1 | /*
2 | * Action.h
3 | *
4 | * Created on: Dec 8, 2009
5 | * Author: crueger
6 | */
7 |
8 | #ifndef ACTION_H_
9 | #define ACTION_H_
10 |
11 | #include <string>
12 | #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
13 |
14 | // forward declaration
15 |
16 | class ActionState;
17 | class ActionSequence;
18 | class Dialog;
19 |
20 | /**
21 | * @file
22 | * <H1> Action Howto </H1>
23 | *
24 | * <H2> Introduction </H2>
25 | *
26 | * Actions are used in object oriented design as a replacement for callback functions.
27 | * In most ways Actions can be used in the same way that callbacks were used in non
28 | * OO-Systems, but can contain support for several extra mechanism such as undo/redo
29 | * or progress indicators.
30 | *
31 | * The main purpose of an action class is to contain small procedures, that can be repeatedly
32 | * called. These procedures can also be stored, passed around, so that the execution of an
33 | * action can happen quite far away from the place of creation. For a detailed description of
34 | * the Action pattern see GOF:1996.
35 | *
36 | * <H3> How to use an action </H3>
37 | *
38 | * The process of using an action is as easy as calling the call() method of the action. The
39 | * action will then do whatever it is supposed to do. If it is an action that can be undone, it
40 | * will also register itself in the history to make itself available for undo. To undo the last
41 | * action, you can either use the undoLast() method inside the ActionHistory class or call the
42 | * UndoAction also provided by the ActionHistory. If an action was undone it will be available for
43 | * redo, using the redoLast() method of the ActionHistory or the RedoAction also provided by this
44 | * class. To check whether undo/redo is available at any moment you can use the hasUndo() or
45 | * hasRedo() method respectively.
46 | *
47 | * Note that an Action always has two functions createDialog() and performCall(). The former
48 | * returns a Dialog filled with query...() functions for all information that we need from the
49 | * user. The latter must not contain any interaction but just uses these values (which are
50 | * temporarily stored by class ValueStorage) to perform the Action.
51 | *
52 | * Furthermore, there is a global action function that makes the action callable with already
53 | * present parameters (i.e. without user interaction and for internal use within the code only).
54 | * This function is basically just a macro, that puts the parameters into the ValueStorage and
55 | * calls Action::call(Action::NonInteractive).
56 | *
57 | * Actions can be set to be active or inactive. If an action is set to inactive it is signaling, that
58 | * some condition necessary for this action to be executed is not currently met. For example the
59 | * UndoAction will set itself to inactive, when there is no action at that time that can be undone.
60 | * Using call() on an inactive Action results in a no-op. You can query the state of an action using
61 | * the isActive() method.
62 | *
63 | * The undo capabilities of actions come in three types as signaled by two boolean flags (one
64 | * combination of these flags is left empty as can be seen later).
65 | * <ul>
66 | * <li/> The first flag indicates if the undo mechanism for this action should be considered at all, i.e.
67 | * if the state of the application changes in a way that needs to be reverted. Actions that should
68 | * consider the undo mechanism are for example adding a molecule, moving atoms, changing
69 | * the name of a molecule etc. Changing the View-Area on the other hand should be an action that
70 | * does not consider the undo mechanism. This flag can be queried using the shouldUndo() method.
71 | *
72 | * <li/> The second flag indicates whether the changes can be undo for this action. If this flag is true
73 | * the action will be made available for undo using the ActionHistory class and the actions of this
74 | * class. If this flag is false while the shoudlUndo() flag is true this means that this action
75 | * changes the state of the application changes in a way that cannot be undone, but might cause
76 | * the undo of previous actions to fail. In this case the whole History is cleared, as to keep
77 | * the state of the application intact by avoiding dangerous undos. This flag can be queried
78 | * using the canUndo() method.
79 | *</ul>
80 | *
81 | * Each action has a name, that can be used to identify it throughout the run of the application.
82 | * This name can be retrieved using the getName() method. Most actions also register themselves with
83 | * a global structure, called the ActionRegistry. Actions that register themselves need to have a
84 | * unique name for the whole application. If the name is known these actions can be retrieved from
85 | * the registry by their name and then be used as normal.
86 | *
87 | * <H2> Building your own actions </H2>
88 | *
89 | * Building actions is easy. Each specific ...Action is derived from the base class Action.
90 | * In order to create all the reoccuring stuff, macros have been created which you can simply
91 | * include and then don't need to worry about it.
