source: ThirdParty/mpqc_open/lib/elisp/compile.el@ 7516f6

Action_Thermostats Adding_MD_integration_tests Adding_StructOpt_integration_tests AutomationFragmentation_failures Candidate_v1.6.1 ChemicalSpaceEvaluator Enhanced_StructuralOptimization Enhanced_StructuralOptimization_continued Exclude_Hydrogens_annealWithBondGraph Fix_Verbose_Codepatterns ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_continued_betteresults ForceAnnealing_with_BondGraph_contraction-expansion Gui_displays_atomic_force_velocity JobMarket_RobustOnKillsSegFaults JobMarket_StableWorkerPool PythonUI_with_named_parameters Recreated_GuiChecks StoppableMakroAction TremoloParser_IncreasedPrecision
Last change on this file since 7516f6 was 860145, checked in by Frederik Heber <heber@…>, 8 years ago

Merge commit '0b990dfaa8c6007a996d030163a25f7f5fc8a7e7' as 'ThirdParty/mpqc_open'

  • Property mode set to 100644
File size: 50.2 KB
1;;; compile.el --- run compiler as inferior of Emacs, parse error messages.
3;; Copyright (C) 1985, 86, 87, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5;; Author: Roland McGrath <>
6;; Maintainer: FSF
7;; Keywords: tools, processes
9;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14;; any later version.
16;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
23;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
25;;; Commentary:
27;; This package provides the compile and grep facilities documented in
28;; the Emacs user's manual.
30;;; Code:
33(defvar compilation-mode-hook nil
34 "*List of hook functions run by `compilation-mode' (see `run-hooks').")
37(defconst compilation-window-height nil
38 "*Number of lines in a compilation window. If nil, use Emacs default.")
40(defvar compilation-error-list nil
41 "List of error message descriptors for visiting erring functions.
42Each error descriptor is a cons (or nil). Its car is a marker pointing to
43an error message. If its cdr is a marker, it points to the text of the
44line the message is about. If its cdr is a cons, it is a list
45\(\(DIRECTORY . FILE\) LINE [COLUMN]\). Or its cdr may be nil if that
46error is not interesting.
48The value may be t instead of a list; this means that the buffer of
49error messages should be reparsed the next time the list of errors is wanted.
51Some other commands (like `diff') use this list to control the error
52message tracking facilites; if you change its structure, you should make
53sure you also change those packages. Perhaps it is better not to change
54it at all.")
56(defvar compilation-old-error-list nil
57 "Value of `compilation-error-list' after errors were parsed.")
59(defvar compilation-parse-errors-function 'compilation-parse-errors
60 "Function to call to parse error messages from a compilation.
61It takes args LIMIT-SEARCH and FIND-AT-LEAST.
62If LIMIT-SEARCH is non-nil, don't bother parsing past that location.
63If FIND-AT-LEAST is non-nil, don't bother parsing after finding that
64many new errors.
65It should read in the source files which have errors and set
66`compilation-error-list' to a list with an element for each error message
67found. See that variable for more info.")
70(defvar compilation-buffer-name-function nil
71 "Function to compute the name of a compilation buffer.
72The function receives one argument, the name of the major mode of the
73compilation buffer. It should return a string.
74nil means compute the name with `(concat \"*\" (downcase major-mode) \"*\")'.")
77(defvar compilation-finish-function nil
78 "*Function to call when a compilation process finishes.
79It is called with two arguments: the compilation buffer, and a string
80describing how the process finished.")
82(defvar compilation-last-buffer nil
83 "The most recent compilation buffer.
84A buffer becomes most recent when its compilation is started
85or when it is used with \\[next-error] or \\[compile-goto-error].")
87(defvar compilation-in-progress nil
88 "List of compilation processes now running.")
89(or (assq 'compilation-in-progress minor-mode-alist)
90 (setq minor-mode-alist (cons '(compilation-in-progress " Compiling")
91 minor-mode-alist)))
93(defvar compilation-parsing-end nil
94 "Position of end of buffer when last error messages were parsed.")
96(defvar compilation-error-message "No more errors"
97 "Message to print when no more matches are found.")
99(defvar compilation-num-errors-found)
101(defvar compilation-error-regexp-alist
102 '(
103 ;; NOTE! This first one is repeated in grep-regexp-alist, below.
105 ;; 4.3BSD grep, cc, lint pass 1:
106 ;; /usr/src/foo/foo.c(8): warning: w may be used before set
107 ;; or GNU utilities:
108 ;; foo.c:8: error message
109 ;; or HP-UX 7.0 fc:
110 ;; foo.f :16 some horrible error message
111 ;;
112 ;; We'll insist that the number be followed by a colon or closing
113 ;; paren, because otherwise this matches just about anything
114 ;; containing a number with spaces around it.
115 ("\n\\([^:( \t\n]+\\)[:(][ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)[:) \t]" 1 2)
117 ;; 4.3BSD lint pass 2
118 ;; strcmp: variable # of args. llib-lc(359) :: /usr/src/foo/foo.c(8)
119 ("[ \t:]\\([^:( \t\n]+\\)[:(](+[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\))[:) \t]*$" 1 2)
121 ;; 4.3BSD lint pass 3
122 ;; bloofle defined( /users/wolfgang/foo.c(4) ), but never used
123 ;; This used to be
124 ;; ("[ \t(]+\\([^:( \t\n]+\\)[:( \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[:) \t]+" 1 2)
125 ;; which is regexp Impressionism - it matches almost anything!
126 ("([ \t]*\\([^:( \t\n]+\\)[:(][ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\))" 1 2)
128 ;; Ultrix 3.0 f77:
129 ;; fort: Severe: addstf.f, line 82: Missing operator or delimiter symbol
130 ("\nfort: [^:\n]*: \\([^ \n]*\\), line \\([0-9]+\\):" 1 2)
131 ;; Error on line 3 of t.f: Execution error unclassifiable statement
132 ;; Unknown who does this:
133 ;; Line 45 of "foo.c": bloofel undefined
134 ;; Absoft FORTRAN 77 Compiler 3.1.3
135 ;; error on line 19 of fplot.f: spelling error?
136 ;; warning on line 17 of fplot.f: data type is undefined for variable d
137 ("\\(\n\\|on \\)[Ll]ine[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\
138of[ \t]+\"?\\([^\":\n]+\\)\"?:" 3 2)
140 ;; Apollo cc, 4.3BSD fc:
141 ;; "foo.f", line 3: Error: syntax error near end of statement
142 ;; IBM RS6000:
143 ;; "vvouch.c", line 19.5: 1506-046 (S) Syntax error.
