1 | /*
2 | * VMGJob.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jul 12, 2012
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef VMGJOB_HPP_
9 | #define VMGJOB_HPP_
10 |
11 |
12 | // include config.h
13 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 | #include <config.h>
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include "boost/serialization/export.hpp"
18 | #include "boost/serialization/vector.hpp"
19 |
20 | #include "JobMarket/Jobs/FragmentJob.hpp"
21 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/SetValues/SamplingGrid.hpp"
22 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/Containers/VMGData.hpp"
23 |
24 | #include <vector>
25 |
26 | /** This class encapsulates a VMG Job.
27 | *
28 | * VMGJob calculates the long-range contribution that is missed out so far in the
29 | * MPQCJob where the SCF cycle is calculated. To this end
30 | *
31 | */
32 | class VMGJob : public FragmentJob
33 | {
34 | public:
35 | /** Constructor for class VMGJob.
36 | *
37 | * @param _JobId id of the job
38 | * @param _density_grid sampled electron charge density from short-range solutions
39 | * @param _particle_positions position per nuclei
40 | * @param _particle_charges charges per nuclei
41 | * @param _near_field_cells number of grid-points used to smear our nuclei charge
42 | * @param _interpolation_degree degree of interpolation polynomial for getting nuclei
43 | * potential from grid
44 | * @param _DoImportParticles whether we import particles (true) or evaluate only
45 | * @param _DoPrintDebug whether we do print grid for debug visualization or not
46 | */
47 | VMGJob(const JobId_t _JobId,
48 | const SamplingGrid &density_grid,
49 | const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &_particle_positions,
50 | const std::vector< double > &_particle_charges,
51 | const size_t _near_field_cells,
52 | const size_t _interpolation_degree,
53 | const bool _DoImportParticles=true,
54 | const bool _DoPrintDebug=false,
55 | const bool _OpenBoundaryConditions=false
56 | );
57 | virtual ~VMGJob();
58 |
59 | FragmentResult::ptr Work();
60 |
61 | private:
62 | void InitVMG();
63 |
64 | void InitVMGArrays();
65 |
66 | private:
67 | //!> sampled density required as input
68 | const SamplingGrid density_grid;
69 | //!> positions of all nuclei
70 | const std::vector< std::vector< double > > particle_positions;
71 | //!> charges of all nuclei
72 | const std::vector< double > particle_charges;
73 | //!> near field cells used in smearing out core charge density
74 | const size_t near_field_cells;
75 | //!> interpolation degree used in sampling the potential of the nuclei
76 | const size_t interpolation_degree;
77 | //!> whether we import particles (true) or evaluate only
78 | const bool DoImportParticles;
79 | //!> whether we do print grid for debug visualization or not
80 | const bool DoPrintDebug;
81 | //!> whether we have open (true) boundary conditions or periodic (false)
82 | const bool OpenBoundaryConditions;
83 |
84 | private:
85 | //!> temporary instance to hold return data
86 | VMGData returndata;
87 |
88 | /** This structure stores particle values per particle.
89 | *
90 | * \note This structure contains temporary information needed during solving
91 | * with VMG.
92 | * \warning It is specifically not serialized!
93 | *
94 | */
95 | struct particle_arrays {
96 | particle_arrays();
97 | ~particle_arrays();
98 |
99 | /** Initializes arrays.
100 | *
101 | * @param _num_particles size of array per dimension
102 | */
103 | void init(const size_t _num_particles);
104 |
105 | //!> number of particles
106 | size_t num_particles;
107 | //!> forces array
108 | double *f;
109 | //!> position array
110 | double *x;
111 | //!> potential array
112 | double *p;
113 | //!> charge array
114 | double *q;
115 | } particles;
116 |
117 | private:
118 | /** private default cstor for serialization only
119 | */
120 | VMGJob();
121 |
122 | friend class boost::serialization::access;
123 | // serialization
124 | template <typename Archive>
125 | void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
126 | {
127 | ar & boost::serialization::base_object<FragmentJob>(*this);
128 | ar & const_cast< SamplingGrid &>(density_grid);
129 | ar & const_cast< std::vector< std::vector< double > > &>(particle_positions);
130 | ar & const_cast< std::vector< double > &>(particle_charges);
131 | ar & const_cast< size_t &>(near_field_cells);
132 | ar & const_cast< size_t &>(interpolation_degree);
133 | ar & const_cast< bool &>(DoImportParticles);
134 | ar & const_cast< bool &>(DoPrintDebug);
135 | ar & const_cast< bool &>(OpenBoundaryConditions);
136 | ar & returndata;
137 | }
138 | };
139 |
140 | // we need to give this class a unique key for serialization
141 | // its is only serialized through its base class FragmentJob
143 |
144 | #endif /* VMGJOB_HPP_ */