/* * Project: MoleCuilder * Description: creates and alters molecular systems * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved. * * * This file is part of MoleCuilder. * * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see . */ /** \file analyzer.cpp * * Takes evaluated fragments (energy and forces) and does evaluation of how sensible the BOSSANOVA * approach was, e.g. in the decay of the many-body-contributions. * */ //============================ INCLUDES =========================== // include config.h #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "datacreator.hpp" #include "Element/periodentafel.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/defs.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/EnergyMatrix.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/ForceMatrix.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/helpers.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/HessianMatrix.hpp" #include "Fragmentation/KeySetsContainer.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp" #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp" //============================== MAIN ============================= int main(int argc, char **argv) { periodentafel *periode = NULL; // and a period table of all elements EnergyMatrix Energy; EnergyMatrix EnergyFragments; ForceMatrix Force; ForceMatrix ForceFragments; HessianMatrix Hessian; HessianMatrix HessianFragments; EnergyMatrix Hcorrection; EnergyMatrix HcorrectionFragments; ForceMatrix Shielding; ForceMatrix ShieldingPAS; ForceMatrix Chi; ForceMatrix ChiPAS; EnergyMatrix Time; ForceMatrix ShieldingFragments; ForceMatrix ShieldingPASFragments; ForceMatrix ChiFragments; ForceMatrix ChiPASFragments; KeySetsContainer KeySet; std::ofstream output; std::ofstream output2; std::ofstream output3; std::ofstream output4; std::ifstream input; std::stringstream filename; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *ts = localtime(&t); char *datum = asctime(ts); std::stringstream Orderxrange; std::stringstream Fragmentxrange; std::stringstream yrange; char *dir = NULL; bool NoHessian = false; bool NoTime = false; bool NoHCorrection = true; int counter = 0; LOG(0, "ANOVA Analyzer"); LOG(0, "=============="); // Get the command line options if (argc < 4) { LOG(0, "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [elementsdb]"); LOG(0, "\ttherein the output of a molecuilder fragmentation is expected, each fragment with a subdir containing an energy.all and a forces.all file."); LOG(0, "\tprefix of energy and forces file."); LOG(0, "\tcreated plotfiles and datafiles are placed into this directory "); LOG(0, "[elementsdb]\tpath to elements database, needed for shieldings."); return 1; } else { dir = new char[strlen(argv[2]) + 2]; strcpy(dir, "/"); strcat(dir, argv[2]); } if (argc > 4) { LOG(0, "Loading periodentafel."); periode = new periodentafel; periode->LoadPeriodentafel(argv[4]); } // Test the given directory if (!TestParams(argc, argv)) { delete dir; delete periode; return 1; } // +++++++++++++++++ PARSING +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // ------------- Parse through all Fragment subdirs -------- if (!Energy.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, EnergySuffix,0,0)) return 1; if (!Hcorrection.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], "", HCORRECTIONSUFFIX,0,0)) { NoHCorrection = true; ELOG(2, "No HCorrection file found, skipping these."); } if (!Force.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ForcesSuffix,0,0)) return 1; if (!Hessian.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, HessianSuffix,0,0)) { NoHessian = true; ELOG(2, "No Hessian file found, skipping these."); } if (!Time.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, TimeSuffix, 10,1)) { NoTime = true; ELOG(2, "No speed file found, skipping these."); } if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values if (!Shielding.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; if (!ShieldingPAS.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingPASSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; if (!Chi.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; if (!ChiPAS.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiPASSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; } // ---------- Parse the TE Factors into an array ----------------- if (!Energy.ParseIndices()) return 1; if (!NoHCorrection) Hcorrection.ParseIndices(); // ---------- Parse the Force indices into an array --------------- if (!Force.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if (!ForceFragments.AllocateMatrix(Force.Header, Force.MatrixCounter, Force.RowCounter, Force.ColumnCounter)) return 1; if (!ForceFragments.InitialiseIndices((class MatrixContainer *)&Force)) return 1; // ---------- Parse hessian indices into an array ----------------- if (!NoHessian) { if (!Hessian.InitialiseIndices((class MatrixContainer *)&Force)) return 1; if (!HessianFragments.AllocateMatrix(Hessian.Header, Hessian.MatrixCounter, Hessian.RowCounter, Hessian.ColumnCounter)) return 1; if (!HessianFragments.InitialiseIndices((class MatrixContainer *)&Force)) return 1; } // ---------- Parse the shielding indices into an array --------------- if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values if(!Shielding.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if(!ShieldingPAS.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if (!ShieldingFragments.AllocateMatrix(Shielding.Header, Shielding.MatrixCounter, Shielding.RowCounter, Shielding.ColumnCounter)) return 1; if (!ShieldingPASFragments.AllocateMatrix(ShieldingPAS.Header, ShieldingPAS.MatrixCounter, ShieldingPAS.RowCounter, ShieldingPAS.ColumnCounter)) return 1; if(!ShieldingFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if(!ShieldingPASFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if(!Chi.