144 ;; Unknown compiler:
145 ;; File "", lines 5-8, characters 20-155: blah blah
146 ;; Microtec mcc68k:
147 ;; "foo.c", line 32 pos 1; (E) syntax error; unexpected symbol: "lossage"
148 ("\"\\([^,\" \n\t]+\\)\", lines? \\([0-9]+\\)[:., -]" 1 2)
150 ;; MIPS RISC CC - the one distributed with Ultrix:
151 ;; ccom: Error: foo.c, line 2: syntax error
152 ;; DEC AXP OSF/1 cc
153 ;; /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc/cfe: Error: foo.c: 1: blah blah
154 ("rror: \\([^,\" \n\t]+\\)[,:] \\(line \\)?\\([0-9]+\\):" 1 3)
156 ;; IBM AIX PS/2 C version 1.1:
157 ;; ****** Error number 140 in line 8 of file errors.c ******
158 ("in line \\([0-9]+\\) of file \\([^ \n]+[^. \n]\\)\\.? " 2 1)
159 ;; IBM AIX lint is too painful to do right this way. File name
160 ;; prefixes entire sections rather than being on each line.
162 ;; Lucid Compiler, lcc 3.x
163 ;; E,,52) Illegal operation on pointers
164 ("\n[EW], \\([^(\n]*\\)(\\([0-9]+\\),[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)" 1 2 3)
166 )
167 "Alist that specifies how to match errors in compiler output.
168Each element has the form (REGEXP FILE-IDX LINE-IDX [COLUMN-IDX]).
169If REGEXP matches, the FILE-IDX'th subexpression gives the file name, and
170the LINE-IDX'th subexpression gives the line number. If COLUMN-IDX is
171given, the COLUMN-IDX'th subexpression gives the column number on that line.")
173(defvar compilation-read-command t
174 "If not nil, M-x compile reads the compilation command to use.
175Otherwise, M-x compile just uses the value of `compile-command'.")
177(defvar compilation-ask-about-save t
178 "If not nil, M-x compile asks which buffers to save before compiling.
179Otherwise, it saves all modified buffers without asking.")
181(defvar grep-regexp-alist
182 '(("^\\([^:( \t\n]+\\)[:( \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[:) \t]" 1 2))
183 "Regexp used to match grep hits. See `compilation-error-regexp-alist'.")
185(defvar grep-command "grep -n "
186 "Last grep command used in \\{grep}; default for next grep.")
189(defvar compilation-search-path '(nil)
190 "*List of directories to search for source files named in error messages.
191Elements should be directory names, not file names of directories.
192nil as an element means to try the default directory.")
194(defvar compile-command "make -k "
195 "Last shell command used to do a compilation; default for next compilation.
197Sometimes it is useful for files to supply local values for this variable.
198You might also use mode hooks to specify it in certain modes, like this:
200 (setq c-mode-hook
201 '(lambda () (or (file-exists-p \"makefile\") (file-exists-p \"Makefile\")
202 (progn (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
203 (setq compile-command
204 (concat \"make -k \"
205 buffer-file-name))))))")
207(defconst compilation-enter-directory-regexp
208 ": Entering directory `\\(.*\\)'$"
209 "Regular expression matching lines that indicate a new current directory.
210This must contain one \\(, \\) pair around the directory name.
212The default value matches lines printed by the `-w' option of GNU Make.")
214(defconst compilation-leave-directory-regexp
215 ": Leaving directory `\\(.*\\)'$"
216 "Regular expression matching lines that indicate restoring current directory.
217This may contain one \\(, \\) pair around the name of the directory
218being moved from. If it does not, the last directory entered \(by a
219line matching `compilation-enter-directory-regexp'\) is assumed.
221The default value matches lines printed by the `-w' option of GNU Make.")
223(defvar compilation-directory-stack nil
224 "Stack of previous directories for `compilation-leave-directory-regexp'.
225The head element is the directory the compilation was started in.")
227;; History of compile commands.
228(defvar compile-history nil)
229;; History of grep commands.
230(defvar grep-history nil)
233(defun compile (command)
234 "Compile the program including the current buffer. Default: run `make'.
235Runs COMMAND, a shell command, in a separate process asynchronously
236with output going to the buffer `*compilation*'.
238You can then use the command \\[next-error] to find the next error message
239and move to the source code that caused it.
241To run more than one compilation at once, start one and rename the
242\`*compilation*' buffer to some other name with \\[rename-buffer].
243Then start the next one.
245The name used for the buffer is actually whatever is returned by
246the function in `compilation-buffer-name-function', so you can set that
247to a function that generates a unique name."
248 (interactive
249 (if compilation-read-command
250 (list (read-from-minibuffer "Compile command: "
251 compile-command nil nil
252 '(compile-history . 1)))
253 (list compile-command)))
254 (setq compile-command command)
255 (save-some-buffers (not compilation-ask-about-save) nil)
256 (compile-internal compile-command "No more errors"))
259(defun grep (command-args)
260 "Run grep, with user-specified args, and collect output in a buffer.
261While grep runs asynchronously, you can use the \\[next-error] command
262to find the text that grep hits refer to.
264This command uses a special history list for its arguments, so you can
265easily repeat a grep command."
266 (interactive
267 (list (read-from-minibuffer "Run grep (like this): "
268 grep-command nil nil 'grep-history)))
269 (compile-internal (concat command-args " /dev/null")
270 "No more grep hits" "grep"
271 ;; Give it a simpler regexp to match.
272 nil grep-regexp-alist))
274(defun compile-internal (command error-message
275 &optional name-of-mode parser regexp-alist
276 name-function)
277 "Run compilation command COMMAND (low level interface).
278ERROR-MESSAGE is a string to print if the user asks to see another error
279and there are no more errors. Third argument NAME-OF-MODE is the name
280to display as the major mode in the compilation buffer.
282Fourth arg PARSER is the error parser function (nil means the default). Fifth
283arg REGEXP-ALIST is the error message regexp alist to use (nil means the
284default). Sixth arg NAME-FUNCTION is a function called to name the buffer (nil
285means the default). The defaults for these variables are the global values of
286\`compilation-parse-errors-function', `compilation-error-regexp-alist', and
287\`compilation-buffer-name-function', respectively.
289Returns the compilation buffer created."
