1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2011 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Copyright (C) 2013 Frederik Heber. All rights reserved.
6 | *
7 | *
8 | * This file is part of MoleCuilder.
9 | *
10 | * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
13 | * (at your option) any later version.
14 | *
15 | * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
19 | *
20 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 | * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 | */
23 |
24 | /*
25 | * ExportGraph_ToJobs.cpp
26 | *
27 | * Created on: 08.03.2012
28 | * Author: heber
29 | */
30 |
31 | // include config.h
32 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
33 | #include <config.h>
34 | #endif
35 |
36 | // boost asio required before MemDebug due to placement new
37 | #include <boost/asio.hpp>
38 |
39 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
40 |
41 | #include "Fragmentation/Exporters/ExportGraph_ToJobs.hpp"
42 |
43 | #include <algorithm>
44 | #include <cmath>
45 | #include <limits>
46 |
47 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
48 |
49 | #include "Box.hpp"
50 | #include "Fragmentation/KeySet.hpp"
51 | #include "Fragmentation/Automation/FragmentJobQueue.hpp"
52 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
53 | #ifdef HAVE_JOBMARKET
54 | #include "Jobs/MPQCJob.hpp"
55 | #else
56 | #include "Jobs/MPQCCommandJob.hpp"
57 | #endif
58 | #include "LinearAlgebra/RealSpaceMatrix.hpp"
59 | #include "Parser/FormatParserStorage.hpp"
60 | #include "World.hpp"
61 |
62 | const double ExportGraph_ToJobs::log_two(log(2.));
63 |
64 | ExportGraph_ToJobs::ExportGraph_ToJobs(
65 | const Graph &_graph,
66 | const enum HydrogenTreatment _treatment,
67 | const enum HydrogenSaturation _saturation,
68 | const SaturatedFragment::GlobalSaturationPositions_t &_globalsaturationpositions) :
69 | ExportGraph(_graph, _treatment, _saturation,_globalsaturationpositions),
70 | level(5),
71 | max_meshwidth(0.),
72 | minimum_empty_boundary(5./AtomicLengthToAngstroem)
73 | {}
74 |
75 | ExportGraph_ToJobs::~ExportGraph_ToJobs()
76 | {}
77 |
78 | SamplingGridProperties ExportGraph_ToJobs::getDomainGrid(
79 | const int _level)
80 | {
81 | double domain_begin[NDIM] = { 0., 0., 0. };
82 | RealSpaceMatrix M = World::getInstance().getDomain().getM();
83 | M *= 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem; // scale to atomic length units
84 | const double size = std::max( std::max(M.at(0,0), M.at(1,1)), M.at(2,2));
85 | double domain_end[NDIM] = { size, size, size };
86 | SamplingGridProperties grid(domain_begin, domain_end, _level);
87 | return grid;
88 | }
89 |
90 | SamplingGridProperties ExportGraph_ToJobs::getGridExtentsForGivenBoundingBox(
91 | const std::pair<Vector, Vector> &_minmax,
92 | const SamplingGridProperties &_domain,
93 | const double & _minimum_empty_boundary
94 | )
95 | {
96 | // return value
97 | SamplingGridProperties fragment_window;
98 |
99 | /// determine center of fragment
100 | const Vector center = .5*(_minmax.first + _minmax.second);
101 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: center of fragment is at " << center);
102 |
103 | /// associate center to its containing grid cell (defined by boundary points)
104 | Vector lower_center;
105 | Vector higher_center;
106 | bool equal_components[NDIM] = { false, false, false };
107 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i) {
108 | lower_center[i] = _domain.getNearestLowerGridPoint(center[i], i);
109 | higher_center[i] = _domain.getNearestHigherGridPoint(center[i], i);
110 | equal_components[i] =
111 | fabs(lower_center[i] - higher_center[i]) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()*1e4;
112 | }
113 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: lower_center is " << lower_center << ", higher_center is " << higher_center);
114 |
115 | // fashion min max into cubic box extents of at least extent plus empty
116 | // boundary and at most three times the extent
117 | const Vector extent = _minmax.second - _minmax.first;
118 | double greatest_extent = extent[extent.GreatestComponent()];
119 | if (greatest_extent > _minimum_empty_boundary)
120 | greatest_extent *= 3.;
121 | else
122 | greatest_extent += 2.* _minimum_empty_boundary;
123 | const Vector total(
124 | _domain.getTotalLengthPerAxis(0),
125 | _domain.getTotalLengthPerAxis(1),
126 | _domain.getTotalLengthPerAxis(2)
127 | );