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if(!ChiPAS.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if (!ChiFragments.AllocateMatrix(Chi.Header, Chi.MatrixCounter, Chi.RowCounter, Chi.ColumnCounter)) return 1; if (!ChiPASFragments.AllocateMatrix(ChiPAS.Header, ChiPAS.MatrixCounter, ChiPAS.RowCounter, ChiPAS.ColumnCounter)) return 1; if(!ChiFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; if(!ChiPASFragments.ParseIndices(argv[1])) return 1; } // ---------- Parse the KeySets into an array --------------- if (!KeySet.ParseKeySets(argv[1], Force.RowCounter, Force.MatrixCounter)) return 1; if (!KeySet.ParseManyBodyTerms()) return 1; // ---------- Parse fragment files created by 'joiner' into an array ------------- if (!EnergyFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, EnergyFragmentSuffix,0,0)) return 1; if (!NoHCorrection) HcorrectionFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, HcorrectionFragmentSuffix,0,0); if (!ForceFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ForceFragmentSuffix,0,0)) return 1; if (!NoHessian) if (!HessianFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, HessianFragmentSuffix,0,0)) return 1; if (periode != NULL) { // also look for PAS values if (!ShieldingFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; if (!ShieldingPASFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ShieldingPASFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; if (!ChiFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; if (!ChiPASFragments.ParseFragmentMatrix(argv[1], dir, ChiPASFragmentSuffix, 1, 0)) return 1; } // +++++++++++++++ TESTING ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // print energy and forces to file filename.str(""); filename << argv[3] << "/" << "energy-forces.all"; output.open(filename.str().c_str(), ios::out); output << endl << "Total Energy" << endl << "==============" << endl << Energy.Header[Energy.MatrixCounter] << endl; for(int j=0;j MYEPSILON) output2 << "\t" << scientific << Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter]-1 ][k] / Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter] ][k]; else output2 << "\t" << scientific << Time.Matrix[ Time.MatrixCounter ][ Time.RowCounter[Time.MatrixCounter]-1 ][k]; } output << endl; output2 << endl; } output.close(); output2.close(); } if (!NoHessian) { // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in hessian to full QM if (!CreateDataDeltaHessianOrderPerAtom(Hessian, HessianFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaHessian_xx-Order", "Plot of error between approximated hessian and full hessian versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; if (!CreateDataDeltaFrobeniusOrderPerAtom(Hessian, HessianFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaFrobeniusHessian_xx-Order", "Plot of error between approximated hessian and full hessian in the frobenius norm versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Hessian vs. Order if (!CreateDataHessianOrderPerAtom(HessianFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Hessian_xx-Order", "Plot of approximated hessian versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "Hessian_xx-Order.dat" )) return false; output << endl << "# Full" << endl; for(int j=0;j1) && (k<6))? 1.e6 : 1.) << "\t"; output << endl; } output.close(); if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrderPerAtom(ChiPAS, ChiPASFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaChisPAS-Order", "Plot of error between approximated Chis and full Chis versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; if (!CreateDataForcesOrderPerAtom(ChiPASFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "ChisPAS-Order", "Plot of approximated Chis versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "ChisPAS-Order.dat" )) return false; output << endl << "# Full" << endl; for(int j=0;j1) && (k<6))? 1.e6 : 1.) << "\t"; output << endl; } output.close(); } // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in energy to full QM if (!CreateDataDeltaEnergyOrder(Energy, EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaEnergies-Order", "Plot of error between approximated and full energies energies versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Energies vs. Order if (!CreateDataEnergyOrder(EnergyFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Energies-Order", "Plot of approximated energies versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Plotting deviation in forces to full QM if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrderPerAtom(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaForces-Order", "Plot of error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; // min force if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrder(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMinForces-Order", "Plot of min error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMinimumForce)) return 1; // mean force if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrder(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMeanForces-Order", "Plot of mean error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMeanForce)) return 1; // max force if (!CreateDataDeltaForcesOrder(Force, ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "DeltaMaxForces-Order", "Plot of max error between approximated forces and full forces versus the Bond Order", datum, CreateMaximumForce)) return 1; // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Plotting Forces vs. Order if (!CreateDataForcesOrderPerAtom(ForceFragments, KeySet, argv[3], "Forces-Order", "Plot of approximated forces versus the Bond Order", datum)) return 1; if (!AppendOutputFile(output, argv[3], "Forces-Order.dat" )) return false; output << endl << "# Full" << endl; for(int j=0;j