290 (let (outbuf)
291 (save-excursion
292 (or name-of-mode
293 (setq name-of-mode "Compilation"))
294 (setq outbuf
295 (get-buffer-create
296 (funcall (or name-function compilation-buffer-name-function
297 (function (lambda (mode)
298 (concat "*" (downcase mode) "*"))))
299 name-of-mode)))
300 (set-buffer outbuf)
301 (let ((comp-proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
302 (if comp-proc
303 (if (or (not (eq (process-status comp-proc) 'run))
304 (yes-or-no-p
305 (format "A %s process is running; kill it? "
306 name-of-mode)))
307 (condition-case ()
308 (progn
309 (interrupt-process comp-proc)
310 (sit-for 1)
311 (delete-process comp-proc))
312 (error nil))
313 (error "Cannot have two processes in `%s' at once"
314 (buffer-name))
315 )))
316 ;; In case the compilation buffer is current, make sure we get the global
317 ;; values of compilation-error-regexp-alist, etc.
318 (kill-all-local-variables))
319 (let ((regexp-alist (or regexp-alist compilation-error-regexp-alist))
320 (parser (or parser compilation-parse-errors-function))
321 (thisdir default-directory)
322 outwin)
323 (save-excursion
324 ;; Clear out the compilation buffer and make it writable.
325 ;; Change its default-directory to the directory where the compilation
326 ;; will happen, and insert a `cd' command to indicate this.
327 (set-buffer outbuf)
328 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
329 (erase-buffer)
331 (if (and (not (string= name-of-mode "grep"))
332 (fboundp 'compile-modify-path))
333 (setq thisdir (compile-modify-path thisdir))
334 )
336 (setq default-directory thisdir)
337 (insert "cd " thisdir "\n" command "\n")
338 (set-buffer-modified-p nil))
339 ;; If we're already in the compilation buffer, go to the end
340 ;; of the buffer, so point will track the compilation output.
341 (if (eq outbuf (current-buffer))
342 (goto-char (point-max)))
343 ;; Pop up the compilation buffer.
344 (setq outwin (display-buffer outbuf))
345 (save-excursion
346 (set-buffer outbuf)
347 (compilation-mode)
348 (buffer-disable-undo (current-buffer))
349 ;; (setq buffer-read-only t) ;;; Non-ergonomic.
350 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-parse-errors-function) parser)
351 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-message) error-message)
352 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-regexp-alist) regexp-alist)
353 (setq default-directory thisdir
354 compilation-directory-stack (list default-directory))
355 (set-window-start outwin (point-min))
356 (setq mode-name name-of-mode)
357 (or (eq outwin (selected-window))
359 ;; goto the end of the buffer instead of the beginning
360 ;;(set-window-point outwin (point-min)))
361 (set-window-point outwin (point-max)))
363 (and compilation-window-height
364 (= (window-width outwin) (frame-width))
365 (let ((w (selected-window)))
366 (unwind-protect
367 (progn
368 (select-window outwin)
369 (enlarge-window (- compilation-window-height
370 (window-height))))
371 (select-window w))))
372 ;; Start the compilation.
373 (if (fboundp 'start-process)
374 (let ((proc (start-process-shell-command (downcase mode-name)
375 outbuf
376 command)))
377 (set-process-sentinel proc 'compilation-sentinel)
378 (set-process-filter proc 'compilation-filter)
379 (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point) outbuf)
380 (setq compilation-in-progress
381 (cons proc compilation-in-progress)))
382 ;; No asynchronous processes available
383 (message (format "Executing `%s'..." command))
384 (let ((status (call-process shell-file-name nil outbuf nil "-c"
385 command))))
386 (message (format "Executing `%s'...done" command)))))
387 ;; Make it so the next C-x ` will use this buffer.
388 (setq compilation-last-buffer outbuf)))
390(defvar compilation-minor-mode-map
391 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
392 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'compile-mouse-goto-error)
393 (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'compile-goto-error)
394 (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'kill-compilation)
395 (define-key map "\M-n" 'compilation-next-error)
396 (define-key map "\M-p" 'compilation-previous-error)
397 (define-key map "\M-{" 'compilation-previous-file)
398 (define-key map "\M-}" 'compilation-next-file)
399 map)
400 "Keymap for `compilation-minor-mode'.")
402(defvar compilation-mode-map
403 (let ((map (cons 'keymap compilation-minor-mode-map)))
404 (define-key map " " 'scroll-up)
405 (define-key map "\^?" 'scroll-down)
406 map)
407 "Keymap for compilation log buffers.
408`compilation-minor-mode-map' is a cdr of this.")
410(defun compilation-mode ()
411 "Major mode for compilation log buffers.
412\\<compilation-mode-map>To visit the source for a line-numbered error,
413move point to the error message line and type \\[compile-goto-error].
414To kill the compilation, type \\[kill-compilation].
416Runs `compilation-mode-hook' with `run-hooks' (which see)."
417 (interactive)
418 (fundamental-mode)
419 (use-local-map compilation-mode-map)
420 (setq major-mode 'compilation-mode
421 mode-name "Compilation")
422 (compilation-setup)
423 (run-hooks 'compilation-mode-hook))
425;; Prepare the buffer for the compilation parsing commands to work.
426(defun compilation-setup ()
427 ;; Make the buffer's mode line show process state.
428 (setq mode-line-process '(":%s"))
429 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-error-list) nil)
430 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-old-error-list) nil)
431 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-parsing-end) 1)
432 (set (make-local-variable 'compilation-directory-stack) nil)
433 (setq compilation-last-buffer (current-buffer)))
435(defvar compilation-minor-mode nil
436 "Non-nil when in compilation-minor-mode.
437In this minor mode, all the error-parsing commands of the
438Compilation major mode are available.")
439(make-variable-buffer-local 'compilation-minor-mode)
441(or (assq 'compilation-minor-mode minor-mode-alist)
442 (setq minor-mode-alist (cons '(compilation-minor-mode " Compilation")
443 minor-mode-alist)))
444(or (assq 'compilation-minor-mode minor-mode-map-alist)
445 (setq minor-mode-map-alist (cons (cons 'compilation-minor-mode
446 compilation-minor-mode-map)
447 minor-mode-map-alist)))
450(defun compilation-minor-mode (&optional arg)
451 "Toggle compilation minor mode.
452With arg, turn compilation mode on if and only if arg is positive.
453See `compilation-mode'."
454 (interactive "P")
455 (if (setq compilation-minor-mode (if (null arg)
456 (null compilation-minor-mode)
457 (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
458 (compilation-setup)))
460;; Called when compilation process changes state.
461(defun compilation-sentinel (proc msg)
462 "Sentinel for compilation buffers."
463 (let ((buffer (process-buffer proc)))
464 (if (memq (process-status proc) '(signal exit))
465 (progn
466 (if (null (buffer-name buffer))
467 ;; buffer killed
468 (set-process-buffer proc nil)
469 (let ((obuf (current-buffer))
470 omax opoint)
471 ;; save-excursion isn't the right thing if
472 ;; process-buffer is current-buffer
473 (unwind-protect
474 (progn
475 ;; Write something in the compilation buffer
476 ;; and hack its mode line.
