1 | /*
2 | * Project: MoleCuilder
3 | * Description: creates and alters molecular systems
4 | * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 University of Bonn. All rights reserved.
5 | *
6 | *
7 | * This file is part of MoleCuilder.
8 | *
9 | * MoleCuilder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 | * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 | * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
12 | * (at your option) any later version.
13 | *
14 | * MoleCuilder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 | * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 | * GNU General Public License for more details.
18 | *
19 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 | * along with MoleCuilder. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 | */
22 |
23 | /*
24 | * FragmentationAutomationAction.cpp
25 | *
26 | * Created on: May 18, 2012
27 | * Author: heber
28 | */
29 |
30 | // include config.h
31 | #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
32 | #include <config.h>
33 | #endif
34 |
35 | #include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
36 | // boost asio needs specific operator new
37 | #include <boost/asio.hpp>
38 |
39 | #include "CodePatterns/MemDebug.hpp"
40 |
41 | #include <boost/mpl/remove.hpp>
42 | #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
43 |
44 | #include "CodePatterns/Assert.hpp"
45 | #include "CodePatterns/Info.hpp"
46 | #include "CodePatterns/Log.hpp"
47 | #include "JobMarket/Jobs/FragmentJob.hpp"
48 |
49 | #include "Fragmentation/Automation/createMatrixNrLookup.hpp"
50 | #include "Fragmentation/Automation/extractJobIds.hpp"
51 | #include "Fragmentation/Automation/MPQCFragmentController.hpp"
52 | #include "Fragmentation/Automation/VMGDebugGridFragmentController.hpp"
53 | #include "Fragmentation/Automation/VMGFragmentController.hpp"
54 | #include "Fragmentation/EnergyMatrix.hpp"
55 | #include "Fragmentation/ForceMatrix.hpp"
56 | #include "Fragmentation/Fragmentation.hpp"
57 | #include "Fragmentation/SetValues/Fragment.hpp"
58 | #include "Fragmentation/SetValues/Histogram.hpp"
59 | #include "Fragmentation/SetValues/IndexedVectors.hpp"
60 | #include "Fragmentation/HydrogenSaturation_enum.hpp"
61 | #include "Fragmentation/KeySet.hpp"
62 | #include "Fragmentation/KeySetsContainer.hpp"
63 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/OrthogonalSumUpPerLevel.hpp"
64 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/SumUpPerLevel.hpp"
65 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/OrthogonalFullSummator.hpp"
66 | #include "Fragmentation/Summation/writeTable.hpp"
67 | #include "Graph/DepthFirstSearchAnalysis.hpp"
68 | #include "Helpers/defs.hpp"
69 | #include "Jobs/MPQCJob.hpp"
70 | #include "Jobs/MPQCData.hpp"
71 | #include "Jobs/MPQCData_printKeyNames.hpp"
72 | #include "Jobs/Grid/SamplingGrid.hpp"
73 | #ifdef HAVE_VMG
74 | #include "Jobs/VMGDebugGridJob.hpp"
75 | #include "Jobs/VMGJob.hpp"
76 | #include "Jobs/VMGData.hpp"
77 | #include "Jobs/VMGDataFused.hpp"
78 | #include "Jobs/VMGDataMap.hpp"
79 | #include "Jobs/VMGData_printKeyNames.hpp"
80 | #endif
81 | #include "World.hpp"
82 |
83 | #include <iostream>
84 | #include <string>
85 | #include <vector>
86 |
87 | #include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
88 |
89 | #include "Actions/FragmentationAction/FragmentationAutomationAction.hpp"
90 |
91 | using namespace MoleCuilder;
92 |
93 | // and construct the stuff
94 | #include "FragmentationAutomationAction.def"
95 | #include "Action_impl_pre.hpp"
96 | /** =========== define the function ====================== */
97 |
98 | class controller_AddOn;
99 |
100 | // needs to be defined for using the FragmentController
101 | controller_AddOn *getAddOn()
102 | {
103 | return NULL;
104 | }
105 |
106 | /** Helper function to get number of atoms somehow.
