* Project: MoleCuilder
* Description: creates and alters molecular systems
* Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of MoleCuilder.
* MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MoleCuilder. If not, see .
* Interfragmenter.cpp
* Created on: Jul 5, 2013
* Author: heber
// include config.h
//#include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
#include "Interfragmenter.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
#include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
#include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
#include "Descriptors/AtomDescriptor.hpp"
#include "Element/element.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/Graph.hpp"
#include "Fragmentation/KeySet.hpp"
#include "LinkedCell/LinkedCell_View.hpp"
#include "LinkedCell/types.hpp"
#include "World.hpp"
static Vector getAtomIdSetCenter(
const AtomIdSet &_atoms)
const molecule * const _mol = (*_atoms.begin())->getMolecule();
const size_t atoms_size = _atoms.getAtomIds().size();
Vector center;
for (AtomIdSet::const_iterator iter = _atoms.begin();
iter != _atoms.end(); ++iter) {
center += (*iter)->getPosition();
ASSERT ( _mol == (*iter)->getMolecule(),
"getAtomIdSetCenter() - ids in same keyset belong to different molecule.");
center *= 1./(double)atoms_size;
return center;
Interfragmenter::candidates_t Interfragmenter::getNeighborsOutsideMolecule(
const AtomIdSet &_atoms,
double _Rcut,
const enum HydrogenTreatment _treatment) const
/// go through linked cell and get all neighboring atoms up to Rcut
const LinkedCell::LinkedCell_View view = World::getInstance().getLinkedCell(_Rcut);
const Vector center = getAtomIdSetCenter(_atoms);
const LinkedCell::LinkedList neighbors = view.getAllNeighbors(_Rcut, center);
LOG(4, "DEBUG: Obtained " << neighbors.size() << " neighbors in distance of "
<< _Rcut << " around " << center << ".");
/// remove all atoms that belong to same molecule as does one of the
/// fragment's atoms
const molecule * const _mol = (*_atoms.begin())->getMolecule();
candidates_t candidates;
for (LinkedCell::LinkedList::const_iterator iter = neighbors.begin();
iter != neighbors.end(); ++iter) {
const atom * const _atom = static_cast(*iter);
ASSERT( _atom != NULL,
"Interfragmenter::getNeighborsOutsideMolecule() - a neighbor is not actually an atom?");
if ((_atom->getMolecule() != _mol)
&& (_atom->getPosition().DistanceSquared(center) < _Rcut*_Rcut)
&& ((_treatment == IncludeHydrogen) || (_atom->getType()->getAtomicNumber() != 1))) {
LOG(3, "DEBUG: There remain " << candidates.size() << " candidates.");
return candidates;
void Interfragmenter::combineFragments(
const size_t _MaxOrder,
const candidates_t &_candidates,
const atomkeyset_t &_fragmentmap,
const KeySet &_keyset,
Graph &_InterFragments,
int &_counter)
for (candidates_t::const_iterator candidateiter = _candidates.begin();
candidateiter != _candidates.end(); ++candidateiter) {
const atom *_atom = *candidateiter;
LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current candidate is " << *_atom << ".");
atomkeyset_t::const_iterator finditer = _fragmentmap.find(_atom->getId());
ASSERT( finditer != _fragmentmap.end(),
"Interfragmenter::combineFragments() - could not find atom "
+toString(_atom->getId())+" in fragment specific lookup.");
// copy set to allow erase
keysets_t othersets(finditer->second);
ASSERT( !othersets.empty(),
"Interfragmenter::combineFragments() - keysets to "+toString(_atom->getId())+
"is empty.");
keysets_t::iterator otheriter = othersets.begin();
while (otheriter != othersets.end()) {
const KeySet &otherset = *otheriter;
LOG(3, "DEBUG: Current keyset is " << otherset << ".");
// only add them one way round and not the other
if (otherset < _keyset) {
// only add if combined they don't exceed the desired maxorder
if (otherset.size() + _keyset.size() > _MaxOrder) {
LOG(3, "INFO: Rejecting " << otherset << " as in sum their orders exceed " << _MaxOrder);
KeySet newset(otherset);
newset.insert(_keyset.begin(), _keyset.end());
