1 | /*
2 | * BondVectors.hpp
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Jun 13, 2017
5 | * Author: heber
6 | */
7 |
8 |
11 |
12 | // include config.h
13 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 | #include <config.h>
15 | #endif
16 |
17 | #include <map>
18 | #include <vector>
19 |
20 | #include <boost/function.hpp>
21 |
22 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
23 |
24 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
25 |
26 | #include "Bond/bond.hpp"
27 |
28 | /** This class represents all bond vectors, i.e. the normalized direction
29 | * along a list of bonds, and provides means to extract them from a set of
30 | * atoms such that for an arbitrary bond the vector can be quickly retrieved.
31 | */
32 | class BondVectors
33 | {
34 | public:
35 | //!> typedef for the internal container of the bonds
36 | typedef std::vector<bond::ptr> container_t;
37 |
38 | //!> typedef for the association of bonds to bond vectors
39 | typedef std::map<bond::ptr, Vector> mapped_t;
40 |
41 | /** Default cstor for class BondVectors.
42 | *
43 | */
44 | BondVectors();
45 |
46 | /** Prepares the internal container from the bonds of a range of atoms.
47 | *
48 | * \param _start start of range
49 | * \param _end end of range
50 | * \param _step time step to request bonds for
51 | */
52 | template <class T>
53 | void setFromAtomRange(
54 | typename T::iterator _start,
55 | typename T::iterator _end,
56 | const size_t &_step);
57 |
58 | /** Getter for the sorted bonds.
59 | *
60 | * \return const ref to internal container
61 | */
62 | const container_t& getSorted() const;
63 |
64 | /** Getter for the Bondvectors.
65 | *
66 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
67 | * \return a map from bond to bond vector
68 | */
69 | const mapped_t& getBondVectorsAtStep(const size_t &_step) const;
70 |
71 | /** Get the position in the internal container for a specific bond.
72 | *
73 | * \param _bond given bond
74 | * \return position in the vector, -1 if not present
75 | */
76 | size_t getIndexForBond(const bond::ptr &_bond) const;
77 |
78 | /** Gather the subset of BondVectors for the given atom.
79 | *
80 | * \param _walker atom to get BondVectors for
81 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
82 | */
83 | std::vector<Vector> getAtomsBondVectorsAtStep(
84 | const atom &_walker,
85 | const size_t &_step) const;
86 |
87 | //!> typedef for the weights for the Bondvectors of a single atom
88 | typedef std::deque<double> weights_t;
89 |
90 | /** Calculates the weights for a frame where each Bondvector of the
91 | * given atom is a vector of the frame.
92 | *
93 | * The idea is that we can represent any vector by appropriate weights such
94 | * that is still sums up to one.
95 | *
96 | * \param _walker atom to get BondVectors for
97 | * \param _bondvectors precalculated bond vectors for given \a _walker
98 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
99 | */
100 | weights_t getWeightsForAtomAtStep(
101 | const atom &_walker,
102 | const std::vector<Vector> &_bondvectors,
103 | const size_t &_step) const;
104 |
105 | /** Calculates the weights for a frame where each Bondvector of the
106 | * given atom is a vector of the frame.
107 | *
108 | * The idea is that we can represent any vector by appropriate weights such
109 | * that is still sums up to one.
110 | *
111 | * \param _walker atom to get BondVectors for
112 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
113 | */
114 | weights_t getWeightsForAtomAtStep(
115 | const atom &_walker,
116 | const size_t &_step) const;
117 |
118 | /** Function typedef to store the bond gradient into a specific container
119 | * depending on the atom, its current bond and the time step.
120 | */
121 | typedef boost::function<void (
122 | const atom &,
123 | const bond::ptr &,
124 | const size_t &,
125 | const double)> forcestore_t;
126 |
127 | /** Function calculates the remaining part of the atomic gradient that is
128 | * not captured by the sum of the force along the Bond Vectors.
129 | *
130 | * \param _walker atom to get BondVectors for
131 | * \param _walkerGradient gradient of atom to get BondVectors for
132 | * \param _BondVectors precalculated bond vectors for given \a _walker
133 | * \param _weights weight per bond vector (as it is a frame, not a basis)
134 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
135 | * \param _forcestore additional function which may be used to store each
136 | * calculated bond force in a bound container
137 | */
138 | Vector getRemnantGradientForAtomAtStep(
139 | const atom &_walker,
140 | const Vector &_walkerGradient,
141 | const std::vector<Vector> _BondVectors,
142 | const BondVectors::weights_t &_weights,
143 | const size_t &_step,
144 | forcestore_t _forcestore) const;
145 |
146 | private:
147 | /** Calculates the bond vector for each bond in the internal container.
148 | *
149 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
150 | */
151 | void recalculateBondVectorsAtStep(const size_t &_step) const;
152 |
153 | /** Helper function to check whether weights sum up to one for each
154 | * Bond Vector.
155 | *
156 | * \param _walker atom to get BondVectors for
157 | * \param _BondVectors precalculated bond vectors for given \a _walker
158 | * \param _weights weight per bond vector (as it is a frame, not a basis)
159 | * \param _step time step for which the bond vector is request
160 | */
161 | bool getCheckWeightSumForAtomAtStep(
162 | const atom &_walker,
163 | const std::vector<Vector> _BondVectors,
164 | const BondVectors::weights_t &_weights,
165 | const size_t &_step) const;
166 |
167 | private:
168 | //!> internal container for sorted bonds
169 | container_t container;
170 |
171 | //!> states whether map needs update or not
172 | mutable bool map_is_dirty;
173 |
174 | //!> contains the step for which the map was calculated
175 | mutable size_t current_step_for_map;
176 |
177 | //!> internal map for bond Bondvector association
178 | mutable mapped_t current_mapped_vectors;
179 | };
180 |
181 | #include "BondVectors_impl.hpp"
182 |
183 | #endif /* DYNAMICS_BONDVECTORS_HPP_ */