1 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 | //
3 | // Levenberg - Marquardt non-linear minimization algorithm
4 | // Copyright (C) 2004-05 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis at ics forth gr)
5 | // Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas
6 | // Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
7 | //
8 | // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 | // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 | // (at your option) any later version.
12 | //
13 | // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | // GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | //
18 | /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 |
20 | #ifndef LM_REAL // not included by misc.c
21 | #error This file should not be compiled directly!
22 | #endif
23 |
24 |
25 | /* precision-specific definitions */
26 | #define LEVMAR_CHKJAC LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_chkjac)
27 | #define LEVMAR_FDIF_FORW_JAC_APPROX LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx)
28 | #define LEVMAR_FDIF_CENT_JAC_APPROX LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx)
29 | #define LEVMAR_TRANS_MAT_MAT_MULT LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_trans_mat_mat_mult)
30 | #define LEVMAR_COVAR LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_covar)
31 | #define LEVMAR_STDDEV LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_stddev)
32 | #define LEVMAR_CORCOEF LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_corcoef)
33 | #define LEVMAR_R2 LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_R2)
34 | #define LEVMAR_BOX_CHECK LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_box_check)
35 | #define LEVMAR_L2NRMXMY LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_L2nrmxmy)
36 |
37 | #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
38 | #define LEVMAR_PSEUDOINVERSE LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_pseudoinverse)
39 | static int LEVMAR_PSEUDOINVERSE(LM_REAL *A, LM_REAL *B, int m);
40 |
41 | #ifdef __cplusplus
42 | extern "C" {
43 | #endif
44 | /* BLAS matrix multiplication, LAPACK SVD & Cholesky routines */
45 | #define GEMM LM_MK_BLAS_NAME(gemm)
46 | /* C := alpha*op( A )*op( B ) + beta*C */
47 | extern void GEMM(char *transa, char *transb, int *m, int *n, int *k,
48 | LM_REAL *alpha, LM_REAL *a, int *lda, LM_REAL *b, int *ldb, LM_REAL *beta, LM_REAL *c, int *ldc);
49 |
50 | #define GESVD LM_MK_LAPACK_NAME(gesvd)
51 | #define GESDD LM_MK_LAPACK_NAME(gesdd)
52 | extern int GESVD(char *jobu, char *jobvt, int *m, int *n, LM_REAL *a, int *lda, LM_REAL *s, LM_REAL *u, int *ldu,
53 | LM_REAL *vt, int *ldvt, LM_REAL *work, int *lwork, int *info);
54 |
55 | /* lapack 3.0 new SVD routine, faster than xgesvd() */
56 | extern int GESDD(char *jobz, int *m, int *n, LM_REAL *a, int *lda, LM_REAL *s, LM_REAL *u, int *ldu, LM_REAL *vt, int *ldvt,
57 | LM_REAL *work, int *lwork, int *iwork, int *info);
58 |
59 | /* Cholesky decomposition */
60 | #define POTF2 LM_MK_LAPACK_NAME(potf2)
61 | extern int POTF2(char *uplo, int *n, LM_REAL *a, int *lda, int *info);
62 | #ifdef __cplusplus
63 | }
64 | #endif
65 |
66 | #define LEVMAR_CHOLESKY LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_chol)
67 |
68 | #else /* !HAVE_LAPACK */
69 | #define LEVMAR_LUINVERSE LM_ADD_PREFIX(levmar_LUinverse_noLapack)
70 |
71 | static int LEVMAR_LUINVERSE(LM_REAL *A, LM_REAL *B, int m);
72 | #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
73 |
74 | /* blocked multiplication of the transpose of the nxm matrix a with itself (i.e. a^T a)
75 | * using a block size of bsize. The product is returned in b.
76 | * Since a^T a is symmetric, its computation can be sped up by computing only its
77 | * upper triangular part and copying it to the lower part.
78 | *
79 | * More details on blocking can be found at
80 | * http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15213-f02/www/R07/section_a/Recitation07-SectionA.pdf
81 | */
82 | void LEVMAR_TRANS_MAT_MAT_MULT(LM_REAL *a, LM_REAL *b, int n, int m)
83 | {
84 | #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK /* use BLAS matrix multiply */
85 |
86 | LM_REAL alpha=LM_CNST(1.0), beta=LM_CNST(0.0);
87 | /* Fool BLAS to compute a^T*a avoiding transposing a: a is equivalent to a^T in column major,
88 | * therefore BLAS computes a*a^T with a and a*a^T in column major, which is equivalent to
89 | * computing a^T*a in row major!
