1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | * Please see the LICENSE file or "Copyright notice" in builder.cpp for details.
6 | */
7 |
8 | /*
9 | * RepeatBoxAction.cpp
10 | *
11 | * Created on: May 12, 2010
12 | * Author: heber
13 | */
14 |
15 | // include config.h
16 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 | #include <config.h>
18 | #endif
19 |
20 | #include "Helpers/MemDebug.hpp"
21 |
22 | #include "Descriptors/MoleculePtrDescriptor.hpp"
23 | #include "atom.hpp"
24 | #include "Helpers/Log.hpp"
25 | #include "molecule.hpp"
26 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Vector.hpp"
27 | #include "LinearAlgebra/Matrix.hpp"
28 | #include "Helpers/Verbose.hpp"
29 | #include "World.hpp"
30 | #include "Box.hpp"
31 |
32 | #include <iostream>
33 | #include <string>
34 | #include <vector>
35 |
36 | using namespace std;
37 |
38 | #include "Actions/WorldAction/RepeatBoxAction.hpp"
39 |
40 | // and construct the stuff
41 | #include "RepeatBoxAction.def"
42 | #include "Action_impl_pre.hpp"
43 | /** =========== define the function ====================== */
44 | Action::state_ptr WorldRepeatBoxAction::performCall() {
45 | int count;
46 | const element ** Elements;
47 | molecule *mol = NULL;
48 | int j = 0;
49 | atom *Walker = NULL;
50 | MoleculeListClass *molecules = World::getInstance().getMolecules();
51 |
52 | // obtain information
53 | getParametersfromValueStorage();
54 |
55 | vector<molecule *> AllMolecules;
56 | if (mol != NULL) {
57 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Using molecule " << mol->name << "." << endl);
58 | AllMolecules = World::getInstance().getAllMolecules(MoleculeByPtr(mol));
59 | } else {
60 | DoLog(0) && (Log() << Verbose(0) << "Using all molecules." << endl);
61 | AllMolecules = World::getInstance().getAllMolecules();
62 | }
63 |
64 | (cout << "Repeating box " << params.Repeater << " times for (x,y,z) axis." << endl);
65 | Matrix M = World::getInstance().getDomain().getM();
66 | Matrix newM = M;
67 | Vector x,y;
68 | int n[NDIM];
69 | Matrix repMat;
70 | for (int axis = 0; axis < NDIM; axis++) {
71 | params.Repeater[axis] = floor(params.Repeater[axis]);
72 | if (params.Repeater[axis] < 1) {
73 | DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "Repetition factor must be greater than 1!" << endl);
74 | params.Repeater[axis] = 1;
75 | }
76 | repMat.at(axis,axis) = params.Repeater[axis];
77 | }
78 | newM *= repMat;
79 | World::getInstance().setDomain(newM);
80 |
81 | molecule *newmol = NULL;
82 | std::vector<Vector> vectors;
83 | for (n[0] = 0; n[0] < params.Repeater[0]; n[0]++) {
84 | y[0] = n[0];
85 | for (n[1] = 0; n[1] < params.Repeater[1]; n[1]++) {
86 | y[1] = n[1];
87 | for (n[2] = 0; n[2] < params.Repeater[2]; n[2]++) {
88 | y[2] = n[2];
89 | if ((n[0] == 0) && (n[1] == 0) && (n[2] == 0))
90 | continue;
91 | for (vector<molecule *>::iterator MolRunner = AllMolecules.begin(); MolRunner != AllMolecules.end(); ++MolRunner) {
92 | mol = *MolRunner;
93 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "Current mol is " << mol->name << "." << endl);
94 | count = mol->getAtomCount(); // is changed becausing of adding, thus has to be stored away beforehand
95 | if (count != 0) { // if there is more than none
96 | Elements = new const element *[count];
97 | vectors.resize(count);
98 | j = 0;
99 | for(molecule::iterator AtomRunner = mol->begin(); AtomRunner != mol->end(); ++AtomRunner) {
100 | Elements[j] = (*AtomRunner)->getType();
101 | vectors[j] = (*AtomRunner)->getPosition();
102 | j++;
103 | }
104 | if (count != j)
105 | DoeLog(1) && (eLog()<< Verbose(1) << "AtomCount " << count << " is not equal to number of atoms in molecule " << j << "!" << endl);
106 | x = y;
107 | x *= M;
108 | newmol = World::getInstance().createMolecule();
109 | molecules->insert(newmol);
110 | for (int k=count;k--;) { // go through every atom of the original cell
111 | Walker = World::getInstance().createAtom(); // create a new body
112 | Walker->setPosition((vectors[k]) + x);
113 | Walker->setType(Elements[k]); // insert original element
114 | cout << "new atom is " << *Walker << endl;
115 | newmol->AddAtom(Walker); // and add to the molecule (which increments ElementsInMolecule, AtomCount, ...)
116 | }
117 | // free memory
118 | delete[](Elements);
119 | } else {
120 | DoLog(1) && (Log() << Verbose(1) << "\t ... is empty." << endl);
121 | }
122 | }
123 | }
124 | }
125 | }
126 | return Action::success;
127 | }
128 |
129 | Action::state_ptr WorldRepeatBoxAction::performUndo(Action::state_ptr _state) {
130 | // ParserLoadXyzState *state = assert_cast<ParserLoadXyzState*>(_state.get());
131 |
132 | return Action::failure;
133 | // string newName = state->mol->getName();
134 | // state->mol->setName(state->lastName);
135 | //
136 | // return Action::state_ptr(new ParserLoadXyzState(state->mol,newName));
137 | }
138 |
139 | Action::state_ptr WorldRepeatBoxAction::performRedo(Action::state_ptr _state){
140 | return Action::failure;
141 | }
142 |
143 | bool WorldRepeatBoxAction::canUndo() {
144 | return false;
145 | }
146 |
147 | bool WorldRepeatBoxAction::shouldUndo() {
148 | return false;
149 | }
150 |
151 | const string WorldRepeatBoxAction::getName() {
152 | return NAME;
153 | }
154 | /** =========== end of function ====================== */