1 | /*
2 | * BoostGraphCreator.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: May 17, 2017
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 |
11 |
12 | // include config.h
13 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 | #include <config.h>
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include <map>
18 | #include <vector>
19 |
20 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
21 | #include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
22 |
23 | #include "types.hpp"
24 |
25 | class atom;
26 | class bond;
27 | class molecule;
28 |
29 | class BoostGraphCreatorTest;
30 | class BreadthFirstSearchGathererTest;
31 |
32 | /** This is a helper class that contains functions to create a boost::graph
33 | * from the present bond graph of molecules.
34 | */
35 | struct BoostGraphCreator
36 | {
37 | //!> grant unit test access to private parts
38 | friend class BoostGraphCreatorTest;
39 | //!> grant unit test access to private parts that use BoostGraphCreator's internal graph
40 | friend class BreadthFirstSearchGathererTest;
41 |
42 | public:
43 |
44 | //!> typedef for an undirected graph using boost::graph
45 | typedef boost::adjacency_list < boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS,
46 | boost::property<boost::vertex_name_t, atomId_t>,
47 | boost::property<boost::vertex_color_t, boost::default_color_type> /* needed for limited-depth DFS,
48 | otherwise the property_map gets full size of graph */
49 | > UndirectedGraph;
50 |
51 | //!> typedef for a map of graph node indices
52 | typedef boost::property_map < UndirectedGraph, boost::vertex_index_t >::type index_map_t;
53 | typedef boost::property_map < UndirectedGraph, boost::vertex_index_t >::const_type const_index_map_t;
54 | //!> typedef for a map of graph node indices
55 | typedef boost::property_map < UndirectedGraph, boost::vertex_name_t >::type name_map_t;
56 | typedef boost::property_map < UndirectedGraph, boost::vertex_name_t >::const_type const_name_map_t;
57 | //!> typedef for the predicate to evaluate for adding the current edge or not
58 | typedef boost::function<bool (const bond &)> predicate_t;
59 | //!> typedef for a Vertex
60 | typedef boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
61 | //!> typedef for vertex iterator
62 | typedef boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
63 | //!> typedef for a Edge
64 | typedef boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
65 | //!> typedef for edge iterator
66 | typedef boost::graph_traits<UndirectedGraph>::edge_iterator edge_iter;
67 |
68 | //!> typedef for a node id
69 | typedef size_t nodeId_t;
70 | //!> typedef for map converting between node id in graph and the associated atomic id
71 | typedef std::map<atomId_t, nodeId_t> atomids_nodeids_t;
72 |
73 | /** Creates the boost::graph using all atoms and bonds in the given \a _mol.
74 | *
75 | * \param _mol molecule whose bond graph to construct
76 | * \param _pred predicate to evaluate on adding each edge/bond
77 | */
78 | void createFromMolecule(
79 | const molecule &_mol,
80 | const predicate_t &_pred);
81 |
82 | /** Creates the boost::graph using all atoms and bonds in the given vector
83 | * of \a _atoms
84 | *
85 | * \param _atoms vector of _atoms whose bond graph to construct
86 | * \param _pred predicate to evaluate on adding each edge/bond
87 | */
88 | void createFromAtoms(
89 | const std::vector<atom *> &_atoms,
90 | const predicate_t &_pred);
91 |
92 | /** Creates the boost::graph from the defining graph6 string where the atom
93 | * nodes map is simply the identity.
94 | *
95 | * \param _graph_string graph6 string defining the graph
96 | */
97 | void createFromGraph6String(
98 | const std::string &_graph_string);
99 |
100 | /** Getter for the created graph.
101 | *
102 | * \return graph
103 | */
104 | UndirectedGraph get() const
105 | { return graph; }
106 |
107 | /** Getter for the index map of the created graph.
108 | *
109 | * \return indexmap
110 | */
111 | index_map_t getIndexMap() const {
112 | return boost::get(boost::vertex_index, graph);
113 | }
114 |
115 | /** Return the number of vertices contained in the created graph.
116 | *
117 | * \return number of vertices
118 | */
119 | size_t getNumVertices() const {
120 | return boost::num_vertices(graph);
121 | }
122 |
123 | /** Return the number of edges contained in the created graph.
124 | *
125 | * \return number of edges
126 | */
127 | size_t getNumEdges() const {
128 | return boost::num_edges(graph);
129 | }
130 |
131 | /** Returns the node id to a given atom id \a _atomid.
132 | *
133 | * \param _atomid atom id
134 | * \return node id
135 | */
136 | nodeId_t getNodeId(const atomId_t &_atomid) const;
137 |
138 | /** General purpose function that contains the internal logic of walking the
139 | * bonds of a set of atoms given by \a _begin and \a _end iterators and
140 | * adding its edges to a graph based on the evaluation of a given predicate
141 | * \a _pred.
142 | *
143 | * \note We need \a _no_nodes because molecule::iterator does not work with
144 | * std::distance.
145 | *
146 | * \param _begin begin iterator
147 | * \param _end end iterator
148 | * \param _no_nodes number of nodes
149 | * \param _pred predicate
150 | */
151 | template <typename iterator>
152 | void createFromRange(
153 | const iterator &_begin,
154 | const iterator &_end,
155 | const size_t &_no_nodes,
156 | const predicate_t &_pred
157 | );
158 |
159 | /** Finds a given edge by its two atomic indices.
160 | *
161 | * \param _firstid first atomic id of edge
162 | * \param _secondid second atomic id of edge
163 | * \return edge descriptor in graph or empty descriptor
164 | */
165 | Edge findEdge(const atomId_t &_firstid, const atomId_t &_secondid);
166 |
167 | /** Allows to remove a present edge in the graph.
168 | *
169 | * \param _firstid first atomic id of edge
170 | * \param _secondid second atomic id of edge
171 | * \return true - edge found and removed, false - else
172 | */
173 | bool removeEdge(const atomId_t &_firstid, const atomId_t &_secondid);
174 |
175 | /** Allows to remove a present edge in the graph.
176 | *
177 | * \param _bondids pair of bond ids
178 | * \return true - edge found and removed, false - else
179 | */
180 | bool removeEdge(const std::pair<atomId_t, atomId_t> &_bondids)
181 | { return removeEdge(_bondids.first, _bondids.second); }
182 |
183 | /** Adds an edge to the graph if not already present.
184 | *
185 | * \param _firstid first atomic id of edge
186 | * \param _secondid second atomic id of edge
187 | * \return true - edge not found thus added, false - else
188 | */
189 | bool addEdge(const atomId_t &_firstid, const atomId_t &_secondid);
190 |
191 | private:
192 | //!> internal graph that is created by creator functions
193 | UndirectedGraph graph;
194 | //!> external property map for all the atomic ids of each graph node
195 | atomids_nodeids_t atomids_nodeids;
196 | };
197 |
198 | #include "BoostGraphCreator_impl.hpp"
199 |
200 |