90 | */
91 | GEMM("N", "T", &m, &m, &n, &alpha, a, &m, a, &m, &beta, b, &m);
92 |
93 | #else /* no LAPACK, use blocking-based multiply */
94 |
95 | register int i, j, k, jj, kk;
96 | register LM_REAL sum, *bim, *akm;
97 | const int bsize=__BLOCKSZ__;
98 |
99 | #define __MIN__(x, y) (((x)<=(y))? (x) : (y))
100 | #define __MAX__(x, y) (((x)>=(y))? (x) : (y))
101 |
102 | /* compute upper triangular part using blocking */
103 | for(jj=0; jj<m; jj+=bsize){
104 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
105 | bim=b+i*m;
106 | for(j=__MAX__(jj, i); j<__MIN__(jj+bsize, m); ++j)
107 | bim[j]=0.0; //b[i*m+j]=0.0;
108 | }
109 |
110 | for(kk=0; kk<n; kk+=bsize){
111 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
112 | bim=b+i*m;
113 | for(j=__MAX__(jj, i); j<__MIN__(jj+bsize, m); ++j){
114 | sum=0.0;
115 | for(k=kk; k<__MIN__(kk+bsize, n); ++k){
116 | akm=a+k*m;
117 | sum+=akm[i]*akm[j]; //a[k*m+i]*a[k*m+j];
118 | }
119 | bim[j]+=sum; //b[i*m+j]+=sum;
120 | }
121 | }
122 | }
123 | }
124 |
125 | /* copy upper triangular part to the lower one */
126 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
127 | for(j=0; j<i; ++j)
128 | b[i*m+j]=b[j*m+i];
129 |
130 | #undef __MIN__
131 | #undef __MAX__
132 |
133 | #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
134 | }
135 |
136 | /* forward finite difference approximation to the Jacobian of func */
138 | void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
139 | /* function to differentiate */
140 | LM_REAL *p, /* I: current parameter estimate, mx1 */
141 | LM_REAL *hx, /* I: func evaluated at p, i.e. hx=func(p), nx1 */
142 | LM_REAL *hxx, /* W/O: work array for evaluating func(p+delta), nx1 */
143 | LM_REAL delta, /* increment for computing the Jacobian */
144 | LM_REAL *jac, /* O: array for storing approximated Jacobian, nxm */
145 | int m,
146 | int n,
147 | void *adata)
148 | {
149 | register int i, j;
150 | LM_REAL tmp;
151 | register LM_REAL d;
152 |
153 | for(j=0; j<m; ++j){
154 | /* determine d=max(1E-04*|p[j]|, delta), see HZ */
155 | d=LM_CNST(1E-04)*p[j]; // force evaluation
156 | d=FABS(d);
157 | if(d<delta)
158 | d=delta;
159 |
160 | tmp=p[j];
161 | p[j]+=d;
162 |
163 | (*func)(p, hxx, m, n, adata);
164 |
165 | p[j]=tmp; /* restore */
166 |
167 | d=LM_CNST(1.0)/d; /* invert so that divisions can be carried out faster as multiplications */
168 | for(i=0; i<n; ++i){
169 | jac[i*m+j]=(hxx[i]-hx[i])*d;
170 | }
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | /* central finite difference approximation to the Jacobian of func */
176 | void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
177 | /* function to differentiate */
178 | LM_REAL *p, /* I: current parameter estimate, mx1 */
179 | LM_REAL *hxm, /* W/O: work array for evaluating func(p-delta), nx1 */
180 | LM_REAL *hxp, /* W/O: work array for evaluating func(p+delta), nx1 */
181 | LM_REAL delta, /* increment for computing the Jacobian */
182 | LM_REAL *jac, /* O: array for storing approximated Jacobian, nxm */
183 | int m,
184 | int n,
185 | void *adata)
186 | {
187 | register int i, j;
188 | LM_REAL tmp;
189 | register LM_REAL d;
190 |
191 | for(j=0; j<m; ++j){
192 | /* determine d=max(1E-04*|p[j]|, delta), see HZ */
193 | d=LM_CNST(1E-04)*p[j]; // force evaluation
194 | d=FABS(d);
195 | if(d<delta)
196 | d=delta;
197 |
198 | tmp=p[j];
199 | p[j]-=d;
200 | (*func)(p, hxm, m, n, adata);
201 |
202 | p[j]=tmp+d;
203 | (*func)(p, hxp, m, n, adata);
204 | p[j]=tmp; /* restore */
205 |
206 | d=LM_CNST(0.5)/d; /* invert so that divisions can be carried out faster as multiplications */
207 | for(i=0; i<n; ++i){
208 | jac[i*m+j]=(hxp[i]-hxm[i])*d;
209 | }
210 | }
211 | }
212 |
213 | /*
214 | * Check the Jacobian of a n-valued nonlinear function in m variables
215 | * evaluated at a point p, for consistency with the function itself.
