1 | /*
2 | * PcpParser.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: 12.06.2010
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef PCPPARSER_HPP_
9 | #define PCPPARSER_HPP_
10 |
11 | // include config.h
12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 | #include <config.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #include <iosfwd>
17 | #include <map>
18 | #include <string>
19 | #include <vector>
20 |
21 | #include "FormatParser.hpp"
22 | #include "FormatParserTrait.hpp"
23 | #include "FormatParserInterface.hpp"
24 | #include "FormatParser_common.hpp"
25 | #include "ParserTypes.hpp"
26 |
27 | class atom;
28 |
29 | // declaration of specialized FormatParserTrait
30 | template<>
31 | struct FormatParserTrait<pcp>
32 | {
33 | //!> Name of the parser
34 | static const std::string name;
35 | //!> suffix of the files the parser understands to read and write
36 | static const std::string suffix;
37 | //!> ParserTypes enumeration for the parser
38 | static const enum ParserTypes type;
39 | };
40 |
41 | /**
42 | * Parser for PCP config files.
43 | */
44 | template <>
45 | class FormatParser< pcp > : virtual public FormatParserInterface, public FormatParser_common
46 | {
47 | public:
48 | FormatParser();
49 | virtual ~FormatParser();
50 | void load(std::istream* file);
51 | void save(std::ostream* file, const std::vector<atom *> &atoms);
52 |
53 | bool operator==(const FormatParser< pcp >& b) const;
54 |
55 | private:
56 |
57 | void ParseThermostats(class ConfigFileBuffer * const fb);
58 | void OutputAtoms(std::ostream *file, const std::vector<atom *> &allatoms, std::map<int, int> &ZtoIndexMap);
59 | void OutputElements(std::ostream *file, const std::vector<atom *> &allatoms, std::map<int, int> &ZtoIndexMap);
60 | void CalculateOrbitals(const std::vector<atom *> &allatoms);
61 |
62 | class StructParallelization {
63 | public:
64 | StructParallelization();
65 | ~StructParallelization();
66 |
67 | int ProcPEGamma;
68 | int ProcPEPsi;
69 | } Parallelization;
70 |
71 | /*
72 | * Contains all the paths and names
73 | */
74 | class StructPaths {
75 | public:
76 | StructPaths();
77 | ~StructPaths();
78 |
79 | char *databasepath;
80 | char *configname;
81 | char *mainname;
82 | char *defaultpath;
83 | char *pseudopotpath;
84 | } Paths;
85 |
86 | /*
87 | * Contains all Do/Don't switches
88 | */
89 | class StructSwitches {
90 | public:
91 | StructSwitches();
92 | ~StructSwitches();
93 |
94 | int DoConstrainedMD;
95 | int DoOutVis;
96 | int DoOutMes;
97 | int DoOutNICS;
98 | int DoOutOrbitals;
99 | int DoOutCurrent;
100 | int DoFullCurrent;
101 | int DoPerturbation;
102 | int DoWannier;
103 | } Switches;
104 |
105 | /*
106 | * Contains parameters regarding localization of orbitals or magnetic perturbation
107 | */
108 | class StructLocalizedOrbitals {
109 | public:
110 | StructLocalizedOrbitals();
111 | ~StructLocalizedOrbitals();
112 |
113 | int CommonWannier;
114 | double SawtoothStart;
115 | int VectorPlane;
116 | double VectorCut;
117 | int UseAddGramSch;
118 | int Seed;
119 | double EpsWannier;
120 | } LocalizedOrbitals;
121 |
122 | /*
123 | * Contains all step count and other epsilon threshold parameters
124 | */
125 | class StructStepCounts {
126 | public:
127 | StructStepCounts();
128 | ~StructStepCounts();
129 |
130 | int MaxMinStopStep;
131 | int InitMaxMinStopStep;
132 |
133 | int OutVisStep;
134 | int OutSrcStep;
135 | int MaxPsiStep;
136 |
137 | int MaxOuterStep;
138 |
139 | int MaxMinStep;
140 | double RelEpsTotalEnergy;
141 | double RelEpsKineticEnergy;
142 | int MaxMinGapStopStep;
143 | int MaxInitMinStep;
144 | double InitRelEpsTotalEnergy;
145 | double InitRelEpsKineticEnergy;
146 | int InitMaxMinGapStopStep;
147 | } StepCounts;
148 |
149 | /*
150 | * Contains all parameters specific to the plane wave basis set
151 | */
152 | class StructPlaneWaveSpecifics {
153 | public:
154 | StructPlaneWaveSpecifics();
155 | ~StructPlaneWaveSpecifics();
156 |
157 | int PsiType;
158 | int MaxPsiDouble;
159 | int PsiMaxNoUp;
160 | int PsiMaxNoDown;
161 | double ECut;
162 | int MaxLevel;
163 | int RiemannTensor;
164 | int LevRFactor;
165 | int RiemannLevel;
166 | int Lev0Factor;
167 | int RTActualUse;
168 | int AddPsis;
169 | double RCut;
170 | } PlaneWaveSpecifics;
171 |
172 | bool FastParsing;
173 |
174 | double Deltat;
175 | int IsAngstroem;
176 | int RelativeCoord;
177 | int StructOpt;
178 | int MaxTypes;
179 | std::string basis;
180 | };
181 |
182 | #endif /* PCPPARSER_HPP_ */