107 | *
108 | * Here, we just parse the number of lines in the adjacency file as
109 | * it should correspond to the number of atoms, except when some atoms
110 | * are not bonded, but then fragmentation makes no sense.
111 | *
112 | * @param path path to the adjacency file
113 | */
114 | size_t getNoAtomsFromAdjacencyFile(const std::string &path)
115 | {
116 | size_t NoAtoms = 0;
117 |
118 | // parse in special file to get atom count (from line count)
119 | std::string filename(path);
120 | filename += FRAGMENTPREFIX;
121 | filename += ADJACENCYFILE;
122 | std::ifstream adjacency(filename.c_str());
123 | if (adjacency.fail()) {
124 | LOG(0, endl << "getNoAtomsFromAdjacencyFile() - Unable to open " << filename << ", is the directory correct?");
125 | return false;
126 | }
127 | std::string buffer;
128 | while (getline(adjacency, buffer))
129 | NoAtoms++;
130 | LOG(1, "INFO: There are " << NoAtoms << " atoms.");
131 |
132 | return NoAtoms;
133 | }
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 | /** Place results from FragmentResult into EnergyMatrix and ForceMatrix.
138 | *
139 | * @param fragmentData MPQCData resulting from the jobs
140 | * @param MatrixNrLookup Lookup up-map from job id to fragment number
141 | * @param FragmentCounter total number of fragments
142 | * @param NoAtoms total number of atoms
143 | * @param Energy energy matrix to be filled on return
144 | * @param Force force matrix to be filled on return
145 | * @return true - everything ok, false - else
146 | */
147 | bool putResultsintoMatrices(
148 | const std::map<JobId_t, MPQCData> &fragmentData,
149 | const std::map< JobId_t, size_t > &MatrixNrLookup,
150 | const size_t FragmentCounter,
151 | const size_t NoAtoms,
152 | EnergyMatrix &Energy,
153 | ForceMatrix &Force)
154 | {
155 | for (std::map<JobId_t, MPQCData>::const_iterator dataiter = fragmentData.begin();
156 | dataiter != fragmentData.end(); ++dataiter) {
157 | const MPQCData &extractedData = dataiter->second;
158 | const JobId_t &jobid = dataiter->first;
159 | std::map< JobId_t, size_t >::const_iterator nriter = MatrixNrLookup.find(jobid);
160 | ASSERT( nriter != MatrixNrLookup.end(),
161 | "putResultsintoMatrices() - MatrixNrLookup does not contain id "
162 | +toString(jobid)+".");
163 | // place results into EnergyMatrix ...
164 | {
165 | MatrixContainer::MatrixArray matrix;
166 | matrix.resize(1);
167 | matrix[0].resize(1, extractedData.energies.total);
168 | if (!Energy.AddMatrix(
169 | std::string("MPQCJob ")+toString(jobid),
170 | matrix,
171 | nriter->second)) {
172 | ELOG(1, "Adding energy matrix failed.");
173 | return false;
174 | }
175 | }
176 | // ... and ForceMatrix (with two empty columns in front)
177 | {
178 | MatrixContainer::MatrixArray matrix;
179 | const size_t rows = extractedData.forces.size();
180 | matrix.resize(rows);
181 | for (size_t i=0;i<rows;++i) {
182 | const size_t columns = 2+extractedData.forces[i].size();
183 | matrix[i].resize(columns, 0.);
184 | // for (size_t j=0;j<2;++j)
185 | // matrix[i][j] = 0.;
186 | for (size_t j=2;j<columns;++j)
187 | matrix[i][j] = extractedData.forces[i][j-2];
188 | }
189 | if (!Force.AddMatrix(
190 | std::string("MPQCJob ")+toString(jobid),
191 | matrix,
192 | nriter->second)) {
193 | ELOG(1, "Adding force matrix failed.");
194 | return false;
195 | }
196 | }
197 | }
198 | // add one more matrix (not required for energy)
199 | MatrixContainer::MatrixArray matrix;
200 | matrix.resize(1);
201 | matrix[0].resize(1, 0.);
202 | if (!Energy.AddMatrix(std::string("MPQCJob total"), matrix, FragmentCounter))
203 | return false;
204 | // but for energy because we need to know total number of atoms
205 | matrix.resize(NoAtoms);
206 | for (size_t i = 0; i< NoAtoms; ++i)
207 | matrix[i].resize(2+NDIM, 0.);
208 | if (!Force.AddMatrix(std::string("MPQCJob total"), matrix, FragmentCounter))
209 | return false;
210 |
211 | return true;
212 | }
213 | /** Print MPQCData from received results.