477 (set-buffer buffer)
478 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
479 (setq omax (point-max)
480 opoint (point))
481 (goto-char omax)
482 ;; Record where we put the message, so we can ignore it
483 ;; later on.
484 (insert ?\n mode-name " " msg)
485 (forward-char -1)
486 (insert " at " (substring (current-time-string) 0 19))
487 (forward-char 1)
488 (setq mode-line-process
489 (concat ":"
490 (symbol-name (process-status proc))))
491 ;; Since the buffer and mode line will show that the
492 ;; process is dead, we can delete it now. Otherwise it
493 ;; will stay around until M-x list-processes.
494 (delete-process proc)
495 ;; Force mode line redisplay soon.
496 (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
497 (if (and opoint (< opoint omax))
498 (goto-char opoint))
499 (if compilation-finish-function
500 (funcall compilation-finish-function buffer msg)))
501 (set-buffer obuf))))
502 (setq compilation-in-progress (delq proc compilation-in-progress))
503 ))))
505(defun compilation-filter (proc string)
506 "Process filter for compilation buffers.
507Just inserts the text, but uses `insert-before-markers'."
508 (save-excursion
509 (set-buffer (process-buffer proc))
510 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
511 (save-excursion
512 (goto-char (process-mark proc))
513 (insert-before-markers string)
514 (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))))))
516;; Return the cdr of compilation-old-error-list for the error containing point.
517(defun compile-error-at-point ()
518 (compile-reinitialize-errors nil (point))
519 (let ((errors compilation-old-error-list))
520 (while (and errors
521 (> (point) (car (car errors))))
522 (setq errors (cdr errors)))
523 errors))
525(defsubst compilation-buffer-p (buffer)
526 (assq 'compilation-error-list (buffer-local-variables buffer)))
528(defun compilation-next-error (n)
529 "Move point to the next error in the compilation buffer.
530Does NOT find the source line like \\[next-error]."
531 (interactive "p")
532 (or (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
533 (error "Not in a compilation buffer."))
534 (setq compilation-last-buffer (current-buffer))
536 (let ((errors (compile-error-at-point)))
538 ;; Move to the error after the one containing point.
539 (goto-char (car (if (< n 0)
540 (let ((i 0)
541 (e compilation-old-error-list))
542 ;; See how many cdrs away ERRORS is from the start.
543 (while (not (eq e errors))
544 (setq i (1+ i)
545 e (cdr e)))
546 (if (> (- n) i)
547 (error "Moved back past first error")
548 (nth (+ i n) compilation-old-error-list)))
549 (let ((compilation-error-list (cdr errors)))
550 (compile-reinitialize-errors nil nil n)
551 (if compilation-error-list
552 (nth (1- n) compilation-error-list)
553 (error "Moved past last error"))))))))
555(defun compilation-previous-error (n)
556 "Move point to the previous error in the compilation buffer.
557Does NOT find the source line like \\[next-error]."
558 (interactive "p")
559 (compilation-next-error (- n)))
562;; Given an elt of `compilation-error-list', return an object representing
563;; the referenced file which is equal to (but not necessarily eq to) what
564;; this function would return for another error in the same file.
565(defsubst compilation-error-filedata (data)
566 (setq data (cdr data))
567 (if (markerp data)
568 (marker-buffer data)
569 (car data)))
571;; Return a string describing a value from compilation-error-filedata.
572;; This value is not necessarily useful as a file name, but should be
573;; indicative to the user of what file's errors are being referred to.
574(defsubst compilation-error-filedata-file-name (filedata)
575 (if (bufferp filedata)
576 (buffer-file-name filedata)
577 (car filedata)))
579(defun compilation-next-file (n)
580 "Move point to the next error for a different file than the current one."
581 (interactive "p")
582 (or (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
583 (error "Not in a compilation buffer."))
584 (setq compilation-last-buffer (current-buffer))
586 (let ((reversed (< n 0))
587 errors filedata)
589 (if (not reversed)
590 (setq errors (or (compile-error-at-point)
591 (error "Moved past last error")))
593 ;; Get a reversed list of the errors up through the one containing point.
594 (compile-reinitialize-errors nil (point))
595 (setq errors (reverse compilation-old-error-list)
596 n (- n))
598 ;; Ignore errors after point. (car ERRORS) will be the error
599 ;; containing point, (cadr ERRORS) the one before it.
600 (while (and errors
601 (< (point) (car (car errors))))
602 (setq errors (cdr errors))))
604 (while (> n 0)
605 (setq filedata (compilation-error-filedata (car errors)))
607 ;; Skip past the following errors for this file.
608 (while (equal filedata
609 (compilation-error-filedata
610 (car (or errors
611 (if reversed
612 (error "%s the first erring file"
613 (compilation-error-filedata-file-name
614 filedata))
615 (let ((compilation-error-list nil))
616 ;; Parse some more.
617 (compile-reinitialize-errors nil nil 2)
618 (setq errors compilation-error-list)))
619 (error "%s is the last erring file"
620 (compilation-error-filedata-file-name
621 filedata))))))
622 (setq errors (cdr errors)))
624 (setq n (1- n)))
626 ;; Move to the following error.
627 (goto-char (car (car (or errors
628 (if reversed
629 (error "This is the first erring file")
630 (let ((compilation-error-list nil))
631 ;; Parse the last one.
632 (compile-reinitialize-errors nil nil 1)
633 compilation-error-list))))))))
635(defun compilation-previous-file (n)
636 "Move point to the previous error for a different file than the current one."
637 (interactive "p")
638 (compilation-next-file (- n)))
641(defun kill-compilation ()
642 "Kill the process made by the \\[compile] command."
643 (interactive)
644 (let ((buffer (compilation-find-buffer)))
645 (if (get-buffer-process buffer)
646 (interrupt-process (get-buffer-process buffer))
647 (error "The compilation process is not running."))))
650;; Parse any new errors in the compilation buffer,
651;; or reparse from the beginning if the user has asked for that.
652(defun compile-reinitialize-errors (reparse
653 &optional limit-search find-at-least)
654 (save-excursion
655 (set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
656 ;; If we are out of errors, or if user says "reparse",
657 ;; discard the info we have, to force reparsing.
658 (if (or (eq compilation-error-list t)
659 reparse)
660 (compilation-forget-errors))
661 (if (and compilation-error-list
662 (or (not limit-search)
663 (> compilation-parsing-end limit-search))
664 (or (not find-at-least)
665 (>= (length compilation-error-list) find-at-least)))
666 ;; Since compilation-error-list is non-nil, it points to a specific
667 ;; error the user wanted. So don't move it around.
