/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /* * PdbParser.cpp * * Created on: Aug 17, 2010 * Author: heber */ // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/toString.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp" #include "Atom/atom.hpp" #include "Bond/bond.hpp" #include "Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp" #include "Element/element.hpp" #include "Element/periodentafel.hpp" #include "molecule.hpp" #include "MoleculeListClass.hpp" #include "Parser/PdbParser.hpp" #include "World.hpp" #include "WorldTime.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // declare specialized static variables const std::string FormatParserTrait::name = "pdb"; const std::string FormatParserTrait::suffix = "pdb"; const ParserTypes FormatParserTrait::type = pdb; /** * Constructor. */ FormatParser< pdb >::FormatParser() : FormatParser_common(NULL) { knownTokens["ATOM"] = PdbKey::Atom; knownTokens["HETATM"] = PdbKey::Atom; knownTokens["TER"] = PdbKey::Filler; knownTokens["END"] = PdbKey::EndOfTimestep; knownTokens["CONECT"] = PdbKey::Connect; knownTokens["REMARK"] = PdbKey::Remark; knownTokens[""] = PdbKey::EndOfTimestep; // argh, why can't just PdbKey::X+(size_t)i PositionEnumMap[0] = PdbKey::X; PositionEnumMap[1] = PdbKey::Y; PositionEnumMap[2] = PdbKey::Z; } /** * Destructor. */ FormatParser< pdb >::~FormatParser() { PdbAtomInfoContainer::clearknownDataKeys(); additionalAtomData.clear(); } /** Parses the initial word of the given \a line and returns the token type. * * @param line line to scan * @return token type */ enum PdbKey::KnownTokens FormatParser< pdb >::getToken(std::string &line) { // look for first space std::string token = line.substr(0,6); const size_t space_location = token.find(' '); const size_t tab_location = token.find('\t'); size_t location = space_location < tab_location ? space_location : tab_location; if (location != string::npos) { //LOG(1, "Found space at position " << space_location); token = token.substr(0,space_location); } //LOG(1, "Token is " << token); if (knownTokens.count(token) == 0) return PdbKey::NoToken; else return knownTokens[token]; return PdbKey::NoToken; } /** * Loads atoms from a PDB-formatted file. * * \param PDB file */ void FormatParser< pdb >::load(istream* file) { string line; size_t linecount = 0; enum PdbKey::KnownTokens token; // reset id maps for this file (to correctly parse CONECT entries) resetIdAssociations(); bool NotEndOfFile = true; molecule *newmol = World::getInstance().createMolecule(); newmol->ActiveFlag = true; unsigned int step = 0; // TODO: Remove the insertion into molecule when saving does not depend on them anymore. Also, remove molecule.hpp include World::getInstance().getMolecules()->insert(newmol); while (NotEndOfFile) { bool NotEndOfTimestep = true; while (NotEndOfTimestep && NotEndOfFile) { std::getline(*file, line, '\n'); if (!line.empty()) { // extract first token token = getToken(line); switch (token) { case PdbKey::Atom: LOG(3,"INFO: Parsing ATOM entry for time step " << step << "."); readAtomDataLine(step, line, newmol); break; case PdbKey::Remark: LOG(3,"INFO: Parsing REM entry for time step " << step << "."); break; case PdbKey::Connect: LOG(3,"INFO: Parsing CONECT entry for time step " << step << "."); readNeighbors(step, line); break; case PdbKey::Filler: LOG(3,"INFO: Stumbled upon Filler entry for time step " << step << "."); break; case PdbKey::EndOfTimestep: LOG(1,"INFO: Parsing END entry or empty line for time step " << step << "."); NotEndOfTimestep = false; break; default: // TODO: put a throw here ELOG(2, "Unknown token: '" << line << "' for time step " << step << "."); //ASSERT(0, "FormatParser< pdb >::load() - Unknown token in line "+toString(linecount)+": "+line+"."); break; } } NotEndOfFile = NotEndOfFile && (file->good()); linecount++; } ++step; } LOG(4, "INFO: Listing all newly parsed atoms."); BOOST_FOREACH(atom *_atom, *newmol) LOG(4, "INFO: Atom " << _atom->getName() << " " << *dynamic_cast(_atom) << "."); // refresh atom::nr and atom::name newmol->getAtomCount(); } /** * Saves the \a atoms into as a PDB file. * * \param file where to save the state * \param atoms atoms to store */ void FormatParser< pdb >::save(ostream* file, const std::vector &AtomList) { LOG(2, "DEBUG: Saving changes to pdb."); // check for maximum number of time steps size_t max_timesteps = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(atom *_atom, World::getInstance().getAllAtoms()) { LOG(4, "INFO: Atom " << _atom->getName() << " " << *dynamic_cast(_atom) << "."); if (_atom->getTrajectorySize() > max_timesteps) max_timesteps = _atom->getTrajectorySize(); } LOG(2,"INFO: Found a maximum of " << max_timesteps << " time steps to store."); // re-distribute serials resetIdAssociations(); // (new atoms might have been added) int AtomNo = 1; // serial number starts at 1 in pdb for (vector::const_iterator atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); atomIt++) { PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo = getadditionalAtomData(*atomIt); associateLocaltoGlobalId(AtomNo, (*atomIt)->getId()); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::serial, toString(AtomNo)); ++AtomNo; } // store all time steps (always do first step) for (size_t step = 0; (step == 0) || (step < max_timesteps); ++step) { { // add initial remark *file << "REMARK created by molecuilder on "; time_t now = time((time_t *)NULL); // Get the system time and put it into 'now' as 'calender time' // ctime ends in \n\0, we have to cut away the newline std::string time(ctime(&now)); size_t pos = time.find('\n'); if (pos != 0) *file << time.substr(0,pos); else *file << time; *file << ", time step " << step; *file << endl; } { std::map MolIdMap; size_t MolNo = 1; // residue number starts at 1 in pdb for (vector::const_iterator atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); atomIt++) { const molecule *mol = (*atomIt)->getMolecule(); if ((mol != NULL) && (MolIdMap.find(mol->getId()) == MolIdMap.end())) { MolIdMap[mol->getId()] = MolNo++; } } const size_t MaxMol = MolNo; // have a count per element and per molecule (0 is for all homeless atoms) std::vector **elementNo = new std::vector*[MaxMol]; for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxMol; ++i) elementNo[i] = new std::vector(MAX_ELEMENTS,1); char name[MAXSTRINGSIZE]; std::string ResidueName; // write ATOMs for (vector::const_iterator atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); atomIt++) { PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo = getadditionalAtomData(*atomIt); // gather info about residue const molecule *mol = (*atomIt)->getMolecule(); if (mol == NULL) { MolNo = 0; atomInfo.set(PdbKey::resSeq, "0"); } else { ASSERT(MolIdMap.find(mol->getId()) != MolIdMap.end(), "FormatParser< pdb >::save() - Mol id "+toString(mol->getId())+" not present despite we set it?!"); MolNo = MolIdMap[mol->getId()]; atomInfo.set(PdbKey::resSeq, toString(MolIdMap[mol->getId()])); if (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resName) == "-") atomInfo.set(PdbKey::resName, mol->getName().substr(0,3)); } // get info about atom const size_t Z = (*atomIt)->getType()->getAtomicNumber(); if (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::name) == "-") { // if no name set, give it a new name sprintf(name, "%2s%02d",(*atomIt)->getType()->getSymbol().c_str(), (*elementNo[MolNo])[Z]); (*elementNo[MolNo])[Z] = ((*elementNo[MolNo])[Z]+1) % 100; // confine to two digits atomInfo.set(PdbKey::name, name); } // set position for (size_t i=0; igetPositionAtStep(step).at(i); atomInfo.set(PositionEnumMap[i], position.str()); } // change element and charge if changed if (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::element) != (*atomIt)->getType()->getSymbol()) { std::string symbol = (*atomIt)->getType()->getSymbol(); if ((symbol[1] >= 'a') && (symbol[1] <= 'z')) symbol[1] = (symbol[1] - 'a') + 'A'; atomInfo.set(PdbKey::element, symbol); } // finally save the line saveLine(file, atomInfo); } for (size_t i = 0; i < MaxMol; ++i) delete elementNo[i]; delete elementNo; // write CONECTs for (vector::const_iterator atomIt = AtomList.begin(); atomIt != AtomList.end(); atomIt++) { writeNeighbors(file, 4, *atomIt); } } // END *file << "END" << endl; } } /** Add default info, when new atom is added to World. * * @param id of atom */ void FormatParser< pdb >::AtomInserted(atomId_t id) { //LOG(3, "FormatParser< pdb >::AtomInserted() - notified of atom " << id << "'s insertion."); ASSERT(!isPresentadditionalAtomData(id), "FormatParser< pdb >::AtomInserted() - additionalAtomData already present for newly added atom " +toString(id)+"."); // don't insert here as this is our check whether we are in the first time step //additionalAtomData.insert( std::make_pair(id, defaultAdditionalData) ); } /** Remove additional AtomData info, when atom has been removed from World. * * @param id of atom */ void FormatParser< pdb >::AtomRemoved(atomId_t id) { //LOG(3, "FormatParser< pdb >::AtomRemoved() - notified of atom " << id << "'s removal."); std::map::iterator iter = additionalAtomData.find(id); // as we do not insert AtomData on AtomInserted, we cannot be assured of its presence // ASSERT(iter != additionalAtomData.end(), // "FormatParser< pdb >::AtomRemoved() - additionalAtomData is not present for atom " // +toString(id)+" to remove."); if (iter != additionalAtomData.end()) { additionalAtomData.erase(iter); } } /** Checks whether there is an entry for the given atom's \a _id. * * @param _id atom's id we wish to check on * @return true - entry present, false - only for atom's father or no entry */ bool FormatParser< pdb >::isPresentadditionalAtomData(const atomId_t _id) const { std::map::const_iterator iter = additionalAtomData.find(_id); return (iter != additionalAtomData.end()); } /** Either returns reference to present entry or creates new with default values. * * @param _atom atom whose entry we desire * @return */ PdbAtomInfoContainer& FormatParser< pdb >::getadditionalAtomData(atom *_atom) { if (additionalAtomData.find(_atom->getId()) != additionalAtomData.end()) { } else if (additionalAtomData.find(_atom->father->getId()) != additionalAtomData.end()) { // use info from direct father additionalAtomData[_atom->getId()] = additionalAtomData[_atom->father->getId()]; } else if (additionalAtomData.find(_atom->GetTrueFather()->getId()) != additionalAtomData.end()) { // use info from topmost father additionalAtomData[_atom->getId()] = additionalAtomData[_atom->GetTrueFather()->getId()]; } else { // create new entry use default values if nothing else is known