/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Matlab MEX file for the Levenberg - Marquardt minimization algorithm // Copyright (C) 2007 Manolis Lourakis (lourakis at ics forth gr) // Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas // Heraklion, Crete, Greece. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /** #define DEBUG **/ #ifndef HAVE_LAPACK #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma message("LAPACK not available, certain functionalities cannot be compiled!") #else #warning LAPACK not available, certain functionalities cannot be compiled #endif /* _MSC_VER */ #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #define __MAX__(A, B) ((A)>=(B)? (A) : (B)) #define MIN_UNCONSTRAINED 0 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC 1 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC 2 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC 3 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC 4 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC 5 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC 6 #define MIN_CONSTRAINED_LIC 7 struct mexdata { /* matlab names of the fitting function & its Jacobian */ char *fname, *jacname; /* binary flags specifying if input p0 is a row or column vector */ int isrow_p0; /* rhs args to be passed to matlab. rhs[0] is reserved for * passing the parameter vector. If present, problem-specific * data are passed in rhs[1], rhs[2], etc */ mxArray **rhs; int nrhs; /* >= 1 */ }; /* display printf-style error messages in matlab */ static void matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); mexErrMsgTxt(buf); } /* display printf-style warning messages in matlab */ static void matlabFmtdWarnMsgTxt(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); mexWarnMsgTxt(buf); } static void func(double *p, double *hx, int m, int n, void *adata) { mxArray *lhs[1]; double *mp, *mx; register int i; struct mexdata *dat=(struct mexdata *)adata; /* prepare to call matlab */ mp=mxGetPr(dat->rhs[0]); for(i=0; inrhs, dat->rhs, dat->fname); /* copy back results & cleanup */ mx=mxGetPr(lhs[0]); for(i=0; irhs[0]); for(i=0; inrhs, dat->rhs, dat->jacname); /* copy back results & cleanup. Note that the nxm Jacobian * computed by matlab should be transposed so that * levmar gets it in row major, as expected */ mj=mxGetPr(lhs[0]); for(i=0; irhs[0]); for(i=0; inrhs, dat->rhs, dat->fname); if(i){ fprintf(stderr, "levmar: error calling '%s'.\n", dat->fname); ret=1; } else if(!mxIsDouble(lhs[0]) || mxIsComplex(lhs[0]) || !(mxGetM(lhs[0])==1 || mxGetN(lhs[0])==1) || __MAX__(mxGetM(lhs[0]), mxGetN(lhs[0]))!=n){ fprintf(stderr, "levmar: '%s' should produce a real vector with %d elements (got %d).\n", dat->fname, n, __MAX__(mxGetM(lhs[0]), mxGetN(lhs[0]))); ret=1; } /* delete the matrix created by matlab */ mxDestroyArray(lhs[0]); if(havejac){ /* attempt to call the supplied jac */ i=mexCallMATLAB(1, lhs, dat->nrhs, dat->rhs, dat->jacname); if(i){ fprintf(stderr, "levmar: error calling '%s'.\n", dat->jacname); ret=1; } else if(!mxIsDouble(lhs[0]) || mxIsComplex(lhs[0]) || mxGetM(lhs[0])!=n || mxGetN(lhs[0])!=m){ fprintf(stderr, "levmar: '%s' should produce a real %dx%d matrix (got %dx%d).\n", dat->jacname, n, m, mxGetM(lhs[0]), mxGetN(lhs[0])); ret=1; } else if(mxIsSparse(lhs[0])){ fprintf(stderr, "levmar: '%s' should produce a real dense matrix (got a sparse one).\n", dat->jacname); ret=1; } /* delete the matrix created by matlab */ mxDestroyArray(lhs[0]); } mexSetTrapFlag(0); /* on error terminate the MEX-file and return control to the MATLAB prompt */ return ret; } /* [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_der (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'unc' ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_bc (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'bc', lb, ub, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_bc (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'bc', lb, ub, dscl, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_lec (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'lec', A, b, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_blec(f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'blec', lb, ub, A, b, wghts, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_bleic(f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'bleic', lb, ub, A, b, C, d, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_blic (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'blic', lb, ub, C, d, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_leic (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'leic', A, b, C, d, ...) [ret, p, info, covar]=levmar_lic (f, j, p0, x, itmax, opts, 'lic', C, d, ...) */ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *Prhs[]) { register int i; register double *pdbl; mxArray **prhs=(mxArray **)&Prhs[0], *At, *Ct; struct mexdata mdata; int len, status; double *p, *p0, *ret, *x; int m, n, havejac, Arows, Crows, itmax, nopts, mintype, nextra; double opts[LM_OPTS_SZ]={LM_INIT_MU, LM_STOP_THRESH, LM_STOP_THRESH, LM_STOP_THRESH, LM_DIFF_DELTA}; double info[LM_INFO_SZ]; double *lb=NULL, *ub=NULL, *dscl=NULL, *A=NULL, *b=NULL, *wghts=NULL, *C=NULL, *d=NULL, *covar=NULL; /* parse input args; start by checking their number */ if((nrhs<5)) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: at least 5 input arguments required (got %d).", nrhs); if(nlhs>4) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: too many output arguments (max. 4, got %d).", nlhs); else if(nlhs<2) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: too few output arguments (min. 2, got %d).", nlhs); /* note that in order to accommodate optional args, prhs & nrhs are adjusted accordingly below */ /** func **/ /* first argument must be a string , i.e. a char row vector */ if(mxIsChar(prhs[0])!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: first argument must be a string."); if(mxGetM(prhs[0])!