1 | /*
2 | * Extractors.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: 15.10.2012
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 | // include config.h
12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 | #include <config.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
17 |
18 | #include "Fragmentation/SetValues/Fragment.hpp"
19 | #include "FunctionApproximation/FunctionModel.hpp"
20 |
21 | class Fragment;
22 |
23 | /** Namespace containing all simple extractor functions.
24 | *
25 | */
26 | namespace Extractors {
27 | typedef Fragment::charges_t::const_iterator chargeiter_t;
28 | typedef std::vector<chargeiter_t> chargeiters_t;
29 |
30 | typedef size_t count_t;
31 | typedef Fragment::charge_t element_t;
32 | typedef std::map< element_t, count_t> elementcounts_t;
33 | typedef std::map< element_t, chargeiters_t > elementtargets_t;
34 | typedef std::vector< chargeiters_t > targets_per_combination_t;
35 | //!> typedef for particle designation
36 | typedef int ParticleType_t;
37 | //!> typedef for a vector of particle designations
38 | typedef std::vector<ParticleType_t> ParticleTypes_t;
39 |
40 | /** Namespace for some internal helper functions.
41 | *
42 | */
43 | namespace _detail {
44 | /** Gather all distance arguments from the same aligned vector of charges.
45 | *
46 | * Basically, we filter the positions indicated by the targets but
47 | * from a different vector that has the same layout.
48 | *
49 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
50 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
51 | * \param targets iterators on charges
52 | * \return filtered distance arguments
53 | */
54 | FunctionModel::arguments_t gatherDistancesFromTargets(
55 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
56 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
57 | const chargeiters_t &targets,
58 | const size_t globalid
59 | );
60 |
61 | /** Gather all positions from the same aligned vector of charges.
62 | *
63 | * Basically, we filter the positions indicated by the targets but
64 | * from a different vector that has the same layout.
65 | *
66 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
67 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
68 | * \param targets iterators on charges
69 | * \return filtered positions
70 | */
71 | Fragment::positions_t gatherPositionsFromTargets(
72 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
73 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
74 | const chargeiters_t& targets
75 | );
76 |
77 | /** Counts all same elements in the vector and places into map of elements.
78 | *
79 | * \param elements vector of elements
80 | * \return count of same element in vector
81 | */
82 | elementcounts_t getElementCounts(
83 | const Fragment::charges_t elements
84 | );
85 |
86 | /** Gather iterators to the elements related to the desired elementcounts.
87 | *
88 | * \param charges charges wherein to search for the elements
89 | * \param elementcounts number of desired hits per element
90 | * \return iterators equal to the initial vector of elements
91 | */
92 | elementtargets_t convertElementcountsToTargets(
93 | const Fragment::charges_t &charges,
94 | const elementcounts_t &elementcounts
95 | );
96 |
97 | /** Convert the alignment back to as it was in the original vector.
98 | *
99 | * We lost the information by storing it in a map. Hence, we need this
100 | * final step.
101 | *
102 | * \param elementtargets targets as they are in the map \a elementcounts
103 | * \param elements the original order of the elements
104 | * \param elementcounts the count per element for debugging checks
105 | * \return vector of targets in the order as they are in \a element
106 | */
107 | chargeiters_t realignElementtargets(
108 | const elementtargets_t &elementtargets,
109 | const Fragment::charges_t elements,
110 | const elementcounts_t &elementcounts
111 | );
112 |
113 | /** Searches for desired elements in charges in a unique manner.
114 | *
115 | * The idea is to have e.g. a fragment with charges 8,1,1,2 and
116 | * elements as 1,8,1 (e.g. for an angle HOH) and we get the
117 | * chargeiters in the desired manner on indices: 1,0,3.
118 | *
119 | * \param charges charges to look through
120 | * \param elements vector of elements to find
121 | */
122 | chargeiters_t
123 | gatherTargetsFromFragment(
124 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
125 | const Fragment::charges_t elements
126 | );
127 |
128 | /** Brings all charges together in a map.
129 | *
130 | * @param charges charges as possible keys and their iterators as values in the map
131 | * @param elements list of charges to pick as keys
132 | * @return map of key and a vector of charge iterators
133 | */
134 | elementtargets_t convertChargesToTargetMap(
135 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
136 | Fragment::charges_t elements
137 | );
138 |
139 | /** Brings combinatorially together desired list of \a charges and \a targets.
140 | *
141 | * @param charges list of desired charges
142 | * @param elementtargets map of available targets per element
143 | * @return vector of chargeiters with all unique combinations
144 | */
145 | targets_per_combination_t
146 | CombineChargesAndTargets(
147 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
148 | const elementtargets_t& elementtargets
149 | );
150 |
151 | /** Recursive function to pick the next target.
152 | *
153 | * This is used by \sa CombineChargesAndTargets()
154 | *
155 | * @param charges set of charges, reduced by one per recursion
156 | * @param elementtargets targets, map of targets to pick from
157 | * @param currenttargets current set of targets, "global" through recursion
158 | * @param addFunction bound function to add a set when complete
159 | */
160 | void pickLastElementAsTarget(
161 | Fragment::charges_t elements,
162 | elementtargets_t elementtargets,
163 | chargeiters_t& currenttargets,
164 | boost::function<void (const chargeiters_t ¤ttargets)> &addFunction
165 | );
166 |
167 | /** Converts a list of chargeiters to a list of respective arguments.