additionalAtomData[_atom->getId()] = defaultAdditionalData; } return additionalAtomData[_atom->getId()]; } /** Tiny helper function to print a float with a most 8 digits. * * A few examples best give the picture: * 1234.678 * 1.234 * 0.001 * 0.100 * 1234567. * 123456.7 * -1234.56 * * \param value * \return string representation */ const std::string FormatParser< pdb >::printCoordinate( const double value) { size_t meaningful_bits=7; // one for decimal dot if (value < 0) //one for the minus sign --meaningful_bits; // count digits before dot (without minus and round towards zero!) const int full = floor(fabs(value)); size_t bits_before_dot = 1; { int tmp = full; for (;bits_before_dot < meaningful_bits;++bits_before_dot) { // even if value is 0...somethingish, we still must start at one digit tmp = tmp/10; if (tmp == 0) break; } } // this fixes bits available after dot const size_t bits_after_dot = std::min((int)meaningful_bits - (int)bits_before_dot, 3); stringstream position; if (bits_after_dot > 0) { if (value < 0) position << "-"; const int remainder = round((abs(value)-full)*pow(10,bits_after_dot)); position << full << "." << setfill('0') << setw(bits_after_dot) << remainder; if (bits_after_dot == 2) ELOG(2, "PdbParser is writing coordinates with just a two decimal places."); if (bits_after_dot == 1) ELOG(1, "PdbParser is writing coordinates with just a single decimal places."); } else { ELOG(0, "PdbParser is writing coordinates without any decimal places."); position << full << "."; } return position.str(); } /** * Writes one line of PDB-formatted data to the provided stream. * * \param stream where to write the line to * \param *currentAtom the atom of which information should be written * \param AtomNo serial number of atom * \param *name name of atom, i.e. H01 * \param ResidueName Name of molecule * \param ResidueNo number of residue */ void FormatParser< pdb >::saveLine( ostream* file, const PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo) { *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(6) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::token); *file << setfill(' ') << right << setw(5) << (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial) % 100000); /* atom serial number */ *file << " "; /* char 12 is empty */ *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(4) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::name); /* atom name */ *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(1) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::altLoc); /* alternate location/conformation */ *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(3) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resName); /* residue name */ *file << " "; /* char 21 is empty */ *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(1) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::chainID); /* chain identifier */ *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(4) << (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resSeq) % 10000); /* residue sequence number */ *file << setfill(' ') << left << setw(1) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::iCode); /* iCode */ *file << " "; /* char 28-30 are empty */ // have the following operate on stringstreams such that format specifiers // only act on these for (size_t i=0;i(PositionEnumMap[i])); } { stringstream occupancy; occupancy << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::occupancy); /* occupancy */ *file << setfill(' ') << right << setw(6) << occupancy.str(); } { stringstream tempFactor; tempFactor << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::tempFactor); /* temperature factor */ *file << setfill(' ') << right << setw(6) << tempFactor.str(); } *file << " "; /* char 68-76 are empty */ *file << setfill(' ') << right << setw(2) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::element); /* element */ *file << setfill(' ') << right << setw(2) << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::charge); /* charge */ *file << endl; } /** * Writes the neighbor information of one atom to the provided stream. * * Note that ListOfBonds of WorldTime::CurrentTime is used. * * Also, we fill up the CONECT line to extend over 80 chars. * * \param *file where to write neighbor information to * \param MaxnumberOfNeighbors of neighbors * \param *currentAtom to the atom of which to take the neighbor information */ void FormatParser< pdb >::writeNeighbors(ostream* file, int MaxnumberOfNeighbors, atom* currentAtom) { int MaxNo = MaxnumberOfNeighbors; int charsleft = 80; const BondList & ListOfBonds = currentAtom->getListOfBonds(); if (!ListOfBonds.empty()) { for(BondList::const_iterator currentBond = ListOfBonds.begin(); currentBond != ListOfBonds.end(); ++currentBond) { if (MaxNo >= MaxnumberOfNeighbors) { *file << "CONECT"; *file << setw(5) << getLocalId(currentAtom->getId()); charsleft = 80-6-5; MaxNo = 0; } *file << setw(5) << getLocalId((*currentBond)->GetOtherAtom(currentAtom)->getId()); charsleft -= 5; MaxNo++; if (MaxNo == MaxnumberOfNeighbors) { for (;charsleft > 0; charsleft--) *file << ' '; *file << "\n"; } } if (MaxNo != MaxnumberOfNeighbors) { for (;charsleft > 0; charsleft--) *file << ' '; *file << "\n"; } } } /** Either returns present atom with given id or a newly