1 | /*
2 | * ForceAnnealing.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Aug 02, 2014
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
10 |
11 | // include config.h
12 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 | #include <config.h>
14 | #endif
15 |
16 | #include "Atom/atom.hpp"
17 | #include "Atom/AtomSet.hpp"
18 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
19 | #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
20 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
21 | #include "CodePatterns/Verbose.hpp"
22 | #include "Descriptors/AtomIdDescriptor.hpp"
23 | #include "Dynamics/AtomicForceManipulator.hpp"
24 | #include "Fragmentation/ForceMatrix.hpp"
25 | #include "Graph/BoostGraphCreator.hpp"
26 | #include "Graph/BoostGraphHelpers.hpp"
27 | #include "Graph/BreadthFirstSearchGatherer.hpp"
28 | #include "Helpers/helpers.hpp"
29 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
30 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
31 | #include "Thermostats/ThermoStatContainer.hpp"
32 | #include "Thermostats/Thermostat.hpp"
33 | #include "World.hpp"
34 |
35 | /** This class is the essential build block for performing structural optimization.
36 | *
37 | * Sadly, we have to use some static instances as so far values cannot be passed
38 | * between actions. Hence, we need to store the current step and the adaptive-
39 | * step width (we cannot perform a line search, as we have no control over the
40 | * calculation of the forces).
41 | *
42 | * However, we do use the bond graph, i.e. if a single atom needs to be shifted
43 | * to the left, then the whole molecule left of it is shifted, too. This is
44 | * controlled by the \a max_distance parameter.
45 | */
46 | template <class T>
47 | class ForceAnnealing : public AtomicForceManipulator<T>
48 | {
49 | public:
50 | /** Constructor of class ForceAnnealing.
51 | *
52 | * \note We use a fixed delta t of 1.
53 | *
54 | * \param _atoms set of atoms to integrate
55 | * \param _Deltat time step width in atomic units
56 | * \param _IsAngstroem whether length units are in angstroem or bohr radii
57 | * \param _maxSteps number of optimization steps to perform
58 | * \param _max_distance up to this bond order is bond graph taken into account.
59 | */
60 | ForceAnnealing(
61 | AtomSetMixin<T> &_atoms,
62 | const double _Deltat,
63 | bool _IsAngstroem,
64 | const size_t _maxSteps,
65 | const int _max_distance,
66 | const double _damping_factor) :
67 | AtomicForceManipulator<T>(_atoms, _Deltat, _IsAngstroem),
68 | maxSteps(_maxSteps),
69 | max_distance(_max_distance),
70 | damping_factor(_damping_factor)
71 | {}
72 |
73 | /** Destructor of class ForceAnnealing.
74 | *
75 | */
76 | ~ForceAnnealing()
77 | {}
78 |
79 | /** Performs Gradient optimization.
80 | *
81 | * We assume that forces have just been calculated.
82 | *
83 | *
84 | * \param CurrentTimeStep current time step (i.e. \f$ t + \Delta t \f$ in the sense of the velocity verlet)
85 | * \param offset offset in matrix file to the first force component
86 | * \todo This is not yet checked if it is correctly working with DoConstrainedMD set >0.
87 | */
88 | void operator()(
89 | const int _CurrentTimeStep,
90 | const size_t _offset,
91 | const bool _UseBondgraph)
92 | {
93 | // make sum of forces equal zero
94 | AtomicForceManipulator<T>::correctForceMatrixForFixedCenterOfMass(_offset, _CurrentTimeStep);
95 |
96 | // are we in initial step? Then set static entities
97 | Vector maxComponents(zeroVec);
98 | if (currentStep == 0) {
99 | currentDeltat = AtomicForceManipulator<T>::Deltat;
100 | currentStep = 1;
101 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Initial step, setting values, current step is #" << currentStep);
102 |
103 | // always use atomic annealing on first step
104 | anneal(_CurrentTimeStep, _offset, maxComponents);
105 | } else {
106 | ++currentStep;
107 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: current step is #" << currentStep);
108 |
109 | if (_UseBondgraph)
110 | annealWithBondGraph(_CurrentTimeStep, _offset, maxComponents);
111 | else
112 | anneal(_CurrentTimeStep, _offset, maxComponents);
113 | }
114 |
115 | LOG(1, "STATUS: Largest remaining force components at step #"
116 | << currentStep << " are " << maxComponents);
117 |
118 | // are we in final step? Remember to reset static entities
119 | if (currentStep == maxSteps) {
120 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Final step, resetting values");
121 | reset();
122 | }
123 | }
124 |
125 | /** Performs Gradient optimization on the atoms.