128 | const double greatest_total = total[total.GreatestComponent()];
129 | greatest_extent = std::min(greatest_extent, greatest_total);
130 | LOG(5, "DEBUG: extent of fragment is " << extent << ", greatest_extent is " << greatest_extent);
131 |
132 | /// increase levels around this center to find the matching window
133 | const double delta[NDIM] = {
134 | _domain.getDeltaPerAxis(0),
135 | _domain.getDeltaPerAxis(1),
136 | _domain.getDeltaPerAxis(2)
137 | };
138 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: delta is " << Vector(delta));
139 | const double greatest_delta = std::max(delta[0], std::max(delta[1], delta[2]));
140 |
141 | fragment_window.level = (int)ceil(log(greatest_extent/greatest_delta+1)/log_two);
142 | const size_t half_fragment_gridpoints = 1 << (fragment_window.level-1);
143 | const size_t domain_gridpoints = _domain.getGridPointsPerAxis();
144 | int begin_index[NDIM];
145 | int end_index[NDIM];
146 | int begin_steps[NDIM] = { 0, 0, 0 };
147 | int end_steps[NDIM] = { 0, 0, 0 };
148 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i) {
149 | begin_index[i] = round(lower_center[i]/delta[i]) - (half_fragment_gridpoints-1);
150 | end_index[i] = round(higher_center[i]/delta[i]) + (half_fragment_gridpoints+(unsigned int)(equal_components[i]));
151 | if (begin_index[i] < 0)
152 | begin_steps[i] = -begin_index[i];
153 | if (end_index[i] > (int)domain_gridpoints)
154 | end_steps[i] = end_index[i] - domain_gridpoints;
155 | if ((begin_steps[i]+end_steps[i]+end_index[i]-begin_index[i] > (int)domain_gridpoints)
156 | || ((begin_steps[i] != 0) && (end_steps[i] != 0))) {
157 | begin_index[i] = 0;
158 | end_index[i] = domain_gridpoints;
159 | begin_steps[i] = 0;
160 | end_steps[i] = 0;
161 | }
162 | }
163 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i) {
164 | fragment_window.begin[i] = (begin_index[i]+begin_steps[i]-end_steps[i]) * delta[i];
165 | fragment_window.end[i] = (end_index[i]-end_steps[i]+begin_steps[i]) * delta[i];
166 | }
167 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: fragment begin is " << Vector(fragment_window.begin)
168 | << ", fragment end is " << Vector(fragment_window.end));
169 |
170 | /// check whether window is large enough, if not yet continue
171 | #ifndef NDEBUG
172 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i) {
173 | const double window_length = fragment_window.end[i] - fragment_window.begin[i];
174 | ASSERT (((greatest_total != greatest_extent) && (greatest_extent+delta[i] <= window_length))
175 | || ((greatest_total == greatest_extent) && (greatest_extent <= window_length)),
176 | "ExportGraph_ToJobs::getGridExtentsForGivenBoundingBox() - level "
177 | +toString(fragment_window.level)+" is insufficient to place fragment inside box "
178 | +toString(_minmax.first)+" <-> "+toString(_minmax.second));
179 | }
180 | #endif
181 | #ifndef NDEBUG
182 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i) {
183 | ASSERT( fragment_window.begin[i] >= _domain.begin[i],
184 | "ExportGraph_ToJobs::getGridExtentsForGivenBoundingBox() - fragment begin "
185 | +toString(fragment_window.begin[i])+" is smaller than that of domain "
186 | +toString(_domain.begin[i]));
187 | ASSERT( fragment_window.end[i] <= _domain.end[i],
188 | "ExportGraph_ToJobs::getGridExtentsForGivenBoundingBox() - fragment end "
189 | +toString(fragment_window.end[i])+" is smaller than that of domain "
190 | +toString(_domain.end[i]));
191 | }
192 | #endif
193 | if (DoLog(6))
194 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i)
195 | LOG(6, "DEBUG: We have " << (fragment_window.end[i] - fragment_window.begin[i])/delta[i]
196 | << " gridpoints on axis " << i);
197 |
198 | return fragment_window;
199 | }
200 |
201 | void ExportGraph_ToJobs::setAcceptableFragmentLevel(
202 | SamplingGridProperties &_grid,
203 | const double &_max_meshwidth
204 | )
205 | {
206 | double max_domain_meshwidth = _max_meshwidth;
207 | for (size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i)
208 | max_domain_meshwidth = std::max(max_domain_meshwidth, _grid.getDeltaPerAxis(i));
209 | // find power of 2 that's just greater than that ratio of given over desired mesh width
210 | const int desired_level = ceil(log(max_domain_meshwidth / _max_meshwidth)/log_two);
211 | // we may never make level smaller (needs to be as large as domain's)
212 | ASSERT( desired_level >= 0,
213 | "ExportGraph_ToJobs::setAcceptableFragmentLevel() - should never get negative extra level.");
214 | if (desired_level > 0)