92 | * There are three major virtual functions: performCall(), performUndo(), performRedo() which
93 | * you have to write, to equip your action with some actual capabilities.
94 | * Each Action definition and implementation consists of of three files:
95 | * -# cpp: contains performX() which you have to write, also some boilerplate functions which are
96 | * constructed automatically when including your def and "Actions/action_impl_pre.hpp"
97 | * -# hpp: boilerplate definitions created simply by including your def and
98 | * "Actions/action_impl_header.hpp"
99 | * -# def: macro definitions of all your parameters and additional variables needed for the state,
100 | * also name and category and token of your action.
101 | *
102 | * Best thing to do is look at one of the already present triples and you should soon understand
103 | * what you have to add:
104 | * -# pick the right category, i.e. the right folder in src/Actions
105 | * -# pick the right name
106 | * -# decide which parameters your actions need and what the type, the variable name and the token
107 | * to reference it from the command-line should be. Check whether already present and fitting
108 | * tokens exists, e.g. "position" as token for a Vector representing a position.
109 | * -# consider which additional information you need to undo your action
110 | * -# don't forget to include your .def file followed by "action_impl_pre.hpp" in .cpp or
111 | * "action_impl_header.hpp" in the .hpp
112 | * -# continue to write the functionality of your action in performCall(), undo and redo in performUndo()
113 | * and performRedo().
114 | * -# You should indicate whether the action supports undo by implementing the shouldUndo() and
115 | * canUndo() methods to return the appropriate flags.
116 | *
117 | * <H3> Specific notes on the macros </H3>
118 | *
119 | * The following functions are created by the macros, i.e. you don't need to worry about it:
120 | *
121 | * Any user interaction should be placed into the dialog returned by fillDialog().
122 | *
123 | * Also, create the global function to allow for easy calling of your function internally (i.e.
124 | * without user interaction). It should have the name of the Action class without the suffix Action.
125 | *
126 | * The constructor of your derived class also needs to call the Base constructor, passing it the
127 | * name of the Action and a flag indicating whether this action should be made available in the
128 | * registry. WARNING: Do not use the virtual getName() method of the derived action to provide the
129 | * constructor with the name, even if you overloaded this method to return a constant. Doing this
130 | * will most likely not do what you think it does (see: http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/strange-inheritance.html#faq-23.5
131 | * if you want to know why this wont work)
132 | *
133 | * <H3> Interfacing your Action with the Undo mechanism </H3>
134 | *
135 | * The performX() methods need to comply to a simple standard to allow for undo and redo. The first
136 | * convention in this standard concerns the return type. All methods that handle calling, undoing
137 | * or redoing return an object of Action::state_ptr. This is a smart pointer to a State object, that
138 | * can be used to store state information that is needed by your action for later redo. A rename
139 | * Action for example would need to store which object has been renamed and what the old name was.
140 | * A move Action on the other hand would need to store the object that has been moved as well as the
141 | * old position. If your Action does not need to store any kind of information for redo you can
142 | * simply return Action::success and skip the rest of this paragraph. If your action has been
143 | * abborted you can return Action::failure, which indicates to the history mechanism that this
144 | * action should not be stored.
145 | *
146 | * If your Action needs any kind of information to undo its execution, you need to store this
147 | * information in the state that is returned by the performCall() method. Since no assumptions
148 | * can be made on the type or amount of information the ActionState base class is left empty.
149 | * To use this class you need to derive a YourActionState class from the ActionState base class
150 | * adding your data fields and accessor functions. Upon undo the ActionState object produced
151 | * by the corresponding performCall() is then passed to the performUndo() method which should
152 | * typecast the ActionState to the appropriate sub class, undo all the changes and produce
153 | * a State object that can be used to redo the action if neccessary. This new state object is
154 | * then used if the redo mechanism is invoked and passed to the performRedo() function, which
155 | * again produces a State that can be used for performUndo().
156 | *
157 | * <H3> Outline of the implementation of Actions </H3>
158 | *
159 | * To sum up the actions necessary to build actions here is a brief outline of things methioned
160 | * in the last paragraphs:
161 | *
162 | * <H4> Basics </H4>
163 | *
164 | * <ul>
165 | * <li/> create parameter tupels (type, token, reference), put into def. Access them later in
166 | * the performX() via the structure params.###.