216 | *
217 | * Based on fortran77 subroutine CHKDER by
218 | * Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom, Jorge J. More
219 | * Argonne National Laboratory. MINPACK project. March 1980.
220 | *
221 | *
222 | * func points to a function from R^m --> R^n: Given a p in R^m it yields hx in R^n
223 | * jacf points to a function implementing the Jacobian of func, whose correctness
224 | * is to be tested. Given a p in R^m, jacf computes into the nxm matrix j the
225 | * Jacobian of func at p. Note that row i of j corresponds to the gradient of
226 | * the i-th component of func, evaluated at p.
227 | * p is an input array of length m containing the point of evaluation.
228 | * m is the number of variables
229 | * n is the number of functions
230 | * adata points to possible additional data and is passed uninterpreted
231 | * to func, jacf.
232 | * err is an array of length n. On output, err contains measures
233 | * of correctness of the respective gradients. if there is
234 | * no severe loss of significance, then if err[i] is 1.0 the
235 | * i-th gradient is correct, while if err[i] is 0.0 the i-th
236 | * gradient is incorrect. For values of err between 0.0 and 1.0,
237 | * the categorization is less certain. In general, a value of
238 | * err[i] greater than 0.5 indicates that the i-th gradient is
239 | * probably correct, while a value of err[i] less than 0.5
240 | * indicates that the i-th gradient is probably incorrect.
241 | *
242 | *
243 | * The function does not perform reliably if cancellation or
244 | * rounding errors cause a severe loss of significance in the
245 | * evaluation of a function. therefore, none of the components
246 | * of p should be unusually small (in particular, zero) or any
247 | * other value which may cause loss of significance.
248 | */
249 |
250 | void LEVMAR_CHKJAC(
251 | void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
252 | void (*jacf)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *j, int m, int n, void *adata),
253 | LM_REAL *p, int m, int n, void *adata, LM_REAL *err)
254 | {
255 | LM_REAL factor=LM_CNST(100.0);
256 | LM_REAL one=LM_CNST(1.0);
257 | LM_REAL zero=LM_CNST(0.0);
258 | LM_REAL *fvec, *fjac, *pp, *fvecp, *buf;
259 |
260 | register int i, j;
261 | LM_REAL eps, epsf, temp, epsmch;
262 | LM_REAL epslog;
263 | int fvec_sz=n, fjac_sz=n*m, pp_sz=m, fvecp_sz=n;
264 |
265 | epsmch=LM_REAL_EPSILON;
266 | eps=(LM_REAL)sqrt(epsmch);
267 |
268 | buf=(LM_REAL *)malloc((fvec_sz + fjac_sz + pp_sz + fvecp_sz)*sizeof(LM_REAL));
269 | if(!buf){
270 | fprintf(stderr, LCAT(LEVMAR_CHKJAC, "(): memory allocation request failed\n"));
271 | exit(1);
272 | }
273 | fvec=buf;
274 | fjac=fvec+fvec_sz;
275 | pp=fjac+fjac_sz;
276 | fvecp=pp+pp_sz;
277 |
278 | /* compute fvec=func(p) */
279 | (*func)(p, fvec, m, n, adata);
280 |
281 | /* compute the Jacobian at p */
282 | (*jacf)(p, fjac, m, n, adata);
283 |
284 | /* compute pp */
285 | for(j=0; j<m; ++j){
286 | temp=eps*FABS(p[j]);
287 | if(temp==zero) temp=eps;
288 | pp[j]=p[j]+temp;
289 | }
290 |
291 | /* compute fvecp=func(pp) */
292 | (*func)(pp, fvecp, m, n, adata);
293 |
294 | epsf=factor*epsmch;
295 | epslog=(LM_REAL)log10(eps);
296 |
297 | for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
298 | err[i]=zero;
299 |
300 | for(j=0; j<m; ++j){
301 | temp=FABS(p[j]);
302 | if(temp==zero) temp=one;
303 |
304 | for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
305 | err[i]+=temp*fjac[i*m+j];
306 | }
307 |
308 | for(i=0; i<n; ++i){
309 | temp=one;