215 | _grid.level += desired_level;
216 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Fragment requires " << desired_level
217 | << " additional grid levels to reach at least " << _max_meshwidth
218 | << " from " << max_domain_meshwidth);
219 | }
220 |
221 | bool ExportGraph_ToJobs::operator()()
222 | {
223 | std::vector<FragmentJob::ptr> jobs;
224 | KeySetsContainer KeySets;
225 | KeySetsContainer FullKeySets;
226 | jobs.reserve(TotalGraph.size());
227 | LOG(1, "INFO: Creating " << TotalGraph.size() << " possible bond fragmentation jobs.");
228 |
229 | // gather info about the domain
230 | const SamplingGridProperties grid(getDomainGrid(level));
231 | const ParserTypes jobtype =
232 | FormatParserStorage::getInstance().getTypeFromName("mpqc");
233 |
234 | // go through all fragments, output to stream and create job therefrom
235 | ExportGraph::SaturatedFragment_ptr CurrentFragment = getNextFragment();
236 | for (; (CurrentFragment != NULL) && (CurrentFragment->getKeySet() != ExportGraph::EmptySet);
237 | CurrentFragment = getNextFragment()) {
238 | const KeySet &set = CurrentFragment->getKeySet();
239 | LOG(2, "INFO: Creating bond fragment job for set " << set << ".");
240 |
241 | SamplingGridProperties fragment_window(grid);
242 | if (max_meshwidth != 0.) {
243 | // gather extent of the fragment in atomic length(!)
244 | std::pair<Vector, Vector> minmax = CurrentFragment->getRoughBoundingBox();
245 | minmax.first *= 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem;
246 | minmax.second *= 1./AtomicLengthToAngstroem;
247 |
248 | /** we need to find the begin and end points of the smaller grid
249 | * otherwise we would calculate the whole domain with an incrased grid level with just
250 | * a small window (which is only used for sampling and storing; vmg uses full grid).
251 | * Hence, we need to make the grid smaller and such that it is still in a power of two
252 | * and coinciding with the grid points of the global grid.
253 | */
254 | fragment_window = getGridExtentsForGivenBoundingBox(minmax, grid, minimum_empty_boundary);
255 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Fragment " << CurrentFragment->getKeySet() << " has window from "
256 | << Vector(fragment_window.begin) << " to " << Vector(fragment_window.end)
257 | << " with total level portion of " << fragment_window.level );
258 |
259 | // next we need to check how much we need to increase from the grid level for
260 | // the total domain to achieve at least maximum mesh width
261 | setAcceptableFragmentLevel(fragment_window, max_meshwidth/AtomicLengthToAngstroem);
262 | }
263 |
264 | // store config in stream
265 | {
266 | std::stringstream output;
267 | // save to stream
268 | CurrentFragment->OutputConfig(output, jobtype);
269 | // create job and insert
270 | FragmentJob::ptr testJob(
271 | #ifdef HAVE_JOBMARKET
272 | new MPQCJob(
273 | JobId::IllegalJob,
274 | output.str(),
275 | fragment_window.begin, fragment_window.end, fragment_window.level)
276 | #else
277 | new MPQCCommandJob(output.str(), JobId::IllegalJob)
278 | #endif
279 | );
280 | testJob->setPriority(CurrentFragment->getKeySet().size());
281 | jobs.push_back(testJob);
282 |
283 | // order is the same as the number of non-hydrogen atoms
284 | const KeySet &keyset = CurrentFragment->getKeySet();
285 | const size_t order = keyset.size();
286 | const KeySet &fullmolecule = CurrentFragment->getFullMolecule();
287 | const KeySet &saturationhydrogens = CurrentFragment->getSaturationHydrogens();
288 | KeySetsContainer::IntVector indices(keyset.begin(), keyset.end());
289 | KeySetsContainer::IntVector forceindices(fullmolecule.begin(), fullmolecule.end());
290 | {
291 | // replace all saturated hydrogen indices by "-1"
292 | for (KeySetsContainer::IntVector::iterator iter = forceindices.begin();
293 | iter != forceindices.end();
294 | ++iter)
295 | if (saturationhydrogens.find(*iter) != saturationhydrogens.end())
296 | *iter = -1;
297 | }
298 | KeySets.insert(indices, order);
299 | FullKeySets.insert(forceindices, order);
300 | }
301 | // store force index reference file
302 | // explicitly release fragment
303 | CurrentFragment.reset();
304 | }
305 | if (CurrentFragment == NULL) {
306 | ELOG(1, "Some error while obtaining the next fragment occured.");
307 | return false;
308 | }
309 |
310 | // push final jobs
311 | FragmentJobQueue::getInstance().addJobs(jobs, KeySets, FullKeySets);
312 |
313 | return true;
314 | }