167 | * <li/> think of name, category and token for your action, put into def
168 | * <li/> create additional state variables tupels (type, reference) for storing extra information
169 | * that you need for undo/redo in the ActionState. You can always access the parameters
170 | * of your Action by state.params.### (i.e. they are copied to the state by default).
171 | * <li/> implement performCall(), first line should be calling of getParametersfromValueStorage().
172 | * <li/> performUndo(), performRedo()
173 | * <li/> implement the functions that return the flags for the undo mechanism, i.e. true/false.
174 | * </ul>
175 | *
176 | * <H4> Implementing performX() methods </H4>
177 | *
178 | * <ul>
179 | * <li/> performCall():
180 | * <ul>
181 | * <li/> first line should be calling of getParametersfromValueStorage().
182 | * <li/> Access your parameters by the structure params.### (where ### stands for the reference/
183 | * variable name chosen in the tupel).
184 | * <li/> do whatever is needed to make the action work
185 | * <li/> if the action was abborted return Action::failure
186 | * <li/> if the action needs to save a state return a custom state object
187 | * <li/> otherwise return Action::success
188 | * </ul>
189 | * <li/> performUndo():
190 | * <ul>
191 | * <li/> typecast the ActionState pointer to a Pointer to YourActionState if necessary
192 | * <li/> undo the action using the extra information and the Action's parameters in the state
193 | * <li/> produce a new state that can be used for redoing and return it
194 | * </ul>
195 | * <li/> performRedo():
196 | * <ul>
197 | * <li/> take the ActionState produced by performUndo and typecast it to a pointer to YourActionState if necessary
198 | * <li/> redo the undone action using the extra information and the Action's parameters in the state
199 | * <li/> produce a new state that can be used by performUndo() and return it
200 | * </ul>
201 | * </ul>
202 | *
203 | * <H2> Advanced techniques </H2>
204 | *
205 | * <H3> Predefined Actions </H3>
206 | *
207 | * To make construction of actions easy there are some predefined actions. Namely these are
208 | * the MethodAction and the ErrorAction.
209 | *
210 | * The method action can be used to turn any function with empty arguments and return type void
211 | * into an action (also works for functors with those types). Simply pass the constructor for the
212 | * MethodAction a name to use for this action, the function to call inside the performCall()
213 | * method and a flag indicating if this action should be made retrievable inside the registry
214 | * (default is true). MethodActions always report themselves as changing the state of the
215 | * application but cannot be undone. i.e. calling MethodActions will always cause the ActionHistory
216 | * to be cleared.
217 | *
218 | * ErrorActions can be used to produce a short message using the Log() << Verbose() mechanism of
219 | * the molecuilder. Simply pass the constructor a name for the action, the message to show upon
220 | * calling this action and the flag for the registry (default is again true). Error action
221 | * report that they do not change the state of the application and are therefore not considered
222 | * for undo.
223 | *
224 | * <H3> Sequences of Actions and MakroActions </H3>
225 | *
226 | * <H4> Building sequences of Actions </H4>
227 | *
228 | * Actions can be chained to sequences using the ActionSequence class. Once an ActionSequence is
229 | * constructed it will be initially empty. Any Actions can then be added to the sequence using the
230 | * addAction() method of the ActionSequence class. The last added action can be removed using the
231 | * removeLastAction() method. If the construction of the sequence is done, you can use the
232 | * callAll() method. Each action called this way will register itself with the History to allow
233 | * separate undo of all actions in the sequence.
234 | *
235 | * <H4> Building larger Actions from simple ones </H4>
236 | *
237 | * Using the pre-defined class MakroAction it is possible to construct bigger actions from a sequence
238 | * of smaller ones. For this you first have to build a sequence of the actions using the ActionSequence
239 | * as described above. Then you can construct a MakroAction passing it a name, the sequence to use
240 | * and as usual a flag for the registry. You can then simply call the complete action-sequence through
241 | * this makro action using the normal interface. Other than with the direct use of the action sequence
242 | * only the complete MakroAction is registered inside the history, i.e. the complete sequence can be
243 | * undone at once. Also there are a few caveats you have to take care of when using the MakroAction:
244 | * <ul>
245 | * <li/> All Actions as well as the sequence should exclusively belong to the MakroAction. This
246 | * especially means, that the destruction of these objects should be handled by the MakroAction.
247 | * <li/> none of the Actions inside the MakroAction should be registered with the registry, since the
248 | * registry also assumes sole ownership of the actions.