310 | if(fvec[i]!=zero && fvecp[i]!=zero && FABS(fvecp[i]-fvec[i])>=epsf*FABS(fvec[i]))
311 | temp=eps*FABS((fvecp[i]-fvec[i])/eps - err[i])/(FABS(fvec[i])+FABS(fvecp[i]));
312 | err[i]=one;
313 | if(temp>epsmch && temp<eps)
314 | err[i]=((LM_REAL)log10(temp) - epslog)/epslog;
315 | if(temp>=eps) err[i]=zero;
316 | }
317 |
318 | free(buf);
319 |
320 | return;
321 | }
322 |
323 | #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
324 | /*
325 | * This function computes the pseudoinverse of a square matrix A
326 | * into B using SVD. A and B can coincide
327 | *
328 | * The function returns 0 in case of error (e.g. A is singular),
329 | * the rank of A if successful
330 | *
331 | * A, B are mxm
332 | *
333 | */
334 | static int LEVMAR_PSEUDOINVERSE(LM_REAL *A, LM_REAL *B, int m)
335 | {
336 | LM_REAL *buf=NULL;
337 | int buf_sz=0;
338 | static LM_REAL eps=LM_CNST(-1.0);
339 |
340 | register int i, j;
341 | LM_REAL *a, *u, *s, *vt, *work;
342 | int a_sz, u_sz, s_sz, vt_sz, tot_sz;
343 | LM_REAL thresh, one_over_denom;
344 | int info, rank, worksz, *iwork, iworksz;
345 |
346 | /* calculate required memory size */
347 | worksz=5*m; // min worksize for GESVD
348 | //worksz=m*(7*m+4); // min worksize for GESDD
349 | iworksz=8*m;
350 | a_sz=m*m;
351 | u_sz=m*m; s_sz=m; vt_sz=m*m;
352 |
353 | tot_sz=(a_sz + u_sz + s_sz + vt_sz + worksz)*sizeof(LM_REAL) + iworksz*sizeof(int); /* should be arranged in that order for proper doubles alignment */
354 |
355 | buf_sz=tot_sz;
356 | buf=(LM_REAL *)malloc(buf_sz);
357 | if(!buf){
358 | fprintf(stderr, RCAT("memory allocation in ", LEVMAR_PSEUDOINVERSE) "() failed!\n");
359 | return 0; /* error */
360 | }
361 |
362 | a=buf;
363 | u=a+a_sz;
364 | s=u+u_sz;
365 | vt=s+s_sz;
366 | work=vt+vt_sz;
367 | iwork=(int *)(work+worksz);
368 |
369 | /* store A (column major!) into a */
370 | for(i=0; i<m; i++)
371 | for(j=0; j<m; j++)
372 | a[i+j*m]=A[i*m+j];
373 |
374 | /* SVD decomposition of A */
375 | GESVD("A", "A", (int *)&m, (int *)&m, a, (int *)&m, s, u, (int *)&m, vt, (int *)&m, work, (int *)&worksz, &info);
376 | //GESDD("A", (int *)&m, (int *)&m, a, (int *)&m, s, u, (int *)&m, vt, (int *)&m, work, (int *)&worksz, iwork, &info);
377 |
378 | /* error treatment */
379 | if(info!=0){
380 | if(info<0){
381 | fprintf(stderr, RCAT(RCAT(RCAT("LAPACK error: illegal value for argument %d of ", GESVD), "/" GESDD) " in ", LEVMAR_PSEUDOINVERSE) "()\n", -info);
382 | }
383 | else{
384 | fprintf(stderr, RCAT("LAPACK error: dgesdd (dbdsdc)/dgesvd (dbdsqr) failed to converge in ", LEVMAR_PSEUDOINVERSE) "() [info=%d]\n", info);
385 | }
386 | free(buf);
387 | return 0;
388 | }
389 |
390 | if(eps<0.0){
391 | LM_REAL aux;
392 |
393 | /* compute machine epsilon */
394 | for(eps=LM_CNST(1.0); aux=eps+LM_CNST(1.0), aux-LM_CNST(1.0)>0.0; eps*=LM_CNST(0.5))
395 | ;
396 | eps*=LM_CNST(2.0);
397 | }
398 |
399 | /* compute the pseudoinverse in B */
400 | for(i=0; i<a_sz; i++) B[i]=0.0; /* initialize to zero */
401 | for(rank=0, thresh=eps*s[0]; rank<m && s[rank]>thresh; rank++){
402 | one_over_denom=LM_CNST(1.0)/s[rank];
403 |
404 | for(j=0; j<m; j++)
405 | for(i=0; i<m; i++)
406 | B[i*m+j]+=vt[rank+i*m]*u[j+rank*m]*one_over_denom;
407 | }
408 |
409 | free(buf);
410 |
411 | return rank;
412 | }
413 | #else // no LAPACK
414 |
415 | /*
416 | * This function computes the inverse of A in B. A and B can coincide
417 | *
418 | * The function employs LAPACK-free LU decomposition of A to solve m linear
419 | * systems A*B_i=I_i, where B_i and I_i are the i-th columns of B and I.
