[6393ff] | 1 | /*
| 2 | * SphericalPointDistribution_assistant.hpp
| 3 | *
| 4 | * Created on: Jul 12, 2014
| 5 | * Author: heber
| 6 | */
| 7 |
| 10 |
| 11 | // include config.h
| 12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
| 13 | #include <config.h>
| 14 | #endif
| 15 |
| 16 | #include "SphericalPointDistributionUnitTest.hpp"
| 17 |
| 18 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
| 19 |
| 20 | #include "Atom/TesselPoint.hpp"
| 21 | #include "Fragmentation/Exporters/SphericalPointDistribution.hpp"
| 22 | #include "LinkedCell/linkedcell.hpp"
| 23 | #include "LinkedCell/PointCloudAdaptor.hpp"
| 24 | #include "Tesselation/BoundaryLineSet.hpp"
| 25 | #include "Tesselation/tesselation.hpp"
| 26 |
| 27 |
| 28 | // class generator: taken from www.cplusplus.com example std::generate
| 29 | struct c_unique {
| 30 | unsigned int current;
| 31 | c_unique() {current=0;}
| 32 | unsigned int operator()() {return current++;}
| 33 | } UniqueNumber;
| 34 |
| 35 | struct VectorToTesselPoint
| 36 | {
| 37 | TesselPoint * operator()(const Vector &_v, const unsigned int _index) {
| 38 | TesselPoint *t = new TesselPoint();
| 39 | t->setPosition(_v);
| 40 | t->setNr(_index);
| 41 | return t;
| 42 | }
| 43 | };
| 44 |
[2ccdf4] | 45 | // is declared in cpp module
| 46 | void freeTesselPointSTLList(TesselPointSTLList &_Corners);
| 47 |
[6393ff] | 48 | /** UnitTest for getConnections()
| 49 | */
| 50 | template <int N>
| 51 | void SphericalPointDistributionTest_assistant::getConnectionTest()
| 52 | {
| 53 | SphericalPointDistribution SPD(1.);
| 54 | // get the points and convert into TesselPoint list
| 55 | SphericalPointDistribution::Polygon_t newpolygon = SPD.get<N>();
| 56 | TesselPointSTLList Corners;
| 57 | SphericalPointDistribution::IndexList_t indices(N);
| 58 | std::generate(indices.begin(), indices.end(), UniqueNumber);
| 59 | std::transform(
| 60 | newpolygon.begin(), newpolygon.end(),
| 61 | indices.begin(),
| 62 | std::back_inserter(Corners),
| 63 | VectorToTesselPoint());
| 64 |
| 65 | // create the tesselation
| 66 | const double SPHERERADIUS = 1.5;
| 67 | Tesselation TesselStruct;
| 68 | PointCloudAdaptor<TesselPointSTLList> cloud(&Corners, "TesselPointSTLList");
| 69 | TesselStruct(cloud, SPHERERADIUS);
| 70 |
| 71 | // create a adjacency list from a tesselation of the (convex set of) points
| 72 | SphericalPointDistribution::adjacency_t adjacency;
| 73 | for (LineMap::const_iterator iter = TesselStruct.LinesOnBoundary.begin();
| 74 | iter != TesselStruct.LinesOnBoundary.end(); ++iter) {
| 75 | const BoundaryLineSet * const line = iter->second;
| 76 | {
| 77 | std::pair< SphericalPointDistribution::adjacency_t::iterator, bool > inserter =
| 78 | adjacency.insert(
| 79 | std::make_pair(
| 80 | line->endpoints[0]->Nr,
| 81 | SphericalPointDistribution::IndexSet_t() ));
| 82 | inserter.first->second.insert(line->endpoints[1]->Nr);
| 83 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: Inserting " << line->endpoints[0]->Nr << "," << line->endpoints[1]->Nr);
| 84 | }
| 85 | {
| 86 | std::pair< SphericalPointDistribution::adjacency_t::iterator, bool > inserter =
| 87 | adjacency.insert(
| 88 | std::make_pair(
| 89 | line->endpoints[1]->Nr,
| 90 | SphericalPointDistribution::IndexSet_t() ));
| 91 | inserter.first->second.insert(line->endpoints[0]->Nr);
| 92 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: Inserting " << line->endpoints[1]->Nr << "," << line->endpoints[0]->Nr);
| 93 | }
| 94 | }
| 95 |
[2ccdf4] | 96 | // free allocated TesselPoints
| 97 | freeTesselPointSTLList(Corners);
| 98 |
[6393ff] | 99 | // get the implemented connections
| 100 | SphericalPointDistribution::adjacency_t expected =
| 101 | SPD.getConnections<N>();
| 102 |
| 103 | // // print the map: for debugging and extracting the edges for getConnections()
| 104 | // std::cout << "\tadjacency_t adjacency;" << std::endl;
| 105 | // for (SphericalPointDistribution::adjacency_t::const_iterator iter = adjacency.begin();
| 106 | // iter != adjacency.end(); ++iter) {
| 107 | // std::cout << "\tadjacency += make_pair<unsigned int, IndexSet_t >( "
| 108 | // << iter->first << ", list_of<unsigned int>";
| 109 | // for (SphericalPointDistribution::IndexSet_t::const_iterator indexiter = iter->second.begin();
| 110 | // indexiter != iter->second.end(); ++indexiter)
| 111 | // std::cout << "(" << *indexiter << ")";
| 112 | // std::cout << " );" << std::endl;
| 113 | // }
| 114 |
| 115 | // and compare the two
| 116 | CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( expected, adjacency );
| 117 | }
| 118 |
| 119 |