249 | * <li/> Do not remove or add actions from the sequence once the MakroAction has been constructed, since this
250 | * might brake important assumptions for the undo/redo mechanism
251 | * </ul>
252 | *
253 | * <H3> Special kinds of Actions </H3>
254 | *
255 | * To make the usage of Actions more versatile there are two special kinds of actions defined,
256 | * that contain special mechanisms. These are defined inside the class Process, for actions that
257 | * take some time and indicate their own progress, and in the class Calculations for actions that
258 | * have a retrievable result.
259 | *
260 | * <H4> Processes </H4>
261 | *
262 | * Processes are Actions that might take some time and therefore contain special mechanisms
263 | * to indicate their progress to the user. If you want to implement a process you can follow the
264 | * guidelines for implementing actions. In addition to the normal Action constructor parameters,
265 | * you also need to define the number of steps the process takes to finish (use 0 if that number is
266 | * not known upon construction). At the beginning of your process you then simply call start() to
267 | * indicate that the process is taking up its work. You might also want to set the number of steps it
268 | * needs to finish, if it has changed since the last invocation/construction. You can use the
269 | * setMaxSteps() method for this. Then after each finished step of calulation simply call step(),
270 | * to let the indicators know that it should update itself. If the number of steps is not known
271 | * at the time of calculation, you should make sure the maxSteps field is set to 0, either through
272 | * the constructor or by using setMaxSteps(0). Indicators are required to handle both processes that
273 | * know the number of steps needed as well as processes that cannot predict when they will be finished.
274 | * Once your calculation is done call stop() to let every indicator know that the process is done with
275 | * the work and to let the user know.
276 | *
277 | * Indicators that want to know about processes need to implement the Observer class with all the
278 | * methods defined there. They can then globally sign on to all processes using the static
279 | * Process::AddObserver() method and remove themselves using the Process::RemoveObserver()
280 | * methods. When a process starts it will take care that the notification for this process
281 | * is invoked at the right time. Indicators should not try to observe a single process, but rather
282 | * be ready to observe the status of any kind of process using the methods described here.
283 | *
284 | * <H4> Calculations </H4>
285 | *
286 | * Calculations are special Actions that also return a result when called. Calculations are
287 | * always derived from Process, so that the progress of a calculation can be shown. Also
288 | * Calculations should not contain side-effects and not consider the undo mechanism.
289 | * When a Calculation is called using the Action mechanism this will cause it to calculate
290 | * the result and make it available using the getResult() method. Another way to have a Calculation
291 | * produce a result is by using the function-call operator. When this operator is used, the Calculation
292 | * will try to return a previously calculated and cached result and only do any actuall calculations
293 | * when no such result is available. You can delete the cached result using the reset() method.
294 | */
295 |
296 | /**
297 | * Base class for all actions.
298 | *
299 | * Actions describe something that has to be done.
300 | * Actions can be passed around, stored, performed and undone (Command-Pattern).
301 | */
302 | class Action
303 | {
304 | friend class ActionSequence;
305 | friend class ActionHistory;
306 | public:
307 |
308 | enum QueryOptions {Interactive, NonInteractive};
309 |
310 | /**
311 | * This type is used to store pointers to ActionStates while allowing multiple ownership
312 | */
313 | typedef boost::shared_ptr<ActionState> state_ptr;
314 |
315 | /**
316 | * Standard constructor of Action Base class
317 | *
318 | * All Actions need to have a name. The second flag indicates, whether the action should
319 | * be registered with the ActionRegistry. If the Action is registered the name of the
320 | * Action needs to be unique for all Actions that are registered.
321 | */
322 | Action(std::string _name,bool _doRegister=true);
323 | virtual ~Action();
324 |
325 | /**
326 | * This method is used to call an action. The basic operations for the Action
327 | * are carried out and if necessary/possible the Action is added to the History
328 | * to allow for undo of this action.
329 | *
330 | * If the call needs to undone you have to use the History, to avoid destroying
331 | * invariants used by the History.
332 | *
333 | * Note that this call can be Interactive (i.e. a dialog will ask the user for
334 | * necessary information) and NonInteractive (i.e. the information will have to
335 | * be present already within the ValueStorage class or else a MissingArgumentException
336 | * is thrown)
337 | */
338 | void call(enum QueryOptions state = Interactive);
339 |
340 | /**
341 | * This method provides a flag that indicates if an undo mechanism is implemented
342 | * for this Action. If this is true, and this action was called last, you can
343 | * use the History to undo this action.