668 nil
669 ;; This was here for a long time (before my rewrite); why? --roland
670 ;;(switch-to-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
671 (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
672 (if (< compilation-parsing-end (point-max))
673 ;; compilation-error-list might be non-nil if we have a non-nil
674 ;; LIMIT-SEARCH or FIND-AT-LEAST arg. In that case its value
675 ;; records the current position in the error list, and we must
676 ;; preserve that after reparsing.
677 (let ((error-list-pos compilation-error-list))
678 (funcall compilation-parse-errors-function
679 limit-search
680 (and find-at-least
681 ;; We only need enough new parsed errors to reach
682 ;; FIND-AT-LEAST errors past the current
683 ;; position.
684 (- find-at-least (length compilation-error-list))))
685 ;; Remember the entire list for compilation-forget-errors. If
686 ;; this is an incremental parse, append to previous list. If
687 ;; we are parsing anew, compilation-forget-errors cleared
688 ;; compilation-old-error-list above.
689 (setq compilation-old-error-list
690 (nconc compilation-old-error-list compilation-error-list))
691 (if error-list-pos
692 ;; We started in the middle of an existing list of parsed
693 ;; errors before parsing more; restore that position.
694 (setq compilation-error-list error-list-pos))
695 )))))
697(defun compile-mouse-goto-error (event)
698 (interactive "e")
699 (save-excursion
700 (set-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event))))
701 (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
703 (or (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
704 (error "Not in a compilation buffer."))
705 (setq compilation-last-buffer (current-buffer))
706 (compile-reinitialize-errors nil (point))
708 ;; Move to bol; the marker for the error on this line will point there.
709 (beginning-of-line)
711 ;; Move compilation-error-list to the elt of compilation-old-error-list
712 ;; we want.
713 (setq compilation-error-list compilation-old-error-list)
714 (while (and compilation-error-list
715 (> (point) (car (car compilation-error-list))))
716 (setq compilation-error-list (cdr compilation-error-list)))
717 (or compilation-error-list
718 (error "No error to go to")))
719 (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
720 ;; Move to another window, so that next-error's window changes
721 ;; result in the desired setup.
722 (or (one-window-p)
723 (progn
724 (other-window -1)
725 ;; other-window changed the selected buffer,
726 ;; but we didn't want to do that.
727 (set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)))
729 (push-mark)
730 (next-error 1))
732(defun compile-goto-error (&optional argp)
733 "Visit the source for the error message point is on.
734Use this command in a compilation log buffer. Sets the mark at point there.
735\\[universal-argument] as a prefix arg means to reparse the buffer's error messages first;
736other kinds of prefix arguments are ignored."
737 (interactive "P")
738 (or (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
739 (error "Not in a compilation buffer."))
740 (setq compilation-last-buffer (current-buffer))
741 (compile-reinitialize-errors (consp argp) (point))
743 ;; Move to bol; the marker for the error on this line will point there.
744 (beginning-of-line)
746 ;; Move compilation-error-list to the elt of compilation-old-error-list
747 ;; we want.
748 (setq compilation-error-list compilation-old-error-list)
749 (while (and compilation-error-list
750 (> (point) (car (car compilation-error-list))))
751 (setq compilation-error-list (cdr compilation-error-list)))
753 ;; Move to another window, so that next-error's window changes
754 ;; result in the desired setup.
755 (or (one-window-p)
756 (progn
757 (other-window -1)
758 ;; other-window changed the selected buffer,
759 ;; but we didn't want to do that.
760 (set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)))
762 (push-mark)
763 (next-error 1))
765;; Return a compilation buffer.
766;; If the current buffer is a compilation buffer, return it.
767;; If compilation-last-buffer is set to a live buffer, use that.
768;; Otherwise, look for a compilation buffer and signal an error
769;; if there are none.
770(defun compilation-find-buffer (&optional other-buffer)
771 (if (and (not other-buffer)
772 (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer)))
773 ;; The current buffer is a compilation buffer.
774 (current-buffer)
775 (if (and compilation-last-buffer (buffer-name compilation-last-buffer)
776 (or (not other-buffer) (not (eq compilation-last-buffer
777 (current-buffer)))))
778 compilation-last-buffer
779 (let ((buffers (buffer-list)))
780 (while (and buffers (or (not (compilation-buffer-p (car buffers)))
781 (and other-buffer
782 (eq (car buffers) (current-buffer)))))
783 (setq buffers (cdr buffers)))
784 (if buffers
785 (car buffers)
786 (or (and other-buffer
787 (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer))
788 ;; The current buffer is a compilation buffer.
789 (progn
790 (if other-buffer
791 (message "This is the only compilation buffer."))
792 (current-buffer)))
793 (error "No compilation started!")))))))
796(defun next-error (&optional argp)
797 "Visit next compilation error message and corresponding source code.
798This operates on the output from the \\[compile] command.
799If all preparsed error messages have been processed,
800the error message buffer is checked for new ones.
802A prefix arg specifies how many error messages to move;
803negative means move back to previous error messages.
804Just C-u as a prefix means reparse the error message buffer
805and start at the first error.
807\\[next-error] normally applies to the most recent compilation started,
808but as long as you are in the middle of parsing errors from one compilation
809output buffer, you stay with that compilation output buffer.
811Use \\[next-error] in a compilation output buffer to switch to
812processing errors from that compilation.
814See variables `compilation-parse-errors-function' and
815\`compilation-error-regexp-alist' for customization ideas."
816 (interactive "P")
817 (setq compilation-last-buffer (compilation-find-buffer))
818 (compilation-goto-locus (compilation-next-error-locus
819 ;; We want to pass a number here only if
820 ;; we got a numeric prefix arg, not just C-u.
821 (and (not (consp argp))
822 (prefix-numeric-value argp))
823 (consp argp))))
824;;;###autoload (define-key ctl-x-map "`" 'next-error)
826(defun compilation-next-error-locus (&optional move reparse)
827 "Visit next compilation error and return locus in corresponding source code.
828This operates on the output from the \\[compile] command.
829If all preparsed error messages have been processed,
830the error message buffer is checked for new ones.
832Returns a cons (ERROR . SOURCE) of two markers: ERROR is a marker at the
833location of the error message in the compilation buffer, and SOURCE is a
834marker at the location in the source code indicated by the error message.
836Optional first arg MOVE says how many error messages to move forwards (or
837backwards, if negative); default is 1. Optional second arg REPARSE, if
838non-nil, says to reparse the error message buffer and reset to the first
839error (plus MOVE - 1).