420 | *
421 | * A and B are mxm
422 | *
423 | * The function returns 0 in case of error, 1 if successful
424 | *
425 | */
426 | static int LEVMAR_LUINVERSE(LM_REAL *A, LM_REAL *B, int m)
427 | {
428 | void *buf=NULL;
429 | int buf_sz=0;
430 |
431 | register int i, j, k, l;
432 | int *idx, maxi=-1, idx_sz, a_sz, x_sz, work_sz, tot_sz;
433 | LM_REAL *a, *x, *work, max, sum, tmp;
434 |
435 | /* calculate required memory size */
436 | idx_sz=m;
437 | a_sz=m*m;
438 | x_sz=m;
439 | work_sz=m;
440 | tot_sz=(a_sz + x_sz + work_sz)*sizeof(LM_REAL) + idx_sz*sizeof(int); /* should be arranged in that order for proper doubles alignment */
441 |
442 | buf_sz=tot_sz;
443 | buf=(void *)malloc(tot_sz);
444 | if(!buf){
445 | fprintf(stderr, RCAT("memory allocation in ", LEVMAR_LUINVERSE) "() failed!\n");
446 | return 0; /* error */
447 | }
448 |
449 | a=buf;
450 | x=a+a_sz;
451 | work=x+x_sz;
452 | idx=(int *)(work+work_sz);
453 |
454 | /* avoid destroying A by copying it to a */
455 | for(i=0; i<a_sz; ++i) a[i]=A[i];
456 |
457 | /* compute the LU decomposition of a row permutation of matrix a; the permutation itself is saved in idx[] */
458 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i){
459 | max=0.0;
460 | for(j=0; j<m; ++j)
461 | if((tmp=FABS(a[i*m+j]))>max)
462 | max=tmp;
463 | if(max==0.0){
464 | fprintf(stderr, RCAT("Singular matrix A in ", LEVMAR_LUINVERSE) "()!\n");
465 | free(buf);
466 |
467 | return 0;
468 | }
469 | work[i]=LM_CNST(1.0)/max;
470 | }
471 |
472 | for(j=0; j<m; ++j){
473 | for(i=0; i<j; ++i){
474 | sum=a[i*m+j];
475 | for(k=0; k<i; ++k)
476 | sum-=a[i*m+k]*a[k*m+j];
477 | a[i*m+j]=sum;
478 | }
479 | max=0.0;
480 | for(i=j; i<m; ++i){
481 | sum=a[i*m+j];
482 | for(k=0; k<j; ++k)
483 | sum-=a[i*m+k]*a[k*m+j];
484 | a[i*m+j]=sum;
485 | if((tmp=work[i]*FABS(sum))>=max){
486 | max=tmp;
487 | maxi=i;
488 | }
489 | }
490 | if(j!=maxi){
491 | for(k=0; k<m; ++k){
492 | tmp=a[maxi*m+k];
493 | a[maxi*m+k]=a[j*m+k];
494 | a[j*m+k]=tmp;
495 | }
496 | work[maxi]=work[j];
497 | }
498 | idx[j]=maxi;
499 | if(a[j*m+j]==0.0)
500 | a[j*m+j]=LM_REAL_EPSILON;
501 | if(j!=m-1){
502 | tmp=LM_CNST(1.0)/(a[j*m+j]);
503 | for(i=j+1; i<m; ++i)
504 | a[i*m+j]*=tmp;
505 | }
506 | }
507 |
508 | /* The decomposition has now replaced a. Solve the m linear systems using
509 | * forward and back substitution
510 | */
511 | for(l=0; l<m; ++l){
512 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i) x[i]=0.0;
513 | x[l]=LM_CNST(1.0);
514 |
515 | for(i=k=0; i<m; ++i){
516 | j=idx[i];
517 | sum=x[j];
518 | x[j]=x[i];
519 | if(k!=0)
520 | for(j=k-1; j<i; ++j)
521 | sum-=a[i*m+j]*x[j];
522 | else
523 | if(sum!=0.0)
524 | k=i+1;
525 | x[i]=sum;
526 | }
527 |
528 | for(i=m-1; i>=0; --i){
529 | sum=x[i];
530 | for(j=i+1; j<m; ++j)
531 | sum-=a[i*m+j]*x[j];
532 | x[i]=sum/a[i*m+i];
533 | }
534 |
535 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