344 | */
345 | virtual bool canUndo()=0;
346 |
347 | /**
348 | * This method provides a flag, that indicates if the Action changes the state of
349 | * the application in a way that needs to be undone for the History to work.
350 | *
351 | * If this is false the Action will not be added to the History upon calling. However
352 | * Actions called before this one will still be available for undo.
353 | */
354 | virtual bool shouldUndo()=0;
355 |
356 | /**
357 | * Indicates whether the Action can do it's work at the moment. If this
358 | * is false calling the action will result in a no-op.
359 | */
360 | virtual bool isActive();
361 |
362 | /**
363 | * Returns the name of the Action.
364 | */
365 | virtual const std::string getName();
366 |
367 | protected:
368 | /**
369 | * This method is called by the History, when an undo is performed. It is
370 | * provided with the corresponding state produced by the performCall or
371 | * performRedo method and needs to provide a state that can be used for redo.
372 | */
373 | state_ptr undo(state_ptr);
374 |
375 | /**
376 | * This method is called by the Histor, when a redo is performed. It is
377 | * provided with the corresponding state produced by the undo method and
378 | * needs to produce a State that can then be used for another undo.
379 | */
380 | state_ptr redo(state_ptr);
381 |
382 | /**
383 | * This special state can be used to indicate that the Action was successfull
384 | * without providing a special state. Use this if your Action does not need
385 | * a speciallized state.
386 | */
387 | static state_ptr success;
388 |
389 | /**
390 | * This special state can be returned, to indicate that the action could not do it's
391 | * work, was abborted by the user etc. If you return this state make sure to transactionize
392 | * your Actions and unroll the complete transaction before this is returned.
393 | */
394 | static state_ptr failure;
395 |
396 | /**
397 | * This creates the dialog requesting the information needed for this action from the user
398 | * via means of the user interface.
399 | */
400 | Dialog * createDialog();
401 |
402 | private:
403 |
404 | /**
405 | * This is called internally before the Action::performCall(). It initializes the
406 | * necessary ActionParameters by retrieving the values from ValueStorage.
407 | */
408 | virtual void getParametersfromValueStorage()=0;
409 |
410 | /**
411 | * This is called internally before the action is processed. This adds necessary queries
412 | * to a given dialog to obtain parameters for the user for processing the action accordingly.
413 | * The dialog will be given to the user before Action::performCall() is initiated, values
414 | * are transfered via ValueStorage.
415 | */
416 | virtual Dialog * fillDialog(Dialog*)=0;
417 |
418 | /**
419 | * This is called internally when the call is being done. Implement this method to do the actual
420 | * work of the Action. Implement this in your Derived classes. Needs to return a state that can be
421 | * used to undo the action.
422 | */
423 | virtual state_ptr performCall()=0;
424 |
425 | /**
426 | * This is called internally when the undo process is chosen. This Method should use the state
427 | * produced by the performCall method to return the state of the application to the state
428 | * it had before the Action.
429 | */
430 | virtual state_ptr performUndo(state_ptr)=0;
431 |
432 | /**
433 | * This is called internally when the redo process is chosen. This method shoudl use the state
434 | * produced by the performUndo method to return the application to the state it should have after
435 | * the action.
436 | *
437 | * Often this method can be implement to re-use the performCall method. However if user interaction
438 | * or further parameters are needed, those should be taken from the state and not query the user
439 | * again.
440 | */
441 | virtual state_ptr performRedo(state_ptr)=0;
442 |
443 | std::string name;
444 | };
445 |
446 | /**
447 | * This class can be used by actions to save the state.
448 | *
449 | * It is implementing a memento pattern. The base class is completely empty,
450 | * since no general state internals can be given. The Action performing
451 | * the Undo should downcast to the apropriate type.
452 | */
453 | class ActionState{
454 | public:
455 | ActionState(){}
456 | virtual ~ActionState(){}
457 | };
458 |
459 | /**
460 | * This class can be used by actions to contain parameters.
461 | *
462 | * The base class is completely empty, since no general parameters can be given. The
463 | * Action performing the function should construct its own parameter class derived
464 | * from it.
465 | */
466 | class ActionParameters{
467 | public:
468 | ActionParameters(){}
469 | virtual ~ActionParameters(){}
470 | };
471 |
472 | #endif /* ACTION_H_ */