214 | *
215 | * @param fragmentData MPQCData resulting from the jobs, each associated to a job
216 | * @param KeySetFilename filename with keysets to associate forces correctly
217 | * @param NoAtoms total number of atoms
218 | * @param full_sample summed up charge density of electrons from fragments on return
219 | * @param full_fragment summed up positions and charges of nuclei from fragments on return
220 | */
221 | bool sumUpChargeDensity(
222 | const std::map<JobId_t,MPQCData> &fragmentData,
223 | const std::string &KeySetFilename,
224 | std::vector<SamplingGrid> &full_sample,
225 | Fragment &full_fragment)
226 | {
227 | // create a vector of all job ids
228 | std::vector<JobId_t> jobids;
229 | std::transform(fragmentData.begin(),fragmentData.end(),
230 | std::back_inserter(jobids),
231 | boost::bind( &std::map<JobId_t,MPQCData>::value_type::first, boost::lambda::_1 )
232 | );
233 |
234 | // create lookup from job nr to fragment number
235 | size_t FragmentCounter = 0;
236 | const std::map< JobId_t, size_t > MatrixNrLookup =
237 | createMatrixNrLookup(jobids, FragmentCounter);
238 |
239 | // initialise keysets
240 | KeySetsContainer KeySet;
241 | {
242 | // else needs keysets without hydrogens
243 | std::stringstream filename;
245 | if (!KeySet.ParseKeySets(KeySetFilename, filename.str(), FragmentCounter)) return false;
246 | }
247 |
248 | /// prepare for OrthogonalSummation
249 |
250 | // convert KeySetContainer to IndexSetContainer
251 | IndexSetContainer::ptr container(new IndexSetContainer(KeySet));
252 | // create the map of all keysets
253 | SubsetMap::ptr subsetmap(new SubsetMap(*container));
254 |
255 | /// convert all MPQCData to MPQCDataMap_t
256 | std::vector<MPQCDataGridMap_t> Result_Grid_fused(
257 | OrthogonalSumUpPerLevel<MPQCDataGridMap_t, MPQCDataGridVector_t>(
258 | fragmentData, MatrixNrLookup, container, subsetmap));
259 | std::vector<MPQCDataFragmentMap_t> Result_Fragment_fused(
260 | OrthogonalSumUpPerLevel<MPQCDataFragmentMap_t, MPQCDataFragmentVector_t>(
261 | fragmentData, MatrixNrLookup, container, subsetmap));
262 | // obtain full grid
263 | full_sample.clear();
264 | full_sample.reserve(Result_Grid_fused.size());
265 | for (std::vector<MPQCDataGridMap_t>::const_iterator iter = ++Result_Grid_fused.begin();
266 | iter !=Result_Grid_fused.end();
267 | ++iter)
268 | full_sample.push_back(boost::fusion::at_key<MPQCDataFused::sampled_grid>((*iter)));
269 | full_fragment = boost::fusion::at_key<MPQCDataFused::fragment>(Result_Fragment_fused.back());
270 |
271 | return true;
272 | }
273 |
274 | /** Print MPQCData from received results.