536 | B[i*m+l]=x[i];
537 | }
538 |
539 | free(buf);
540 |
541 | return 1;
542 | }
543 | #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
544 |
545 | /*
546 | * This function computes in C the covariance matrix corresponding to a least
547 | * squares fit. JtJ is the approximate Hessian at the solution (i.e. J^T*J, where
548 | * J is the Jacobian at the solution), sumsq is the sum of squared residuals
549 | * (i.e. goodnes of fit) at the solution, m is the number of parameters (variables)
550 | * and n the number of observations. JtJ can coincide with C.
551 | *
552 | * if JtJ is of full rank, C is computed as sumsq/(n-m)*(JtJ)^-1
553 | * otherwise and if LAPACK is available, C=sumsq/(n-r)*(JtJ)^+
554 | * where r is JtJ's rank and ^+ denotes the pseudoinverse
555 | * The diagonal of C is made up from the estimates of the variances
556 | * of the estimated regression coefficients.
557 | * See the documentation of routine E04YCF from the NAG fortran lib
558 | *
559 | * The function returns the rank of JtJ if successful, 0 on error
560 | *
561 | * A and C are mxm
562 | *
563 | */
564 | int LEVMAR_COVAR(LM_REAL *JtJ, LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL sumsq, int m, int n)
565 | {
566 | register int i;
567 | int rnk;
568 | LM_REAL fact;
569 |
570 | #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
572 | if(!rnk) return 0;
573 | #else
574 | #ifdef _MSC_VER
575 | #pragma message("LAPACK not available, LU will be used for matrix inversion when computing the covariance; this might be unstable at times")
576 | #else
577 | #warning LAPACK not available, LU will be used for matrix inversion when computing the covariance; this might be unstable at times
578 | #endif // _MSC_VER
579 |
580 | rnk=LEVMAR_LUINVERSE(JtJ, C, m);
581 | if(!rnk) return 0;
582 |
583 | rnk=m; /* assume full rank */
584 | #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
585 |
586 | fact=sumsq/(LM_REAL)(n-rnk);
587 | for(i=0; i<m*m; ++i)
588 | C[i]*=fact;
589 |
590 | return rnk;
591 | }
592 |
593 | /* standard deviation of the best-fit parameter i.
594 | * covar is the mxm covariance matrix of the best-fit parameters (see also LEVMAR_COVAR()).
595 | *
596 | * The standard deviation is computed as \sigma_{i} = \sqrt{C_{ii}}
597 | */
598 | LM_REAL LEVMAR_STDDEV(LM_REAL *covar, int m, int i)
599 | {
600 | return (LM_REAL)sqrt(covar[i*m+i]);
601 | }
602 |
603 | /* Pearson's correlation coefficient of the best-fit parameters i and j.
604 | * covar is the mxm covariance matrix of the best-fit parameters (see also LEVMAR_COVAR()).
605 | *
606 | * The coefficient is computed as \rho_{ij} = C_{ij} / sqrt(C_{ii} C_{jj})
607 | */
608 | LM_REAL LEVMAR_CORCOEF(LM_REAL *covar, int m, int i, int j)
609 | {
610 | return (LM_REAL)(covar[i*m+j]/sqrt(covar[i*m+i]*covar[j*m+j]));
611 | }
612 |
613 | /* coefficient of determination.