841The current buffer should be the desired compilation output buffer."
842 (or move (setq move 1))
843 (compile-reinitialize-errors reparse nil (and (not reparse)
844 (if (< move 1) 0 (1- move))))
845 (let (next-errors next-error)
846 (save-excursion
847 (set-buffer compilation-last-buffer)
848 ;; compilation-error-list points to the "current" error.
849 (setq next-errors
850 (if (> move 0)
851 (nthcdr (1- move)
852 compilation-error-list)
853 ;; Zero or negative arg; we need to move back in the list.
854 (let ((n (1- move))
855 (i 0)
856 (e compilation-old-error-list))
857 ;; See how many cdrs away the current error is from the start.
858 (while (not (eq e compilation-error-list))
859 (setq i (1+ i)
860 e (cdr e)))
861 (if (> (- n) i)
862 (error "Moved back past first error")
863 (nthcdr (+ i n) compilation-old-error-list))))
864 next-error (car next-errors))
865 (while
866 (if (null next-error)
867 (progn
868 (and move (/= move 1)
869 (error (if (> move 0)
870 "Moved past last error")
871 "Moved back past first error"))
872 (compilation-forget-errors)
873 (error (concat compilation-error-message
874 (and (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))
875 (eq (process-status
876 (get-buffer-process
877 (current-buffer)))
878 'run)
879 " yet"))))
880 (setq compilation-error-list (cdr next-errors))
881 (if (null (cdr next-error))
882 ;; This error is boring. Go to the next.
883 t
884 (or (markerp (cdr next-error))
885 ;; This error has a filename/lineno pair.
886 ;; Find the file and turn it into a marker.
887 (let* ((fileinfo (car (cdr next-error)))
888 (buffer (compilation-find-file (cdr fileinfo)
889 (car fileinfo)
890 (car next-error))))
891 (if (null buffer)
892 ;; We can't find this error's file.
893 ;; Remove all errors in the same file.
894 (progn
895 (setq next-errors compilation-old-error-list)
896 (while next-errors
897 (and (consp (cdr (car next-errors)))
898 (equal (car (cdr (car next-errors)))
899 fileinfo)
900 (progn
901 (set-marker (car (car next-errors)) nil)
902 (setcdr (car next-errors) nil)))
903 (setq next-errors (cdr next-errors)))
904 ;; Look for the next error.
905 t)
906 ;; We found the file. Get a marker for this error.
907 ;; compilation-old-error-list is a buffer-local
908 ;; variable, so we must be careful to extract its value
909 ;; before switching to the source file buffer.
910 (let ((errors compilation-old-error-list)
911 (last-line (nth 1 (cdr next-error)))
912 (column (nth 2 (cdr next-error))))
913 (set-buffer buffer)
914 (save-excursion
915 (save-restriction
916 (widen)
917 (goto-line last-line)
918 (if column
919 (move-to-column column)
920 (beginning-of-line))
921 (setcdr next-error (point-marker))
922 ;; Make all the other error messages referring
923 ;; to the same file have markers into the buffer.
924 (while errors
925 (and (consp (cdr (car errors)))
926 (equal (car (cdr (car errors))) fileinfo)
927 (let* ((this (nth 1 (cdr (car errors))))
928 (column (nth 2 (cdr (car errors))))
929 (lines (- this last-line)))
930 (if (eq selective-display t)
931 ;; When selective-display is t,
932 ;; each C-m is a line boundary,
933 ;; as well as each newline.
934 (if (< lines 0)
935 (re-search-backward "[\n\C-m]"
936 nil 'end
937 (- lines))
938 (re-search-forward "[\n\C-m]"
939 nil 'end
940 lines))
941 (forward-line lines))
942 (if column
943 (move-to-column column))
944 (setq last-line this)
945 (setcdr (car errors) (point-marker))))
946 (setq errors (cdr errors)))))))))
947 ;; If we didn't get a marker for this error, or this
948 ;; marker's buffer was killed, go on to the next one.
949 (or (not (markerp (cdr next-error)))
950 (not (marker-buffer (cdr next-error))))))
951 (setq next-errors compilation-error-list
952 next-error (car next-errors))))
954 ;; Skip over multiple error messages for the same source location,
955 ;; so the next C-x ` won't go to an error in the same place.
956 (while (and compilation-error-list
957 (equal (cdr (car compilation-error-list)) (cdr next-error)))
958 (setq compilation-error-list (cdr compilation-error-list)))
960 ;; We now have a marker for the position of the error source code.
961 ;; NEXT-ERROR is a cons (ERROR . SOURCE) of two markers.
962 next-error))
964(defun compilation-goto-locus (next-error)
965 "Jump to an error locus returned by `compilation-next-error-locus'.
966Takes one argument, a cons (ERROR . SOURCE) of two markers.
967Selects a window with point at SOURCE, with another window displaying ERROR."
968 (if (and (window-dedicated-p (selected-window))
969 (eq (selected-window) (frame-root-window)))
970 (switch-to-buffer-other-frame (marker-buffer (cdr next-error)))
971 (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer (cdr next-error))))
972 (goto-char (cdr next-error))
973 ;; If narrowing got in the way of
974 ;; going to the right place, widen.
975 (or (= (point) (marker-position (cdr next-error)))
976 (progn
977 (widen)
978 (goto-char (cdr next-error))))
980 ;; Show compilation buffer in other window, scrolled to this error.
981 (let* ((pop-up-windows t)
982 (w (display-buffer (marker-buffer (car next-error)))))
983 (set-window-point w (car next-error))
984 (set-window-start w (car next-error))))
987;; Find a buffer for file FILENAME.
988;; Search the directories in compilation-search-path.
989;; A nil in compilation-search-path means to try the
990;; current directory, which is passed in DIR.
991;; If FILENAME is not found at all, ask the user where to find it.
992;; Pop up the buffer containing MARKER and scroll to MARKER if we ask the user.
993(defun compilation-find-file (filename dir marker)
994 (let ((dirs compilation-search-path)
995 result name)
996 (while (and dirs (null result))
997 (setq name (expand-file-name filename (or (car dirs) dir))
998 result (and (file-exists-p name)
999 (find-file-noselect name))
1000 dirs (cdr dirs)))
1001 (or result
1002 ;; The file doesn't exist.
1003 ;; Ask the user where to find it.
1004 ;; If he hits C-g, then the next time he does
1005 ;; next-error, he'll skip past it.