275 | *
276 | * @param fragmentData MPQCData resulting from the jobs, associated to job id
277 | * @param KeySetFilename filename with keysets to associate forces correctly
278 | * @param NoAtoms total number of atoms
279 | * @param full_sample summed up charge from fragments on return
280 | */
281 | bool printReceivedMPQCResults(
282 | const std::map<JobId_t, MPQCData> &fragmentData,
283 | const std::string &KeySetFilename,
284 | size_t NoAtoms)
285 | {
286 | // create a vector of all job ids
287 | std::vector<JobId_t> jobids;
288 | std::transform(fragmentData.begin(),fragmentData.end(),
289 | std::back_inserter(jobids),
290 | boost::bind( &std::map<JobId_t,MPQCData>::value_type::first, boost::lambda::_1 )
291 | );
292 |
293 | // create lookup from job nr to fragment number
294 | size_t FragmentCounter = 0;
295 | const std::map< JobId_t, size_t > MatrixNrLookup=
296 | createMatrixNrLookup(jobids, FragmentCounter);
297 |
298 |
299 | // place results into maps
300 | EnergyMatrix Energy;
301 | ForceMatrix Force;
302 | if (!putResultsintoMatrices(fragmentData, MatrixNrLookup, FragmentCounter, NoAtoms, Energy, Force))
303 | return false;
304 |
305 | // initialise keysets
306 | KeySetsContainer KeySet;
307 | KeySetsContainer ForceKeySet;
308 | if (!Energy.InitialiseIndices()) return false;
309 |
310 | if (!Force.ParseIndices(KeySetFilename.c_str())) return false;
311 |
312 | {
313 | // else needs keysets without hydrogens
314 | std::stringstream filename;
316 | if (!KeySet.ParseKeySets(KeySetFilename, filename.str(), FragmentCounter)) return false;
317 | }
318 |
319 | {
320 | // forces need keysets including hydrogens
321 | std::stringstream filename;
323 | if (!ForceKeySet.ParseKeySets(KeySetFilename, filename.str(), FragmentCounter)) return false;
324 | }
325 |
326 | // combine all found data
327 | if (!KeySet.ParseManyBodyTerms()) return false;
328 |
329 | EnergyMatrix EnergyFragments;
330 | ForceMatrix ForceFragments;
331 | if (!EnergyFragments.AllocateMatrix(Energy.Header, Energy.MatrixCounter, Energy.RowCounter, Energy.ColumnCounter)) return false;
332 | if (!ForceFragments.AllocateMatrix(Force.Header, Force.MatrixCounter, Force.RowCounter, Force.ColumnCounter)) return false;
333 |
334 | if(!Energy.SetLastMatrix(0., 0)) return false;
335 | if(!Force.SetLastMatrix(0., 2)) return false;
336 |
337 | for (int BondOrder=0;BondOrder<KeySet.Order;BondOrder++) {
338 | // --------- sum up energy --------------------
339 | LOG(1, "INFO: Summing energy of order " << BondOrder+1 << " ...");
340 | if (!EnergyFragments.SumSubManyBodyTerms(Energy, KeySet, BondOrder)) return false;
341 | if (!Energy.SumSubEnergy(EnergyFragments, NULL, KeySet, BondOrder, 1.)) return false;
342 |
343 | // --------- sum up Forces --------------------
344 | LOG(1, "INFO: Summing forces of order " << BondOrder+1 << " ...");
345 | if (!ForceFragments.SumSubManyBodyTerms(Force, KeySet, BondOrder)) return false;
346 | if (!Force.SumSubForces(ForceFragments, KeySet, BondOrder, 1.)) return false;
347 | }
348 |
349 | // for debugging print resulting energy and forces
350 | LOG(1, "INFO: Resulting energy is " << Energy.Matrix[ FragmentCounter ][0][0]);
351 | std::stringstream output;
352 | for (int i=0; i< Force.RowCounter[FragmentCounter]; ++i) {
353 | for (int j=0; j< Force.ColumnCounter[FragmentCounter]; ++j)
354 | output << Force.Matrix[ FragmentCounter ][i][j] << " ";
355 | output << "\n";
356 | }
357 | LOG(1, "INFO: Resulting forces are " << std::endl << output.str());
358 |
359 | return true;
360 | }
361 |
362 | /** Print MPQCData from received results.