614 | * see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination
615 | */
616 | LM_REAL LEVMAR_R2(void (*func)(LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *hx, int m, int n, void *adata),
617 | LM_REAL *p, LM_REAL *x, int m, int n, void *adata)
618 | {
619 | register int i;
620 | register LM_REAL tmp;
621 | LM_REAL SSerr, // sum of squared errors, i.e. residual sum of squares \sum_i (x_i-hx_i)^2
622 | SStot, // \sum_i (x_i-xavg)^2
623 | *hx, xavg;
624 |
625 |
626 | if((hx=(LM_REAL *)malloc(n*sizeof(LM_REAL)))==NULL){
627 | fprintf(stderr, RCAT("memory allocation request failed in ", LEVMAR_R2) "()\n");
628 | exit(1);
629 | }
630 |
631 | /* hx=f(p) */
632 | (*func)(p, hx, m, n, adata);
633 |
634 | for(i=n, tmp=0.0; i-->0; )
635 | tmp+=x[i];
636 | xavg=tmp/(LM_REAL)n;
637 |
638 | if(x)
639 | for(i=n, SSerr=SStot=0.0; i-->0; ){
640 | tmp=x[i]-hx[i];
641 | SSerr+=tmp*tmp;
642 |
643 | tmp=x[i]-xavg;
644 | SStot+=tmp*tmp;
645 | }
646 | else /* x==0 */
647 | for(i=n, SSerr=SStot=0.0; i-->0; ){
648 | tmp=-hx[i];
649 | SSerr+=tmp*tmp;
650 |
651 | tmp=-xavg;
652 | SStot+=tmp*tmp;
653 | }
654 |
655 | free(hx);
656 |
657 | return LM_CNST(1.0) - SSerr/SStot;
658 | }
659 |
660 | /* check box constraints for consistency */
661 | int LEVMAR_BOX_CHECK(LM_REAL *lb, LM_REAL *ub, int m)
662 | {
663 | register int i;
664 |
665 | if(!lb || !ub) return 1;
666 |
667 | for(i=0; i<m; ++i)
668 | if(lb[i]>ub[i]) return 0;
669 |
670 | return 1;
671 | }
672 |
673 | #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK
674 |
675 | /* compute the Cholesky decomposition of C in W, s.t. C=W^t W and W is upper triangular */
676 | int LEVMAR_CHOLESKY(LM_REAL *C, LM_REAL *W, int m)
677 | {
678 | register int i, j;
679 | int info;
680 |
681 | /* copy weights array C to W so that LAPACK won't destroy it;
682 | * C is assumed symmetric, hence no transposition is needed
683 | */
684 | for(i=0, j=m*m; i<j; ++i)
685 | W[i]=C[i];
686 |
687 | /* Cholesky decomposition */
688 | POTF2("L", (int *)&m, W, (int *)&m, (int *)&info);
689 | /* error treatment */
690 | if(info!=0){
691 | if(info<0){
692 | fprintf(stderr, "LAPACK error: illegal value for argument %d of dpotf2 in %s\n", -info, LCAT(LEVMAR_CHOLESKY, "()"));
693 | }
694 | else{
695 | fprintf(stderr, "LAPACK error: the leading minor of order %d is not positive definite,\n%s()\n", info,
696 | RCAT("and the Cholesky factorization could not be completed in ", LEVMAR_CHOLESKY));
697 | }
698 | return LM_ERROR;
699 | }
700 |
701 | /* the decomposition is in the lower part of W (in column-major order!).
702 | * zeroing the upper part makes it lower triangular which is equivalent to
703 | * upper triangular in row-major order
704 | */
705 | for(i=0; i<m; i++)
706 | for(j=i+1; j<m; j++)
707 | W[i+j*m]=0.0;
708 |
709 | return 0;
710 | }
711 | #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */
712 |
713 |
714 | /* Compute e=x-y for two n-vectors x and y and return the squared L2 norm of e.
715 | * e can coincide with either x or y; x can be NULL, in which case it is assumed
716 | * to be equal to the zero vector.
717 | * Uses loop unrolling and blocking to reduce bookkeeping overhead & pipeline
718 | * stalls and increase instruction-level parallelism; see http://www.abarnett.demon.co.uk/tutorial.html
719 | */
720 |
722 | {
723 | const int blocksize=8, bpwr=3; /* 8=2^3 */
724 | register int i;
725 | int j1, j2, j3, j4, j5, j6, j7;
726 | int blockn;
727 | register LM_REAL sum0=0.0, sum1=0.0, sum2=0.0, sum3=0.0;
728 |
729 | /* n may not be divisible by blocksize,
730 | * go as near as we can first, then tidy up.