1006 (progn
1007 (let* ((pop-up-windows t)
1008 (w (display-buffer (marker-buffer marker))))
1009 (set-window-point w marker)
1010 (set-window-start w marker))
1011 (setq name
1012 (expand-file-name
1013 (read-file-name
1014 (format "Find this error in: (default %s) "
1015 filename) dir filename t)))
1016 (if (file-directory-p name)
1017 (setq name (concat (file-name-as-directory name) filename)))
1018 (if (file-exists-p name)
1019 (find-file-noselect name))))))
1021;; Set compilation-error-list to nil, and unchain the markers that point to the
1022;; error messages and their text, so that they no longer slow down gap motion.
1023;; This would happen anyway at the next garbage collection, but it is better to
1024;; do it right away.
1025(defun compilation-forget-errors ()
1026 (while compilation-old-error-list
1027 (let ((next-error (car compilation-old-error-list)))
1028 (set-marker (car next-error) nil)
1029 (if (markerp (cdr next-error))
1030 (set-marker (cdr next-error) nil)))
1031 (setq compilation-old-error-list (cdr compilation-old-error-list)))
1032 (setq compilation-error-list nil
1033 compilation-directory-stack nil
1034 compilation-parsing-end 1))
1037(defun count-regexp-groupings (regexp)
1038 "Return the number of \\( ... \\) groupings in REGEXP (a string)."
1039 (let ((groupings 0)
1040 (len (length regexp))
1041 (i 0)
1042 c)
1043 (while (< i len)
1044 (setq c (aref regexp i)
1045 i (1+ i))
1046 (cond ((= c ?\[)
1047 ;; Find the end of this [...].
1048 (while (and (< i len)
1049 (not (= (aref regexp i) ?\])))
1050 (setq i (1+ i))))
1051 ((= c ?\\)
1052 (if (< i len)
1053 (progn
1054 (setq c (aref regexp i)
1055 i (1+ i))
1056 (if (= c ?\))
1057 ;; We found the end of a grouping,
1058 ;; so bump our counter.
1059 (setq groupings (1+ groupings))))))))
1060 groupings))
1062(defun compilation-parse-errors (limit-search find-at-least)
1063 "Parse the current buffer as grep, cc or lint error messages.
1064See variable `compilation-parse-errors-function' for the interface it uses."
1065 (setq compilation-error-list nil)
1066 (message "Parsing error messages...")
1067 (let (text-buffer orig orig-expanded parent-expanded
1068 regexp enter-group leave-group error-group
1069 alist subexpr error-regexp-groups
1070 (found-desired nil)
1071 (compilation-num-errors-found 0))
1073 ;; Don't reparse messages already seen at last parse.
1074 (goto-char compilation-parsing-end)
1075 ;; Don't parse the first two lines as error messages.
1076 ;; This matters for grep.
1077 (if (bobp)
1078 (progn
1079 (forward-line 2)
1080 ;; Move back so point is before the newline.
1081 ;; This matters because some error regexps use \n instead of ^
1082 ;; to be faster.
1083 (forward-char -1)))
1085 ;; Compile all the regexps we want to search for into one.
1086 (setq regexp (concat "\\(" compilation-enter-directory-regexp "\\)\\|"
1087 "\\(" compilation-leave-directory-regexp "\\)\\|"
1088 "\\(" (mapconcat (function
1089 (lambda (elt)
1090 (concat "\\(" (car elt) "\\)")))
1091 compilation-error-regexp-alist
1092 "\\|") "\\)"))
1094 ;; Find out how many \(...\) groupings are in each of the regexps, and set
1095 ;; *-GROUP to the grouping containing each constituent regexp (whose
1096 ;; subgroups will come immediately thereafter) of the big regexp we have
1097 ;; just constructed.
1098 (setq enter-group 1
1099 leave-group (+ enter-group
1100 (count-regexp-groupings
1101 compilation-enter-directory-regexp)
1102 1)
1103 error-group (+ leave-group
1104 (count-regexp-groupings
1105 compilation-leave-directory-regexp)
1106 1))
1108 ;; Compile an alist (IDX FILE LINE [COL]), where IDX is the number of
1109 ;; the subexpression for an entire error-regexp, and FILE and LINE (and
1110 ;; possibly COL) are the numbers for the subexpressions giving the file
1111 ;; name and line number (and possibly column number).
1112 (setq alist (or compilation-error-regexp-alist
1113 (error "compilation-error-regexp-alist is empty!"))
1114 subexpr (1+ error-group))
1115 (while alist
1116 (setq error-regexp-groups
1117 (cons (list subexpr
1118 (+ subexpr (nth 1 (car alist)))
1119 (+ subexpr (nth 2 (car alist)))
1120 (and (nth 3 (car alist))
1121 (+ subexpr (nth 3 (car alist)))))
1122 error-regexp-groups))
1123 (setq subexpr (+ subexpr 1 (count-regexp-groupings (car (car alist)))))
1124 (setq alist (cdr alist)))
1126 (setq orig default-directory)
1127 (setq orig-expanded (file-truename orig))
1128 (setq parent-expanded (expand-file-name "../" orig-expanded))
1130 (while (and (not found-desired)
1131 ;; We don't just pass LIMIT-SEARCH to re-search-forward
1132 ;; because we want to find matches containing LIMIT-SEARCH
1133 ;; but which extend past it.
1134 (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
1136 ;; Figure out which constituent regexp matched.
1137 (cond ((match-beginning enter-group)
1138 ;; The match was the enter-directory regexp.
1139 (let ((dir
1140 (file-name-as-directory
1141 (expand-file-name
1142 (buffer-substring (match-beginning (+ enter-group 1))
1143 (match-end (+ enter-group 1)))))))
1144 ;; The directory name in the "entering" message
1145 ;; is a truename. Try to convert it to a form
1146 ;; like what the user typed in.
1147 (setq dir
1148 (compile-abbreviate-directory dir orig orig-expanded
1149 parent-expanded))
1150 (setq compilation-directory-stack
1151 (cons dir compilation-directory-stack))
1152 (and (file-directory-p dir)
1153 (setq default-directory dir)))
1155 (and limit-search (>= (point) limit-search)
1156 ;; The user wanted a specific error, and we're past it.
1157 ;; We do this check here (and in the leave-group case)
1158 ;; rather than at the end of the loop because if the last
1159 ;; thing seen is an error message, we must carefully
1160 ;; discard the last error when it is the first in a new
1161 ;; file (see below in the error-group case).
1162 (setq found-desired t)))
1164 ((match-beginning leave-group)
1165 ;; The match was the leave-directory regexp.