363 | *
364 | * @param fragmentData MPQCData resulting from the jobs
365 | * @param longrangeData VMGData resulting from long-range jobs
366 | * @param fullsolutionData VMGData resulting from long-range of full problem from level 2 onward
367 | * @param KeySetFilename filename with keysets to associate forces correctly
368 | * @param NoAtoms total number of atoms
369 | * @param full_sample summed up charge from fragments on return
370 | */
371 | bool printReceivedFullResults(
372 | const std::map<JobId_t,MPQCData> &fragmentData,
373 | const std::map<JobId_t,VMGData> &longrangeData,
374 | const std::vector<VMGData> &fullsolutionData,
375 | const std::string &KeySetFilename,
376 | size_t NoAtoms,
377 | std::vector<SamplingGrid> &full_sample)
378 | {
379 | // create lookup from job nr to fragment number
380 | size_t MPQCFragmentCounter = 0;
381 | const std::vector<JobId_t> mpqcjobids = extractJobIds<MPQCData>(fragmentData);
382 | const std::map< JobId_t, size_t > MPQCMatrixNrLookup =
383 | createMatrixNrLookup(mpqcjobids, MPQCFragmentCounter);
384 |
385 | size_t VMGFragmentCounter = 0;
386 | const std::vector<JobId_t> vmgjobids = extractJobIds<VMGData>(longrangeData);
387 | const std::map< JobId_t, size_t > VMGMatrixNrLookup =
388 | createMatrixNrLookup(vmgjobids, VMGFragmentCounter);
389 |
390 | // initialise keysets
391 | KeySetsContainer KeySet;
392 | KeySetsContainer ForceKeySet;
393 | {
394 | // else needs keysets without hydrogens
395 | std::stringstream filename;
397 | if (!KeySet.ParseKeySets(KeySetFilename, filename.str(), MPQCFragmentCounter)) return false;
398 | }
399 |
400 | {
401 | // forces need keysets including hydrogens
402 | std::stringstream filename;
404 | if (!ForceKeySet.ParseKeySets(KeySetFilename, filename.str(), MPQCFragmentCounter)) return false;
405 | }
406 |
407 | /// prepare for OrthogonalSummation
408 |
409 | // convert KeySetContainer to IndexSetContainer
410 | IndexSetContainer::ptr container(new IndexSetContainer(KeySet));
411 | // create the map of all keysets
412 | SubsetMap::ptr subsetmap(new SubsetMap(*container));
413 |
414 | /// convert all MPQCData to MPQCDataMap_t
415 | {
416 | ASSERT( ForceKeySet.KeySets.size() == fragmentData.size(),
417 | "printReceivedFullResults() - ForceKeySet's KeySets and fragmentData differ in size.");
418 |
419 | typedef boost::mpl::remove<MPQCDataEnergyVector_t, MPQCDataFused::energy_eigenvalues>::type MPQCDataEnergyVector_noeigenvalues_t;
420 | std::vector<MPQCDataEnergyMap_t> Result_Energy_fused(
421 | OrthogonalSumUpPerLevel<MPQCDataEnergyMap_t, MPQCDataEnergyVector_t>(
422 | fragmentData, MPQCMatrixNrLookup, container, subsetmap));
423 | std::vector<MPQCDataGridMap_t> Result_Grid_fused(
424 | OrthogonalSumUpPerLevel<MPQCDataGridMap_t, MPQCDataGridVector_t>(
425 | fragmentData, MPQCMatrixNrLookup, container, subsetmap));
426 | std::vector<MPQCDataTimeMap_t> Result_Time_fused(
427 | SumUpPerLevel<MPQCDataTimeMap_t, MPQCDataTimeVector_t>(
428 | fragmentData, MPQCMatrixNrLookup, container, subsetmap));
429 | std::vector<MPQCDataFragmentMap_t> Result_Fragment_fused(
430 | OrthogonalSumUpPerLevel<MPQCDataFragmentMap_t, MPQCDataFragmentVector_t>(
431 | fragmentData, MPQCMatrixNrLookup, container, subsetmap));
432 |
433 | // force has extra converter
434 | std::map<JobId_t, MPQCDataForceMap_t> MPQCData_Force_fused;
435 | convertMPQCDatatoForceMap(fragmentData, ForceKeySet, MPQCData_Force_fused);
436 | std::vector<MPQCDataForceMap_t> Result_Force_fused(subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel());
437 | AllLevelOrthogonalSummator<MPQCDataForceMap_t> forceSummer(
438 | subsetmap,
439 | MPQCData_Force_fused,
440 | container->getContainer(),
441 | MPQCMatrixNrLookup,
442 | Result_Force_fused);
443 | boost::mpl::for_each<MPQCDataForceVector_t>(boost::ref(forceSummer));
444 |
445 | // obtain full grid
446 | std::map<JobId_t, VMGDataMap_t> VMGData_Potential_fused;