created one. * * @param id_string * @return */ atom* FormatParser< pdb >::getAtomToParse(std::string id_string) { // get the local ID ConvertTo toInt; const unsigned int AtomID_local = toInt(id_string); LOG(4, "INFO: Local id is "+toString(AtomID_local)+"."); // get the atomic ID if present atom* newAtom = NULL; if (getGlobalId(AtomID_local) != -1) { const unsigned int AtomID_global = getGlobalId(AtomID_local); LOG(4, "INFO: Global id present as " << AtomID_global << "."); // check if atom exists newAtom = World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(AtomID_global)); LOG(5, "INFO: Listing all present atoms with id."); BOOST_FOREACH(atom *_atom, World::getInstance().getAllAtoms()) LOG(5, "INFO: " << *_atom << " with id " << _atom->getId()); } // if not exists, create if (newAtom == NULL) { newAtom = World::getInstance().createAtom(); //const unsigned int AtomID_global = newAtom->getId(); LOG(4, "INFO: No association to global id present, creating atom."); } else { LOG(4, "INFO: Existing atom found: " << *newAtom << "."); } return newAtom; } /** read a line starting with key ATOM. * * We check for line's length and parse only up to this value. * * @param atomInfo container to put information in * @param line line containing key ATOM */ void FormatParser< pdb >::readPdbAtomInfoContainer(PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo, std::string &line) const { const size_t length = line.length(); if (length < 80) ELOG(2, "FormatParser< pdb >::readPdbAtomInfoContainer() - pdb is mal-formed, containing less than 80 chars!"); if (length >= 6) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing token from "+line.substr(0,6)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::token, line.substr(0,6)); } if (length >= 11) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing serial from "+line.substr(6,5)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::serial, line.substr(6,5)); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial) != 0, "FormatParser< pdb >::readPdbAtomInfoContainer() - serial 0 is invalid (filler id for conect entries)."); } if (length >= 16) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing name from "+line.substr(12,4)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::name, line.substr(12,4)); } if (length >= 17) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing altLoc from "+line.substr(16,1)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::altLoc, line.substr(16,1)); } if (length >= 20) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing resName from "+line.substr(17,3)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::resName, line.substr(17,3)); } if (length >= 22) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing chainID from "+line.substr(21,1)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::chainID, line.substr(21,1)); } if (length >= 26) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing resSeq from "+line.substr(22,4)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::resSeq, line.substr(22,4)); } if (length >= 27) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing iCode from "+line.substr(26,1)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::iCode, line.substr(26,1)); } if (length >= 60) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing occupancy from "+line.substr(54,6)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::occupancy, line.substr(54,6)); } if (length >= 66) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing tempFactor from "+line.substr(60,6)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::tempFactor, line.substr(60,6)); } if (length >= 80) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing charge from "+line.substr(78,2)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::charge, line.substr(78,2)); } if (length >= 78) { LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing element from "+line.substr(76,2)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::element, line.substr(76,2)); } else { LOG(4,"INFO: Trying to parse alternative element from name "+line.substr(12,4)+"."); atomInfo.set(PdbKey::element, line.substr(12,4)); } } /** Parse an ATOM line from a PDB file. * * Reads one data line of a pdstatus file and interprets it according to the * specifications of the PDB 3.2 format: http://www.wwpdb.org/docs.html * * A new atom is created and filled with available information, non- * standard information is placed in additionalAtomData at the atom's id. * * \param _step time step to use * \param line to parse as an atom * \param newmol molecule to add parsed atoms to */ void FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine(const unsigned int _step, std::string &line, molecule *newmol = NULL) { vector::iterator it; atom* newAtom = getAtomToParse(line.substr(6,5)); LOG(3,"INFO: Parsing END entry or empty line."); bool FirstTimestep = isPresentadditionalAtomData(newAtom->getId()) ? false : true; ASSERT((FirstTimestep && (_step == 0)) || (!FirstTimestep && (_step !