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: first argument must be a string (i.e. char row vector)."); /* store supplied name */ len=mxGetN(prhs[0])+1; mdata.fname=mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char)); status=mxGetString(prhs[0], mdata.fname, len); if(status!=0) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: not enough space. String is truncated."); /** jac (optional) **/ /* check whether second argument is a string */ if(mxIsChar(prhs[1])==1){ if(mxGetM(prhs[1])!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: second argument must be a string (i.e. row vector)."); /* store supplied name */ len=mxGetN(prhs[1])+1; mdata.jacname=mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char)); status=mxGetString(prhs[1], mdata.jacname, len); if(status!=0) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: not enough space. String is truncated."); havejac=1; ++prhs; --nrhs; } else{ mdata.jacname=NULL; havejac=0; } #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: %s analytic Jacobian\n", havejac? "with" : "no"); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* CHECK if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) || !(mxGetM(prhs[1])==1 && mxGetN(prhs[1])==1)) */ /** p0 **/ /* the second required argument must be a real row or column vector */ if(!mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[1]) || !(mxGetM(prhs[1])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[1])==1)) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: p0 must be a real vector."); p0=mxGetPr(prhs[1]); /* determine if we have a row or column vector and retrieve its * size, i.e. the number of parameters */ if(mxGetM(prhs[1])==1){ m=mxGetN(prhs[1]); mdata.isrow_p0=1; } else{ m=mxGetM(prhs[1]); mdata.isrow_p0=0; } /* copy input parameter vector to avoid destroying it */ p=mxMalloc(m*sizeof(double)); for(i=0; iLM_OPTS_SZ) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: opts must have at most %d elements, got %d.", LM_OPTS_SZ, nopts); else if(nopts<((havejac)? LM_OPTS_SZ-1 : LM_OPTS_SZ)) matlabFmtdWarnMsgTxt("levmar: only the %d first elements of opts specified, remaining set to defaults.", nopts); for(i=0; i=6 && mxIsChar(prhs[5])==1 && mxGetM(prhs[5])==1){ char *minhowto; /* examine supplied name */ len=mxGetN(prhs[5])+1; minhowto=mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char)); status=mxGetString(prhs[5], minhowto, len); if(status!=0) mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: not enough space. String is truncated."); for(i=0; minhowto[i]; ++i) minhowto[i]=tolower(minhowto[i]); if(!strncmp(minhowto, "unc", 3)) mintype=MIN_UNCONSTRAINED; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "bc", 2)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "lec", 3)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "blec", 4)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "bleic", 5)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "blic", 4)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "leic", 4)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC; else if(!strncmp(minhowto, "lic", 3)) mintype=MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC; else matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: unknown minimization type '%s'.", minhowto); mxFree(minhowto); ++prhs; --nrhs; } else mintype=MIN_UNCONSTRAINED; if(mintype==MIN_UNCONSTRAINED) goto extraargs; /* arguments below this point are optional and their presence depends * upon the minimization type determined above */ /** lb, ub **/ if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC)){ /* check if the next two arguments are real row or column vectors */ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && (mxGetM(prhs[5])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[5])==1)){ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) && (mxGetM(prhs[6])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[6])==1)){ if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[5]), mxGetN(prhs[5])))!=m) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: lb must have %d elements, got %d.", m, i); if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6])))!=m) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: ub must have %d elements, got %d.", m, i); lb=mxGetPr(prhs[5]); ub=mxGetPr(prhs[6]); prhs+=2; nrhs-=2; } } } /** dscl **/ if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC)){ /* check if the next argument is a real row or column vector */ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && (mxGetM(prhs[5])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[5])==1)){ if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[5]), mxGetN(prhs[5])))!=m) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: dscl must have %d elements, got %d.", m, i); dscl=mxGetPr(prhs[5]); ++prhs; --nrhs; } } /** A, b **/ if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC)){ /* check if the next two arguments are a real matrix and a real row or column vector */ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && mxGetM(prhs[5])>=1 && mxGetN(prhs[5])>=1){ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) && (mxGetM(prhs[6])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[6])==1)){ if((i=mxGetN(prhs[5]))!=m) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: A must have %d columns, got %d.", m, i); if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6])))!