126 | *
127 | * We assume that forces have just been calculated.
128 | *
129 | * \param CurrentTimeStep current time step (i.e. \f$ t + \Delta t \f$ in the sense of the velocity verlet)
130 | * \param offset offset in matrix file to the first force component
131 | * \param maxComponents to be filled with maximum force component over all atoms
132 | */
133 | void anneal(
134 | const int CurrentTimeStep,
135 | const size_t offset,
136 | Vector &maxComponents)
137 | {
138 | for(typename AtomSetMixin<T>::iterator iter = AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.begin();
139 | iter != AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.end(); ++iter) {
140 | // atom's force vector gives steepest descent direction
141 | const Vector oldPosition = (*iter)->getPositionAtStep(CurrentTimeStep-2 >= 0 ? CurrentTimeStep - 2 : 0);
142 | const Vector currentPosition = (*iter)->getPosition();
143 | const Vector oldGradient = (*iter)->getAtomicForceAtStep(CurrentTimeStep-2 >= 0 ? CurrentTimeStep - 2 : 0);
144 | const Vector currentGradient = (*iter)->getAtomicForce();
145 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: oldPosition for atom " << **iter << " is " << oldPosition);
146 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: currentPosition for atom " << **iter << " is " << currentPosition);
147 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: oldGradient for atom " << **iter << " is " << oldGradient);
148 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: currentGradient for atom " << **iter << " is " << currentGradient);
149 | // LOG(4, "DEBUG: Force for atom " << **iter << " is " << currentGradient);
150 |
151 | // we use Barzilai-Borwein update with position reversed to get descent
152 | const Vector PositionDifference = currentPosition - oldPosition;
153 | const Vector GradientDifference = (currentGradient - oldGradient);
154 | double stepwidth = 0.;
155 | if (GradientDifference.Norm() > MYEPSILON)
156 | stepwidth = fabs(PositionDifference.ScalarProduct(GradientDifference))/
157 | GradientDifference.NormSquared();
158 | if (fabs(stepwidth) < 1e-10) {
159 | // dont' warn in first step, deltat usage normal
160 | if (currentStep != 1)
161 | ELOG(1, "INFO: Barzilai-Borwein stepwidth is zero, using deltat " << currentDeltat << " instead.");
162 | stepwidth = currentDeltat;
163 | }
164 | Vector PositionUpdate = stepwidth * currentGradient;
165 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Update would be " << stepwidth << "*" << currentGradient << " = " << PositionUpdate);
166 |
167 | // extract largest components for showing progress of annealing
168 | for(size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i)
169 | if (currentGradient[i] > maxComponents[i])
170 | maxComponents[i] = currentGradient[i];
171 |
172 | // are we in initial step? Then don't check against velocity
173 | if ((currentStep > 1) && (!(*iter)->getAtomicVelocity().IsZero()))
174 | // update with currentDelta tells us how the current gradient relates to
175 | // the last one: If it has become larger, reduce currentDelta
176 | if ((PositionUpdate.ScalarProduct((*iter)->getAtomicVelocity()) < 0)
177 | && (currentDeltat > MinimumDeltat)) {
178 | currentDeltat = .5*currentDeltat;
179 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Upgrade in other direction: " << PositionUpdate.NormSquared()
180 | << " > " << (*iter)->getAtomicVelocity().NormSquared()
181 | << ", decreasing deltat: " << currentDeltat);
182 | PositionUpdate = currentDeltat * currentGradient;
183 | }
184 | // finally set new values
185 | (*iter)->setPosition(currentPosition + PositionUpdate);
186 | (*iter)->setAtomicVelocity(PositionUpdate);
187 | //std::cout << "Id of atom is " << (*iter)->getId() << std::endl;
188 | // (*iter)->VelocityVerletUpdateU((*iter)->getId(), CurrentTimeStep-1, Deltat, IsAngstroem);
189 | }
190 | }
191 |
192 | /** Performs Gradient optimization on the bonds.
193 | *
194 | * We assume that forces have just been calculated. These forces are projected
195 | * onto the bonds and these are annealed subsequently by moving atoms in the
196 | * bond neighborhood on either side conjunctively.