=0)), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - additionalAtomData present though atom is newly parsed."); if (FirstTimestep) { LOG(3,"INFO: Parsing new atom "+toString(*newAtom)+" "+toString(newAtom->getId())+"."); } else { LOG(3,"INFO: Parsing present atom "+toString(*newAtom)+"."); } PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo = getadditionalAtomData(newAtom); LOG(4,"INFO: Information in container is "+toString(atomInfo)+"."); string word; ConvertTo toSize_t; // check whether serial exists, if so, assign next available // LOG(2, "Split line:" // << line.substr(6,5) << "|" // << line.substr(12,4) << "|" // << line.substr(16,1) << "|" // << line.substr(17,3) << "|" // << line.substr(21,1) << "|" // << line.substr(22,4) << "|" // << line.substr(26,1) << "|" // << line.substr(30,8) << "|" // << line.substr(38,8) << "|" // << line.substr(46,8) << "|" // << line.substr(54,6) << "|" // << line.substr(60,6) << "|" // << line.substr(76,2) << "|" // << line.substr(78,2)); if (FirstTimestep) { // first time step // then fill info container readPdbAtomInfoContainer(atomInfo, line); // associate local with global id associateLocaltoGlobalId(toSize_t(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)), newAtom->getId()); // set position Vector tempVector; LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing position from (" +line.substr(30,8)+"," +line.substr(38,8)+"," +line.substr(46,8)+")."); PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(tempVector[0], line.substr(30,8)); PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(tempVector[1], line.substr(38,8)); PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(tempVector[2], line.substr(46,8)); newAtom->setPosition(tempVector); // set element std::string value = atomInfo.get(PdbKey::element); // make second character lower case if not if ((value[1] >= 'A') && (value[1] <= 'Z')) value[1] = (value[1] - 'A') + 'a'; const element *elem = World::getInstance().getPeriode() ->FindElement(value); ASSERT(elem != NULL, "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - element "+atomInfo.get(PdbKey::element)+" is unknown!"); newAtom->setType(elem); if (newmol != NULL) newmol->AddAtom(newAtom); } else { // not first time step // then parse into different container PdbAtomInfoContainer consistencyInfo; readPdbAtomInfoContainer(consistencyInfo, line); // then check additional info for consistency ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::token) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::token), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in token on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::name) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::name), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in name on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+":" +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::name)+"!=" +consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::name)+"."); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::altLoc) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::altLoc), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in altLoc on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resName) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::resName), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in resName on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::chainID) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::chainID), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in chainID on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resSeq) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::resSeq), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in resSeq on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::iCode) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::iCode), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in iCode on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::occupancy) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::occupancy), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in occupancy on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::tempFactor) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::tempFactor), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in tempFactor on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::charge) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::charge), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in charge on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); ASSERT(atomInfo.get(PdbKey::element) == consistencyInfo.get(PdbKey::element), "FormatParser< pdb >::readAtomDataLine() - difference in element on multiple time step for atom with id " +atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)+"!"); // and parse in trajectory Vector tempVector; LOG(4,"INFO: Parsing trajectory position from (" +line.substr(30,8)+"," +line.substr(38,8)+"," +line.substr(46,8)+")."); PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(tempVector[0], line.substr(30,8)); PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(tempVector[1], line.substr(38,8)); PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(tempVector[2], line.substr(46,8)); LOG(4,"INFO: Adding trajectory point to time step "+toString(_step)+"."); // and set position at new time step newAtom->setPositionAtStep(_step, tempVector); } // printAtomInfo(newAtom); } /** Prints all PDB-specific information known about an atom. * */ void FormatParser< pdb >::printAtomInfo(const atom * const newAtom) const { const PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo = additionalAtomData.at(newAtom->getId()); // operator[] const does not exist LOG(1, "We know about atom " << newAtom->getId() << ":"); LOG(1, "\ttoken is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::token)); LOG(1, "\tserial is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)); LOG(1, "\tname is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::name)); LOG(1, "\taltLoc is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::altLoc)); LOG(1, "\tresName is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resName)); LOG(1, "\tchainID is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::chainID)); LOG(1, "\tresSeq is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resSeq)); LOG(1, "\tiCode is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::iCode)); LOG(1, "\tX is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::X)); LOG(1, "\tY is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::Y)); LOG(1, "\tZ is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::Z)); LOG(1, "\toccupancy is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::occupancy)); LOG(1, "\ttempFactor is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::tempFactor)); LOG(1, "\telement is '" << *(newAtom->getType()) << "'"); LOG(1, "\tcharge is " << atomInfo.get(PdbKey::charge)); } /** * Reads neighbor information for one atom from the input. * * \param _step time step to use * \param line to parse as an atom */ void FormatParser< pdb >::readNeighbors(const unsigned int _step, std::string &line) { const size_t length = line.length(); std::list ListOfNeighbors; ConvertTo toSize_t; // obtain neighbours // show split line for debugging string output; ASSERT(length >=16, "FormatParser< pdb >::readNeighbors() - CONECT entry has not enough entries: "+line+"!"); // output = "Split line:|"; // output += line.substr(6,5) + "|"; const size_t id = toSize_t(line.substr(6,5)); for (size_t index = 11; index <= 26; index+=5) { if (index+5 <= length) { output += line.substr(index,5) + "|"; // search for digits int otherid = -1; PdbAtomInfoContainer::ScanKey(otherid, line.substr(index,5)); if (otherid > 0) ListOfNeighbors.push_back(otherid); else ELOG(3, "FormatParser< pdb >::readNeighbors() - discarding CONECT entry with id 0."); } else { break; } } LOG(4, output); // add neighbours atom *_atom = World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(getGlobalId(id))); LOG(2, "STATUS: Atom " << _atom->getId() << " gets " << ListOfNeighbors.size() << " more neighbours."); for (std::list::const_iterator iter = ListOfNeighbors.begin(); iter != ListOfNeighbors.end(); ++iter) { atom * const _Otheratom = World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(getGlobalId(*iter))); LOG(3, "INFO: Adding Bond (" << *_atom << "," << *_Otheratom << ")"); _atom->addBond(_step, _Otheratom); } } bool FormatParser< pdb >::operator==(const FormatParser< pdb >& b) const { bool status = true; World::AtomComposite atoms = World::getInstance().getAllAtoms(); for (World::AtomComposite::const_iterator iter = atoms.begin(); iter != atoms.end(); ++iter) { if ((additionalAtomData.find((*iter)->getId()) != additionalAtomData.end()) && (b.additionalAtomData.find((*iter)->getId()) != b.additionalAtomData.end())) { const PdbAtomInfoContainer &atomInfo = additionalAtomData.at((*iter)->getId()); const PdbAtomInfoContainer &OtheratomInfo = b.additionalAtomData.at((*iter)->getId()); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::serial)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in serials!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::name) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::name)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in names!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::altLoc) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::altLoc)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in altLocs!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resName) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::resName)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in resNames!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::chainID) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::chainID)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in chainIDs!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::resSeq) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::resSeq)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in resSeqs!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::iCode) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::iCode)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in iCodes!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::occupancy) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::occupancy)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in occupancies!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::tempFactor) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::tempFactor)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in tempFactors!"); status = status && (atomInfo.get(PdbKey::charge) == OtheratomInfo.get(PdbKey::charge)); if (!status) ELOG(1, "Mismatch in charges!"); } } return status; }