=(Arows=mxGetM(prhs[5]))) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: b must have %d elements, got %d.", Arows, i); At=prhs[5]; b=mxGetPr(prhs[6]); A=getTranspose(At); prhs+=2; nrhs-=2; } } } /* wghts */ /* check if we have a weights vector */ if(nrhs>=6 && mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC){ /* only check if we have seen both box & linear constraints */ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && (mxGetM(prhs[5])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[5])==1)){ if(__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[5]), mxGetN(prhs[5]))==m){ wghts=mxGetPr(prhs[5]); ++prhs; --nrhs; } } } /** C, d **/ if(nrhs>=7 && (mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC || mintype==MIN_CONSTRAINED_LIC)){ /* check if the next two arguments are a real matrix and a real row or column vector */ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[5]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[5]) && mxGetM(prhs[5])>=1 && mxGetN(prhs[5])>=1){ if(mxIsDouble(prhs[6]) && !mxIsComplex(prhs[6]) && (mxGetM(prhs[6])==1 || mxGetN(prhs[6])==1)){ if((i=mxGetN(prhs[5]))!=m) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: C must have %d columns, got %d.", m, i); if((i=__MAX__(mxGetM(prhs[6]), mxGetN(prhs[6])))!=(Crows=mxGetM(prhs[5]))) matlabFmtdErrMsgTxt("levmar: d must have %d elements, got %d.", Crows, i); Ct=prhs[5]; d=mxGetPr(prhs[6]); C=getTranspose(Ct); prhs+=2; nrhs-=2; } } } /* arguments below this point are assumed to be extra arguments passed * to every invocation of the fitting function and its Jacobian */ extraargs: /* handle any extra args and allocate memory for * passing the current parameter estimate to matlab */ nextra=nrhs-5; mdata.nrhs=nextra+1; mdata.rhs=(mxArray **)mxMalloc(mdata.nrhs*sizeof(mxArray *)); for(i=0; i3) /* covariance output required */ covar=mxMalloc(m*m*sizeof(double)); /* invoke levmar */ switch(mintype){ case MIN_UNCONSTRAINED: /* no constraints */ if(havejac) status=dlevmar_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_dif(func, p, x, m, n, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_der()/dlevmar_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BC: /* box constraints */ if(havejac) status=dlevmar_bc_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, dscl, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_bc_dif(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, dscl, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_bc_der()/dlevmar_bc_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEC: /* linear equation constraints */ #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK if(havejac) status=dlevmar_lec_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, A, b, Arows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_lec_dif(func, p, x, m, n, A, b, Arows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #else mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no linear constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation."); #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_lec_der()/dlevmar_lec_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEC: /* box & linear equation constraints */ #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK if(havejac) status=dlevmar_blec_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, wghts, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_blec_dif(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, wghts, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #else mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no box & linear constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation."); #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_blec_der()/dlevmar_blec_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLEIC: /* box, linear equation & inequalities constraints */ #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK if(havejac) status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #else mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no box, linear equation & inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation."); #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_bleic_der()/dlevmar_bleic_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_BLIC: /* box, linear inequalities constraints */ #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK if(havejac) status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, lb, ub, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #else mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no box & linear inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation."); #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_blic_der()/dlevmar_blic_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_LEIC: /* linear equation & inequalities constraints */ #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK if(havejac) status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, A, b, Arows, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #else mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no linear equation & inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation."); #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_leic_der()/dlevmar_leic_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; case MIN_CONSTRAINED_LIC: /* linear inequalities constraints */ #ifdef HAVE_LAPACK if(havejac) status=dlevmar_bleic_der(func, jacfunc, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); else status=dlevmar_bleic_dif(func, p, x, m, n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, C, d, Crows, itmax, opts, info, NULL, covar, (void *)&mdata); #else mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: no linear equation & inequality constraints support, HAVE_LAPACK was not defined during MEX-file compilation."); #endif /* HAVE_LAPACK */ #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "LEVMAR: calling dlevmar_lic_der()/dlevmar_lic_dif()\n"); #endif /* DEBUG */ break; default: mexErrMsgTxt("levmar: unexpected internal error."); } #ifdef DEBUG fflush(stderr); printf("LEVMAR: minimization returned %d in %g iter, reason %g\n\tSolution: ", status, info[5], info[6]); for(i=0; i2){ plhs[2]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, LM_INFO_SZ, mxREAL); pdbl=mxGetPr(plhs[2]); for(i=0; i3){ plhs[3]=mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, m, mxREAL); pdbl=mxGetPr(plhs[3]); for(i=0; i