LOG(3, "DEBUG: Inserting new combined set " << newset << ".");
_InterFragments.insert( std::make_pair(newset, std::make_pair(++_counter, 1.)));
// finally, remove the set such that no other combination exists
otheriter = othersets.erase(otheriter);
void Interfragmenter::operator()(
Graph &TotalGraph,
const size_t MaxOrder,
const double Rcut,
const enum HydrogenTreatment treatment)
AtomFragmentsMap& atomfragments_container = AtomFragmentsMap::getInstance();
const atomkeyset_t &atomkeyset = atomfragments_container.getMap();
Graph InterFragments;
int counter = atomkeyset.size();
/// go through all fragments up to MaxOrder
LOG(1, "INFO: Creating inter-fragments.");
for (atomkeyset_t::const_iterator atomiter = atomkeyset.begin();
atomiter != atomkeyset.end(); ++atomiter) {
const atomId_t &atomid = atomiter->first;
LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current atomid is " << atomid);
const AtomFragmentsMap::keysets_t &keysets = atomiter->second;
for (AtomFragmentsMap::keysets_t::const_iterator keyiter = keysets.begin();
keyiter != keysets.end(); ++keyiter) {
const KeySet &keyset = *keyiter;
const AtomIdSet atoms(keyset);
const size_t atoms_size = atoms.getAtomIds().size();
if ((atoms_size > MaxOrder) || (atoms_size == 0))
// get neighboring atoms outside the current molecule
candidates_t candidates = getNeighborsOutsideMolecule(atoms, Rcut, treatment);
// create a lookup specific to this fragment
std::vector atomids(candidates.size());
candidates.begin(), candidates.end(),
boost::bind(&atom::getId, _1));
atomkeyset_t fragmentmap = atomfragments_container.getMap(atomids, MaxOrder);
/// combine each remaining fragment with current fragment to a new fragment
/// if keyset is less (to prevent addding same inter-fragment twice)
combineFragments(MaxOrder, candidates, fragmentmap, keyset, InterFragments, counter);
/// eventually, add all new fragments to the Graph
counter = atomkeyset.size();
TotalGraph.InsertGraph(InterFragments, counter);
double Interfragmenter::findLargestCutoff(
const size_t _MaxOrder,
const double _upperbound,
const enum HydrogenTreatment _treatment) const
double Rcut = _upperbound*_upperbound;
std::pair ClosestPair;
// place all atoms into LC grid with some upper bound
const LinkedCell::LinkedCell_View view = World::getInstance().getLinkedCell(_upperbound);
// go through each atom and find closest atom not in the same keyset
AtomFragmentsMap& atomfragments_container = AtomFragmentsMap::getInstance();
const atomkeyset_t &atomkeyset = atomfragments_container.getMap();
for (atomkeyset_t::const_iterator atomiter = atomkeyset.begin();
atomiter != atomkeyset.end(); ++atomiter) {
const atomId_t &atomid = atomiter->first;
LOG(2, "DEBUG: Current atomid is " << atomid);
const AtomFragmentsMap::keysets_t &keysets = atomiter->second;
for (AtomFragmentsMap::keysets_t::const_iterator keyiter = keysets.begin();
keyiter != keysets.end(); ++keyiter) {
const KeySet &keyset = *keyiter;
const AtomIdSet atoms(keyset);
// get neighboring atoms outside the current molecule
const candidates_t candidates = getNeighborsOutsideMolecule(atoms, _upperbound, _treatment);
const Vector center = getAtomIdSetCenter(atoms);
for (candidates_t::const_iterator candidateiter = candidates.begin();
candidateiter != candidates.end(); ++candidateiter) {
atom const * const Walker = *candidateiter;
// go through each atom in set and pick minimal distance
for (AtomIdSet::const_iterator setiter = atoms.begin(); setiter != atoms.end(); ++setiter) {
const double distanceSquared = Walker->getPosition().DistanceSquared(center);
// pick the smallest compared to current Rcut if smaller
if (distanceSquared < Rcut) {
Rcut = distanceSquared;
ClosestPair.first = (*setiter)->getId();
ClosestPair.second = Walker->getId();
LOG(2, "DEBUG: Found new pair " << ClosestPair << " with distance " << sqrt(Rcut));
const double largest_distance = sqrt(Rcut);
LOG(1, "INFO: Largest inter-fragment distance to cause no additional fragments: "
<< largest_distance);
return largest_distance;