1 | ATOMSOURCE = atom.cpp atom_atominfo.cpp atom_bondedparticle.cpp atom_bondedparticleinfo.cpp atom_graphnode.cpp atom_graphnodeinfo.cpp atom_particleinfo.cpp atom_trajectoryparticle.cpp atom_trajectoryparticleinfo.cpp
2 | ATOMHEADER = atom.hpp atom_atominfo.hpp atom_bondedparticle.hpp atom_bondedparticleinfo.hpp atom_graphnode.hpp atom_graphnodeinfo.hpp atom_particleinfo.hpp atom_trajectoryparticle.hpp atom_trajectoryparticleinfo.hpp
3 |
4 | LINALGSOURCE = gslmatrix.cpp gslvector.cpp linearsystemofequations.cpp
5 | LINALGHEADER = gslmatrix.hpp gslvector.hpp linearsystemofequations.hpp
6 |
7 | ANALYSISSOURCE = analysis_bonds.cpp analysis_correlation.cpp
8 | ANALYSISHEADER = analysis_bonds.hpp analysis_correlation.hpp
9 |
10 | ACTIONSSOURCE = Actions/Action.cpp \
11 | Actions/ActionHistory.cpp \
12 | Actions/ActionRegistry.cpp \
13 | Actions/ActionSequence.cpp \
14 | Actions/ErrorAction.cpp \
15 | Actions/MakroAction.cpp \
16 | Actions/ManipulateAtomsProcess.cpp \
17 | Actions/MethodAction.cpp \
18 | Actions/Process.cpp \
19 | Actions/small_actions.cpp
20 |
21 |
22 | ACTIONSHEADER = Actions/Action.hpp \
23 | Actions/ActionHistory.hpp \
24 | Actions/ActionRegistry.hpp \
25 | Actions/ActionSequence.hpp \
26 | Actions/Calculation.hpp \
27 | Actions/Calculation_impl.hpp \
28 | Actions/ErrorAction.hpp \
29 | Actions/MakroAction.hpp \
30 | Actions/ManipulateAtomsProcess.hpp \
31 | Actions/MethodAction.hpp \
32 | Actions/Process.hpp \
33 | Actions/small_actions.hpp
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | PATTERNSOURCE = Patterns/Observer.cpp
38 | PATTERNHEADER = Patterns/Cacheable.hpp \
39 | Patterns/Observer.hpp \
40 | Patterns/Singleton.hpp
41 |
42 | VIEWSOURCE = Views/View.cpp Views/StringView.cpp Views/MethodStringView.cpp Views/StreamStringView.cpp
43 | VIEWHEADER = Views/View.hpp Views/StringView.hpp Views/MethodStringView.hpp Views/StreamStringView.hpp
44 |
45 | MENUSOURCE = Menu/Menu.cpp Menu/TextMenu.cpp Menu/MenuItem.cpp Menu/SubMenuItem.cpp Menu/ActionMenuItem.cpp Menu/SeperatorItem.cpp Menu/DisplayMenuItem.cpp
46 | MENUHEADER = Menu/Menu.hpp Menu/TextMenu.hpp Menu/MenuItem.hpp Menu/SubMenuItem.hpp Menu/ActionMenuItem.hpp Menu/SeperatorItem.hpp Menu/DisplayMenuItem.hpp
47 |
48 | UISOURCE = ${ACTIONSSOURCE} ${VIEWSOURCE} ${MENUSOURCE} UIElements/UIFactory.cpp UIElements/TextUIFactory.cpp UIElements/MainWindow.cpp UIElements/TextWindow.cpp UIElements/TextStatusIndicator.cpp UIElements/Dialog.cpp UIElements/TextDialog.cpp
49 | UIHEADER = ${ACTIONSHEADER} ${VIEWHEADER} ${MENUHEADER} UIElements/UIFactory.hpp UIElements/TextUIFactory.hpp UIElements/MainWindow.hpp UIElements/TextWindow.hpp UIElements/TextStatusIndicator.hpp UIElements/Dialog.hpp UIElements/TextDialog.hpp
50 |
51 | # all these files are only used for legacy reasons while the transition is in progress
52 | # they are only needed to keep the program usable at any point of the transition and will be
53 | # deleted once everything is fully refactored
54 | LEGACYSOURCE = Legacy/oldmenu.cpp
55 | LEGACYHEADER = Legacy/oldmenu.hpp
56 |
57 | DESCRIPTORSOURCE = Descriptors/AtomDescriptor.cpp \
58 | Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.cpp \
59 | Descriptors/AtomTypeDescriptor.cpp \
60 | Descriptors/MoleculeDescriptor.cpp \
61 | Descriptors/MoleculeIdDescriptor.cpp
62 |
63 |
64 | DESCRIPTORHEADER = Descriptors/AtomDescriptor.hpp \