197 | *
198 | *
199 | * \param CurrentTimeStep current time step (i.e. \f$ t + \Delta t \f$ in the sense of the velocity verlet)
200 | * \param offset offset in matrix file to the first force component
201 | * \param maxComponents to be filled with maximum force component over all atoms
202 | */
203 | void annealWithBondGraph(
204 | const int CurrentTimeStep,
205 | const size_t offset,
206 | Vector &maxComponents)
207 | {
208 | // get nodes on either side of selected bond via BFS discovery
209 | // std::vector<atomId_t> atomids;
210 | // for(typename AtomSetMixin<T>::iterator iter = AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.begin();
211 | // iter != AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.end(); ++iter) {
212 | // atomids.push_back((*iter)->getId());
213 | // }
214 | // ASSERT( atomids.size() == AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.size(),
215 | // "ForceAnnealing() - could not gather all atomic ids?");
216 | BoostGraphCreator BGcreator;
217 | BGcreator.createFromRange(
218 | AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.begin(),
219 | AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.end(),
220 | AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.size(),
221 | BreadthFirstSearchGatherer::AlwaysTruePredicate);
222 | BreadthFirstSearchGatherer NodeGatherer(BGcreator);
223 |
224 | std::map<atomId_t, Vector> GatheredUpdates; //!< gathers all updates which are applied at the end
225 | for(typename AtomSetMixin<T>::iterator iter = AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.begin();
226 | iter != AtomicForceManipulator<T>::atoms.end(); ++iter) {
227 | // atom's force vector gives steepest descent direction
228 | const Vector oldPosition = (*iter)->getPositionAtStep(CurrentTimeStep-2 >= 0 ? CurrentTimeStep - 2 : 0);
229 | const Vector currentPosition = (*iter)->getPosition();
230 | const Vector oldGradient = (*iter)->getAtomicForceAtStep(CurrentTimeStep-2 >= 0 ? CurrentTimeStep - 2 : 0);
231 | const Vector currentGradient = (*iter)->getAtomicForce();
232 | LOG(4, "DEBUG: Force for atom " << **iter << " is " << currentGradient);
233 |
234 | // we use Barzilai-Borwein update with position reversed to get descent
235 | const Vector GradientDifference = (currentGradient - oldGradient);
236 | const double stepwidth =
237 | fabs((currentPosition - oldPosition).ScalarProduct(GradientDifference))/
238 | GradientDifference.NormSquared();
239 | Vector PositionUpdate = stepwidth * currentGradient;
240 | if (fabs(stepwidth) < 1e-10) {
241 | // dont' warn in first step, deltat usage normal
242 | if (currentStep != 1)
243 | ELOG(1, "INFO: Barzilai-Borwein stepwidth is zero, using deltat " << currentDeltat << " instead.");
244 | PositionUpdate = currentDeltat * currentGradient;
245 | }
246 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Update would be " << PositionUpdate);
247 |
248 | // // add update to central atom
249 | // const atomId_t atomid = (*iter)->getId();
250 | // if (GatheredUpdates.count(atomid)) {
251 | // GatheredUpdates[atomid] += PositionUpdate;
252 | // } else
253 | // GatheredUpdates.insert( std::make_pair(atomid, PositionUpdate) );
254 |
255 | // We assume that a force is local, i.e. a bond is too short yet and hence
256 | // the atom needs to be moved. However, all the adjacent (bound) atoms might
257 | // already be at the perfect distance. If we just move the atom alone, we ruin
258 | // all the other bonds. Hence, it would be sensible to move every atom found
259 | // through the bond graph in the direction of the force as well by the same
260 | // PositionUpdate. This is just what we are going to do.