168 | *
169 | * @param positions positions from fragment
170 | * @param charges charges associated to each element in \a positions
171 | * @param combinations vector of chargeiters
172 | * \param globalid refers to the index within the global set of configurations
173 | * @return list of arguments
174 | */
175 | FunctionModel::arguments_t
176 | convertTargetsToArguments(
177 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
178 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
179 | const targets_per_combination_t combinations,
180 | const size_t globalid
181 | );
182 | }
183 |
184 | /** Gather all distances from a given set of positions.
185 | *
186 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
187 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
188 | * \param globalid index to associated in argument_t with
189 | * \return vector of argument_ , each with a distance
190 | */
191 | FunctionModel::arguments_t
192 | gatherAllDistanceArguments(
193 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
194 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
195 | const size_t globalid);
196 |
197 | /** Gather all distances from a given set of positions.
198 | *
199 | * Here, we only return one of the two equal distances.
200 | *
201 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
202 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
203 | * \param globalid index to associated in argument_t with
204 | * \return vector of argument_ , each with a distance
205 | */
206 | FunctionModel::arguments_t
207 | gatherAllSymmetricDistanceArguments(
208 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
209 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
210 | const size_t globalid);
211 |
212 | /** Simple extractor of all unique pair distances of a given \a fragment.
213 | *
214 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
215 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
216 | * \param index index refers to the index within the global set of configurations
217 | * \return vector of of argument_t containing all found distances
218 | */
219 | inline FunctionModel::arguments_t gatherAllDistances(
220 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
221 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
222 | const size_t index
223 | ) {
224 | // get distance out of Fragment
225 | return gatherAllDistanceArguments(positions, charges, index);
226 | }
227 |
228 | /** Simple extractor of all unique pair distances of a given \a fragment, where
229 | * the first index is less than the second one.
230 | *
231 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
232 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
233 | * \param index index refers to the index within the global set of configurations
234 | * \return vector of of argument_t containing all found distances
235 | */
236 | inline FunctionModel::arguments_t gatherAllSymmetricDistances(
237 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
238 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
239 | const size_t index
240 | ) {
241 | // get distance out of Fragment
242 | return gatherAllSymmetricDistanceArguments(positions, charges, index);
243 | }
244 |
245 | /** Filters only those positions out of given \a fragment that match \a elements.
246 | *
247 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
248 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
249 | * \param elements tuple of desired elements
250 | * \return vector of positions_t containing
251 | */
252 | Fragment::positions_t gatherPositionsFromFragment(
253 | const Fragment::positions_t positions,
254 | const Fragment::charges_t charges,
255 | const Fragment::charges_t& elements
256 | );
257 |
258 | /** Filters only those distances out of given \a fragment that match \a elements.
259 | *
260 | * \param positions all nuclei positions
261 | * \param charges all nuclei charges
262 | * \param elements tuple of desired elements
263 | * \param globalid refers to the index within the global set of configurations
264 | * \return vector of arguments_t containing those matched with elements
265 | */
266 | FunctionModel::arguments_t gatherDistancesFromFragment(
267 | const Fragment::positions_t positions,
268 | const Fragment::charges_t charges,
269 | const Fragment::charges_t& elements,
270 | const size_t globalid
271 | );
272 |
273 | /** Gather all combinations of charges as distance arguments from the fragment.
274 | *
275 | * E.g. we have a water fragment, i.e. (8,1,1) and we we want elements (8,1),
276 | * then two arguments are returned, first to second and first to third.
277 | *
278 | * With \sa gatherDistancesFromFragment() only the first distance would be
279 | * returned.
280 | *
281 | * @param positions positions in fragment
282 | * @param charges charges in fragment
283 | * @param elements list of desired elements
284 | * @param globalid some global id to discern training data tuples
285 | * @return list of arguments with distances
286 | */
287 | FunctionModel::arguments_t gatherAllDistancesFromFragment(
288 | const Fragment::positions_t& positions,
289 | const Fragment::charges_t& charges,
290 | const Fragment::charges_t elements,
291 | const size_t globalid
292 | );
293 |
294 | /** Reorder arguments by increasing distance.
295 | *
296 | * \param args arguments to reorder
297 | * \return reordered args
298 | */
299 | FunctionModel::arguments_t reorderArgumentsByIncreasingDistance(
300 | const FunctionModel::arguments_t &args
301 | );
302 |
303 | /** Reorder arguments according to types.
304 | *
305 | * If particle types is (0,1,2) and three argumens, each with a pair of types,
306 | * are given, then the alignment will be: (0,1), (0,2), and (1,2).
307 | *
308 | * \param args arguments to reorder
309 | * \param _types particle type vector
310 | * \return reordered args
311 | */
312 | FunctionModel::arguments_t reorderArgumentsByParticleTypes(
313 | const FunctionModel::arguments_t &args,
314 | const ParticleTypes_t &_types
315 | );
316 |
317 | /** Combines two argument lists by concatenation.
318 | *
319 | * @param firstargs first list of arguments
320 | * @param secondargs second list of arguments
321 | * @return concatenated lists
322 | */
323 | FunctionModel::arguments_t combineArguments(
324 | const FunctionModel::arguments_t &firstargs,
325 | const FunctionModel::arguments_t &secondargs);
326 |
327 | }; /* namespace Extractors */
328 |
329 |