447 | convertDataTo<VMGData, VMGDataMap_t>(longrangeData, VMGData_Potential_fused);
448 | OrthogonalFullSummator<VMGDataMap_t, VMGDataFused::sampled_potential> potentialSummer(
449 | subsetmap,
450 | VMGData_Potential_fused,
451 | container->getContainer(),
452 | VMGMatrixNrLookup);
453 | potentialSummer(subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel());
454 | OrthogonalFullSummator<VMGDataMap_t, VMGDataFused::energy_potential> epotentialSummer(
455 | subsetmap,
456 | VMGData_Potential_fused,
457 | container->getContainer(),
458 | VMGMatrixNrLookup);
459 | epotentialSummer(subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel());
460 |
461 | std::vector<VMGDataLongRangeMap_t> Result_LongRange_fused;
462 | Result_LongRange_fused.reserve(subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel());
463 | for (size_t level = 1; level <= subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel(); ++level) {
464 | // weight times correct charge density of the same level
465 | // NOTE: potential for level 1 is not calculated as saturation hydrogen
466 | // are not removed on this level yet
467 | const size_t potentiallevel = level < 2 ? 0 : (level-2);
468 | SamplingGrid charge_weight = boost::fusion::at_key<MPQCDataFused::sampled_grid>(Result_Grid_fused[level-1]);
469 | SamplingGrid full_sample_solution = fullsolutionData[potentiallevel].sampled_potential;
470 | SamplingGrid short_range_correction = potentialSummer(level);
471 | // LOG(0, "Remaining long-range energy from energy_potential is " << full_sample_solution.integral()-epotentialSummer.getFullContribution() << ".");
472 | full_sample_solution -= short_range_correction;
473 | // multiply element-wise with charge distribution
474 | VMGDataLongRangeMap_t instance;
475 | boost::fusion::at_key<VMGDataFused::potential_longrange>(instance) = full_sample_solution.integral();
476 | LOG(0, "Remaining long-range potential integral of level " << level << " is "
477 | << full_sample_solution.integral() << ".");
478 | boost::fusion::at_key<VMGDataFused::potential_shortrange>(instance) = short_range_correction.integral();
479 | LOG(0, "Short-range correction potential integral of level " << level << " is "
480 | << short_range_correction.integral() << ".");
481 | boost::fusion::at_key<VMGDataFused::energy_longrange>(instance) = full_sample_solution.integral(charge_weight);
482 | LOG(0, "Remaining long-range energy from potential integral of level " << level << " is "
483 | << full_sample_solution.integral(charge_weight) << ".");
484 | boost::fusion::at_key<VMGDataFused::energy_shortrange>(instance) = short_range_correction.integral(charge_weight);
485 | LOG(0, "Short-range correction energy from potential integral of level " << level << " is "
486 | << short_range_correction.integral(charge_weight) << ".");
487 | Result_LongRange_fused.push_back(instance);
488 | }
489 | {
490 | // LOG(0, "Remaining long-range energy from energy_potential is " << full_sample_solution.integral()-epotentialSummer.getFullContribution() << ".");
491 | SamplingGrid full_sample_solution = fullsolutionData.back().sampled_potential;
492 | SamplingGrid short_range_correction = potentialSummer.getFullContribution();
493 | full_sample_solution -= short_range_correction;
494 | // multiply element-wise with charge distribution
495 | LOG(0, "Remaining long-range potential integral is " << full_sample_solution.integral() << ".");
496 | LOG(0, "Short-range correction potential integral of level is " << short_range_correction.integral() << ".");
497 | LOG(0, "Remaining long-range energy from potential integral is "
498 | << full_sample_solution.integral(full_sample.back()) << ".");
499 | LOG(0, "Short-range correction energy from potential integral is "
500 | << short_range_correction.integral(full_sample.back()) << ".");
501 | }
502 |
503 | // TODO: Extract long-range corrections to forces
504 | // NOTE: potential is in atomic length units, NOT IN ANGSTROEM!