261 |
262 | /// get all nodes from bonds in the direction of the current force
263 |
264 | // remove edges facing in the wrong direction
265 | std::vector<bond::ptr> removed_bonds;
266 | const BondList& ListOfBonds = (*iter)->getListOfBonds();
267 | for(BondList::const_iterator bonditer = ListOfBonds.begin();
268 | bonditer != ListOfBonds.end(); ++bonditer) {
269 | const bond ¤t_bond = *(*bonditer);
270 | LOG(2, "DEBUG: Looking at bond " << current_bond);
271 | Vector BondVector = (*iter)->getPosition();
272 | BondVector -= ((*iter)->getId() == current_bond.rightatom->getId())
273 | ? current_bond.rightatom->getPosition() : current_bond.leftatom->getPosition();
274 | BondVector.Normalize();
275 | if (BondVector.ScalarProduct(currentGradient) < 0) {
276 | removed_bonds.push_back(*bonditer);
277 | #ifndef NDEBUG
278 | const bool status =
279 | #endif
280 | BGcreator.removeEdge(current_bond.leftatom->getId(), current_bond.rightatom->getId());
281 | ASSERT( status, "ForceAnnealing() - edge to found bond is not present?");
282 | }
283 | }
284 | BoostGraphHelpers::Nodeset_t bondside_set = NodeGatherer((*iter)->getId(), max_distance);
285 | const BreadthFirstSearchGatherer::distance_map_t &distance_map = NodeGatherer.getDistances();
286 | std::sort(bondside_set.begin(), bondside_set.end());
287 | // re-add those edges
288 | for (std::vector<bond::ptr>::const_iterator bonditer = removed_bonds.begin();
289 | bonditer != removed_bonds.end(); ++bonditer)
290 | BGcreator.addEdge((*bonditer)->leftatom->getId(), (*bonditer)->rightatom->getId());
291 |
292 | // apply PositionUpdate to all nodes in the bondside_set
293 | for (BoostGraphHelpers::Nodeset_t::const_iterator setiter = bondside_set.begin();
294 | setiter != bondside_set.end(); ++setiter) {
295 | const BreadthFirstSearchGatherer::distance_map_t::const_iterator diter
296 | = distance_map.find(*setiter);
297 | ASSERT( diter != distance_map.end(),
298 | "ForceAnnealing() - could not find distance to an atom.");
299 | const double factor = pow(damping_factor, diter->second);
300 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Update for atom #" << *setiter << " will be "
301 | << factor << "*" << PositionUpdate);
302 | if (GatheredUpdates.count((*setiter))) {
303 | GatheredUpdates[(*setiter)] += factor*PositionUpdate;
304 | } else {
305 | GatheredUpdates.insert(
306 | std::make_pair(
307 | (*setiter),
308 | factor*PositionUpdate) );
309 | }
310 | }
311 |
312 | // extract largest components for showing progress of annealing
313 | for(size_t i=0;i<NDIM;++i)
314 | if (currentGradient[i] > maxComponents[i])
315 | maxComponents[i] = currentGradient[i];
316 | }
317 | // apply the gathered updates
318 | for (std::map<atomId_t, Vector>::const_iterator iter = GatheredUpdates.begin();
319 | iter != GatheredUpdates.end(); ++iter) {
320 | const atomId_t &atomid = iter->first;
321 | const Vector &update = iter->second;
322 | atom* const walker = World::getInstance().getAtom(AtomById(atomid));
323 | ASSERT( walker != NULL,
324 | "ForceAnnealing() - walker with id "+toString(atomid)+" has suddenly disappeared.");
325 | LOG(3, "DEBUG: Applying update " << update << " to atom #" << atomid
326 | << ", namely " << *walker);
327 | walker->setPosition( walker->getPosition() + update );
328 | }
329 | }
330 |
331 | /** Reset function to unset static entities and artificial velocities.
332 | *
333 | */
334 | void reset()
335 | {
336 | currentDeltat = 0.;
337 | currentStep = 0;
338 | }
339 |
340 | private:
341 | //!> contains the current step in relation to maxsteps
342 | static size_t currentStep;
343 | //!> contains the maximum number of steps, determines initial and final step with currentStep
344 | size_t maxSteps;
345 | static double currentDeltat;
346 | //!> minimum deltat for internal while loop (adaptive step width)
347 | static double MinimumDeltat;
348 | //!> contains the maximum bond graph distance up to which shifts of a single atom are spread
349 | const int max_distance;
350 | //!> the shifted is dampened by this factor with the power of the bond graph distance to the shift causing atom
351 | const double damping_factor;
352 | };
353 |
354 | template <class T>
355 | double ForceAnnealing<T>::currentDeltat = 0.;
356 | template <class T>
357 | size_t ForceAnnealing<T>::currentStep = 0;
358 | template <class T>
359 | double ForceAnnealing<T>::MinimumDeltat = 1e-8;
360 |
361 | #endif /* FORCEANNEALING_HPP_ */