependentDataString(string data) { // there might be no IDs if (data == "-") { return "-"; } char separator; int id; stringstream line, result; line << data; line >> id; result << atomIdMap[id]; while (line.good()) { line >> separator >> id; result << separator << atomIdMap[id]; } return result.str(); } /** * Corrects the atom IDs in each imprData entry to the corresponding world IDs * as they might differ from the originally read IDs. */ void TremoloParser::adaptImprData() { if (!isUsedField("imprData")) { return; } for(map::iterator currentInfo = additionalAtomData.begin(); currentInfo != additionalAtomData.end(); currentInfo++ ) { currentInfo->second.imprData = adaptIdDependentDataString(currentInfo->second.imprData); } } /** * Corrects the atom IDs in each torsion entry to the corresponding world IDs * as they might differ from the originally read IDs. */ void TremoloParser::adaptTorsion() { if (!isUsedField("torsion")) { return; } for(map::iterator currentInfo = additionalAtomData.begin(); currentInfo != additionalAtomData.end(); currentInfo++ ) { currentInfo->second.torsion = adaptIdDependentDataString(currentInfo->second.torsion); } } TremoloAtomInfoContainer::TremoloAtomInfoContainer() : F("0"), stress("0"), imprData("-"), GroupMeasureTypeNo("0"), extType("-"), name("-"), resName("-"), chainID("0"), resSeq("0"), occupancy("0"), tempFactor("0"), segID("0"), Charge("0"), charge("0"), GrpTypeNo("0"), torsion("-"), neighbors(vector(0, 5)) {} void TremoloAtomInfoContainer::set(TremoloKey::atomDataKey key, string value) { switch (key) { case TremoloKey::F : F = value; break; case TremoloKey::stress : stress = value; break; case TremoloKey::imprData : imprData = value; break; case TremoloKey::GroupMeasureTypeNo : GroupMeasureTypeNo = value; break; case TremoloKey::extType : extType = value; break; case TremoloKey::name : name = value; break; case TremoloKey::resName : resName = value; break; case TremoloKey::chainID : chainID = value; break; case TremoloKey::resSeq : resSeq = value; break; case TremoloKey::occupancy : occupancy = value; break; case TremoloKey::tempFactor : tempFactor = value; break; case TremoloKey::segID : segID = value; break; case TremoloKey::Charge : Charge = value; break; case TremoloKey::charge : charge = value; break; case TremoloKey::GrpTypeNo : GrpTypeNo = value; break; case TremoloKey::torsion : torsion = value; break; default : cout << "Unknown key: " << key << ", value: " << value << endl; break; } } string TremoloAtomInfoContainer::get(TremoloKey::atomDataKey key) { switch (key) { case TremoloKey::F : return F; case TremoloKey::stress : return stress; case TremoloKey::imprData : return imprData; case TremoloKey::GroupMeasureTypeNo : return GroupMeasureTypeNo; case TremoloKey::extType : return extType; case TremoloKey::name : return name; case TremoloKey::resName : return resName; case TremoloKey::chainID : return chainID; case TremoloKey::resSeq : return resSeq; case TremoloKey::occupancy : return occupancy; case TremoloKey::tempFactor : return tempFactor; case TremoloKey::segID : return segID; case TremoloKey::Charge : return Charge; case TremoloKey::charge : return charge; case TremoloKey::GrpTypeNo : return GrpTypeNo; case TremoloKey::torsion : return torsion; default : cout << "Unknown key: " << key << endl; return ""; } }