505 |
506 | OrthogonalFullSummator<VMGDataMap_t, VMGDataFused::energy_long> elongSummer(
507 | subsetmap,
508 | VMGData_Potential_fused,
509 | container->getContainer(),
510 | VMGMatrixNrLookup);
511 | elongSummer(subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel());
512 | double e_long = fullsolutionData.back().e_long;
513 | e_long -= elongSummer.getFullContribution();
514 | LOG(0, "Remaining long-range energy is " << e_long << ".");
515 |
516 | // print tables (without eigenvalues, they go extra)
517 | const size_t MaxLevel = subsetmap->getMaximumSubsetLevel();
518 | const std::string energyresult =
519 | writeTable<MPQCDataEnergyMap_t, MPQCDataEnergyVector_noeigenvalues_t >()(
520 | Result_Energy_fused, MaxLevel);
521 | LOG(0, "Energy table is \n" << energyresult);
522 |
523 | const std::string gridresult =
524 | writeTable<VMGDataLongRangeMap_t, VMGDataLongRangeVector_t >()(
525 | Result_LongRange_fused, MaxLevel);
526 | LOG(0, "LongRange table is \n" << gridresult);
527 |
528 | const std::string eigenvalueresult;
529 | LOG(0, "Eigenvalue table is \n" << eigenvalueresult);
530 |
531 | const std::string forceresult =
532 | writeTable<MPQCDataForceMap_t, MPQCDataForceVector_t>()(
533 | Result_Force_fused, MaxLevel);
534 | LOG(0, "Force table is \n" << forceresult);
535 | // we don't want to print grid to a table
536 | // print times (without flops for now)
537 | typedef boost::mpl::remove<
538 | boost::mpl::remove<MPQCDataTimeVector_t, MPQCDataFused::times_total_flops>::type,
539 | MPQCDataFused::times_gather_flops>::type
540 | MPQCDataTimeVector_noflops_t;
541 | const std::string timesresult =
542 | writeTable<MPQCDataTimeMap_t, MPQCDataTimeVector_noflops_t >()(
543 | Result_Time_fused, MaxLevel);
544 | LOG(0, "Times table is \n" << timesresult);
545 | }
546 |
547 | return true;
548 | }
549 |
550 |
551 | Action::state_ptr FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() {
552 | boost::asio::io_service io_service;
553 | MPQCFragmentController mpqccontroller(io_service);
554 | mpqccontroller.setHost(params.host.get());
555 | mpqccontroller.setPort(params.port.get());
556 | mpqccontroller.setLevel(params.level.get());
557 | VMGFragmentController vmgcontroller(io_service);
558 | vmgcontroller.setHost(params.host.get());
559 | vmgcontroller.setPort(params.port.get());
560 | VMGDebugGridFragmentController debugcontroller(io_service);
561 | debugcontroller.setHost(params.host.get());
562 | debugcontroller.setPort(params.port.get());
563 |
564 | // TODO: Have io_service run in second thread and merge with current again eventually
565 |
566 | // Phase One: obtain ids
567 | std::vector< boost::filesystem::path > jobfiles = params.jobfiles.get();
568 | mpqccontroller.requestIds(jobfiles.size());
569 |
570 | // Phase Two: create and add MPQCJobs
571 | if (!mpqccontroller.addJobsFromFiles(params.executable.get().string(), jobfiles))
572 | return Action::failure;
573 |
574 | // Phase Three: calculate result
575 | mpqccontroller.waitforResults(jobfiles.size());
576 | std::map<JobId_t, MPQCData> fragmentData;
577 | mpqccontroller.getResults(fragmentData);
578 |
579 | #ifdef HAVE_VMG
580 | if (params.DoLongrange.get()) {
581 | ASSERT( World::getInstance().getAllAtoms().size() != 0,
582 | "FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() - please load the full molecule into the World before.");
583 |
584 | // obtain combined charge density
585 | LOG(1, "INFO: Parsing fragment files from " << params.path.get() << ".");