731 | */
732 | blockn = (n>>bpwr)<<bpwr; /* (n / blocksize) * blocksize; */
733 |
734 | /* unroll the loop in blocks of `blocksize'; looping downwards gains some more speed */
735 | if(x){
736 | for(i=blockn-1; i>0; i-=blocksize){
737 | e[i ]=x[i ]-y[i ]; sum0+=e[i ]*e[i ];
738 | j1=i-1; e[j1]=x[j1]-y[j1]; sum1+=e[j1]*e[j1];
739 | j2=i-2; e[j2]=x[j2]-y[j2]; sum2+=e[j2]*e[j2];
740 | j3=i-3; e[j3]=x[j3]-y[j3]; sum3+=e[j3]*e[j3];
741 | j4=i-4; e[j4]=x[j4]-y[j4]; sum0+=e[j4]*e[j4];
742 | j5=i-5; e[j5]=x[j5]-y[j5]; sum1+=e[j5]*e[j5];
743 | j6=i-6; e[j6]=x[j6]-y[j6]; sum2+=e[j6]*e[j6];
744 | j7=i-7; e[j7]=x[j7]-y[j7]; sum3+=e[j7]*e[j7];
745 | }
746 |
747 | /*
748 | * There may be some left to do.
749 | * This could be done as a simple for() loop,
750 | * but a switch is faster (and more interesting)
751 | */
752 |
753 | i=blockn;
754 | if(i<n){
755 | /* Jump into the case at the place that will allow
756 | * us to finish off the appropriate number of items.
757 | */
758 |
759 | switch(n - i){
760 | case 7 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum0+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
761 | case 6 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum1+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
762 | case 5 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum2+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
763 | case 4 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum3+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
764 | case 3 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum0+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
765 | case 2 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum1+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
766 | case 1 : e[i]=x[i]-y[i]; sum2+=e[i]*e[i]; //++i;
767 | }
768 | }
769 | }
770 | else{ /* x==0 */
771 | for(i=blockn-1; i>0; i-=blocksize){
772 | e[i ]=-y[i ]; sum0+=e[i ]*e[i ];
773 | j1=i-1; e[j1]=-y[j1]; sum1+=e[j1]*e[j1];
774 | j2=i-2; e[j2]=-y[j2]; sum2+=e[j2]*e[j2];
775 | j3=i-3; e[j3]=-y[j3]; sum3+=e[j3]*e[j3];
776 | j4=i-4; e[j4]=-y[j4]; sum0+=e[j4]*e[j4];
777 | j5=i-5; e[j5]=-y[j5]; sum1+=e[j5]*e[j5];
778 | j6=i-6; e[j6]=-y[j6]; sum2+=e[j6]*e[j6];
779 | j7=i-7; e[j7]=-y[j7]; sum3+=e[j7]*e[j7];
780 | }
781 |
782 | /*
783 | * There may be some left to do.
784 | * This could be done as a simple for() loop,
785 | * but a switch is faster (and more interesting)
786 | */
787 |
788 | i=blockn;
789 | if(i<n){
790 | /* Jump into the case at the place that will allow
791 | * us to finish off the appropriate number of items.
792 | */
793 |
794 | switch(n - i){
795 | case 7 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum0+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
796 | case 6 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum1+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
797 | case 5 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum2+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
798 | case 4 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum3+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
799 | case 3 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum0+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
800 | case 2 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum1+=e[i]*e[i]; ++i;
801 | case 1 : e[i]=-y[i]; sum2+=e[i]*e[i]; //++i;
802 | }
803 | }
804 | }
805 |
806 | return sum0+sum1+sum2+sum3;
807 | }
808 |
809 | /* undefine everything. THIS MUST REMAIN AT THE END OF THE FILE */
810 | #undef POTF2
811 | #undef GESVD
812 | #undef GESDD
813 | #undef GEMM
816 | #undef LEVMAR_BOX_CHECK
817 | #undef LEVMAR_CHOLESKY
818 | #undef LEVMAR_COVAR
819 | #undef LEVMAR_STDDEV
820 | #undef LEVMAR_CORCOEF
821 | #undef LEVMAR_R2
822 | #undef LEVMAR_CHKJAC
826 | #undef LEVMAR_L2NRMXMY