1166 (let ((beg (match-beginning (+ leave-group 1)))
1167 (stack compilation-directory-stack))
1168 (if beg
1169 (let ((dir
1170 (file-name-as-directory
1171 (expand-file-name
1172 (buffer-substring beg
1173 (match-end (+ leave-group
1174 1)))))))
1175 ;; The directory name in the "entering" message
1176 ;; is a truename. Try to convert it to a form
1177 ;; like what the user typed in.
1178 (setq dir
1179 (compile-abbreviate-directory dir orig orig-expanded
1180 parent-expanded))
1181 (while (and stack
1182 (not (string-equal (car stack) dir)))
1183 (setq stack (cdr stack)))))
1184 (setq compilation-directory-stack (cdr stack))
1185 (setq stack (car compilation-directory-stack))
1186 (if stack
1187 (setq default-directory stack))
1188 )
1190 (and limit-search (>= (point) limit-search)
1191 ;; The user wanted a specific error, and we're past it.
1192 ;; We do this check here (and in the enter-group case)
1193 ;; rather than at the end of the loop because if the last
1194 ;; thing seen is an error message, we must carefully
1195 ;; discard the last error when it is the first in a new
1196 ;; file (see below in the error-group case).
1197 (setq found-desired t)))
1199 ((match-beginning error-group)
1200 ;; The match was the composite error regexp.
1201 ;; Find out which individual regexp matched.
1202 (setq alist error-regexp-groups)
1203 (while (and alist
1204 (null (match-beginning (car (car alist)))))
1205 (setq alist (cdr alist)))
1206 (if alist
1207 (setq alist (car alist))
1208 (error "compilation-parse-errors: impossible regexp match!"))
1210 ;; Extract the file name and line number from the error message.
1211 (let ((beginning-of-match (match-beginning 0)) ;looking-at nukes
1212 (filename (buffer-substring (match-beginning (nth 1 alist))
1213 (match-end (nth 1 alist))))
1214 (linenum (string-to-int
1215 (buffer-substring
1216 (match-beginning (nth 2 alist))
1217 (match-end (nth 2 alist)))))
1218 (column (and (nth 3 alist)
1219 (string-to-int
1220 (buffer-substring
1221 (match-beginning (nth 3 alist))
1222 (match-end (nth 3 alist)))))))
1224 ;; Check for a comint-file-name-prefix and prepend it if
1225 ;; appropriate. (This is very useful for
1226 ;; compilation-minor-mode in an rlogin-mode buffer.)
1227 (and (boundp 'comint-file-name-prefix)
1228 ;; If the file name is relative, default-directory will
1229 ;; already contain the comint-file-name-prefix (done by
1230 ;; compile-abbreviate-directory).
1231 (file-name-absolute-p filename)
1232 (setq filename (concat comint-file-name-prefix filename)))
1233 (setq filename (cons default-directory filename))
1235 ;; Locate the erring file and line.
1236 ;; Cons a new elt onto compilation-error-list,
1237 ;; giving a marker for the current compilation buffer
1238 ;; location, and the file and line number of the error.
1239 (save-excursion
1240 (beginning-of-line 1)
1241 (let ((this (cons (point-marker)
1242 (list filename linenum column))))
1243 ;; Don't add the same source line more than once.
1244 (if (equal (cdr this) (cdr (car compilation-error-list)))
1245 nil
1246 (setq compilation-error-list
1247 (cons this
1248 compilation-error-list))
1249 (setq compilation-num-errors-found
1250 (1+ compilation-num-errors-found)))))
1251 (and (or (and find-at-least (> compilation-num-errors-found
1252 find-at-least))
1253 (and limit-search (>= (point) limit-search)))
1254 ;; We have found as many new errors as the user wants,
1255 ;; or past the buffer position he indicated. We
1256 ;; continue to parse until we have seen all the
1257 ;; consecutive errors in the same file, so the error
1258 ;; positions will be recorded as markers in this buffer
1259 ;; that might change.
1260 (cdr compilation-error-list) ; Must check at least two.
1261 (not (equal (car (cdr (nth 0 compilation-error-list)))
1262 (car (cdr (nth 1 compilation-error-list)))))
1263 (progn
1264 ;; Discard the error just parsed, so that the next
1265 ;; parsing run can get it and the following errors in
1266 ;; the same file all at once. If we didn't do this, we
1267 ;; would have the same problem we are trying to avoid
1268 ;; with the test above, just delayed until the next run!
1269 (setq compilation-error-list
1270 (cdr compilation-error-list))
1271 (goto-char beginning-of-match)
1272 (setq found-desired t)))
1273 )
1274 )
1275 (t
1276 (error "compilation-parse-errors: known groups didn't match!")))
1278 (message "Parsing error messages...%d (%.0f%% of buffer)"
1279 compilation-num-errors-found
1280 ;; Use floating-point because (* 100 (point)) frequently
1281 ;; exceeds the range of Emacs Lisp integers.
1282 (/ (* 100.0 (point)) (point-max)))
1284 (and limit-search (>= (point) limit-search)
1285 ;; The user wanted a specific error, and we're past it.
1286 (setq found-desired t)))
1287 (setq compilation-parsing-end (if found-desired
1288 (point)
1289 ;; We have searched the whole buffer.
1290 (point-max))))
1291 (setq compilation-error-list (nreverse compilation-error-list))
1292 (message "Parsing error messages...done"))
1294;; If directory DIR is a subdir of ORIG or of ORIG's parent,
1295;; return a relative name for it starting from ORIG or its parent.
1296;; ORIG-EXPANDED is an expanded version of ORIG.
1297;; PARENT-EXPANDED is an expanded version of ORIG's parent.
1298;; Those two args could be computed here, but we run faster by
1299;; having the caller compute them just once.
1300(defun compile-abbreviate-directory (dir orig orig-expanded parent-expanded)
1301 ;; Check for a comint-file-name-prefix and prepend it if appropriate.
1302 ;; (This is very useful for compilation-minor-mode in an rlogin-mode
1303 ;; buffer.)
1304 (if (boundp 'comint-file-name-prefix)
1305 (setq dir (concat comint-file-name-prefix dir)))
1307 (if (and (> (length dir) (length orig-expanded))
1308 (string= orig-expanded
1309 (substring dir 0 (length orig-expanded))))
1310 (setq dir
1311 (concat orig
1312 (substring dir (length orig-expanded)))))
1313 (if (and (> (length dir) (length parent-expanded))
1314 (string= parent-expanded
1315 (substring dir 0 (length parent-expanded))))
1316 (setq dir
1317 (concat (file-name-directory
1318 (directory-file-name orig))
1319 (substring dir (length parent-expanded)))))
1320 dir)
1322(provide 'compile)
1324;;; compile.el ends here
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