1 | /*
2 | * RandomInserter.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Feb 21, 2012
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 |
12 | // include config.h
13 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 | #include <config.h>
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include "InserterBase.hpp"
18 |
19 | #include <vector>
20 |
21 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
22 |
23 | class RandomNumberGenerator;
24 | class RealSpaceMatrix;
25 |
26 | /** RandomInserter implements Inserter interface such that the given \a Cluster
27 | * is inserted at the position with a slight random variation.
28 | *
29 | * \warning As the RandomInserter rotates the molecule, the only bounding shape in
30 | * Cluster that makes sense is a sphere. Otherwise, RandomInserter::Max_Attempts
31 | * attempts are made at finding a lucky shot where all atoms, though rotated
32 | * and randomly translated, remain inside but after that the cluster is inserted
33 | * as it is.
34 | */
35 | class RandomInserter : public InserterBase
36 | {
37 | public:
38 | RandomInserter(const double _MaxAtomComponent, const double _MaxMoleculeComponent, const bool _DoRandomRotation);
39 | ~RandomInserter();
40 |
41 | bool operator()(ClusterInterface::Cluster_impl cluster, const Vector &offset) const;
42 |
43 | private:
44 | bool AreClustersAtomsInside(ClusterInterface::Cluster_impl cluster) const;
45 | Vector getRandomVector(const double range, const double offset) const;
46 |
47 | void doTranslation(
48 | ClusterInterface::Cluster_impl cluster,
49 | const RealSpaceMatrix &Rotations,
50 | const std::vector<Vector> &RandomAtomTranslations,
51 | const Vector &RandomMoleculeTranslations) const;
52 | void undoTranslation(
53 | ClusterInterface::Cluster_impl cluster,
54 | const RealSpaceMatrix &Rotations,
55 | const std::vector<Vector> &RandomAtomTranslations,
56 | const Vector &RandomMoleculeTranslations) const;
57 |
58 | private:
59 | //!> internal random number generator
60 | RandomNumberGenerator &random;
61 | //!> minimum value of the random number distribution
62 | const double rng_min;
63 | //!> maximum value of the random number distribution
64 | const double rng_max;
65 | //!> range is maximum component for atom translations
66 | const double MaxAtomComponent;
67 | //!> range is maximum component for molecule translations
68 | const double MaxMoleculeComponent;
69 | //!> whether to randomly rotate or not
70 | const bool DoRandomRotation;
71 |
72 | //!> maximum number of tries to find a suitable randomized position
73 | static size_t Max_Attempts;
74 | };
75 |
76 |
77 | #endif /* RANDOMINSERTER_HPP_ */