65 | Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp \
66 | Descriptors/AtomTypeDescriptor.hpp \
67 | Descriptors/MoleculeDescriptor.hpp \
68 | Descriptors/MoleculeIdDescriptor.hpp
69 |
70 |
71 |
73 | ${ATOMSOURCE} \
75 | ${UISOURCE} \
78 | bond.cpp \
79 | bondgraph.cpp \
80 | boundary.cpp \
81 | config.cpp \
82 | element.cpp \
83 | ellipsoid.cpp \
84 | errorlogger.cpp \
85 | graph.cpp \
86 | helpers.cpp \
87 | Helpers/Assert.cpp \
88 | info.cpp \
89 | leastsquaremin.cpp \
90 | linkedcell.cpp \
91 | lists.cpp \
92 | log.cpp \
93 | logger.cpp \
94 | memoryusageobserver.cpp \
95 | moleculelist.cpp \
96 | molecule.cpp \
97 | molecule_dynamics.cpp \
98 | molecule_fragmentation.cpp \
99 | molecule_geometry.cpp \
100 | molecule_graph.cpp \
101 | molecule_pointcloud.cpp \
102 | parser.cpp \
103 | periodentafel.cpp \
104 | tesselation.cpp \
105 | tesselationhelpers.cpp \
106 | triangleintersectionlist.cpp \
107 | vector.cpp \
108 | verbose.cpp \
109 | World.cpp
110 |
111 | HEADER = \
113 | ${ATOMHEADER} \
115 | ${UIHEADER} \
118 | bond.hpp \
119 | bondgraph.hpp \
120 | boundary.hpp \
121 | config.hpp \
122 | defs.hpp \
123 | element.hpp \
124 | ellipsoid.hpp \
125 | errorlogger.hpp \
126 | graph.hpp \
127 | helpers.hpp \
128 | info.hpp \
129 | leastsquaremin.hpp \
130 | linkedcell.hpp \
131 | lists.hpp \
132 | log.hpp \
133 | logger.hpp \
134 | memoryallocator.hpp \
135 | memoryusageobserver.hpp \
136 | molecule.hpp \
137 | molecule_template.hpp \
138 | parser.hpp \
139 | periodentafel.hpp \
140 | stackclass.hpp \
141 | tesselation.hpp \
142 | tesselationhelpers.hpp \
143 | triangleintersectionlist.hpp \
144 | vector.hpp \
145 | verbose.hpp \
146 | World.hpp
147 |
149 | INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src/unittests
150 |
151 | noinst_LIBRARIES = libmolecuilder.a libgslwrapper.a
152 | bin_PROGRAMS = molecuilder joiner analyzer
153 | molecuilderdir = ${bindir}
154 | libmolecuilder_a_SOURCES = ${SOURCE} ${HEADER}
155 | libgslwrapper_a_SOURCES = ${LINALGSOURCE} ${LINALGHEADER}
156 | molecuilder_DATA = elements.db valence.db orbitals.db Hbonddistance.db Hbondangle.db
157 | molecuilder_LDFLAGS = $(BOOST_LDFLAGS)
158 | molecuilder_SOURCES = builder.cpp
159 | molecuilder_LDADD = libmolecuilder.a libgslwrapper.a $(BOOST_LIB) ${BOOST_THREAD_LIB}
160 | joiner_SOURCES = joiner.cpp datacreator.cpp parser.cpp datacreator.hpp helpers.hpp parser.hpp periodentafel.hpp
161 | joiner_LDADD = libmolecuilder.a $(BOOST_LIB) ${BOOST_THREAD_LIB}
162 | analyzer_SOURCES = analyzer.cpp datacreator.cpp parser.cpp helpers.hpp periodentafel.hpp parser.hpp datacreator.hpp
163 | analyzer_LDADD = libmolecuilder.a $(BOOST_LIB) ${BOOST_THREAD_LIB}
164 |
165 | #EXTRA_DIST = ${molecuilder_DATA}
166 |
167 | FORCE:
168 | $(srcdir)/.git-version: FORCE
169 | @if (test -d $(top_srcdir)/../.git && cd $(srcdir) && git describe HEAD) > .git-version-t 2>/dev/null \
170 | && ! diff .git-version-t $(srcdir)/.git-version >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
171 | mv -f .git-version-t $(srcdir)/.git-version; \
172 | else \
173 | rm -f .git-version-t; \
174 | fi
175 |
176 | EXTRA_DIST = $(srcdir)/.git-version
177 |
178 | $(srcdir)/version.c: $(srcdir)/.git-version
179 | echo "const char *ESPACKVersion = \"$(PACKAGE_NAME) -- git version: "`cat $(srcdir)/.git-version`"\";" > $@
180 |
181 | molecuilder_SOURCES += $(srcdir)/version.c