586 | std::vector<SamplingGrid> full_sample; // have charges from level 2 onward summed up
587 | Fragment full_fragment;
588 | sumUpChargeDensity(
589 | fragmentData,
590 | params.path.get(),
591 | full_sample,
592 | full_fragment);
593 |
594 | // Phase Four: obtain more ids
595 | vmgcontroller.requestIds(fragmentData.size()+full_sample.size());
596 |
597 | // Phase Five: create VMGJobs
598 | const size_t near_field_cells = params.near_field_cells.get();
599 | if (!vmgcontroller.createLongRangeJobs(fragmentData, full_sample, full_fragment, near_field_cells))
600 | return Action::failure;
601 |
602 | // Phase Six: calculate result
603 | vmgcontroller.waitforResults(fragmentData.size()+full_sample.size());
604 | std::map<JobId_t, VMGData> longrangeData;
605 | vmgcontroller.getResults(longrangeData);
606 | ASSERT( fragmentData.size()+full_sample.size() == longrangeData.size(),
607 | "FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performCall() - number of MPQCresults+"
608 | +toString(full_sample.size())+" "+toString(fragmentData.size()+full_sample.size())
609 | +" and VMGresults "+toString(longrangeData.size())+" don't match.");
610 |
611 | // remove full solution corresponding to full_sample from map (must be highest ids), has to be treated extra
612 | std::map<JobId_t, VMGData>::iterator iter = longrangeData.end();
613 | for (size_t i=0;i<full_sample.size();++i)
614 | --iter;
615 | std::map<JobId_t, VMGData>::iterator remove_iter = iter;
616 | std::vector<VMGData> fullsolutionData;
617 | for (; iter != longrangeData.end(); ++iter)
618 | fullsolutionData.push_back(iter->second);
619 | longrangeData.erase(remove_iter, longrangeData.end());
620 |
621 | // Final phase: print result
622 | {
623 | LOG(1, "INFO: Parsing fragment files from " << params.path.get() << ".");
624 | printReceivedFullResults(
625 | fragmentData,
626 | longrangeData,
627 | fullsolutionData,
628 | params.path.get(),
629 | getNoAtomsFromAdjacencyFile(params.path.get()),
630 | full_sample);
631 |
632 | if (!full_sample.empty()) {
633 | // create debug jobs to print the summed-up potential to vtk files
634 | debugcontroller.requestIds(full_sample.size());
635 | if (!debugcontroller.createDebugJobs(full_sample))
636 | return Action::failure;
637 | debugcontroller.waitforResults(full_sample.size());
638 | std::map<JobId_t, std::string> debugData;
639 | debugcontroller.getResults(debugData);
640 | }
641 | }
642 | }
643 | #else
644 | // Final phase: print result
645 | {
646 | LOG(1, "INFO: Parsing fragment files from " << params.path.get() << ".");
647 | printReceivedMPQCResults(
648 | fragmentData,
649 | params.path.get(),
650 | getNoAtomsFromAdjacencyFile(params.path.get()));
651 | }
652 | #endif
653 | size_t Exitflag = vmgcontroller.getExitflag() + mpqccontroller.getExitflag();
654 |
655 | return (Exitflag == 0) ? Action::success : Action::failure;
656 | }
657 |
658 | Action::state_ptr FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performUndo(Action::state_ptr _state) {
659 | return Action::success;
660 | }
661 |
662 | Action::state_ptr FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::performRedo(Action::state_ptr _state){
663 | return Action::success;
664 | }
665 |
666 | bool FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::canUndo() {
667 | return false;
668 | }
669 |
670 | bool FragmentationFragmentationAutomationAction::shouldUndo() {
671 | return false;
672 | }
673 | /** =========== end of function ====================== */